How to convert a AnyValue::Datetime into a chrono Timestamp - datetime

I have use Polars in my Cargo.toml like this:
polars = { version = "0.24.3", features = ["lazy", "temporal", "ipc", "ipc_streaming", "dtype-datetime"] }
I have a Series extracted from a DataFrame that has datetime[ns] without a timezone. I now would like to convert this data into chrono objects, but I am not sure how. This is what I tried:
c.iter().for_each(|r| {
let c: chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc> = r.into();
Unfortunately, the compiler says this does not work - and none of the other implementations seem useful to me:
error[E0277]: the trait bound `polars::export::chrono::DateTime<Utc>: From<polars::prelude::AnyValue<'_>>` is not satisfied
--> src/
21 | let c: chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc> = r.into();
| ^^^^ the trait `From<polars::prelude::AnyValue<'_>>` is not implemented for `polars::export::chrono::DateTime<Utc>`
= help: the following other types implement trait `From<T>`:
<polars::export::chrono::DateTime<FixedOffset> as From<polars::export::chrono::DateTime<Local>>>
<polars::export::chrono::DateTime<FixedOffset> as From<polars::export::chrono::DateTime<Utc>>>
<polars::export::chrono::DateTime<Local> as From<SystemTime>>
<polars::export::chrono::DateTime<Local> as From<polars::export::chrono::DateTime<FixedOffset>>>
<polars::export::chrono::DateTime<Local> as From<polars::export::chrono::DateTime<Utc>>>
<polars::export::chrono::DateTime<Utc> as From<SystemTime>>
<polars::export::chrono::DateTime<Utc> as From<polars::export::chrono::DateTime<FixedOffset>>>
<polars::export::chrono::DateTime<Utc> as From<polars::export::chrono::DateTime<Local>>>
= note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `Into<polars::export::chrono::DateTime<Utc>>` for `polars::prelude::AnyValue<'_>````

I now realized that I can directly cast the series, so this seems to work:
let v: Vec<_> = c.datetime()?.as_datetime_iter().map(|b| b.unwrap()).collect();


Using `should equal` with sequences in F# and FsUnit

I am using FsUnit.Xunit. I am getting a failure for the following test case:
let ``Initialization of DFF`` () =
dff Seq.empty Seq.empty |> should equal (seq {Zero})
The test failure is:
FsUnit.Xunit+MatchException : Exception of type 'FsUnit.Xunit+MatchException' was thrown.
Expected: Equals seq [Zero]
Actual: seq [Zero]
Stack Trace: 
That.Static[a](a actual, IMatcher`1 matcher)
Signal.Initialization of DFF() line 11
I get the same error if the test is:
let ``Initialization of DFF`` () =
dff Seq.empty Seq.empty |> should equal (Seq.singleton Zero)
I have never tested equality of sequences using FsUnit.Xunit, so I am confused what's going on. I'm not even for sure what the failure message is telling me, as it seems to be saying that the expected and actual are the same. I can get this to work fine by converting the sequences to lists, but it would be nice to not have to do that.
Could someone explain what's going on here? It seems I'm not understanding the error message and thus probably something about Equals and comparing sequence values (literals?). Thanks.
Source code to be able to reproduce (I think this is everything):
type Bit =
| Zero
| One
type Signal = seq<Bit>
let Nand a b =
match a, b with
| Zero, Zero -> One
| Zero, One -> One
| One, Zero -> One
| One, One -> Zero
let Not input =
Nand input input
let And a b =
Not (Nand a b)
let Or a b =
Nand (Not a) (Not b)
let private liftToSignal1 op (signal: Signal) : Signal = op signal
let private liftToSignal2 op (signalA: Signal) (signalB: Signal) : Signal =
Seq.map2 op signalA signalB
let Not' = liftToSignal1 Not
let And' = liftToSignal2 And
let Or' = liftToSignal2 Or
let rec dff data clock : Signal =
seq {
yield Zero
yield! Or' (And' data clock)
(And' (dff data clock) (Not' clock))
This is an issue with structural vs. referential equality.
In F# seq { 'a' } = seq { 'a' } // false but [ 'a' ] = [ 'a' ] // true due to seq being IEnumerable and not supporting structural equality (or comparison).
Lists (and other F# container-like types) are much more 'intelligent', i.e. they support structural equality / comparison if the contained objects support it:
[ {| foo = StringComparison.Ordinal; bar = Some(1.23) |} ] =
[ {| foo = StringComparison.Ordinal; bar = Some(1.23) |} ] // true
but don't, if they contain anything that doesn't:
[ box(fun() -> 3) ] = [ box(fun() -> 3) ] // false
So, to make the test work, add a List.ofSeq:
dff Seq.empty Seq.empty |> List.ofSeq |> should equal [ Zero ]

