GLMM Random Intercept estimators in lme4 - r

How do you get the random intercept effects estimators from a lme4 result object?
# Create Data
x = runif(n)
id = rep(NA,n)
for (i in 1:10) {
id_s = (i-1)*100+1
id_e = i*100
id[id_s:id_e] = i
effects = rnorm(10)
lp = -0.5+0.5*x + effects[id]
probs = exp(lp)/(1+exp(lp))
Y2 = rbinom(n, 1, probs)
fit_glmm2 = glmer(Y2 ~ x + (1|id), family = "binomial",control = glmerControl(calc.derivs = FALSE))
I thought maybe they are the u's but there's a slight difference between them:
yy = coef(fit_glmm2) # looking only at the intercept
fit_glmm2#u + fit_glmm2#beta[1]

If you want the random effects, ranef() is the best way to get them:
r <- ranef(fit_glmm2)
## List of 1
## $ id:'data.frame': 10 obs. of 1 variable:
## ..$ (Intercept): num [1:10] -0.693 0.297 0.54 -0.467 0.755 ...
## ..- attr(*, "postVar")= num [1, 1, 1:10] 0.0463 0.0385 0.0392 0.0436 0.0409 ...
## - attr(*, "class")= chr "ranef.mer"
raw <- unname(unlist(ranef(fit_glmm2)$id))
identical(raw, fit_glmm2#u*fit_glmm2#theta) ## TRUE
As described in vignette("lmer", package = "lme4"), the #u values are the spherical random effects, i.e. they're iid N(0,1) and need to be transformed to get to the random effects b used in the formula X %*% beta + Z %*% b. In this case (an intercept-only RE), theta corresponds to the standard deviation of the random effect. u*theta won't work for more complicated cases ... in this case you need getME(fit_glmm2, "Lambda") %*% getME(fit_glmm2, "u").
getME(., "b") will also work, but again for more complex models you'll have to work out how the b-vector is split into random intercepts, slopes, different RE terms, etc..

Turns out you can get them by multiplying the u parameter with the theta parameter, or by calling getME(.,"b"):
yy = coef(fit_glmm2) # looking only at the intercept
fit_glmm2#u*fit_glmm2#theta + fit_glmm2#beta[1] # or
# getME(fit_glmm2,"b") + fit_glmm2#beta[1]


