Django Oauth Toolkit: Change the path when accessing the Applications page - django-oauth-toolkit

I want to know if I can modify the URL path if I try going the Application page for Oauth2 when I am not logged in. Basically, I want to reuse the Admin login for the user to login and then redirect them to the Application page.
# Current URL
# Desired URL
# Change 'accounts' to 'admin'
I got the response I want with the following approach in my root
urlpatterns = [
path('admin/',, name="admin"),
path('accounts/',, name="account_auth"),
path('o/', include('oauth2_provider.urls', namespace='oath2_provider')),
With this, I don't have to change the path but I feel like it's not the right way to do (2 paths/routes for 1 view).


How do I get the variable values from a URL

I am writing a Vue app that talks to a Wordpress back end. I am using a plugin called simple-jwt-login and I am able to log in by making a GET request using axios:
const login = await axios.get("http://localhost:10019/", {
params: {
rest_route: "/simple-jwt-login/v1/autologin",
JWT: token,
The plugin gives you certain variables that you can include in your redirect URL but this is on the back end and I do not use the redirect option because I am using Vue on the front end and want to do the redirect there once logged in.
How do I get those variable values in the front end so i can display the user's name and other information to the user?

Symfony one application multi subdomains

I have rerouted all the traffic to my main domain let's say and my first page is so any entry in the subdomain will be redirected to main domain so will end up on the same page as (but the subdomain will stay in the url). The reason I am doing this is that i have multi 'clients' and 'users' every user is responsible for one or more client and its all set in the database and working perfectly so i can login with user1 i will see some tasks for user1 on client1 and when i login with user2 i will see tasks from user2 on client2 etc...
Now i need to do one more thing to make it look a bit better, when someone opens and login with user1 credentials i want him to be redirected to and at the same time when someone opens i want him to see the logo from that client.
All the database queries and other login issues are handled but i am facing couple of issues:
how to redirect to the correct client (subdomain) ?
and vice versa if a (super admin) user which responsible for managing clients and users logs in how to redirect him to main domain ( without?
One more issue but i think it will be solved when i can solve the other issues is when a user manages more than one client, i want to give him the ability to switch clients something like user1 have a menu to switch to client1 or client2 but any redirection i make is logging the user out. how can i maintain the session with this feature ?
p.s when different users logs in the (theme) colors and logos of the application are being called from database according to the client and thats why i need to read the subdomain on the first page so i can change the login logo according to the subdomain
this is a piece of my code to see how i am achieving this if anyone is interested
$currentUrl = $request->getHttpHost();
$baseUrl = $this->container->getParameter('base_url');
$subdomain = str_replace('.'.$baseUrl, '',$currentUrl);
if (sizeof($user->getClients()) > 0) {
$filter = $this->em->getFilters()->enable(Utils::CLIENT_FILTER_NAME);
if ($user->getLastLoggedInClient() !== null) {
$client = $user->getLastLoggedInClient();
} else {
$client = $user->getClients()->first();
if ($client == null) {
throw new ClientNotFoundException();
throw new ClientNotActiveException();
$this->session->set(Utils::CLIENT_ID_NAME, $client->getId());
$this->session->set('client', $client);
$filter->setParameter(Utils::CLIENT_ID_NAME, $client->getId());
return new RedirectResponse('/logout');
return new RedirectResponse('/');
so i think somewhere around here return new RedirectResponse('/'); i need to redirect to the correct subdomain.
When you first realise that a user needs to login (from, put the URL, or 'client1' client-name into a session, readable on - or add it to the URL (like - the route would be '/login/to/{clientname}'), or more simply /login?clientname=client1.
When a user has logged in, and been verified to be a member of 'client1', then the redirection would be to a route like 'client_app_dashboard', ['clientname' => 'client1'] - and a route definition of #Route("/", name="client_app_dashboard", host="{clientname}")
The Symfony docs have information on How to Match a Route Based on the Host.
As for a logo - that would be fetched and displayed based on the $clientname on the www. homepage.

