Firebase Site - Invalid Dynamic Link - firebase

I had not setup Dynamic Link on the site, but I had just added a custom domain and connected it to have the SSL.
Today when i tried to access my site, i notice that is append ?_imcp=1 to it and have the following message
Invalid Dynamic Link. Any help?
Addition some updates. After spending the evening trying to figure out what's wrong.
I am able to do a -> redirect to This works perfectly
But if i were to hit directly, its append ?_imcp=1 to it.

Ok this is probably a patch solution.
I basically did a redirect of to
And i did a redirect of to
This bring up the website. But if anyone have proper solution. Please post here.


Audit website my pages have HTTPS URL links to an HTTP URL

I have an wordpress website . When doing an audit, my Security Score is showing an high issue: HTTPS URL links to an HTTP URL..
Looking at page source (in fact on all pages) i find these and anther link - which in is in fact a page i made
Well... i found that in my header is given by my theme - Storefront, even so it had many updates, they never changed that to https.
I tried with a plugin search / replace but i couldn't do any improves .more. i was afraid to try something else. I do not know many related to databases or so..
My problem is ...How could i change those 2 links from http to https?
Please, be
Thank you,
You'll need to find whatever file gmpg is in, and update the url to https. And then change the url accordingly for the site you created.

Mixed Content Error on wordpress causing site unsecured

I am experiencing difficulties with having facebook login working on my website. I suspect it is caused by my site not being fully secure as per results from whynopadlock.
The site is wordpress based. The only error I am left with is "A file with an insecure url of "" was loaded on line: 76 of"
Any idea how to deal with it? Many thanks
Hi I will recommend to use a plugin which will send your all requests as https instead of http
you are able to map URL's you want specifically to map with their https source as well.
For more info please read its instructions, you can easily figure out its usage.

Link generates https:// protocol when link should be http://

I've got this weird problem on one of my Wordpress sites and I hope you all could help out.
I have a this Wordpress site set-up and working correct. It has a SSL certificate so the URL is
Now if I add a link to one of my pages like this it automatically changes the link to the https:// protocol. Which I find really strange because the link is literally <a href="">.
Does anyone know why the link becomes https:// instead of the normal http:// protocol? Because my link is now giving an error when I click on the link and get send to the linked site.
I have googled this issue but it only give me results for how to configure your site for SSL (https://) and not for the issue I'm having...
Thanks in advance.
Your site probably is configured to immediately 302-redirect http requests to https.
What happens if you hit that site directly from your browser at ? does it also bounce to https?
There is some chance your site has enabled strict transport security. Read this.
A lot of people are using links of the form
instead of
these days to avoid this sort of confusion, and avoid mixed-content complaints. You might want to consider that. It's especially useful when you pull stuff from content delivery networks.

Wordpress - Page renders fine, Web Sniffer returning HTTP Response Header 404

I hope someone can help, I've been going round and round in circles. I've tried calling my host 1and1 they basically told me it's nothing to do with them.
All my Wordpress pages render fine to the eye of the user.
However if I use and put any page other than the homepage it returns a 404 status.
The .htaccess file is the standard Wordpress one. I don't have any caching plugins installed.
Could anyone tell me how I fix this? Or what on earth is going on? I've been at this for hours reading tonnes of posts to no avail.
I am using a dedicated 1and1 server, within the settings in Plesk the IPv6 address was set to none. As soon as I added a IPv6 address it all worked!
Note I had another issue that Facebook wasn't able to scrape my URLs, this also fixed that. Wordpress - Shared link 404 on Facebook

ShareThis Sees http and https as different page

We recently went from to to allow for a more secure online environment. This was done partly to allow for on-site donations.
We utilize a social sharing tool called ShareThis ( Our home page has received several thousand likes and "ShareThis" clicks over the past year. Unfortunately all of these are now gone when changed to https.
Is there a solution to this issue?
I see two options:
1) Change from https:// back to http://
2) Ask the company to update your website in their database and/or update their software to recognize that and are the same website.
So, those are two options if you're willing/able to switch back to http://, otherwise, omit option 1.
You can customize the URL that you pass to the widget. Pass it the http URL so that is what will get shared and that's the counts you will get..
I wrote the ShareThis widget so let me know if this works for you..