Using nls or nlsLM to fit global and group-specific parameters

I would like to use nls to fit a global parameter and group-specific parameters. The closest I have found to a minimum reproducible example is below (found here:
#Generate some data
d <- transform(data.frame(x=seq(0,1,len=17),
group=rep(c("A","B","B","C"),len=17)), y =
round(1/(1.4+x^ifelse(group=="A", 2.3, ifelse(group=="B",3.1, 3.5))),2))
#Fit to model using nls
nls(y~1/(b+x^p[group]), data=d, start=list(b=1, p=rep(3,length(levels(d$group)))))
This gives me an error:
Error in numericDeriv(form[[3L]], names(ind), env, central = nDcentral) :
Missing value or an infinity produced when evaluating the model
I have not been able to figure out if the error is coming from bad guesses for the starting values, or the way this code is dealing with group-specific parameters. It seems the line with p=rep(3,length(levels(d$group))) is for generating c(3,3,3), but switching this part of the code does not remove the problem (same error obtained as above):
#Fit to model using nls
nls(y~1/(b+x^p[group]), data=d, start=list(b=1, p=c(3, 3, 3)))
Switching to nlsLM gives a different error which leads be to believe I am having an issue with the group-specific parameters:
#Generate some data
d <- transform(data.frame(x=seq(0,1,len=17),
group=rep(c("A","B","B","C"),len=17)), y =
round(1/(1.4+x^ifelse(group=="A", 2.3, ifelse(group=="B",3.1, 3.5))),2))
#Fit to model using nlsLM
nlsLM(y~1/(b+x^p[group]), data=d, start=list(b=1, p=c(3,3,3)))
Error in dimnames(x) <- dn :
length of 'dimnames' [2] not equal to array extent
Any ideas?
I think you can do this much more easily with nlme::gnls:
fit2 <- nlme::gnls(y~1/(b+x^p),
params = list(p~group-1, b~1),
start = list(b=1, p = rep(3,3)))
Generalized nonlinear least squares fit
Model: y ~ 1/(b + x^p)
Data: d
Log-likelihood: 62.05887
p.groupA p.groupB p.groupC b
2.262383 2.895903 3.475324 1.407561
Degrees of freedom: 17 total; 13 residual
Residual standard error: 0.007188101
The params argument allows you to specify fixed-effect submodels for each nonlinear parameter. Using p ~ b-1 parameterizes the model with a separate estimate for each group, rather than fitting a baseline (intercept) value for the first group and the differences between successive groups. (In R's formula language, -1 or +0 signify "fit a model without intercept/set the intercept to 0", which in this case corresponds to fitting all three groups separately.)
I'm quite surprised that gnls and nls don't give identical results (although both give reasonable results); would like to dig in further ...
Parameter estimates (code below):
term nls gnls
1 b 1.41 1.40
2 pA 2.28 2.28
3 pB 3.19 3.14
4 pC 3.60 3.51
par(las = 1, bty = "l")
plot(y~x, data = d, col = d$group, pch = 16)
xvec <- seq(0, 1, length = 21)
f <- function(x) factor(x, levels = c("A","B","C"))
## fit1 is nls() fit
ll <- function(g, c = 1) {
lines(xvec, predict(fit1, newdata = data.frame(group=f(g), x = xvec)), col = c)
Map(ll, LETTERS[1:3], 1:3)
d2 <- expand.grid(x = xvec, group = f(c("A","B","C")))
pp <- predict(fit2, newdata = d2)
ll2 <- function(g, c = 1) {
lines(xvec, pp[d2$group == g], lty = 2, col = c)
Map(ll2, LETTERS[1:3], 1:3)
legend("bottomleft", lty = 1:2, col = 1, legend = c("nls", "gnls"))
(purrr::map_dfr(list(nls=fit1, gnls=fit2), tidy, .id = "pkg")
%>% select(pkg, term, estimate)
%>% group_by(pkg)
## force common parameter names
%>% mutate(across(term, ~ c("b", paste0("p", LETTERS[1:3]))))
%>% pivot_wider(names_from = pkg, values_from = estimate)
I was able to get this by switching the class of the group from chr to factor. Note the addition of factor() when generating the dataset.
> d <- transform(data.frame(
+ x=seq(0,1,len=17),
+ group=rep(factor(c("A","B","B","C")),len=17)),
+ y=round(1/(1.4+x^ifelse(group=="A", 2.3, ifelse(group=="B",3.1, 3.5))),2)
+ )
> str(d)
'data.frame': 17 obs. of 3 variables:
$ x : num 0 0.0625 0.125 0.1875 0.25 ...
$ group: Factor w/ 3 levels "A","B","C": 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 ...
$ y : num 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.69 0.7 0.69 0.69 0.62 0.64 ...
> nls(y~1/(b+x^p[group]), data=d, start=list(b=1, p=c(3,3,3)))
Nonlinear regression model
model: y ~ 1/(b + x^p[group])
data: d
b p1 p2 p3
1.406 2.276 3.186 3.601
residual sum-of-squares: 9.537e-05
Number of iterations to convergence: 5
Achieved convergence tolerance: 4.536e-06

