get start date of week from week number and year only - datetime

I have a dataset where the data is reported by week and year like: YYWW. I have split it into to columns: Year and Week.
I need to get a date from the week: Week_start_date. My weeks start at mondays, so I would like to get the monday and sunday date from each week.
How do I extract the week start date from just a week number and year?
I've looked at several threads at SO, but haven't found a solution yet.
I have tried looking at different threads, but encounters problems using their solutions. Most seaches for "convert week number and year to date" on google and SO returns the opposite: Getting a weeknumber from a date. This guy answered by Vince, have maybe some similar issues, but I can't get the code to do the job:

Use INTNX() with the WEEK interval and increment from the first of the year.
Use +1 to get Monday/Sunday dates.
You may need to tweak to match the dates you need.
data have;
infile cards dlm='09'x;
input ID $ YYWW year week ;
format year 8. week z2.;
1 1504 2015 04
2 1651 2016 51
3 1251 2012 51
4 1447 2014 47
data want;
set have;
week_start = intnx('week', mdy(1, 1, year), week, 'b')+1;
week_end = intnx('week', mdy(1, 1, year), week, 'e')+1;
format week_: date9.;

Use one of the WEEK... informats. But you will need to insert the letter W between the YEAR and WEEK number.
data have;
input ID $ YYWW year week ;
1 1504 2015 04
2 1651 2016 51
3 1251 2012 51
4 1447 2014 47
data want;
set have;
format week_: yymmdd10.;
Obs ID YYWW year week week_start week_end
1 1 1504 2015 4 2015-01-19 2015-01-25
2 2 1651 2016 51 2016-12-19 2016-12-25
3 3 1251 2012 51 2012-12-17 2012-12-23
4 4 1447 2014 47 2014-11-17 2014-11-23


Calculating week numbers WITHOUT a yearwise reset (i.e. week_id = 55 is valid and shows it is a year after) + with a specified start date

This probably seems straightforward, but I am pretty stumped.
I have a set of dates ~ August 1 of each year and need to sum sales by week number. The earliest date is 2008-12-08 (YYYY-MM-DD). I need to create a "week_id" field where week #1 begins on 2008-12-08. And the date 2011-09-03 is week 142. Note that this is different since the calculation of week number does not reset every year.
I am putting up a small example dataset here:
data <- data.frame(
dates = c("2008-12-08", "2009-08-10", "2010-03-31", "2011-10-16", "2008-06-03", "2009-11-14" , "2010-05-05", "2011-09-03"))
data$date = as.Date(data$date)
Any help is appreciated
data$week_id = as.numeric(data$date - as.Date("2008-12-08")) %/% 7 + 1
This would take the day difference between the two dates and find the integer number of 7 days elapsed. I add one since we want the dates where zero weeks have elapsed since the start to be week 1 instead of week 0.
dates date week_id
1 2008-12-07 2008-12-07 0 # added for testing
2 2008-12-08 2008-12-08 1
3 2008-12-09 2008-12-09 1 # added for testing
4 2008-12-14 2008-12-14 1 # added for testing
5 2008-12-15 2008-12-15 2 # added for testing
6 2009-08-10 2009-08-10 36
7 2010-03-31 2010-03-31 69
8 2011-10-16 2011-10-16 149
9 2008-06-03 2008-06-03 -26
10 2009-11-14 2009-11-14 49
11 2010-05-05 2010-05-05 74
12 2011-09-03 2011-09-03 143

R is not giving the correct week number

Hello I am trying to find the week number for a series of date over three years. However R is not giving the correct week number. I am generating a seq of dates from 2016-04-01 to 2019-03-30 and then I am trying to calculate week over three years such that I get the week number 54, 55 , 56 and so on.
However when I check the week 2016-04-03 R shows the week number as 14 where as when cross checked with excel it is the week number 15 and also it simply calculates 7 days and does not reference the actual calendar days. Also the week number starts from 1 for every start of year
The code looks like this
days <- seq(as.Date("2016-04-03"),as.Date("2019-03-30"),'days')
weekdays <- data.frame('days'=days, Month = month(days), week = week(days),nweek = rep(1,length(days)))
This is how the results looks like
days week
2016-04-01 14
2016-04-02 14
2016-04-03 14
2016-04-04 14
2016-04-05 14
2016-04-06 14
2016-04-07 14
2016-04-08 15
2016-04-09 15
2016-04-10 15
2016-04-11 15
2016-04-12 15
However when checked from excel this is what I get
days week
2016-04-01 14
2016-04-02 14
2016-04-03 15
2016-04-04 15
2016-04-05 15
2016-04-06 15
2016-04-07 15
2016-04-08 15
2016-04-09 15
2016-04-10 16
2016-04-11 16
2016-04-12 16
Can someone please help me identify wherever I am going wrong.
Thanks a lot in advance!!
Not anything that you're doing wrong per se, there is just a difference in how R (I presume you're using the lubridate package) and Excel calculate week numbers.
R will calculate week numbers based on the seven day block from 1 January that year; but
Excel calculates week numbers based on a week starting from Sunday.
Taking the first few days of January 2016 for an example. On, Friday, 1 January 2016, both R and Excel will say this is week 1.
On Sunday, 3 January 2016:
this is within the first seven days of the start of the year so R will return week number 1; but
it is a Sunday, so Excel ticks over to week number 2.
Try this:
ifelse(test = weekdays.Date(days[1]) == "Sunday", yes = epiweek(days[1]), no = epiweek(days[1]) + 1) + cumsum(weekdays.Date(days) == "Sunday")
This tests whether the first day is a Sunday or not and returns an appropriate week number starting point, then adds on one more week number each Sunday. Gives the same week number if there's overlap between years.

