Recommended approach to change the engine in a tidymodels workflow - r

I'm using tidymodels to train and test a Naive Bayes model and predict new data from it.
For training and testing, I've set up the tidymodels workflow as follows:
model_recipe <- recipes::recipe(OUTCOME ~ ., data = dat_train)
model_final <- parsnip::naive_Bayes(Laplace = 1) |>
parsnip::set_mode("classification") |>
parsnip::set_engine("klaR", usekernel = FALSE)
model_final_wf <- workflows::workflow() |>
workflows::add_recipe(model_recipe) |>
Now, when I have done my training and testing I want to fit the model, but now do one tiny specification in the set_engine part, i.e. I want to change the priors for each outomce class.
My question is, what is the best way to do this tiny change? Is there an easy way where I can just take my full workflow and update the engine or do I need to re-run the whole engine/workflow part as shown below?
model_final <- parsnip::naive_Bayes(Laplace = 1) |>
parsnip::set_mode("classification") |>
parsnip::set_engine("klaR", usekernel = FALSE,
prior = rep(0.2, 5))
model_final_wf <- workflows::workflow() |>
workflows::add_recipe(model_recipe) |>

You can just update the engine information (instead of the whole object).
Similarly, you can update just the model in the workflow.
model_recipe <- recipes::recipe(OUTCOME ~ ., data = dat_train)
model_final <- parsnip::naive_Bayes(Laplace = 1) |>
parsnip::set_mode("classification") |>
parsnip::set_engine("klaR", usekernel = FALSE)
model_final_wf <- workflows::workflow() |>
workflows::add_recipe(model_recipe) |>
# Update the engine parameters via another `set_engine()`
model_final_final <-
model_final %>%
set_engine("klaR", usekernel = TRUE)
# Copy the workflow and update with new model spec
model_final_final_wf <- model_final_final_wf |>


How to run GLMER with SMOTE and resampling

I want to create GLMER models with the SMOTE algorithm and resampling. This means that I need to create a recipe with step_smote() and use fit_resamples(). After reading this post, and this post, I learned that I need to use add_model() and add_variable() in order to create a workflow object, and that add_recipe() cannot be used in this process. This means I cannot use step_smote(). The first link addresses this limitation. Now the question is how I can use the SMOTE algorithm in this situation. In addition, I want to use a few other step_***() functions such as step_dummy() and step_rm(). In short, I want to use a recipe and cross validation in GLMER modeling processes. Is there any way to make this happen? I decided to use the example in this post so that everyone can reproduce the same situation. Note that solutions do not have to be in tidymodels ways.
# I use data from
members <- read_csv("")
# These are the same processes from the post above.
members_df <- members %>%
filter(season != "Unknown", !, ! %>%
select(peak_id, year, season, sex, age, citizenship, hired, success, died) %>%
mutate(died = case_when(died ~ "died", TRUE ~ "survived")) %>%
mutate_if(is.character, factor) %>%
mutate_if(is.logical, as.integer)
# Since the dataset is large, I subset it here for this question.
bind_rows(filter(members_df, died == "died"),
filter(members_df, died == "survived") %>% sample_n(2000)) -> members_df
# Create data sets
members_split <- initial_split(members_df, strata = died)
members_train <- training(members_split)
members_test <- testing(members_split)
# Create CV folds
members_folds <- vfold_cv(members_train, v = 10, repeats = 5, strata = died)
# Here I wanna use glmer. Create model specification
logistic_reg() %>%
set_engine("glmer", family = binomial,
control = glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa",
optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e5))) %>%
set_mode("classification") -> members_spec
# As far as I learned from these links, I cannot use a recipe in order to run GLMER. But I create a recipe, anyway.
# The key is that I want to apply SMOTE algorithm to glmer modeling in tidymodels ways.
recipe(died ~ ., data = members_train) %>%
step_rm(citizenship) %>%
step_impute_median(age) %>%
step_other(peak_id) %>%
step_dummy(all_nominal(), -died) %>%
step_smote(died) -> members_recipe
# This works as long as users do not have to use the recipe package.
# This is addressed in
workflow() %>%
add_model(spec = members_spec,
formula = died ~ year + season + sex + age + (1|peak_id)) %>%
add_variables(outcomes = died,
predictors = c(year, season, sex, age, peak_id)) -> members_workflow
# This is the WRONG way.
workflow() %>%
add_model(spec = members_spec,
formula = died ~ year + season + sex + age + (1|peak_id)) %>%
add_recipe(members_recipe) -> wrong_workflow
# This is another WRONG way. This causes an error message.
workflow() %>%
add_model(spec = members_spec,
formula = died ~ year + season + sex + age + (1|peak_id)) %>%
add_variables(outcomes = died,
predictors = c(year, season, sex, age, peak_id)) %>%
# Ideally, the workflow object here includes a recipe. But can we make it?
fit_resamples(object = wrong_workflow, # This workflow object needs to include a recipe
resamples = members_folds,
control = control_resamples(save_pred = TRUE, save_workflow = TRUE)) -> members_res

How can I tune the minority_prop argument of the ROSE upsampling algorithm using tidymodels?