Linear Regression Model based on Log-Cosh Loss Function in R

I have read about loss functions theoretically and also how to build regression models based on them in R.
I can apply all of the regression models based on different loss functions in R programming except for Log-Cosh Loss Function.
For example, I would like to build a linear regression model on 5-folds subsets of the DATA, and then extract the coefficients and calculate the individuals and the aggregated variance as follows.
data = read.csv("train.csv") # "critical_temp" is the dependent variable.
#Cross Validation
k = 5
folds <- createFolds(data_nom_df$critical_temp, k = k, list = TRUE, returnTrain = TRUE)
## Ordinary Least Square regression
#block A
lm = list()
for (i in 1:k) {
lm[[i]] = lm(critical_temp~ .,
data = data_nom_df[folds[[i]],])
#block B
lm_coef = list()
lm_coef_var = list()
for(j in 1:(lm[[1]]$coefficients %>% length())){
for(i in 1:k){
lm_coef[[i]] = lm[[i]]$coefficients[j]
lm_coef_var[[j]] = lm_coef %>% unlist() %>% var()
#block C
lm_var = unlist(lm_coef_var)
lm_df = cbind(coefficients = lm[[1]]$coefficients %>% names() %>%
, variance = lm_var %>%
colnames(lm_df) = c("coefficients", "variance_lm")
#block D
lm_var_sum = sum(lm_var)
The same for the rest of the regression models. However, I do not find any code or package to apply a regression model based on Log-Cosh Loss Function in R.
Could you please guide me to any source that would help me to solve this problem.
This can be done from first principles. Also note the existence of the logcosh function in the limma package which could be used in place of log(cosh(.)) if you have numeric difficulties.
f <- function(b) with(cars, sum(log(cosh(dist - b[1] - b[2] * speed))))
fm0 <- lm(dist ~ speed, cars)
res <- optim(coef(fm0), f, method = "BFGS")
## List of 5
## $ par : Named num [1:2] -12.82 3.47
## ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "(Intercept)" "speed"
## $ value : num 532
## $ counts : Named int [1:2] 28 10
## ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "function" "gradient"
## $ convergence: int 0
## $ message : NULL
# the black line is the ordinary least squares regression line and
# the red line is the log cosh regression line
yfit <- res$par[1] + res$par[2] * cars$speed
lines(cars$speed, yfit, col = "red")
Note that the optimization can also be written like this which may be useful if you have many independent variables.
fm0 <- lm(dist ~ speed, cars)
X <- model.matrix(fm0)
f <- function(b) with(cars, sum(log(cosh(dist - X %*% b))))
res <- optim(coef(fm0), f, method = "BFGS")
(Intercept) speed
-12.816190 3.469536
[1] 531.5872
function gradient
28 10
[1] 0

Regression table with clustered standard errors in R jupyter notebook?

I'm using export_summs in R to make a regression table, but when I use coeftest to get clustered standard errors, the table no longer reports N or R^2 properly in those columns. The coefficients and standard errors look good, just missing those additional stats. (I'm used to outreg2 in Stata which is much simpler.)
I tried using tidy_override() as suggested in the last example here (, no change.
# Reproducible example
datareg <- NULL
datareg$y <- rnorm(1000)
datareg$x <- rnorm(1000)
datareg$cluster_var <- rnorm(1000)
datareg <- data.frame(datareg)
reg0 <- lm(y ~ x
, data = datareg)
reg1 <- coeftest(
lm(y ~ x
, data = datareg)
, vcovCL, cluster = datareg$cluster_var)
export_summs(reg0, reg1,
model.names = c("Basic", "Cluster SE"))
Issues warning and output:
This is a case where the error message is fairly clear: the broom package does not have a glance method for coeftest objects. This is not an accident--the nature of the coeftest object does not allow for broom to calculate model summary statistics. It retains very little information about the original model:
> str(reg1)
'coeftest' num [1:2, 1:4] 0.0483 0.0153 0.0329 0.0341 1.4668 ...
- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
..$ : chr [1:2] "(Intercept)" "x"
..$ : chr [1:4] "Estimate" "Std. Error" "t value" "Pr(>|t|)"
- attr(*, "method")= chr "t test of coefficients"
- attr(*, "df")= int 998
One option is to use the lm_robust function from the estimatr package. It returns objects with robust standard errors that are amenable to both glance and tidy:
reg2 <- estimatr::lm_robust(y ~ x
, data = datareg)
export_summs(reg0, reg2,
model.names = c("Basic", "Cluster SE"), number_format = NA )
Basic Cluster SE
(Intercept) 0.0482678107925753 0.0482678107925755
(0.032842483472098) (0.0329070612421128)
x 0.0152928320138191 0.015292832013819
(0.0333488383365212) (0.034094868727288)
N 1000 1000
R2 0.000210664993144995 0.000210665
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05.
Column names: names, Basic, Cluster SE
Huxtable author here. This is how to do it with tidy_override:
datareg <- NULL
datareg$y <- rnorm(1000)
datareg$x <- rnorm(1000)
datareg$cluster_var <- rnorm(1000)
datareg <- data.frame(datareg)
reg0 <- lm(y ~ x, data = datareg)
reg1 <- coeftest(reg0, vcovCL, cluster = datareg$cluster_var)
reg1 <- tidy_override(reg1, glance = list(nobs = 1000L, r.squared = 0.000),
extend = TRUE) # extend = TRUE is important
export_summs(reg0, reg1, model.names = c("Basic", "Cluster SE"))
Which gives:
Basic Cluster SE
(Intercept) -0.01 -0.01
(0.03) (0.03)
x -0.05 -0.05
(0.03) (0.03)
N 1000 1000
R2 0.00 0.00
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05.
Column names: names, Basic, Cluster SE
This was fairly tricky and I appreciate your difficulties... I have improved the error reporting in huxreg as a result!

