Why Neutron API in Devstack is not exposed with WSGI? - openstack

I noticed that in Devstack (deloyment with default configuration from the quickstart guide), Neutron is the only one API not exposed within HTTPD using a WSGI frontend.
So, in the OpenStack catalog, the referenced URL is the one directly exposed by neutron-server.
What is the reason behind that ? Is there a way in Devstack to enable it ?
I found configuration flags in the Devstack documentation to enable/disable WSGI for other OpenStack services but nothing about Neutron.


Unable to access newly created Airflow UI MWAA

I am trying to create MWAA as root user and I have all AWS services (s3 and EMR )in North California. MWAA doesn't exist in North California. Hence created this in Oregon.
I am creating this in a private network, it also required a new s3 bucket in that region for my dags folder.
I see that it also needed a new vpc and private subnet as we dont have anything in that region created by clicking on "Create VPC ".
Now when I click on airflow UI. It says
"This site can’t be reached". Do I need to add my Ip to the security group here to access Airflow UI?
Someone, please guide.
From AWS MWAA documentation:
3. Enable network access. You'll need to create a mechanism in your Amazon VPC to connect to the VPC endpoint (AWS PrivateLink) for your Apache Airflow Web server. For example, by creating a VPN tunnel from your computer using an AWS Client VPN.
Apache Airflow access modes (AWS)
The AWS documentation suggests 3 different approaches for accomplishing this (tutorials are linked in the documentation).
Using an AWS Client VPN
Using a Linux Bastion Host
Using a Load Balancer (advanced)
Accessing the VPC endpoint for your Apache Airflow Web server (private network access)

How to bind Artifactory to localhost only?

According to Artifactory documentation,
For best security, when using Artifactory behind a reverse proxy, it must be co-located on the same machine as the web server, and Artifactory should be explicitly and exclusively bound to localhost.
How can I configure Artifactory so that it is bound to localhost only?
As of Artifactory version 7.12.x, there are two endpoints exposed for accessing the application:
Port 8082 - all the Artifactory services (UI + API) via the JFrog router
Port 8081 - direct to the Artifactory service API running on Tomcat (for better performance)
The JFrog Router does not support specific binding configuration today.
Tomcat can controlled with setting a custom address="" on the relevant connector.
Your best bet would be to simply close all ports on the server running your Artifactory and allow only entry to the web server's port. This is best practice anyway for security aware systems.
If using other JFrog products like JFrog Xray or JFrog Pipelines, they rely on direct access to the Artifactory router, so your security rules should take that into consideration.
You can find a map of all JFrog platform ports on the official Wiki page.

How configure Octavia in Openstack Kolla?

Im trying to deploy Octavia in Kolla Openstack, my global.yml is:
config_strategy: "COPY_ALWAYS"
kolla_base_distro: "ubuntu"
kolla_install_type: "source"
kolla_internal_vip_address: ""
network_interface: "eth0"
neutron_external_interface: "eth1"
neutron_plugin_agent: "openvswitch"
enable_neutron_provider_networks: "yes"
enable_haproxy: "yes"
enable_cinder: "yes"
enable_cinder_backend_lvm: "yes"
keystone_token_provider: 'fernet'
cinder_volume_group: "openstack_cinder"
nova_compute_virt_type: "kvm"
enable_octavia: "yes"
octavia_network_interface: "eth2"
I use a default/automatic configuration, keypair, network and flavor are created in service project. Then I create the amphora image for this project.
All this is indicated in the Openstack guide, but it doesn't work.
When I create a loadbalancer, the amphora is deployed but the loadbalancer is "Pending Create" status. I saw that the created network is vxlan, a tenant network, and I think that it should have external conectivity, I tried but didn't work.
I check the openvswitch configuration and don't see any difference deploying with or without Octavia.
Do I miss something? I don't know what to do at this point, I even tried the manual config but I couldn't make it work.
I can't speak to the kolla part of this issue, but with the load balancer in PENDING_CREATE, the controller (worker) logs should show where it is retrying to take some action against your cloud and failing. It will retry for some time, then move to an ERROR status if the cloud issue is not resolved in time.
Without seeing the logs, my guess is kolla did not setup the lb-mgmt-net correctly.
I don't know how to get it working with an external network - but for the tenant network it appears the solution is:
Setting octavia_network_interface will make kolla create that interface, so any name will do. When referencing other setups (ie. the devstack plugin) they name this o-hm0. So this is what I did.
Set octavia_network_type to tenant in globals.yml. Note this requires the host to have dhclient available, kolla didn't seem to install this for me.
I tested this on stable/zed and it appears to work for me.

copy/paste HTML5 console in Openstack Horizon

Could an isolated Horizon interface be modified (or plugin developed) to support copy/paste to a server considering only nova-novncproxy is configured?
I am using an older version of Horizon provided by my public IaaS Openstack that does not allow me to copy/paste into the console.
I would like to consider hosting the latest Horizon connecting to my tenancy via API only. (no public Admin)
nova get-spice-console <server> spice-html5
ERROR (ClientException): Unknown Error (HTTP 500) -Indicates that Spice in not configured
nova get-vnc-console <server> "xvpvnc"
returns a loopback (incorrectly configured)
I have control of the VMs, but not the Openstack infrastructure
SPICE is required on the Openstack Installation to enable copy/paste
nova get-spice-console <server>
Without SPICE, a html5 ssh gateway with an SSO solution might provide a solution to integration within Openstack Dashboard

NFV on OpenStack

I am fairly new to the NFV+SDN. I have downloaded the OpenDayLight and OpenStack in one Fedora 20 VM. I have mininet network as underlying physical topology in a separate VM. I want to run services like VPN, L3 routing and NAT, Loadbalancing etc on OpenStack, but I don't have a very clear image on how to start. As far as I have understood I have to run these services on OpenStack nodes (through VM instances) and route the traffic through mininet topology with OpenDayLight as the controller in the middle.
My confusions are:
How to start writing the applications (Firewall, VPN, NAT, etc) on OpenStack?
Do I have to write a code for such services or is it command line configuration?
I came across Neutron API, Is that of any help?
Came across this: http://docs.openstack.org/api/openstack-network/2.0/content/API_extensions.html
I have looked at the other questions regarding writing "Hello World" on OpenStack but could not find anything. I shall be grateful to you for any information that could get me started on this project.
I would suggest you to check OpenBaton.
Nowadays I'm working with it which can be used NFV MANO. In addition it's ETSI compliant and their solutions are easy to implement and configure.
For your confusions- You do NOT need to write code explicitly for Firewall / VPN / LB. You need to configure the Openstack Neutron to allow these services directly. The code is already present. You need to configure them to use them. For NAT there is L3 agent already running in the default setup ( al least via packstack )
Neutron API is of any use??? I assume you are refering to REST API and NOT CLI.
Well everything that you do on Dashboard is actualy represented as a REST API to Neutron Server ( not just Neutron but all the other components of Openstack ). All the components of Openstack ( Neutron, Nova, Glance, Keystone, etc ) interact via REST API with each other and RPC mechanism within each component. All the clicks on the Dashboard are actually thrown as a REST API call to the component servers!
