I am trying to add wavelet library to QT Creator for C++ programming. However, I met this problem when trying to build program:
C:\Users\binhd\Desktop\xxx\feature_extraction.cpp:374: error: undefined reference to __imp__Z10dwt_2d_symRSt6vectorIS_IdSaIdEESaIS1_EEiNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEERS1_SB_RS_IiSaIiEE'`
Has anyone met this problem before? Please help me out. Thank you and appreciated.
As described above!!!
I'm having problem in MacOSX when trying to use XRJulia package.
When I run FindJulia, I get the error:
"Error in findJulia() :
No julia executable in search path and JULIA_BIN environment variable not set"
There seems to be an answer here but I don't really understand it,
How do I add a "key" in MacOSX and how do I add Julia to the path? A step by step explanation would be very much appreciated,
EDIT: I resolved the problem and here is the piece of code I used for setup:
I am learning Qt5.6. I am working on Ubuntu 14.4.
I get the following error when I link my program:
undefined reference to `qt_version_tag'
In CMakeLists.txt:
Where is this symbol defined? What is missing in the link_libraries?
I used the following to construct my CMakeLists.txt:
The problem went away when I added the following to my CMakeLists.txt:
qt5_use_modules(MyProject Widgets)
I am not sure what exactly this does (some of the things CMake does are still mysterious to me). I got the idea by reading the following well written article:
I'm using Julia v0.3.9 right now. I recently updated all my packages (I haven't opened Julia in a couple months), including ArgParse. The macro #add_arg_table isn't recognized though. In particular, I tried running example code here, but I get the following error:
ERROR: #add_arg_table not defined
in include at /Applications/Julia-0.3.9.app/Contents/Resources/julia/lib/julia/sys.dylib
in include_from_node1 at /Applications/Julia-0.3.9.app/Contents/Resources/julia/lib/julia/sys.dylib`
while loading /Users/Uthsav/Desktop/Walking The Interactome Work/arg.jl, in expression starting on line 42
This is essentially the problem I'm having in my own code. I looked but couldn't find any information about this besides what it says on the Github, which is that the macro #add_arg_table should still work. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot!
I'm working with OpenCV in Qt Creator and everything is running fine. There is just this one problem that I don;t get function argument hints for some OpenCV constructors like cv::Size() and cv::Point(). I do however get argument hints for all functions of OpenCV. is there something that can be done about this? I do get argument hints for these in Visual Studio though.
In some versions of QtCreator the autocompletion does not work with typedef type objects. This bug was reported time ago, but I am not sure that it has been fixed (at least, it doesn't work for me in v3.1.0). Point, Size and Rect are examples of typedef variables (they are typedefs from Point_<int>, Size_<int> and Rect_<int> respectively) with which autocompletion does not work.
If at anytime you forget the constructor parameters, what I do is writing any of the template names (Point_, Rect_ or Size_) and QtCreator will autocomplete :)
Just started playing with the new AIR functions NetworkInfo and NetworkInterface, but can't build ...
This is the example I started from:
But these lines cause errors:
var networkInfo:NetworkInfo = NetworkInfo.networkInfo;
var networkInterfaces:Vector.<NetworkInterface> = networkInfo.findInterfaces();
Any ideas on how to solve it?
Thanks a lot,
Are they run time errors or compile time errors?
The most common reason I see errors like that is because there is a version difference between a SWC and the Flex SDK that you are compiling your project against.
got the solution on the adobe forum