Keep rows which don't have specific number in cells - r

Having a dataframe like this:
structure(list(id = c(1, 2, 3), date1 = c(13, 9, 0), date2 = c(17L,
13L, 17L)), row.names = c(NA, -3L), class = "data.frame")
How is it possible to check if a row has different numbers than 0 or/and 17 and keep them into a new dataframe (excluding id column)?
Example expected output
id date1 date2
1 13 17
2 9 13

Try this:
df %>% filter(!(date1 %in% c(0L, 17L))|!(date2 %in% c(0L, 17L)))

data[rowSums(data[-1] != c(0, 17)) != 0, ]
# id date1 date2
#1 1 13 17
#2 2 9 13

Use if_all
df1 %>%
filter(!if_all(starts_with('date'), ~ .x %in% c(0, 17)))
id date1 date2
1 1 13 17
2 2 9 13


Extract data based on time to death

Hi I'm analysing the pattern of spending for individuals before they died. My dataset contains individuals' monthly spending and their dates of death. The dataset looks similar to this:
ID 2018_11 2018_12 2019_01 2019_02 2019_03 2019_04 2019_05 2019_06 2019_07 2019_08 2019_09 2019_10 2019_11 2019_12 2020_01 date_of_death
A 15 14 6 23 23 5 6 30 1 15 6 7 8 30 1 2020-01-02
B 2 5 6 7 7 8 9 15 12 14 31 30 31 0 0 2019-11-15
Each column denotes the month of the year. For example, "2018_11" means November 2018. The number in each cell denotes the spending in that specific month.
I would like to construct a data frame which contains the spending data of each individual in their last 0-12 months. It will look like this:
ID last_12_month last_11_month ...... last_1_month last_0_month date_of_death
A 6 23 30 1 2020-01-02
B 2 5 30 31 2019-11-15
Each individual died at different time. For example, individual A died on 2020-01-02, so the data of the "last_0_month" for this person should be extracted from the column "2020_01", and that of "last_12_month" extracted from "2019_01"; individual B died on 2019-11-15, so the data of "last_0_month" for this person should be extracted from the column "2019_11", and that of "last_12_month" should be extracted from the column "2018_11".
I will be really grateful for your help.
Using data.table and lubridate packages
dt <- melt(dt, id.vars = c("ID", "date_of_death"))
dt[, since_death := interval(ym(variable), ymd(date_of_death)) %/% months(1)]
dt <- dcast(dt[since_death %between% c(0, 12)], ID + date_of_death ~ since_death, value.var = "value", fun.aggregate = sum)
setcolorder(dt, c("ID", "date_of_death", rev(names(dt)[3:15])))
setnames(dt, old = names(dt)[3:15], new = paste("last", names(dt)[3:15], "month", sep = "_"))
# ID date_of_death last_12_month last_11_month last_10_month last_9_month last_8_month last_7_month last_6_month last_5_month last_4_month last_3_month
# 1: A 2020-01-02 6 23 23 5 6 30 1 15 6 7
# 2: B 2019-11-15 2 5 6 7 7 8 9 15 12 14
# last_2_month last_1_month last_0_month
# 1: 8 30 1
# 2: 31 30 31
dt <- structure(list(ID = c("A", "B"), `2018_11` = c(15L, 2L), `2018_12` = c(14L,
5L), `2019_01` = c(6L, 6L), `2019_02` = c(23L, 7L), `2019_03` = c(23L,
7L), `2019_04` = c(5L, 8L), `2019_05` = c(6L, 9L), `2019_06` = c(30L,
15L), `2019_07` = c(1L, 12L), `2019_08` = 15:14, `2019_09` = c(6L,
31L), `2019_10` = c(7L, 30L), `2019_11` = c(8L, 31L), `2019_12` = c(30L,
0L), `2020_01` = 1:0, date_of_death = structure(c(18263L, 18215L
), class = c("IDate", "Date"))), row.names = c(NA, -2L), class = c("data.frame"))
here you can find a similar approach to the one presented by #RuiBarradas but using lubridate for extracting the difference in months:
# Initial data
df <- structure(list(
ID = c("A", "B"),
`2018_11` = c(15, 2),
`2018_12` = c(14, 5),
`2019_01` = c(6, 6),
`2019_02` = c(23, 7),
`2019_03` = c(23, 7),
`2019_04` = c(5, 8),
`2019_05` = c(6, 9),
`2019_06` = c(30, 15),
`2019_07` = c(1, 12),
`2019_08` = c(15, 14),
`2019_09` = c(6, 31),
`2019_10` = c(7, 30),
`2019_11` = c(8, 31),
`2019_12` = c(30, 0),
`2020_01` = c(1, 0),
