Using Request Headers in Query/Mutation - hasura

I am following Hasura basic tutorial on creating a todo app and want to extend it and have few additional operations, but don't seem to be able. Setup is as in the tutorial - you have Tasks table with title, description, authorId, isComplete, isPublic column. Table permissions are setup as in the tutorial, so a user can only select their own or public tasks. They can also update only their own tasks. Operations I want to add:
Query only public tasks that are NOT theirs (additionally, inverse also - only theirs without public ones).
Mutate public tasks to complete that are not theirs (update isComplete without having permissions to other columns).
I could create views for the first case, but it seems too much of an effort for such a simple logic. I think both cases could simply be done with access to Request Header (x-hasura-user-id) like so:
query PublicTasksOnly {
tasks(where: {isPublic: {_eq: true}, authorId: {_neq: x-hasura-user-id}}) {
But it seems that this is not possible. Any ideas/suggestions how to achieve this?

To my knowledge I do not think it is possible to reference http headers in your graphql queries. Have you tried passing the userId as a variable to the query? Something like the following:
query PublicTasksOnly($userId: String!) {
tasks(where: {isPublic: {_eq: true}, authorId: {_neq: $userId}}) {

I am not quite sure what you want to achieve but if your problem gets solved by adding this header x-hasura-user-id then I can help you out.
You can copy the graphql endpoint from hasura console and hit simple http request to that endpoint with query and it's variables in request body. Sharing sample code here using http library axios:
import axios from 'axios';
method: 'post',
url: '',
headers: { 'x-hasura-user-id': '< Your user id >' },
data: {
query: `query PublicTasksOnly {
tasks(where: {isPublic: {_eq: true}}) {
variables: { userId: 'abc-xyz' }
This should solve your issue.


Extract deep link from Firebase short dynamic link

I'm using Firebase REST APIs to create a short dynamic link on my backend. I'm writing tests (working in TypeScript) to check that functionality and I need to somehow programmatically extract the deep link nested inside the short dynamic link in order to check that I'm passing correct parameters to the mobile apps. Is it possible to do this?
Example request:
Content-Type: application/json
"dynamicLinkInfo": {
"domainUriPrefix": "",
"link": "",
"androidInfo": {
"androidPackageName": ""
"iosInfo": {
"iosBundleId": "com.example.ios"
Example response:
I'm gonna get the result in my test and then I want to do some magic (request it in a special way and parse the response?) in order to get the deep link it wraps -

firebase auth token from Graphcool

can I generate a custom auth token, for use with a third party, with a resolver in something like this??
type FirebaseTokenPayload {
token: String!
extend type Query {
FirebaseToken(userIdentifier: String!): FirebaseTokenPayload
const fb = require('myNodeFirebaseAuthLib')
module.exports = event => fb.generateTokenWithPayload({ id: })
Authentication required - restrict who can read data in fields: Permission query:
query ($user_id: ID!, $node_firebaseIdentifier: String) {
SomeUserExists(filter: {
id: $user_id ,
firebaseIdentifier: $node_firebaseIdentifier
I think this question boils down two parts
"is it possible to install node modules in the instance -- or for that sort of thing do we need to use a webhook" -- if it must be a webhook, what is the flow of identity verification and how do I pass the payload parameters ?
"can we add permissions queries and authentication to resolvers?"
notes, addendums:
according to this blog post, it seems that using the Graphcool framework, you can install node modules! So, I wouldn't need to use a webhook. -- However, that is with an ejected app. I lose auth0 authentication that way -- the template does not produce a createUser and singinUser that works with the same auth0 data that the integration offers.
I forgot to post the answer to this - I had to eject graphcool, I could not use any node_modules I thought to try in my custom functions.

Simple GetItem with ctx.identity.username returns null

I'm using AppSync with IAM auth with a DynamoDB resolver and Cognito. I'm trying to do the following.
"version": "2017-02-28",
"operation": "GetItem",
"key": {
"userId": $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($ctx.identity.username)
$ctx.identity.username is supposed to contain userId generated by Cognito and I'm trying to use it to fetch current user data.
Client side, I'm using AWS Amplify that tells me I'm currently logged:
this.amplifyService.authStateChange$.subscribe(authState => {
if (authState.state === 'signedIn') {
getUserLogged is the Apollo query that is supposed to returns user data.
What I've tried:
If I leave it like this, getUserLogged returns null.
If I replace in the resolver $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($ctx.identity.username) with a known userId like this $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson("b1ad0902-2b70-4abd-9acf-e85b62d06fa8"): It works! I get this user data.
I tried to use the test tool in the resolver page but it only gives fake data so I can't rely on this.
Did I make a mistake? To me everything looks good but I guess I'm missing something?
Can I clearly see what $ctx.identity contains?
You'll want to use $ctx.identity.cognitoIdentityId to identify Cognito IAM users:
You could see the contents of $ctx.identity by creating a Lambda resolver and logging the event or by creating a local resolver and returning the input that the mapping template receives:
My cognitoIdentityId looks like this: eu-west-1:27ca1e79-a238-4085-9099-9f1570cd5fcf