How do I count across a date range in an R datatable

1881 11/02/2013 11/02/2013
3090 09/09/2013 09/09/2013
1113 24/11/2014 06/12/2014
1110 24/07/2013 25/07/2013
111 25/06/2015 05/09/2015
If I have data.table of vacation dates, FROM and TO, I want to know how many people were on vacation for any given month.
I tried:
dt[, .N, by=.(year(FROM), month(FROM))]
but obviously it would exclude people who were on vacation across two months. ie. someone on vacation FROM JAN TO FEB would only show up in the JAN count and not the FEB count even though they are still on vacation in FEB
The output of the above code showing year, month and number is exactly what I'm looking for otherwise.
year month N
1: 2013 2 17570
2: 2013 9 16924
3: 2014 11 18809
4: 2013 7 16984
5: 2015 6 14401
6: 2015 12 10239
7: 2014 3 19346
8: 2013 5 14864
EDIT: I want every month someone is away on vacation counted. So ID 111 would be counted in June, July, August and Sept.
Running uwe's code on the full dataset produces the Total Count column below.
Subsetting the full data set for people on vacation for <= 30 days and > 30 days produces the counts in the respective columns below. These columns added to each other should equal the Total Count and therefore the DIFFERENCE should be 0 but this isn't the case.
month Total count <=30 >30 (<=30) + (>30) DIFFERENCE
01/02/2012 899 4 895 899 0
01/03/2012 3966 2320 1646 3966 0
01/04/2012 8684 6637 2086 8723 39
01/05/2012 10287 7586 2750 10336 49
01/06/2012 12018 9080 3000 12080 62
The OP has not specified what the exact rules are for counting, for instance, how to count if the same ID has multiple non-overlapping periods of vacation in the same month.
The solution below is based on the following rules:
Each ID may appear in more than one row.
For each row, the total number of month between FROM and TO are counted (including the FROM and TO months). E.g., ID 111 is counted in the months of June, July, August, and September 2015.
Vacation on the last and first day of a month are accounted in full, e.g., vacations starting on May 31 and ending on June 1, are counted in both months.
If an ID has multiple periods of vacation in one month it is only counted once.
To verify that the code implements these rule, I had to enhance the sample dataset provided by the OP with additional use cases (see Data section below)
# coerce dt to data.table object and character dates to class Date
setDT(dt)[, (2:3) := lapply(.SD, dmy), .SDcols = 2:3]
# for each row, create sequence of first days of months
dt[, .(month = seq(floor_date(FROM, "months"), TO, by = "months")), by = .(ID, rowid(ID))][
# count the number of unique IDs per month, order result by month
, uniqueN(ID), keyby = month]
month V1
1: 2013-02-01 1
2: 2013-07-01 1
3: 2013-09-01 2
4: 2014-11-01 1
5: 2014-12-01 1
6: 2015-06-01 1
7: 2015-07-01 1
8: 2015-08-01 1
9: 2015-09-01 1
10: 2015-11-01 1
11: 2015-12-01 1
12: 2016-06-01 1
13: 2016-07-01 1
14: 2016-08-01 1
15: 2016-09-01 1
Based on OP's sample dataset but extended by additional use cases:
dt <- fread(
1881 11/02/2013 11/02/2013
1881 23/02/2013 24/02/2013
3090 09/09/2013 09/09/2013
3091 09/09/2013 09/09/2013
1113 24/11/2014 06/12/2014
1110 24/07/2013 25/07/2013
111 25/06/2015 05/09/2015
111 25/11/2015 05/12/2015
11 25/06/2016 01/09/2016"
for the data given above, you will do:
seq(value[1],value[2],by="1 month"),by=ID][,.N,by=.(year(V1),month(V1))]
year month N
1: 2013 2 1
2: 2013 9 1
3: 2014 11 1
4: 2014 12 1
5: 2013 7 1
6: 2015 6 1
7: 2015 7 1
8: 2015 8 1
9: 2015 9 1

