R Read-Functions for CSV-files - r

I have an issue, where I'm reading in big (+500mb) CSV-files and then want to verify that all data has been read in correctly. To do so, I have been using a comparison between length() of readLines() and nrow() of read.csv2.
The following is my R-code:
df <- readFileFromServer(HOST, KEY,
FUN = read.csv2,
sep = ";",
quote = "", encoding = "UTF-8", skipNul = TRUE)
df_check <- readFileFromServer(HOST, KEY,
FUN = readLines,skipNul = TRUE)`
Then I verify that all data was loaded, by checking:
if(nrow(df) != (length(df_check) - dif)){
stop("some error msg")
dif is set to 1, to account for header in the CSV-files.
This check is the part that fails for a given CSV-file.
This has been working as intended up until this point, but now this check is causing issues, but I cannot fully understand why.
The one CSV-file that fails the check has "NULL" in the data, which I believe readLines interprets as a delimiter, thus causing a new line, and then the check fails, but I'm really not sure.
I tried parsing different parameters to my readfunctions, but issue still persists.
I expect readlines and read.csv2 to result in equal the same length()-1 and nrow() respectively, as shown in my code-snippet.

This is not a proper answer, but it was too long for a comment. This would be my debug strategy here.
Pick a file that fails. Slurp it with readLines.
Save the file locally using writeLines.
Your first job is to make sure that the check fails also when the file
is loaded from the disk. My first thought would be that the file transfer the first time you have run readFilesFromServer and the second time were not precisely identical.
Now. If your problem persists for the given file when you read it locally with read.csv (different number of rows than number of lines in the readLine output), your job becomes much easier (and faster, probably) to solve.
First, take a look at the beginning of the CSV file and at its end. Are they as they should be? Do they match the data in the head and tail of your data frame? If yes, then you need to find the missing lines systematically.
Since CSV is just comma separated files, you can compare each line read from the CSV file with readLines with the line as it should be based on the table you have read using read.csv. How this should be done, depends on how your original csv file looks like (whether you need to insert quotes etc.). Basically, you need to figure out a way of restoring the lines of the CSV file from the data in your data frame, and then looking for the first line that is different.
Here is some code to give you an idea what I mean:
## first, prepare data – for this example only!
f <- file("test.csv", "w")
writeLines(c("a,b,c", "1,what ever,42", "12,89,one"), f)
## actual test
## first, read the file with readlines
f <- file("test.csv", "r")
rl <- readLines(f)
## then, read it with test.csv
csv <- read.csv("test.csv")
## third, prepare the lines as they should look based on the CSV
rl_sim <- do.call(paste, c(csv, sep=","))
## find the first mismatch
for(i in 1:length(rl_sim)) {
if(rl_sim[i] != rl[i + 1]) {
message("Problems start at line ", i, "\n", rl_sim[i], rl[i + 1])


R Session Aborted When Reading Large Dataset

I need to read ~20,000 csv files (~500GB), then filter the data and bind them together. My code works when I only read ~15,000 files, but it prompts 'R session aborted' when I read ~20,000 files.
ReadCustomer = function(x)
fread(x, encoding = "UTF-8", select = c("customer_sysno", "event_cat2")) %>%
filter(event_cat2 == "***") %>%
select(customer_sysno) %>%
rename(CustomerSysNo = customer_sysno) %>%
mutate(CustomerSysNo = as.numeric(CustomerSysNo)) %>%
filter(CustomerSysNo > 0)
CustomerData = rbindlist(lapply(FileList, ReadCustomer))
I tried replacing fread(x, encoding = "UTF-8", select = c("customer_sysno", "event_cat2")) by spark_read_csv(sc, "Data", x), but sparkR still didn't work.
How can I read all the files? Will Rcpp help?
Do you know how many rows you get back from each file, you don't say?
You're essentially posing this problem as a straightforward filtering exercise; you want only the customer_sysno column where certain conditions are met. What you then want to do with this will influence whether you even want to merge them all together.
I propose opening an output file and appending each new output to it. Then you've got a local file containing all your desired customer_sysno values. You can then walk through or sample that as suits your use case.
If the rows where your event_cat2 condition is met is actually a small subset of each file, and each file is big, then another approach would be to readLine your way through them, maybe in conjunction with appending results to an output file. This is basically asking R to do a job like (g)awk is awesome at, so that might be a useful preprocessing step to get you the desired data.