date_of_death = c("2020-01-02", "2019-11-15")
row.names = c(NA, -2L),
class = "data.frame"
# Convert to longer all cols that start with 20 (e.g. 2020, 2021)
df_long <- df %>%
pivot_longer(starts_with("20"), names_to = "month")
# treatment
df_long <- df_long %>%
# To date, just in case
date_of_death = as.Date(date_of_death),
# Need to reformat the colnames from (e.g.) 2021_01 to 2021-01-01
month_fmt = as.Date(paste0(gsub("_", "-", df_long$month), "-01")),
# End of month
month_fmt = ceiling_date(month_fmt, "month") - days(1),
# End of month for month of death
date_of_death_eom = ceiling_date(date_of_death, "month") - days(1),
# Difference in months (using end of months
month_diff = round(time_length(
interval(month_fmt, date_of_death_eom),"month"),0)) %>%
# Select only months bw 0 and 12
filter(month_diff %in% 0:12) %>%
# Create labels for the next step
mutate(labs = paste0("last_", month_diff,"_month"))
# To wider
end <- df_long %>%
id_cols = c(ID, date_of_death),
names_from = labs,
values_from = value
#> # A tibble: 2 x 15
#> ID date_of_death last_12_month last_11_month last_10_month last_9_month
#> <chr> <date> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 A 2020-01-02 6 23 23 5
#> 2 B 2019-11-15 2 5 6 7
#> # ... with 9 more variables: last_8_month <dbl>, last_7_month <dbl>,
#> # last_6_month <dbl>, last_5_month <dbl>, last_4_month <dbl>,
#> # last_3_month <dbl>, last_2_month <dbl>, last_1_month <dbl>,
#> # last_0_month <dbl>
Created on 2022-03-09 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
Here is a tidyverse solution.
Reshape the data to long format, coerce the date columns to class "Date", use Dirk Eddelbuettel's accepted answer to this question to compute the date differences in months and keep the rows with month differences between 0 and 12.
This grouped long format is probably more useful and I compute means by group and plot the spending of the last 12 months prior to death but since the question asks for a wide format, the output data set spending12_wide is created.
df1 <- read.table(text = "
ID 2018_11 2018_12 2019_01 2019_02 2019_03 2019_04 2019_05 2019_06 2019_07 2019_08 2019_09 2019_10 2019_11 2019_12 2020_01 date_of_death
A 15 14 6 23 23 5 6 30 1 15 6 7 8 30 1 2020-01-02
B 2 5 6 7 7 8 9 15 12 14 31 30 31 0 0 2019-11-15
", header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE)
# Dirk's functions
monnb <- function(d) {
lt <- as.POSIXlt(as.Date(d, origin = "1900-01-01"))
lt$year*12 + lt$mon
# compute a month difference as a difference between two monnb's
diffmon <- function(d1, d2) { monnb(d2) - monnb(d1) }
spending12 <- df1 %>%
pivot_longer(cols = starts_with('20'), names_to = "month") %>%
mutate(month = as.Date(paste0(month, "_01"), "%Y_%m_%d"),
date_of_death = as.Date(date_of_death)) %>%
group_by(ID, date_of_death) %>%
mutate(diffm = diffmon(month, date_of_death)) %>%
filter(diffm >= 0 & diffm <= 12)
spending12 %>% summarise(spending = mean(value), .groups = "drop")
#> # A tibble: 2 x 3
#> ID date_of_death spending
#> <chr> <date> <dbl>
#> 1 A 2020-01-02 12.4
#> 2 B 2019-11-15 13.6
spending12_wide <- spending12 %>%
mutate(month = zoo::as.yearmon(month)) %>%
id_cols = c(ID, date_of_death),
names_from = diffm,
names_glue = "last_{.name}_month",
values_from = value
#> # A tibble: 2 x 15
#> # Groups: ID, date_of_death [2]
#> ID date_of_death last_12_month last_11_month last_10_month last_9_month last_8_month last_7_month last_6_month last_5_month last_4_month last_3_month last_2_month last_1_month last_0_month
#> <chr> <date> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
#> 1 A 2020-01-02 6 23 23 5 6 30 1 15 6 7 8 30 1
#> 2 B 2019-11-15 2 5 6 7 7 8 9 15 12 14 31 30 31
ggplot(spending12, aes(month, value, color = ID)) +
geom_line() +
Created on 2022-03-09 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