I have an imbalanced data set and am using the tidymodels framework to build predictive models. To correct for the imbalance, I use the upsampling ROSE algorithm, which has two arguments I'd like to tune, namely over_ratio and minority_prop.
To do so, I specified in the step recipe that each argument =tune()and then I built a CV grid with the corresponding names. However, the minority_pro argument is not recognized when I run the CV search.
# data
y <- rbinom(100, 1, 0.1)
X <- MASS::mvrnorm(100, c(1,2), diag(2))
dat <- cbind(y,X)
dat <- data.frame(dat)
dat$y <- as.factor(dat$y)
# define the recipe
my_recipe <-
recipe(y ~ ., data = dat) |>
step_rose(y, over_ratio = tune(), minority_prop = tune(),
skip = TRUE) %>%
step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors(), skip = FALSE)
mod <-
svm_rbf(mode = "classification", cost = tune(),
rbf_sigma = tune()) %>%
# set the workflow
svc_workflow <- workflow() %>%
# add the recipe
add_recipe(my_recipe) %>%
# add the model
grid_svc <- expand.grid(rbf_sigma = seq(0, 10, 2), cost = seq(0,10,2),
over_ratio = seq(0.5,1.5,0.5), minority_prop = seq(0.5,0.8,0.15))
# cv tuning
cv_tuning <- tune_grid(svc_workflow,
resamples = vfold_cv(dat),
grid = grid_svc,
metrics = metric_set(f_meas, precision, recall,
accuracy, pr_auc))
I then receive the following error.
Error in `check_grid()`:
! The provided `grid` has the following parameter columns that have not been marked for tuning by `tune()`: 'minority_prop'.
Run `rlang::last_error()` to see where the error occurred.
I tried tuning only over over_ratio without minority_prop and it worked. What am I doing wrong?

Tidymodels Predict Error in R while predict on test

I am using below code to build and predict model using tidymodels. I am fairly new to tidymodels, so may be I am totally wrong in my approach. But here is what the problem is.
When input datatype for test dataset is different from train, I am getting this error. Otherwise, the code works fine(In cases where train and test data structures are identical). I am assuming that the preprocessing step should have tackled this while processing test data.
If anyone knows/encountered this problem. Please let me know the possible solution.
I search for this issue, but haven't found anything of this sort.
Thanks for looking into it.
mt1 <- mtcars ## assume this is the train data
mt2 <- mtcars ## assume this is the test data
mt2$mpg <- as.character(mt2$mpg) ## just forcing them to be character to reproduce the problem in my actual data
mt2$qsec <- as.character(mt2$qsec)
dp_pipe <- recipe(am ~ .,data=mt1) %>%
update_role(cyl,vs,new_role = "drop_vars") %>%
drat,wt, qsec, new_role="to_numeric") %>%
step_rm(has_role("drop_vars")) %>%
step_mutate_at(has_role(match = "to_numeric"),fn = as.numeric)
# Cross folds
folds = vfold_cv(mt1, v = 10)
# define parameter grid to be tuned
my_grid = tibble(penalty = 10^seq(-2, -1, length.out = 10))
# define lasso model
lasso_mod = linear_reg(mode = "regression",
penalty = tune(),
mixture = 1) %>%
# add everything to a workflow
wf = workflow() %>%
add_model(lasso_mod) %>%
# tune the workflow
my_res <- wf %>%
tune_grid(resamples = folds,
grid = my_grid,
control = control_grid(verbose = FALSE, save_pred = TRUE),
metrics = metric_set(rmse))
best_mod = my_res %>% select_best("rmse")
final_fitted = finalize_workflow(wf, best_mod) %>% fit(data=mt1)
# predicted for train
final_fitted %>%
final_fitted %>%
Error at my end:
> Error: ! Can't convert `data$mpg` <character> to match type of `mpg`
> <double>. Run `rlang::last_error()` to see where the error occurred.

How to apply a custom function to nested dataframes?

