RAM usage increases with grpcio pip package 1.50.0 compared to 1.49.1 - grpc

I have two docker images, one built with grpcio 1.50.0 and the other with 1.49.1. Otherwise they are the same.
We ran these two images on two identical machines, and we see the image with 1.50.0 would use 21.GB more RAM.
Once we downgrade the version from 1.50.0 to 1.49.1, then the two machines will use the same amount of RAM.
Is this known?


Unable to locate conda environment after creating it using .yml file

I'm trying to create (and activate & use) a Conda environment using a .yml file (in fact, I'm following instructions on this GitHub page: https://github.com/RajLabMSSM/echolocatoR). I'm working in a cluster computing system running Linux.
conda env create -f https://github.com/RajLabMSSM/echolocatoR/raw/master/inst/conda/echoR.yml
After running the above line of code, I'm trying to activate the environment:
conda activate echoR
However, this returns the following message:
Could not find conda environment: echoR
You can list all discoverable environments with conda info --envs.
When checking the list of environments in .conda/environments.txt, the echoR environment is indeed not listed.
I'm hoping for some suggestions of what might be the issue here.
Likely Cause: Out of Memory
Given the HPC context, the solver is likely trying to exceed the allocated memory and getting killed. The Python-based Conda solver is not very resource efficient and can struggle with large environments. This particular environment is quite large, given it mixes both Python and R, and it doesn't give exact specifications for R and Python versions - only lower bounds - which makes the SAT search space enormous.
Profiling Memory ( )
I attempted to use a GitHub Workflow to profile the memory usage. Using Mamba, it solved without issue; using Conda, the job was killed because the GitHub runner ran out of memory (7GB max). The breakdown was:
Memory (MB)
User Time (s)
> 6,434
> 453.34
Use Mamba
As a drop-in replacement for Conda that is compiled, Mamba is much more resource efficient. Also, it has seen welcome adoption in the bioinformatics community (e.g., it is default frontend for Snakemake).
As the GitHub workflow demonstrates, the Mamba-based creation works perfectly fine with the YAML as is.
Request more memory
Ask SLURM/SGE for more memory for your interactive session. Conda seems to need more that 6.5 GB (maybe try 16GB?).
Create a better YAML
The first thing one could do to get a faster solve is provide exact versions for the Python and R. The Mamba solution resolved to python=3.9 r-base=4.0.
There's also a bunch of development-level stuff in the environment that is completely unnecessary for end-users. But that's more something to bother the developers about.

cvxopt uses just one core, need to run on all / some

I call cvxopt.glpk.ilp in Python 3.6.6, cvxopt==1.2.3 for a boolean optimization problem with about 500k boolean variables. It is solved in 1.5 hours, but it seems to run on just one core! How can I make it run on all or a specific set of cores?
The server with Linux Ubuntu x86_64 has 16 or 32 physical cores. My process affinity is 64 cores (I assume due to hyperthreading).
> grep ^cpu\\scores /proc/cpuinfo | uniq
> grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo
> taskset -cp <PID>
pid <PID> current affinity list: 0-63
However top shows only 100% CPU for my process, and htop shows that only one core is 100% busy (some others are slightly loaded presumably by other users).
I set OMP_NUM_THREADS=32 and started my program again, but still one core. It's a bit difficult to restart the server itself. I don't have root access to the server.
I installed cvxopt from a company's internal repo which should be a mirror of PyPI. The following libs are installed in /usr/lib: liblapack, liblapack_atlas, libopenblas, libblas, libcblas, libatlas.
Here some SO-user writes, that GLPK is not multithreaded. This is the solver used by default as cvxopt has no own MIP-solver.
As cvxopt only supports GLPK as open-source mixed-integer programming solver, you are out of luck.
Alternatively you can use CoinOR's Cbc, which is usually a much better solver than GLPK while still being open-source. This one also can be compiled with parallelization. See some benchmarks which also indicate that GLPK is really without parallel support.
But as there is no support in cvxopt, you will need some alternative access-point:
own C/C++ based wrapper
binary install available
binary install available
Google's ortools
binary install available
cvxpy + cylp
binary install available for cvxpy; without cylp-build
have very different modelling-styles (from completely low-level: cylp to very high-level: cvxpy)
i'm not sure if all those builds are compiled with enable-parallel (which is needed when compiling Cbx)
Furthermore: don't expect too much gain from multithreading. It's usually way worse than linear speedup (as for all combinatorial-optimization problems which are not based on brute-force).
(Imho the GIL does not matter as all those are C-extensions where the GIL is not in the way)