Piecewise regression with a quadratic polynomial and a straight line joining smoothly at a break point

I want to fit a piecewise linear regression with one break point xt, such that for x < xt we have a quadratic polynomial and for x >= xt we have a straight line. Two pieces should join smoothly, with continuity up to 1st derivative at xt. Here's picture of what it may look like:
I have parametrize my piecewise regression function as:
where a, b, c and xt are parameters to be estimated.
I want to compare this model with a quadratic polynomial regression over the whole range in terms of adjusted R-squared.
Here is my data:
y <- c(1, 0.59, 0.15, 0.078, 0.02, 0.0047, 0.0019, 1, 0.56, 0.13,
0.025, 0.0051, 0.0016, 0.00091, 1, 0.61, 0.12, 0.026, 0.0067,
0.00085, 4e-04)
x <- c(0, 5.53, 12.92, 16.61, 20.3, 23.07, 24.92, 0, 5.53, 12.92,
16.61, 20.3, 23.07, 24.92, 0, 5.53, 12.92, 16.61, 20.3, 23.07,
My attempt goes as follows, for a known xt:
z <- pmax(0, x - xt)
x1 <- pmin(x, xt)
fit <- lm(y ~ x1 + I(x1 ^ 2) + z - 1)
But the straight line does not appear to be tangent to the quadratic polynomial at xt. Where am I doing wrong?
Similar questions:
Piecewise regression with a straight line and a horizontal line joining at a break point
Fitting a V-shape curve to my data (on Cross Validated)
In this section I will be demonstrating a reproducible example. Please make sure you have sourced functions defined in the other answer.
## we first generate a true model
x <- runif(100) ## sample points on [0, 1]
beta <- c(0.1, -0.2, 2) ## true coefficients
X <- getX(x, 0.6) ## model matrix with true break point at 0.6
y <- X %*% beta + rnorm(100, 0, 0.08) ## observations with Gaussian noise
plot(x, y)
Now, assume we don't know c, and we would like to search on a evenly spaced grid:
c.grid <- seq(0.1, 0.9, 0.05)
fit <- choose.c(x, y, c.grid)
RSS has chosen 0.55. This is slightly different from the true value 0.6, but from the plot we see that RSS curve does not vary much between [0.5, 0.6] so I am happy with this.
The resulting model fit contains rich information:
#List of 12
# $ coefficients : num [1:3] 0.114 -0.246 2.366
# $ residuals : num [1:100] 0.03279 -0.01515 0.21188 -0.06542 0.00763 ...
# $ fitted.values: num [1:100] 0.0292 0.3757 0.2329 0.1087 0.0263 ...
# $ R : num [1:3, 1:3] -10 0.1 0.1 0.292 2.688 ...
# $ sig2 : num 0.00507
# $ coef.table : num [1:3, 1:4] 0.1143 -0.2456 2.3661 0.0096 0.0454 ...
# ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
# .. ..$ : chr [1:3] "beta0" "beta1" "beta2"
# .. ..$ : chr [1:4] "Estimate" "Std. Error" "t value" "Pr(>|t|)"
# $ aic : num -240
# $ bic : num -243
# $ c : num 0.55
# $ RSS : num 0.492
# $ r.squared : num 0.913
# $ adj.r.squared: num 0.911
We can extract the summary table for coefficients:
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#beta0 0.1143132 0.009602697 11.904286 1.120059e-20
#beta1 -0.2455986 0.045409356 -5.408546 4.568506e-07
#beta2 2.3661097 0.169308226 13.975161 5.730682e-25
Finally, we want to see some prediction plot. <- seq(0, 1, 0.05)
p <- pred(fit,
# fit lwr upr
#[1,] 0.9651406 0.02903484 0.9075145 1.0227668
#[2,] 0.8286400 0.02263111 0.7837235 0.8735564
#[3,] 0.7039698 0.01739193 0.6694516 0.7384880
#[4,] 0.5911302 0.01350837 0.5643199 0.6179406
#[5,] 0.4901212 0.01117924 0.4679335 0.5123089
#[6,] 0.4009427 0.01034868 0.3804034 0.4214819
We can make a plot:
plot(x, y, cex = 0.5)
matlines(, p[,-2], col = c(1,2,2), lty = c(1,2,2), lwd = 2)
This is an excellent exercise (maybe hard) to digest the theory and implementation of linear models. My answer will contain two parts:
Part 1 (this one) introduces the parametrization I use and how this piecewise regression reduces to an ordinary least square problem. R functions including model estimation, break point selection and prediction are provided.
Part 2 (the other one) demonstrates a toy, reproducible example on how to use those functions I have defined.
I have to use a different parametrization because the one you gave in your question is wrong! Your parametrization only ensures continuity of function value, but not the first derivative! That is why your fitted line is not tangent to the fitted quadratic polynomial at xt.
## generate design matrix
getX <- function (x, c) {
x <- x - c
cbind("beta0" = 1, "beta1" = x, "beta2" = pmin(x, 0) ^ 2)
Function est below wraps up (for maximum efficiency) for estimation and inference of a model, at a given c:
## `x`, `y` give data points; `c` is known break point
est <- function (x, y, c) {
## model matrix
X <- getX(x, c)
p <- dim(X)[2L]
## solve least squares with QR factorization
fit <-, y)
## compute Pearson estimate of `sigma ^ 2`
r <- c(fit$residuals)
n <- length(r)
RSS <- c(crossprod(r))
sig2 <- RSS / (n - p)
## coefficients summary table
beta <- fit$coefficients
R <- "dimnames<-"(fit$qr[1:p, ], NULL)
Rinv <- backsolve(R, diag(p))
se <- sqrt(rowSums(Rinv ^ 2) * sig2)
tstat <- beta / se
pval <- 2 * pt(abs(tstat), n - p, lower.tail = FALSE)
tab <- matrix(c(beta, se, tstat, pval), nrow = p, ncol = 4L,
dimnames = list(dimnames(X)[[2L]],
c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "t value", "Pr(>|t|)")))
## 2 * negative log-likelihood
nega2logLik <- n * log(2 * pi * sig2) + (n - p)
## AIC / BIC
aic <- nega2logLik + 2 * (p + 1)
bic <- nega2logLik + log(n) * (p + 1)
## multiple R-squared and adjusted R-squared
TSS <- c(crossprod(y - sum(y) / n))
r.squared <- 1 - RSS / TSS
adj.r.squared <- 1 - sig2 * (n - 1) / TSS
## return
list(coefficients = beta, residuals = r, fitted.values = c(X %*% beta),
R = R, sig2 = sig2, coef.table = tab, aic = aic, bic = bic, c = c,
RSS = RSS, r.squared = r.squared, adj.r.squared = adj.r.squared)
As you can see, it also returns various summary as if summary.lm has been called. Now let's write another wrapper function choose.c. It sketch RSS against c.grid and return the best model with selected c.
choose.c <- function (x, y, c.grid) {
if (is.unsorted(c.grid)) stop("'c.grid' in not increasing")
## model list
lst <- lapply(c.grid, est, x = x, y = y)
## RSS trace
RSS <- sapply(lst, "[[", "RSS")
## verbose
plot(c.grid, RSS, type = "b", pch = 19)
## find `c` / the model minimizing `RSS`
So far so good. To complete the story, we also want a predict routine.
pred <- function (model, {
## prediction matrix
X <- getX(, model$c)
p <- dim(X)[2L]
## predicted mean
fit <- X %*% model$coefficients
## prediction standard error
Qt <- forwardsolve(t(model$R), t(X))
se <- sqrt(colSums(Qt ^ 2) * model$sig2)
## 95%-confidence interval
alpha <- qt(0.025, length(model$residuals) - p)
lwr <- fit + alpha * se
upr <- fit - alpha * se
## return
matrix(c(fit, se, lwr, upr), ncol = 4L,
dimnames = list(NULL, c("fit", "se", "lwr", "upr")))
李哲源 is a genius but I would like to suggest another solution, using the Heaviside (unit step) function, H(x) = 1 if x>0; H = 0 if x ≤ 0
H <- function(x) as.numeric(x>0)
Then, the function to fit is f(x,c) = b0 + b1 (x-c) + b2 (x-c)^2 H(c-x), and can be used with nls:
fit <- nls(y ~ b0+b1*(x-c)+b2*(x-c)^2*H(c-x),
start = list(b0=0,b1=0,b2=1,c=0.5))
Testing it with the 李哲源's toy example, gives
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
b0 0.1199124 0.03177064 3.774315 2.777969e-04
b1 -0.2578121 0.07856856 -3.281365 1.440945e-03
b2 2.4316379 0.40105205 6.063148 2.624975e-08
c 0.5400831 0.05287111 10.215089 5.136550e-17