Loading csv into R with `sep=,` as the first line

The program I am exporting my data from (PowerBI) saves the data as a .csv file, but the first line of the file is sep=, and then the second line of the file has the header (column names).
Sample fake .csv file:
Initiative,Actual to Estimate (revised),Hours Logged,Revised Estimate,InitiativeType,Client
FakeInitiative1 ,35 %,320.08,911,Platform,FakeClient1
FakeInitiative2,40 %,161.50,400,Platform,FakeClient2
I'm using this command to read the file:
initData <- read.csv("initData.csv",
stringsAsFactors = F)
but I keep getting an error that there are the wrong number of columns (because it thinks the first line tells it the number of columns).
If I do header=F instead then it loads, but then when I do names(initData) <- initData[2,] then the names have spaces and illegal characters and it breaks the rest of my program. Obnoxious.
Does anyone know how to tell R to ignore that first line? I can go into the .csv file in a text editor and just delete the first line manually before I load it each time (if I do that, everything works fine) but I have to export a bunch of files and this is a bit stupid and tedious.
Any help would be much appreciated.
There are many ways to do that. Here's one:
all_content = readLines("initData.csv")
skip_first_line = all_content[-1]
initData <- read.csv(textConnection(skip_first_line),
stringsAsFactors = F)
Your file could be in a UTF-16 encoding. See hrbrmstr's answer in how to read a UTF-16 file:

Deleting headers of various lengths in r

I am working to combine multiple .txt files, using the read.fwf function. My issue is that each text file is preceded by several header lines, varying from 23-28 lines before the data actually start. I want to somehow delete the first n rows in the file, so that all I am importing and combing are the data themselves.
Does anyone have any clues on how to do this? The start of each data file will be the same ("01Jan") followed by a year. I basically want to delete everything before 01Jan in the file.
Right now, my code looks like:
for (i in 1:length(files.x)){
if (!exists("X")){
X<-read.fwf(files.x[i], c(11,5, 16), header=FALSE, skip=23, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
X<-head(X, -1) #delete the last row of each table
names(X)<-c("Date", "Time", "Data")
} else if (exists("X")){
temp_X<-read.fwf(files.x[i], c(11,5,16), header=FALSE, skip=23, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) #read in fixed width file
temp_X<-head(temp_X, -1)
names(temp_X)<-c("Date", "Time", "Data")
X<-rbind(X, temp_X)
I need the skip=23 to vary according to the file being read in. Any ideas other than manually reading in each file and then combining?
hdr <- readLines(files.x[i],n=50) ## or some reasonable upper bound
firstLine <- grep("^01Jan",hdr)[1]
X <- read.fwf(files.x[i], skip=firstLine-1, ...)
Also, it would be more efficient to read in all the files via fileList <- lapply(files.x,getFile) (where getFile is a little utility function you write to encapsulate the logic of reading in a single file) and then do.call(rbind,fileList)

Read, process and export analysis results from multiple .csv files in R

I have a bunch of CSV files and I would like to perform the same analysis (in R) on the data within each file. Firstly, I assume each file must be read into R (as opposed to running a function on the CSV and providing output, like a sed script).
What is the best way to input numerous CSV files to R, in order to perform the analysis and then output separate results for each input?
Thanks (btw I'm a complete R newbie)
You could go for Sean's option, but it's going to lead to several problems:
You'll end up with a lot of unrelated objects in the environment, with the same name as the file they belong to. This is a problem because...
For loops can be pretty slow, and because you've got this big pile of unrelated objects, you're going to have to rely on for loops over the filenames for each subsequent piece of analysis - otherwise, how the heck are you going to remember what the objects are named so that you can call them?
Calling objects by pasting their names in as strings - which you'll have to do, because, again, your only record of what the object is called is in this list of strings - is a real pain. Have you ever tried to call an object when you can't write its name in the code? I have, and it's horrifying.
A better way of doing it might be with lapply().
# List files
filelist <- list.files(pattern = "*.csv")
# Now we use lapply to perform a set of operations
# on each entry in the list of filenames.
to_dispose_of <- lapply(filelist, function(x) {
# Read in the file specified by 'x' - an entry in filelist
data.df <- read.csv(x, skip = 1, header = TRUE)
# Store the filename, minus .csv. This will be important later.
filename <- substr(x = x, start = 1, stop = (nchar(x)-4))
# Your analysis work goes here. You only have to write it out once
# to perform it on each individual file.
# Eventually you'll end up with a data frame or a vector of analysis
# to write out. Great! Since you've kept the value of x around,
# you can do that trivially
write.table(x = data_to_output,
file = paste0(filename, "_analysis.csv"),
sep = ",")
And done.
You can try the following codes by putting all csv files in the same directory.
names = list.files(pattern="*.csv") %csv file names
for(i in 1:length(names)){ assign(names[i],read.csv(names[i],skip=1, header=TRUE))}
Hope this helps !