Add a new column with sum of count to a dataframe according to informations from another in R

I would need help in order to add count column into a table called tab1 according to another tab2.
Here is the first tab :
Event_Groups Other_column
1 1_G1,2_G2 A
2 2_G1 B
3 4_G4 C
4 7_G5,8_G5,9_G5 D
as you can see in Event_Groups column I have 2 information (Event and Groups numbers separated by a "_"). These informations will also be found in tab2$Group and tab2$Event and the idea is for each element within rows in tab1 (separated by a comma) , to count the number of rows within tab2 where VALUE1 < 10 AND VALUE2 > 30 and then add this count into tab1 in a new column called Sum_count.
Here is the
Group Event VALUE1 VALUE2
1 G1 1 5 50 <- VALUE1 < 10 & VALUE2 > 30 : count 1
2 G1 2 6 20 <- VALUE2 < 30 : count 0
3 G2 2 50 50 <- VALUE1 > 10 : count 0
4 G3 3 0 0
5 G4 1 0 0
6 G4 4 2 40 <- VALUE1 < 10 & VALUE2 > 30 : count 1
7 G5 7 1 70 <- VALUE1 < 10 & VALUE2 > 30 : count 1
8 G5 8 4 67 <- VALUE1 < 10 & VALUE2 > 30 : count 1
9 G5 9 3 60 <- VALUE1 < 10 & VALUE2 > 30 : count 1
Example :
For instance for the first element of row1 in tab1: 1_G1
we see in tab2 (row1) that VALUE1 < 10 & VALUE2 > 30, so I count 1.
For the seconde element (row1) : 2_G2 we see in tab2 (row3) that VALUE1 > 10, so I count 0.
And here is the expected result tab1 dataframe;
Event_Groups Other_column Sum_count
1_G1,2_G2 A 1
2_G1 B 0
4_G4 C 1
7_G5,8_G5,9_G5 D 3
I dot not know if I am clear enough, do not hesitate to ask questions.
Here are the two tables in dput format if it can helps:
structure(list(Event_Groups = structure(1:4, .Label = c("1_G1,2_G2",
"2_G1", "4_G4", "7_G5,8_G5,9_G5"), class = "factor"), Other_column =
structure(1:4, .Label = c("A", "B", "C", "D"), class = "factor")),
class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
structure(list(Group = structure(c(1L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 4L, 5L,
5L, 5L), .Label = c("G1", "G2", "G3", "G4", "G5"), class = "factor"),
Event = c(1L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 1L, 4L, 7L, 8L, 9L), VALUE1 = c(5L,
6L, 50L, 0L, 0L, 2L, 1L, 4L, 3L), VALUE2 = c(50, 20, 50,
0, 0, 40, 70, 67, 60)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
Here is one way to do it:
tab1 %>%
mutate(Event_Groups = as.character(Event_Groups)) %>%
separate_rows(Event_Groups, sep = ",") %>%
tab2 %>%
unite(col = "Event_Groups", Event, Group) %>%
mutate(count = if_else(VALUE1 < 10 & VALUE2 > 30,1L, 0L))) %>%
group_by(Other_column) %>%
summarise(Event_Groups = paste(unique(Event_Groups), collapse = ","),
Sum_count = sum(count)) %>%
select(Event_Groups, everything())
#> Joining, by = "Event_Groups"
#> `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
#> # A tibble: 4 x 3
#> Event_Groups Other_column Sum_count
#> <chr> <fct> <int>
#> 1 1_G1,2_G2 A 1
#> 2 2_G1 B 0
#> 3 4_G4 C 1
#> 4 7_G5,8_G5,9_G5 D 3
Created on 2021-07-29 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
You can try a tidyverse
tab1 %>%
rownames_to_column() %>%
separate_rows(Event_Groups, sep = ",") %>%
separate(Event_Groups, into = c("Event", "Group"), sep="_", convert = T) %>%
left_join(tab2 %>%
mutate(count = as.numeric(VALUE1 < 10 & VALUE2 > 30)),
by = c("Event", "Group")) %>%
unite(Event_Groups, Event, Group) %>%
group_by(rowname) %>%
summarise(Event_Groups = toString(Event_Groups),
Other_column = unique(Other_column),
count =sum(count))
# A tibble: 4 x 4
rowname Event_Groups Other_column count
<chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 1 1_G1, 2_G2 A 1
2 2 2_G1 B 0
3 3 4_G4 C 1
4 4 7_G5, 8_G5, 9_G5 D 3