How to predict values using estimates from rjags / JAGS

After setting up the model and training it with Gibbs Sampling, I got the result of all the prediction of hidden values with:
jags <- jags.model('example.bug',
data = data,
n.chains = 4,
n.adapt = 100)
update(jags, 1000)
samples <- jags.samples(jags,
Where r is a list of rating, and some of them are withheld for a prediction with the model. And suppose I can get them with r[test], where test is a list of integer indicating the index of the rating withheld. But when I tried to get them using this way:
summary(samples$r, mean)[test]
I just got this:
iteration chain
1000 4
Could you please tell me how to get the expected value? Thank you in advance!
draw samples
Absent your data or model I'll demonstrate using the simple example here, modified so that jags monitors the predicted outcomes.
# simulate some data
N <- 1000
x <- 1:N
epsilon <- rnorm(N, 0, 1)
y <- x + epsilon
# define a jags model
model {
for (i in 1:N){
y[i] ~ dnorm(y.hat[i], tau)
y.hat[i] <- a + b * x[i]
a ~ dnorm(0, .0001)
b ~ dnorm(0, .0001)
tau <- pow(sigma, -2)
sigma ~ dunif(0, 100)
", con = "example2_mod.jags")
# create a jags model object
jags <- jags.model("example2_mod.jags",
data = list('x' = x,
'y' = y,
'N' = N),
n.chains = 4,
n.adapt = 100)
# burn-in
update(jags, 1000)
# drawing samples gives mcarrays
samples <- jags.samples(jags, c('a', 'b'), 1000)
# List of 2
# $ a: mcarray [1, 1:1000, 1:4] -0.0616 -0.0927 -0.0528 -0.0844 -0.06 ...
# ..- attr(*, "varname")= chr "a"
# $ b: mcarray [1, 1:1000, 1:4] 1 1 1 1 1 ...
# ..- attr(*, "varname")= chr "b"
extract predictions
Our result, samples, is a list of mcarray objects with dimensions 1 x iterations x chains. You'd really want to run diagnostics at this point, but we'll jump to summarizing the samples from the posterior for your predictions. One approach is taking the mean over chains and iterations.
# extract posterior means from the mcarray object by marginalizing over
# chains and iterations (alternative: posterior modes)
posterior_means <- apply(samples$y.hat, 1, mean)
# [1] 0.9201342 1.9202996 2.9204649 3.9206302 4.9207956 5.9209609
# reasonable?
head(predict(lm(y ~ x)))
# 1 2 3 4 5 6
# 0.9242663 1.9244255 2.9245847 3.9247439 4.9249031 5.9250622
out-of-sample predictions
Alternatively, here's how you could make out-of-sample predictions. I'll just reuse our existing feature vector x, but this could be test data instead.
# extract posterior means from the mcarray object by marginalizing over chains and iterations (alternative: posterior modes)
posterior_means <- lapply(samples, apply, 1, "mean")
# List of 3
# $ a : num -0.08
# $ b : num 1
# $ y.hat: num [1:1000] 0.92 1.92 2.92 3.92 4.92 ...
# create a model matrix from x
X <- cbind(1, x)
# x
# [1,] 1 1
# [2,] 1 2
# [3,] 1 3
# [4,] 1 4
# [5,] 1 5
# [6,] 1 6
# take our posterior means
B <- as.matrix(unlist(posterior_means[c("a", "b")]))
# [,1]
# a -0.07530888
# b 1.00015874
Given the model, the predicted outcome is a + b * x[i] as we wrote in jags.
# predicted outcomes are the product of our model matrix and estimates
y_hat <- X %*% B
# [,1]
# [1,] 0.9248499
# [2,] 1.9250086
# [3,] 2.9251673
# [4,] 3.9253261
# [5,] 4.9254848
# [6,] 5.9256436