Converting a list of integers to a map of vertices containing the elements coordinates

This is what i have at the moment
(string -> int list)
let read filename = ....
this is working as intended, returning a list of integers from a textfile looking like this:
Yes you are correct, it is a sudoku board. This is what i have to work with:
type vertex = int * int (*Cells in the sudoku board*)
type gamma = int (*representing colors 1-9*)
(* [Vertex = Map.Make(Vertex)] *)
module Vertex = Map.Make(struct
type t = vertex
let compare =
(* [Gamma = Set.Make(Gamma)] *)
module Gamma = Set.Make(struct
type t = gamma
let compare =
The gamma set is for solving the sudoku board using graph coloring. I need help understanding how i can convert the list of integers to a suitable map for this kind of task. According to the structure i provided, so i can access each element in the map using it coordinates (x, y). Hope you understand, otherwise i will try to provide more info. I'm reaaally bad at OCaml but trying to learn. I'm sorry for body errors etc, first time posting here.
As far as I can understand your task, the text file contains a grid of digits with the initial disposition for sudoku. So you shouldn't interpret a line in the file as a single integer but rather as a list of integers. You can either change your read function so that it returns int list list instead of int list and then use List.fold_left over the list that will also count the position of an element in the list, but it is tedious. It is much easier to read the grid directly from the file, e.g.,
let read_matrix chan =
let rec loop i j grid =
match input_char chan with
| exception End_of_file -> grid
| '\n' -> loop (i+1) 0 grid
| '0'..'9' as c ->
loop i (j+1) ##
Vertex.add (i,j) (ascii_digit c) grid
| _ -> invalid_arg "invalid input" in
loop 0 0 Vertex.empty
where ascii_digit is defined as,
let ascii_digit c = Char.code c - Char.code '0'
The read_matrix function takes the channel as input so to read the grid from a file you can define,
let matrix_from_file file =
let chan = open_in file in
let r = read_matrix chan in
close_in chan;
Hint: you probably also don't want to include positions with 0 in your grid. It is easy to achieve, just add another case to the pattern in the loop function that will skip it, e.g.,
| '0' -> loop i (j+1) grid

Rust ndarray type error: trait bound not implemented

I'm using ndarray and ndarray_einsum_beta to mimic numpy.einsum.
I seem to be getting a type error trying to implement the basic example given:
let m1 = arr1(&[1, 2]);
let m2 = arr2(&[[1, 2], [3, 4]]);
println!("{:?}", einsum("i,ij->j", &[&m1, &m2]));
For both m1 and m2 I get the error:
the trait bound ndarray::ArrayBase<ndarray::OwnedRepr<{integer}>,
ndarray::Dim<[usize; 1]>>: ndarray_einsum_beta::ArrayLike<_> is not
the trait ndarray_einsum_beta::ArrayLike<_> is not implemented for
ndarray::Dim<[usize; 1]>>
note: required for the cast to the object type dyn
As shown in the console on compilcation:
use ndarray::prelude::*;
use ndarray_einsum_beta::*;
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
let m1 = arr1(&[1, 2]);
let m2 = arr2(&[[1, 2], [3, 4]]);
println!("{:?}", einsum("i,ij->j", &[&m1, &m2]));
Whole Cargo.toml:
name = "clean_slate"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Jonathan <>"]
edition = "2018"
# See more keys and their definitions at
ndarray = "0.13.0"
ndarray_einsum_beta = "0.4.4"
I really cannot figure what I have done wrong here, my best guess right now is perhaps a bad version combination of ndarray and ndarray_eisum_beta.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Apparently ndarray_einsum_beta depends on ndarray-0.12. Changing the dependencies of your project solves the problem:
ndarray = "0.12"
ndarray_einsum_beta = "0.4.4"

