Getting an error when intry to load a dataframe - jupyter-notebook

Getting a syntax error and not sure why. Trying to loadca dataframe. Please can someone help. Thanks

If you are getting started with programming, jupyter can be counter intuitive at some points, I assume that's not your first cell in the notebook, so be sure to run the previous ones where the definition for titanic_df/titanic_csv is loaded.
The error you are getting says NameError, not SyntaxError, and it is informing you that a variable called titanic_csv does not exist.


What does this error message mean (creating an input-file for MODifieR) and how to fix it?

I am trying to create an input-file that can be used for different types of module-identification packages in the "MODifieR"-program, but I get this error message: "The condition has a length>1".
I am still pretty new to R and have just started using these programs so I have no idea what the message means or how to fix it... Greatful for any help!
I haven't tried anything yet, apart from restarting R and reloading all packages/code, as I have little idea of what I am doing :)

OpenAI Gym - Env.Render() function returning "Display surface quit"

A screenshot of my code with error
I am following the tutorial seen at
The exact code I am following is here:
Not sure what I am doing wrong but the guy doing the tutorial had no issues so I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this. I'm also doing this in a Jupyter Notebook. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong here?
I have seen similar error, in my case i got this error when i ran the env.close() and tried running again, i'm suspecting, this was the reason for my error, because once env.close() has been called there is no environment to perform rest of the operations so I had to re-run the cell to create the environment to try it again. Im assuming this may have been your case.
Try running the cell with make environment and retry the cell which throws u the error.

How do I get pretty error messages in RStudio?

When working in RStudio (version 0.99.482 and 1.0.136), if I source a file and an error occur I just get the error message without any context. If the file is longer than a few lines of code, that informaiton is largely useless. What I want to know when an error occurs is the following:
What function threw the error? Preferably what function I called from my script, not something burried deep inside a package.
On what line of my file did the error occur?
This seems like a very basic thing for a scripting language to do, but yet I am unable to find an easy solution. Yes, I am aware of the traceback() function, but (a) it is a hassle to call it every time there is an error, and (b) the output is massive and not that helpful.

R Error: names() applied to a non-vector

I have a chunk of code which produces an error only the first time I run it. Strangely if I run it a second time I get no error (craziness definition?). Also the error does not show up always at the same position, I mean that if I add a few lines of comments the error message is printed after the comments and not after a specific instruction.
I cannot provide a reproducible example because I do not know where exactly the error comes from. The error is the following:
Error in names(frame)[names(frame) == "x"] <- name :
names() applied to a non-vector
I should specify that in my code I don't have -at least explicitly- a names() function.
This is a tricky error. I was able to track down the reason and it seems to be that R has an object of the same name as the function cached. This is most likely if using an IDE such as RStudio a tab for View(df). Unless the tab is closed even running the function without code will give you this error. Likewise, if the tab is not closed not even removing all objects or doing a garbage collection will solve it. Once the tab is closed the error will be gone.
I had the same error, and It was faulting on a particular function that I wrote. It was throwing the error whenever I loaded the function, even when the I commented out all the code in the function. I found that changing the variable name of my function stopped the error. My only guess is that there is some weird variable name conflict.
I had the same error. The reason for it is something related to a file I saved long ago with the name "df", which is interfering with a current variable, also called df.
The solution however is straigthforward: Find the problematic line, by running the first line of the code, then clearing the global environment, and running it again. If no error occurs, add the next line, and so forth until the error occurs. Then, change the name of the variable in that line.
Even I had the same error. The reason in my case was that there was another data frame with the same name as the function inside the function. I guess R throws this error when there is a type mismatch as well. In my case the name was first read as a function. When R came across the same name again, it would be looking for a function but instead found a data frame.
All I had to do was change the name of one of them and the error was gone.
This error also appears in my code everytime when I tried to delete everything through remove(list = ls()). In my case the problem was, that I had an object named df (datatype = data.frame) and also had the View opened of a previous version of df. After closing the View the error disappeared.
Just add
This works.

Print list of all error messages after running an R script

Apologies if there is an obvious answer to this question, but I haven't found one.
All I'm looking for is the error equivalent of warnings() - I want to run a script, then get a list of all the errors that occurred when running the script.
Have had a look at traceback() and it seems like it might do what I want - the help file says "The default display is of the stack of the last uncaught error" - but can't figure out how to make it return all uncaught errors rather than just the last one.
My suggestion would be, save the script (e.g. script.R) then run the whole script using source('script.R'). This will stop at every error. If you just want to see if errors exist, this will be a good way to do it.