How to delete a large node in firebase

I have a Firebase child node with about 15,000,000 child objects with a total size of about 8 GB of data.
exampele data structure:$pushKey
each $pushKey contains a small flat dictionary:
{a: 1.0, b: 2.0, c: 3.0}
I would like to delete this data as efficiently and easy as possible. How?
What i Tried:
My first try was a put request:
data-raw: null
response: {
"error": "Data requested exceeds the maximum size that can be accessed with a single request. Contact for help."
So that didn't work, let's do a limit request:
data-raw: null
response: {
"error": "Querying related parameters not supported on this request type"
No luck so far :( What about writing a script that will get the first X number of keys and then create a patch request with each value set to null?
"error" : "Mixing 'shallow' and querying parameters is not supported"
It's really not going to be easy this one? I could remove the shallow requirement and get the keys, and finish the script. I was just hoping there would be a easier/more efficient way???
Another thing i tried were to create a node script that listen for childAdded and then directly tries to remove those children?
ref.authWithCustomToken(AUTH_TOKEN, function(error, authData) {
if (error) {console.log("Login Failed!", error)}
if (!error) {console.log("Login Succeeded!", authData)}
ref.child("childNode").on("child_added", function(snap) {
console.log(`found: ${snap.key()}`)
ref.child("childNode").child(snap.key()).remove( function(err) {
if (!err) {console.log(`deleted: ${snap.key()}`)}
This script actually hangs right now, but earlier I did receive somethings like a max stack limit warning from firebase. I know this is not a firebase problem, but I don't see any particular easy way to solve that problem.
Downloading a shallow tree, will download only the keys. So instead of asking the server to order and limit, you can download all keys.
Then you can order and limit it client-side, and send delete requests to Firebase in batches.
You can use this script for inspiration:
Use firebase cli tool for this: firebase database:remove --project .
In Browser Console this is fastest way
database.ref('data').limitToFirst(10000).once('value', snap => {
var updates = {};
snap.forEach(snap => {
updates[snap.key] = null;

Extjs 4 - Retrieve data in json format and load a Store. It sends OPTION request

I'm developing an app with Spring MVC and the view in extjs 4. At this point, i have to create a Grid which shows a list of users.
In my Spring MVC controller i have a Get method which returns the list of users in a jsonformat with "items" as a root.
#RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.GET, value="/getUsers")
public #ResponseBody Users getUsersInJSON(){
Users users = new Users();
return users;
If i try to access it with the browser i can see the jsondata correctly.
But my problem is relative to request of the
My Script is the following:
Ext.define('UsersList', {
extend: '',
fields: [
{name:'username', type:'string'},
{name:'firstname', type:'string'}
var store = Ext.create('', {
storeId: 'users',
model: 'UsersList',
autoLoad: 'true',
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url : 'http://localhost:8080/MyApp/getUsers.html',
reader: {type: 'json', root: 'items'}
store :store,
id : 'user',
title: 'Users',
columns : [
{header : 'Username', dataIndex : 'username'},
{header : 'Firstname', dataIndex: 'firstname'}
height :300,
width: 400,
When the store tries to retrieve the data and launchs the http request, in my firebug console appears OPTIONS getUsers.html while the request in the browser launchs GET getUsers.html
As a result, has not elements and the grid appears with the columnames but without data. Maybe i've missed something
Thank you
You can change the HTTP methods that are used by the proxy for the different CRUD operations using actionMethods.
But, as you can see in the doc (and as should obviously be the case), GET is the default for read operations. So the OPTIONS request you are observing is quite puzzling. Are you sure that there's not another part of your code that overrides the default application-wide? Maybe do a search for 'OPTIONS' in all your project's JS files, to try and find a possible suspect. Apparently there's no match in the whole Ext code, so that probably doesn't come from the framework.
Ok, I think I've got it. If your page is not accessed from the same domain (i.e. localhost:8080, the port is taken into account), the XHR object seems to resort to an OPTIONS request.
So, to fix your problem, either omit the domain name completely, using:
url: '/MyApp/getUsers.html'
Or double check that your using the same domain and port to access the page and make the requests.