Quotation issues reading data into R

I have some data from and I am trying to load it into R. It is in .csv files and I can view the data in both Excel and OpenOffice. (If you are curious, it is the 2011 poll results data from Elections Canada data available here).
The data is coded in an unusual manner. A typical line is:
12002,Central Nova","Nova-Centre"," 1","River John",N,N,"",1,299,"Chisholm","","Matthew","Green Party","Parti Vert",N,N,11
There is a " on the end of the Central-Nova but not at the beginning. So in order to read in the data, I suppressed the quotes, which worked fine for the first few files. ie.
test<-read.csv("pollresults_resultatsbureau11001.csv",header = TRUE,sep=",",fileEncoding="latin1",as.is=TRUE,quote="")
Now here is the problem: in another file (eg. pollresults_resultatsbureau12002.csv), there is a line of data like this:
12002,Central Nova","Nova-Centre"," 6-1","Pictou, Subd. A",N,N,"",0,168,"Parker","","David K.","NDP-New Democratic Party","NPD-Nouveau Parti democratique",N,N,28
Because I need to suppress the quotes, the entry "Pictou, Subd. A" makes R wants to split this into 2 variables. The data can't be read in since it wants to add a column half way through constructing the dataframe.
Excel and OpenOffice both can open these files no problem. Somehow, Excel and OpenOffice know that quotation marks only matter if they are at the beginning of a variable entry.
Do you know what option I need to enable on R to get this data in? I have >300 files that I need to load (each with ~1000 rows each) so a manual fix is not an option...
I have looked all over the place for a solution but can't find one.
Building on my comments, here is a solution that would read all the CSV files into a single list.
# Deal with French properly
# Set your working directory to where you have
# unzipped all of your 308 CSV files
# Get the file names
temp <- list.files()
# Extract the 5-digit code which we can use as names
Codes <- gsub("pollresults_resultatsbureau|.csv", "", temp)
# Read all the files into a single list named "pollResults"
pollResults <- lapply(seq_along(temp), function(x) {
T0 <- readLines(temp[x])
T0[-1] <- gsub('^(.{6})(.*)$', '\\1\\"\\2', T0[-1])
final <- read.csv(text = T0, header = TRUE)
names(pollResults) <- Codes
You can easily work with this list in different ways. If you wanted to just see the 90th data.frame you can access it by using pollResults[[90]] or by using pollResults[["24058"]] (in other words, either by index number or by district number).
Having the data in this format means you can also do a lot of other convenient things. For instance, if you wanted to fix all 308 of the CSVs in one go, you can use the following code, which will create new CSVs with the file name prefixed with "Corrected_".
invisible(lapply(seq_along(pollResults), function(x) {
NewFilename <- paste("Corrected", temp[x], sep = "_")
write.csv(pollResults[[x]], file = NewFilename,
quote = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)
Hope this helps!
This answer is mainly to #AnandaMahto (see comments to the original question).
First, it helps to set some options globally because of the french accents in the data:
Next, read in the data verbatim using readLines():
temp <- readLines("pollresults_resultatsbureau13001.csv")
Following this, simply replace the first comma in each line of data with a comma+quotation. This works because the first field is always 5 characters long. Note that it leaves the header untouched.
temp[-1] <- gsub('^(.{6})(.*)$', '\\1\\"\\2', temp[-1])
Penultimately, write over the original file.
Finally, simply read the data back into R:
data<-read.csv(file="pollresults_resultatsbureau13001.csv",header = TRUE,sep=",")
There is probably a more parsimonious way to do this (and one that can be iterated more easily) but this process made sense to me.