How to reconcile two different IDs as one, then apply to a df with both IDs but count the subject only once in R?

I have two different IDs for the same subject(patient).
In this other vector of IDs, the two IDs are both in there that indicate the same patient. How do I only count the patient once(by ID1), instead of two different patients with different IDs?
11 12
13 14
15 16
I want to count only the unique patients by ID1, such that I would get
Thank you!
I think probably you need this
df %>% filter((ID1 %in% vector) | (ID2 %in% vector)) %>%
1 11
2 13
3 15
Check it on a better sample
df <- structure(list(ID1 = c(11L, 13L, 15L, 17L, 19L, 21L), ID2 = c(12L,
14L, 16L, 18L, 20L, 22L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
> df
1 11 12
2 13 14
3 15 16
4 17 18
5 19 20
6 21 22
vector <- c(11, 12, 13, 13, 14, 16, 18, 18)
> df %>% filter((ID1 %in% vector) | (ID2 %in% vector)) %>% select(ID1)
1 11
2 13
3 15
4 17
By slightly modifying Ronak's code, you can get same results
df %>%
mutate(ID = row_number()) %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = c(ID1, ID2)) %>%
inner_join(tibble::enframe(vector), by = 'value') %>%
distinct(ID, .keep_all = T) %>%
select(ID, value) %>%
inner_join(df %>% mutate(ID = row_number()), by = 'ID') %>%
Create a unique ID number for each patient, get the data in long format so both the ID's are in same column, join it with the vector select vector values for distinct ID values.
df %>%
mutate(ID = row_number()) %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = c(ID1, ID2)) %>%
inner_join(tibble::enframe(vector), by = 'value') %>%
distinct(ID, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
# value
# <dbl>
#1 11
#2 13
#3 16
df <- structure(list(ID1 = c(11L, 13L, 15L), ID2 = c(12L, 14L, 16L)),
class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -3L))
vector <- c(11, 12, 13, 13, 14, 16)
You can use any with %in% by selecting the rows with apply to subset ID1.
ID$ID1[apply(ID, 1, function(z) any(v %in% z))]
#[1] 11 13 15
or use rowSums.
ID$ID1[rowSums(sapply(ID, "%in%", v)) > 0]
#[1] 11 13 15
ID <- read.table(header=TRUE, text="ID1 ID2
11 12
13 14
15 16")
v <- c(11,12,13,13,14,16)