can't run bartMachine parallel

bartMachine package for R should rely in parallel processing for reducing computing time, however I can't find how to make it work: the documentation of the packages repeats that it supports parallel processing, but there are no instruction for how to make it do it, and I can see that only one of the logical cores of my pc is working.
I use ubuntu 16.04.4 and I tied installing bartMachine via compilation from source, as recommended by its github page, thought I'm not sure I did everything correctly.
what can I do to make bartMachine finally work in parallel?
Have you tried running set_bart_machine_num_cores(num_cores) in R before running bartMachine? This did the trick for me.
See https://rdrr.io/cran/bartMachine/man/set_bart_machine_num_cores.html

how to speed up R session? (allocating more resources)

I am doing classification in R by package e1071. my dataset includes 16000 training examples with 4000 testing. number of features: 4097.
this classification takes an hour for training. I checked my cpu usages during classification and realized that only 30-40% of my cpu is busy with R-studio.
Can I allocate more cpu power to R-session?
Install the OpenBLAS in R in Windows x64
Open the url http://sourceforge.net/projects/openblas/files/
Open the the latest version folder
download OpenBLAS-v0.2.13-Win64-int32.zip and mingw64_dll.zip
Unpack the "OpenBLAS-v0.2.13-Win64-int32.zip" find "libopenblas.dll" and rename this file to "Rblas.dll",copy the file to the path like this "\R\R-3.1.2\bin\x64"(Remember to backup)
Unpack the "mingw64_dll.zip" and copy all the DLL to the same path "\R\R-3.1.2\bin\x64"
Finally,just enjoy the speed of calculation
Using these two commands to contrast before and after the change

How can I ensure a consistent R environment among different users on the same server?

I am writing a protocol for a reproducible analysis using an in-house package "MyPKG". Each user will supply their own input files; other than the inputs, the analyses should be run under the same conditions. (e.g. so that we can infer that different results are due to different input files).
MyPKG is under development, so library(MyPKG) will load whichever was the last version that the user compiled in their local library. It will also load any dependencies found in their local libraries.
But I want everyone to use a specific version (MyPKG_3.14) for this analysis while still allowing development of more recent versions. If I understand correctly, "R --vanilla" will load the same dependencies for everyone.
Once we are done, we will save the working environment as a VM to maintain a stable reproducible environment. So a temporary (6 month) solution will suffice.
I have come up with two potential solutions, but am not sure if either is sufficient.
ask the server admin to install MyPKG_3.14 into the default R path and then provide the following code in the protocol:
R --vanilla
compile MyPKG_3.14 in a specific library, e.g. lib.loc = "/home/share/lib/R/MyPKG_3.14", and then provide
R --vanilla
Are both of these approaches sufficient to ensure that everyone is running the same version?
Is one preferable to the other?
Are there other unforseen issues that may arise?
Is there a preferred option for standardising the multiple analyses?
Should I include a test of the output of SessionInfo()?
Would it be better to create a single account on the server for everyone to use?
Couple of points:
Use system-wide installations of packages, e.g. the Debian / Ubuntu binary for R (incl the CRAN ports) will try to use /usr/local/lib/R/site-library (which users can install too if added to group owning the directory). That way everybody gets the same version
Use system-wide configuration, e.g. prefer $R_HOME/etc/ over the dotfiles below ~/. For the same reason, the Debian / Ubuntu package offers softlinks in /etc/R/
Use R's facilties to query its packages (eg installed.packages()) to report packages and versions.
Use, where available, OS-level facilities to query OS release and version. This, however, is less standardized.
Regarding the last point my box at home says
> edd#max:~$ lsb_release -a | tail -4
> Distributor ID: Ubuntu
> Description: Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS
> Release: 12.04
> Codename: precise
> edd#max:~$
which is a start.