Oauth2 Authorization in NelmioApiDocBundle

I am trying to use the NelmioApiDocBundle for a Symfony 3.4 projects API documentation, while also trying to wrap my head around OAuth 2 authorization for the project API access to begin with.
So far I've followed this tutorial on how to get FOSOAuthServerBundle working. So far I can
1.) create a client using the command line command:
php bin/console fos:oauth-server:create-client --redirect-uri="___" --grant-type="authorization_code" --grant-type="password" --grant-type="refresh_token" --grant-type="token" --grant-type="client_credentials"
2.) I can also get an access token manually by visiting this url on my server
3.) I can use the token to access areas of my Symfony project requiring OAuth Access by including the token in a GET parameter
However, in the NelmioApiDocBundle Authorizations I cannot get this to work to completion. Here is a screenshot:
If enter my client_id and secret key it takes me to the Login Page, as expected. I can enter my login information and in takes me to the Approve or Deny Page, as expected. At this point if I click either Approve or Deny it tries to use a "redirect_uri" of http://localhost:3200/oauth2-redirect.html. No matter what I do I cannot change the redirect URI.
How to I get the a proper redirect URI?
Ok, this was actually easily fixed. You need to add a single line:
oauth2RedirectUrl: 'URLhere',
to the file init-swagger-ui.js which is located (Symfony 3.4) in web/bundles/nelmioapidoc/
The final file ended up looking like this:
window.onload = () => {
const data = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('swagger-data').innerText);
const ui = SwaggerUIBundle({
oauth2RedirectUrl: 'URLhere',
spec: data.spec,
dom_id: '#swagger-ui',
validatorUrl: null,
presets: [
plugins: [
layout: 'StandaloneLayout'
window.ui = ui;
Also you likely are going to want to download the file oauth2-redirect.html from the Swagger project to include for the actual redirect.

Change Plone default URL for authenticated users

I need to change the default URL for authenticated users. For example, a request for root site will response:
[site-root]/wellcome01 (default url, set by plone configuration interface), for an anonymous user
[site-root]/wellcome02 (set by some resource) for an authenticated user
So what's the best solution to implement this resource?
You got several options
You can add a index_html Python Script in your plone root, with the following code.
if context.portal_membership.isAnonymousUser():
return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect('welcome01')
return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect('welcome02')
I personally don't like not versioned code on my site, so I advice you to write a BrowserView, which handles de redirect
from Products.Five.browser import BrowserView
from plone import api
class RootRedirector(BrowserView):
def __call__(self):
if api.user.is_anonymous()
return self.request.RESPONSE.redirect('welcome01')
return self.request.RESPONSE.redirect('welcome02')
You may regsiter this view only for the SiteRoot (Products.CMFPlone.interfaces.siteroot.IPloneSiteRoot)
If you're willing to just react to login events, you can adapt the following, which will redirect on the first-ever login only (and you probably want IUserLoggedInEvent instead):
<subscriber for=""
handler=".hellonewbie.showIntroPage" />
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from import getSite
USER_ROLE = 'Member'
INTRO_PAGE_ID = 'new-user-info'
def showIntroPage(event):
"""Login event handler: first login.
For proper users (i.e. Member role) that have
never logged in before, redirect them to a page
that tells them about the system.
user = event.object
if user.has_role(USER_ROLE):
# yup, redirect the guy, he/she's new.
portal = getSite()
request = getattr(portal, "REQUEST", None)
if request:
infopage = portal.restrictedTraverse(INTRO_PAGE_ID, None)
if infopage:
Or, just use one view with two elements, one only visible if not logged-in, the other only, if logged-in, via TAL-conditions.

External login with AspNet Web API

im trying to do external login with Google using Aspnet.
I created an mvc/webapi project with individual user accounts (vs2013). This will create some files like the 'AccountController' which contains GetExternalLogins action, after calling this action I get (because the google external login is set in the 'Startup' class) an object like this :
name: "Google",
state: null,
url: "/api/Account/ExternalLogin?provider=Google&response_type=token&client_id=self&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A11166%2F"
The problem now : when i do another http request to "/api/Account/ExternalLogin?provider=Google&response_type=token&client_id=self&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A11166%2F" I get the following error :
XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:11166' is therefore not allowed access
Im i doing something wrong ?
Thanks a lot.
I realized that its a silly question 5 seconds after posting it.
No need to do an http request, a simple redirection to the url works.