R Replace NA for all Columns Except *

df <- tibble(Date = c(rep(as.Date("2020-01-01"), 3), NA),
col1 = 1:4,
thisCol = c(NA, 8, NA, 3),
thatCol = 25:28,
col999 = rep(99, 4))
#> # A tibble: 4 x 5
#> Date col1 thisCol thatCol col999
#> <date> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 2020-01-01 1 NA 25 99
#> 2 2020-01-01 2 8 26 99
#> 3 2020-01-01 3 NA 27 99
#> 4 NA 4 3 28 99
My actual R data frame has hundreds of columns that aren't neatly named, but can be approximated by the df data frame above.
I want to replace all values of NA with 0, with the exception of several columns (in my example I want to leave out the Date column and the thatCol column. I'd want to do it in this sort of fashion:
df %>% replace(, 0)
#> Error: Assigned data `values` must be compatible with existing data.
#> i Error occurred for column `Date`.
#> x Can't convert <double> to <date>.
#> Run `rlang::last_error()` to see where the error occurred.
And my unsuccessful ideas for accomplishing the "everything except" replace NA are shown below.
df %>% replace(, -c(Date, thatCol)), 0))
df %>% replace_na(list([, c(2:3, 5)] = 0))
df %>% replace_na(list(everything(-c(Date, thatCol)) = 0))
Is there a way to select everything BUT in the way I need to? There's hundred of columns, named inconsistently, so typing them one by one is not a practical option.
You can use mutate_at :
Remove them by Name
df %>% mutate_at(vars(-c(Date, thatCol)), ~replace(.,, 0))
Remove them by position
df %>% mutate_at(-c(1,4), ~replace(.,, 0))
Select them by name
df %>% mutate_at(vars(col1, thisCol, col999), ~replace(.,, 0))
Select them by position
df %>% mutate_at(c(2, 3, 5), ~replace(.,, 0))
If you want to use replace_na
df %>% mutate_at(vars(-c(Date, thatCol)), tidyr::replace_na, 0)
Note that mutate_at is soon going to be replaced by across in dplyr 1.0.0.
You have several options here based on data.table.
One of the coolest options: setnafill (version >= 1.12.4):
data.table::setnafill(df,fill = 0, cols = colnames(df)[!(colnames(df) %in% c("Date", thatCol)]))
Note that your dataframe is updated by reference.
Another base solution:
df[to_change]<- sapply(df[to_change],function(x) replace(x,,0))
# A tibble: 4 x 5
Date col1 thisCol thatCol col999
<date> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl>
1 2020-01-01 1 0 25 99
2 2020-01-01 2 8 26 99
3 2020-01-01 3 0 27 99
4 NA 0 3 28 99
Data(I changed one value):
df <- structure(list(Date = structure(c(18262, 18262, 18262, NA), class = "Date"),
col1 = c(1L, 2L, 3L, NA), thisCol = c(NA, 8, NA, 3), thatCol = 25:28,
col999 = c(99, 99, 99, 99)), row.names = c(NA, -4L), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame"))
replace works on a data.frame, so we can just do the replacement by index and update the original dataset
df[-c(1, 4)] <- replace(df[-c(1, 4)],[-c(1, 4)]), 0)
Or using replace_na with across (from the new dplyr)
df %>%
mutate(across(-c(Date, thatCol), ~ replace_na(., 0)))
If you know the ones that you don't want to change, you could do it like this:
df <- tibble(Date = c(rep(as.Date("2020-01-01"), 3), NA),
col1 = 1:4,
thisCol = c(NA, 8, NA, 3),
thatCol = 25:28,
col999 = rep(99, 4))
df_nonreplace <- select(df, c("Date", "thatCol"))
df_replace <- df[ ,!names(df) %in% names(df_nonreplace)]
df_replace[] <- 0
df <- cbind(df_nonreplace, df_replace)
> head(df)
Date thatCol col1 thisCol col999
1 2020-01-01 25 1 0 99
2 2020-01-01 26 2 8 99
3 2020-01-01 27 3 0 99
4 <NA> 28 4 3 99

How to recursive replace an element with value from 2 columns of previous row

I have a data set of the following:
Id Val1 Val2
ID1 3 12
ID1 4 NA
ID1 -2 NA
ID1 4 33
ID2 4 NA
I want to replace the NA with Val1+Val2 from the previous row if the Id is the same. The following is the ideal output:
Id Val1 Val2
ID1 3 12
ID1 4 15
ID1 -2 19
ID1 4 33
ID2 4 NA
I have a very big dataset. I personally don’t like the for loop in r and am looking for a beautiful vectorization solutions.
Here is one option where we group by 'Id' and a group created by taking the cumulative sum of logical vector i.e. where there are no missing values in 'Val2', then add (+) the first element of 'Val2' with the cumsum of 'Val1', take the lag, ungroup and remove the temporary 'grp' column
df1 %>%
group_by(Id, grp = cumsum(! %>%
mutate(Val2 = lag(first(Val2) + cumsum(Val1), default = first(Val2))) %>%
ungroup %>%
# A tibble: 5 x 3
# Id Val1 Val2
# <fct> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 ID1 3 12
#2 ID1 4 15
#3 ID1 -2 19
#4 ID1 4 33
#5 ID2 4 NA
df1 <- structure(list(Id = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L), .Label = c("ID1",
"ID2"), class = "factor"), Val1 = c(3, 4, -2, 4, 4), Val2 = c(12,
NA, NA, 33, NA)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -5L