How make .NET Mutable Dictionary<T, T> with StructuralComparison & Equality in F#

I Know F# have the MAP, but I wanna use the .NET Dictionary. This dict have key as string and values as F# values + the dict, ie:
type ExprC =
| StrC of string
| BoolC of bool
| IntC of int32
| DecC of decimal
| ArrayC of int * array<ExprC>
| RelC of RelationC
and RelationC = Dictionary<string, ExprC>
Now, the problem I wanna solve is how provide the RelationC type with structural equality. If is required to encapsulate the actual storage, how create a container that is a replacement for Dictionary, use it for mutable operations and have structural equality?
With the current answer, this code not work (of curse the implementation is not complete, however, this not even compile):
[<CustomEquality; CustomComparison>]
type MyDict() =
inherit Dictionary<string, ExprC>()
override this.Equals x =
match x with
| :? MyDict as y -> (this = y)
| _ -> false
override this.GetHashCode () =
hash this
interface System.IComparable with
member x.CompareTo yobj =
match yobj with
| :? MyDict as y -> compare x y
| _ -> invalidArg "MyDict" "cannot compare values of different types"
and [<StructuralEquality;StructuralComparison>] ExprC =
| IntC of int
| StrC of string
| MapC of MyDict
This is the error:
Error FS0377: This type uses an invalid mix of the attributes
'NoEquality', 'ReferenceEquality', 'StructuralEquality',
'NoComparison' and 'StructuralComparison' (FS0377)
If you absolutely must use Dictionary<string, ExprC>, you could derive from Dictionary<'k, 'v> and override Equals:
type MyDict() =
inherit Dictionary<string, ExprC>()
override this.Equals x =
true // real implementation goes here
override this.GetHashCode () =
0 // real implementation goes here
Here, you'd need to implement Equals to have structural equality, and you'll need to implement GetHashCode to match you Equals implementation.
Another alternative, if you don't need the concrete class Dictionary<'k, 'v>, is to define your own class that implements IDictionary<TKey, TValue>.
While possible, this sounds like a lot of work. It'd be much easier to use a Map, which has structural equality by default:
let m1 = Map.ofList [("foo", 1); ("bar", 2); ("baz", 3)]
let m2 = Map.ofList [("bar", 2); ("foo", 1); ("baz", 3)]
let m3 = Map.ofList [("bar", 2); ("foo", 1); ("baz", 4)]
> m1 = m2;;
val it : bool = true
> m1 = m3;;
val it : bool = false
Regarding the question at the end of the updated original post: What is the reason for "This type uses an invalid mix..."? This is a bug in the F# compiler, the error message is misleading, see Github. The solution is to simply remove all attributes from MyDict.

Mutable Data in OCaml

I've created a mutable data structure in OCaml, however when I go to access it, it gives a weird error,
Here is my code
type vector = {a:float;b:float};;
type vec_store = {mutable seq:vector array;mutable size:int};;
let max_seq_length = ref 200;;
exception Out_of_bounds;;
exception Vec_store_full;;
let vec_mag {a=c;b=d} = sqrt( c**2.0 +. d**2.0);;
let make_vec_store() =
let vecarr = ref ((Array.create (!max_seq_length)) {a=0.0;b=0.0}) in
{seq= !vecarr;size=0};;
When I do this in ocaml top-level
let x = make _ vec _store;;
and then try to do x.size I get this error
Error: This expression has type unit -> vec_store
but an expression was expected of type vec_store
Whats seems to be the problem? I cant see why this would not work.
make_vec_store is a function. When you say let x = make_vec_store, you are setting x to be that function, just like if you'd written let x = 1, that would make x the number 1. What you want is the result of calling that function. According to make_vec_store's definition, it takes () (also known as "unit") as an argument, so you would write let x = make_vec_store ().
try x = make_ vec_store()
As a follow up to the excellent answere provided. You can tell that your example line:
# let x = make_vec_store;;
val x : unit -> vec_store = <fun>
returns a function as the repl will tell you this. You can see from the output that x is of type <fun> that takes no parameters unit and returns a type vec_store.
Contrast this to the declaration
# let x = 1;;
val x : int = 1
which tells you that x is of type int and value 1.
