How to make portrait mode react-native-vision-camera? - react-native-vision-camera

react-native-vision-camera I want to implement portrait mode with background blur, can you please tell me if this can be done? i tried use enablePortraitEffectsMatteDelivery but it doesn't work


Chrome devices devTools different from actual devices for media queries

I'm trying to build a responsive website for ipad and mobile as well.
This is the Link if you want to check it out.
Anyway, when I use the devTools in chrome for checking out the layouts on the Galaxy S5, then the landscape view is all good. When I check it on the actual device, then the height seems to be a bit less, and some parts of the website are actually cut out. Probably due to some parts of the device not being accounted for in the height.
Screenshot from the chrome dev tools, using the width and height of the S4 mini viewport when in landscape mode:
Screenshot from the actual device in landscape mode
So the questions are:
How do I actually use the devTools in Chrome to get a precise
Do I need to actually account for browser size in the #media (min-width: whatever px) query?
Is my question wrong from another perspective I haven't considered? Am I missing something?

Forms not working in portrait on iPad

Am stumped! Have just found a very weird anomaly when viewing with an iPad. My forms work fine on a desktop computer and on the iPad in landscape mode but when in portrait mode the fields and buttons cannot be selected.
This form will not work in portrait mode:
But this one will:
Have no idea what might be causing this!!
Any help sorting this out most appreciated.
Try adding clear:both to #services-widget, it makes the element drop below floated elements.

backgroung image is shrinking on ipad portrait view

I have set a background for a webpage and i have done it responsive by giving media queries.
I have made the size of background 175% for ipad on portrait mode, when I am checking the result on (please check the website here once to see the original portrait mode background and landscape mode background )
For the resolutions of ipad, its looking fine on landscape mode and portrait modes, but on ipad itself on portrait mode, the background is not coming correct. It becomes small on portrait mode. Here are the screen.
This is the url to my site.
Here is the screenshot of ipads portrait mode.
Please Help me if anyone can !
Many Thanks in Advance
Rather then using Background-size: 100% 100%
Try using background: cover; This should allow the image to be aligned like it is on the webpage.

Controlling transitions when Flex mobile changes between portrait and landscape

I'm developing a mobile application in Flex 4.6, and I have the autoOrient property set to true so that Flex takes care of changing between portrait and landscape mode when the phone is rotated. This works, but...
The transition between portrait and landscape consists of the application rotating from one position to the other and it doesn't look good at all. I would like to have Flex just cut or fade between the two screen orientations without rotating, but I can't find where I could control this.
My application is based on a ViewNavigatorApplication if that helps with the answer.
I guess what I'm looking for is something like the sort of control you can have when changing between views with something like:
navigator.defaultPushTransition = new FlipViewTransition();
but to do with portrait/landscape transitions instead.
You can listen to the orientation change event (StageOrientationEvent.ORIENTATION_CHANGE) and set a transition to your desired container.

Trouble Switching from Portrait to Landscape using Media Queries

I'm currently starting to use a responsive approach to my sites. I've found to be the best boilerplate for this. But with every boilerplate or grid I've tried I can't get an iPhone or iPad to recognize the media queries when you switch from portrait to landscape mode.
It always loads the correct css in the orientation that you load the page in. But when you go from portrait to landscape it hangs and doesn't resize properly.
You can even see this happening on
Does anyone know if this is a quirk with mobile webkit that we have to live with for now, or is there a way to fix this?
I contacted the developer behind Fluid Baseline Grid and got this answer:
I think what you are experiencing is the viewport meta tag.
Maximum-scale doesn't allow the user to zoom in/out with finger pinch.
However, it prevents the layout shifting when a device is changed from
portrait to landscape. This was purposely removed to help those who
may have impairment reading smaller text. You can can simply change
the meta tag in the head to set the scale, which will fix the zooming
issue when you rotate from portrait to landscape.
"If web developers want their scale settings to remain consistent when
switching orientations on the iPhone, they must add a maximum-scale
value to prevent this zooming, which has the sometimes-unwanted side
effect of preventing users from zooming in"
That definitely fixes the issue, but it seems that you can't have the ability to zoom with a finger pinch and also control the way the layouts switch. Is there a way to work around this?
I solved adding 'initial-scale=1' only (and not 'maximum-scale=1') to the viewport meta tag