Subsetting a dataframe based on the values of two or more columns

I would like to subset a timeseries dataframe based on my requirement.
I have a dataframe something similar to the one mentioned below.
> df
Date Year Month Day Time Parameter
2012-04-19 2012 04 19 7:00:00 26
2012-04-19 2012 04 19 7:00:00 20
2012-05-01 2012 05 01 00:00:00 23
2012-05-01 2012 05 01 00:30:00 22
2015-04-30 2015 04 30 23:30:00 20
2015-05-01 2015 05 01 00:00:00 26
From the dataframe similar to this I will like to select all the data from the first of May 2012 2012-05-01 to the end of April 2015-04-30, regardless of the starting and end date of the dataframe.
However, I am familiar with the grep function to select the data from one particular column. I have been using the following code with grep and with.
# To select one particular year
> df.2012 <- df[grep("2012", df$Year),]
# To select two or more years at the same time
> df.sel.yr <- df[grep("201[2-5]", df$Year),]
# To select one particular month of a particular year.
> df.Dec.2012 <- df[with(df, Year=="2012" & Month=="12"), ]
With several Lines of commands i will be able to do it. But it would save a lot of time if I can do it with only few or one line of command.
Any help will be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
If your date column is not of class date first convert it to one by,
df$Date <- as.Date(df$Date)
and then you can subset the date by,
df[df$Date >= as.Date("2012-05-01") & df$Date <= as.Date("2015-04-30"), ]
# Date Year Month Day Time Parameter
#3 2012-05-01 2012 5 1 00:00:00 23
#4 2012-05-01 2012 5 1 00:30:00 22
#5 2015-04-30 2015 4 30 23:30:00 20

Calendaring Monthly Usages for each Date

Here, i have a data set with Start date and End Date and the usages. I have calculated the number of Days between these two days and got the daily usages. (I am okay with one flat usages for each day for now).
Now, what i want to achieve is the sum of the usage for each day in those TIME-FRAME FOR month of June. For example, the first case will be just the Daily_usage
1 2015-05-01 2015-06-01 261605.00 32 8175.156250
And, for 2nd, i want to the add the Usage 3905 to June 1st, and also to June 2nd because it spans in both June 1st and June 2nd.
2015-05-04 2015-06-02 117159.00 30 3905.3000000
I want to continue doing this for all 387 rows and at the end get the sum of Usages for each day. And,I do not know how to do this for hundreds of records.
This is what my datasets looks right now:
'data.frame': 387 obs. of 5 variables:
$ START_DATE : Date, format: "2015-05-01" "2015-05-04" "2015-05-11" "2015- 05-13" ...
$ END_DATE : Date, format: "2015-06-01" "2015-06-01" "2015-06-01" "2015-06-01" ...
$ x : num 261605 1380796 183 103 489 ...
$ DAYS : num 32 29 22 20 19 12 1 34 30 29 ...
$ DAILY_USAGE: num 8175.16 47613.66 8.32 5.13 25.74 ...
Also, the header.
1 2015-05-01 2015-06-01 261605.00 32 8175.1562500
2 2015-05-04 2015-06-01 1380796.00 29 47613.6551724
6 2015-05-21 2015-06-01 1392.00 12 116.0000000
7 2015-06-01 2015-06-01 2503.00 1 2503.0000000
8 2015-04-30 2015-06-02 0.00 34 0.0000000
9 2015-05-04 2015-06-02 117159.00 30 3905.3000000
10 2015-05-05 2015-06-02 193334.00 29 6666.6896552
13 2015-05-04 2015-06-03 630.00 31 20.3225806
and so on........
Example of data sets and Results
I will call this data set. EXAMPLE1 (For 3 days, mocked up data)
5/1/2015 6/1/2015 261605 32 8175.15625
5/4/2015 6/1/2015 1380796 29 47613.65517
5/11/2015 6/1/2015 183 22 8.318181818
4/30/2015 6/2/2015 0 34 0
5/20/2015 6/2/2015 70 14 5
6/1/2015 6/2/2015 569 2 284.5
6/1/2015 6/3/2015 582 3 194
6/2/2015 6/3/2015 6 2 3
For the above examples, answer should be like this
6/1/2015 56280.6296
6/2/2015 486.5
6/3/2015 197
In Example 1, for June 1st, i have added all the rows of usages except the last row usage because the last row doesn't include the the date 06/01 in time-frame. It starts in 06/02 and ends in 06/03.
To get June 2nd, i have added all the usages from Row 4 to 8 because June 2nd is between all of those start and end dates.
For June 3rd, i have only added, Last two rows to get 197.
So, where to sum, depends on the time-frame of Start & End_date.
Hope this helps!
There might be a easy trick to do this than to write 400 lines of If else statement.
Thank you again for your time!!
indx <- lapply(unique(mdy(df[,2])), '%within%', interval(mdy(df[,1]), mdy(df[,2])))$END_DATE),
USAGE=unlist(lapply(indx, function(x) sum(df$DAILY_USAGE[x]))))
# 1 6/1/2015 56280.63
# 2 6/2/2015 486.50
# 3 6/3/2015 197.00
We can expand it to explain what is happening:
indx <- lapply(unique(mdy(df[,2])), '%within%', interval(mdy(df[,1]), mdy(df[,2])))
The unique end dates are tested to be within the range days in the first and second columns. mdy is a quick way to convert to POSIXct with lubridate. The operator %within% tests a date against an interval. We created intervals with interval('col1', 'col2'). This creates an index that we can subset the data by.
In our final data frame,$END_DATE),
creates the first column of dates.
USAGE=unlist(lapply(indx, function(x) sum(df$DAILY_USAGE[x])))
takes the sum of df$DAILY_USAGE by the index that we created.