I'm trying to apply a custom function to a nested dataframe
I want to apply a machine learning algorithm to predict NA values
After doing a bit of reading online, it seemed that the map function would be the most applicable here
I have a section of code that nests the dataframe and then splits the data into a test (data3) and train (data2) set - with the test dataset containing all the null values for the column to be predicted, and the train containing all the values that are not null to be used to train the ML model
dmaExtendedDataNA2 <- dmaExtendedDataNA %>%
group_by(dma) %>%
nest() %>%
mutate(data2 = map(data, ~filter(., !(,
data3 = map(data, ~filter(.,
Here is the function I intend to use:
my_function (test,train) {
et <- extraTrees(x = train, y = train[, "mean_night_flow"], na.action = "fuse", ntree = 1000, nodesize = 2, mtry = ncol(train) * 0.9 )
test1 <- test
test1[ , "mean_night_flow"] <- 0
pred <- predict(et, newdata = test1[, "mean_night_flow"])
test1[ , "mean_night_flow"] <- pred
I have tried the following code, however it does not work:
dmaExtendedDataNA2 <- dmaExtendedDataNA %>%
group_by(dma) %>%
nest() %>%
mutate(data2 = map(data, ~filter(., !(,
data3 = map(data, ~filter(.,,
data4 = map(data3, data2, ~my_function(.x,.y)))
It gives the following error:
Error: Index 1 must have length 1, not 33
This is suggests that it expects a column rather than a whole dataframe. How can I get this to work?
Many thanks
Without testing on your data, I think you're using the wrong map function. purrr::map works on one argument (one list, one vector, whatever) and returns a list. You are passing it two values (data3 and data2), so we need to use:
dmaExtendedDataNA2 <- dmaExtendedDataNA %>%
group_by(dma) %>%
nest() %>%
mutate(data2 = map(data, ~filter(., !(,
data3 = map(data, ~filter(.,,
data4 = map2(data3, data2, ~my_function(.x,.y)))
If you find yourself needing more than two, you need pmap. You can use pmap for 1 or 2 arguments, it's effectively the same. The two biggest differences when migrating from map to pmap are:
your arguments need to be enclosed within a list, so
map2(data3, data12, ...)
pmap(list(data3, data12), ...)
you refer to them with double-dot number position, ..1, ..2, ..3, etc, so
~ my_function(.x, .y)
~ my_function(..1, ..2)
An alternative that simplifies your overall flow just a little.
my_function (test, train = NULL, fld = "mean_night_flow") {
if (is.null(train)) {
train <- test[ ![[fld]]),, drop = FALSE ]
test <- test[[[fld]]),, drop = FALSE ]
et <- extraTrees(x = train, y = train[, fld], na.action = "fuse", ntree = 1000, nodesize = 2, mtry = ncol(train) * 0.9 )
test1 <- test
test1[ , fld] <- 0
pred <- predict(et, newdata = test1[, fld])
test1[ , fld] <- pred
which auto-populates train based on the missingness of your field. (I also parameterized it in case you ever need to train/test on a different field.) This changes your use to
dmaExtendedDataNA2 <- dmaExtendedDataNA %>%
group_by(dma) %>%
nest() %>%
mutate(data4 = map(data, ~ my_function(.x, fld = "mean_night_flow")))
(It's important to name fld=, since otherwise it will be confused for train.)
If you're planning on reusing data2 and/or data3 later in the pipe or analysis, then this step is not necessarily what you need.
Note: I suspect your function in under-tested or incomplete. The fact that you assign all 0 to your test1[,"mean_night_flow"] and then use those zeroes in your call to predict seems suspect. I might be missing something, but I would expect perhaps
test1 <- test
pred <- predict(et, newdata = test1)
test1[ , fld] <- pred
(though copying to test1 using tibble or data.frame is mostly unnecessary, since it is copied in-place and the original frame is untouched; I would be more cautious if you were using class data.table).

R: Predictions from a list of coxph objects on newdata

I am building a series of Cox regression models, and getting predictions from those models on new data. I am able to get the expected number of events in some cases, but not others.
For example, if the formula in the coxph call is written out, then the predictions are calculated. But, if the the formula is stored in an object and that object called, I get an error. I also cannot get the predictions if I try to create them within a dplyr piped mutate function (for the function I am writing, this would be the most ideal place to get the predictions to work properly).
Any assistance is greatly appreciated!
Thank you,
n = 15
# creating tibble of tibbles.
results =
tibble(id = 1:n) %>%
group_by(id) %>%
# creating tibble to evaluate model on
tbl0 = tibble(time = runif(n), x = runif(n)),
# creating tibble to build model on
tbl = tibble(time = runif(n), x = runif(n))
) %>%
#it works when the formula is added the the coxph function already written out
map2(results$tbl, results$tbl0, ~ predict(coxph( Surv(time) ~ x, data = .x), newdata = .y, type = "expected"))
#but if the formula is previously defined, I get an error
f = as.formula(Surv(time) ~ x)
map2(results$tbl, results$tbl0, ~ predict(coxph( f, data = .x), newdata = .y, type = "expected"))
# I also get an error when I try to include in a dplyr pipe with mutate
results %>%
pred = map2(tbl, tbl0, ~ predict(coxph( f, data = .x), newdata = .y, type = "expected"))
I figured it out (with the help of a friend). If you define the formula as a string, and within the function call coerce it to a formula everything runs smoothly. I am not sure why it works, but it does!
#define the formula as a string, and call it in the function with as.formula(.)
f = "Surv(time) ~ x"
map2(results$tbl, results$tbl0, ~ predict(coxph( as.formula(f), data = .x), newdata = .y, type = "expected"))
#also works in a dplyr pipe with mutate
results %>%
pred = map2(tbl, tbl0, ~ predict(coxph( as.formula(f), data = .x), newdata = .y, type = "expected"))
