How can i start this code found on github? - r

I'm following this code on github and in line 51 i have a problem with option[i,]<- skew.raw why? Said: object "i" not found. Why? What should i put?
It also fails to take values as after starting the get.option function I have NA values.
# Define function for formating/retrieving options data from json obj
get.options = function(symbols, date){
options = matrix(ncol = 11, nrow = length(symbols))
colnames(options) = c('Cl_price', "call_strike",
"call_lastPrice","call_vol","call_openInt", "call_ImpVoli",
"put_strike","put_lastPrice", 'put_vol',"put_openInt", 'put_ImpVoli')
rownames(options) = symbols
for(u in 1:length(symbols)){
s = symbols[u]
d = as.numeric(as.POSIXct(date, origin = '1970-01-01', tz = 'GMT'))
json_file <- sprintf('
json_data <- suppressWarnings(fromJSON(paste(readLines(json_file), collapse = "")))
n = length(json_data$optionChain$result[[1]]$options[[1]]$calls)
if (n < 1) next
calls = matrix(ncol = 6, nrow = n)
for(i in 1:n) calls[,2][i] = json_data$optionChain$result[[1]]$options[[1]]$calls[[i]]$strike$raw
Cl.price = json_data$optionChain$result[[1]]$quote$regularMarketPrice
x <- which.min(abs((calls[,2]/Cl.price) -1))
calls = calls[x,]
calls[1] = Cl.price
calls[3] = json_data$optionChain$result[[1]]$options[[1]]$calls[[x]]$lastPrice$raw
calls[4] = json_data$optionChain$result[[1]]$options[[1]]$calls[[x]]$volume$raw
calls[5] = json_data$optionChain$result[[1]]$options[[1]]$calls[[x]]$openInterest$raw
calls[6] = json_data$optionChain$result[[1]]$options[[1]]$calls[[x]]$impliedVolatility$raw
n = length(json_data$optionChain$result[[1]]$options[[1]]$puts)
if(n < 1) next
puts = matrix(ncol = 5, nrow = n)
for(i in 1:n) puts[,1][i] = json_data$optionChain$result[[1]]$options[[1]]$puts[[i]]$strike$raw
x <- which.min(abs((puts[,1]/Cl.price) - 0.95))
puts = puts[x,]
puts[2] = json_data$optionChain$result[[1]]$options[[1]]$puts[[x]]$lastPrice$raw
puts[3] = json_data$optionChain$result[[1]]$options[[1]]$puts[[x]]$volume$raw
puts[4] = json_data$optionChain$result[[1]]$options[[1]]$puts[[x]]$openInterest$raw
puts[5] = json_data$optionChain$result[[1]]$options[[1]]$puts[[x]]$impliedVolatility$raw
options[u,] = c(calls, puts)
# Define stocks and gather options data
date = '2017-04-21'
symbols <- c('DIS','CAT','TSLA')
daily.options =, date))
skew.raw = daily.options$put_ImpVoli - daily.options$call_ImpVoli # SKEW(i,t)
options[i,] <- skew.raw
write.table(options, 'DISCATTSLA', sep = ",")
options = read.table('DISCATTSLA', sep = ",")**
I’m following this code because I read the paper by Rhui Zhao but in the paper I did not talk about how to implement the skew volatility on a software and then I was able to find this code on github.


issue with disag_model() function from disaggregation R package

I was trying to use the disaggregation package to evaluate if it could be used on the dataset I have. My original data are disaggregated, so I've aggregated them to use the disag_model function from disaggregation package and compare "fitted values" with actual values.
However when I run the function the R session aborts.
I tried to execute the disag_model function step by step and I saw that the problem is due to the use of nlminb() to optimize the a posteriori density function, but I cannot understand why it's happening and how to solve it.
Thanks for your help.
You can find the data I used at this link:
Please download the folder to run the code.
This is the code I used:
path<- "yourPath/Data"
load(file.path(path, "myRS"))
load(file.path(path, "RAST"))
Data <- read.csv(file = paste(path, "/sim_data.csv", sep = ""))
Data$HasRes <- ifelse(Data$PN50 > runif(nrow(Data)), 1, 0)
for (i in 1:nlayers(myRS)) {
myRS#layers[[i]]#file#name<-file.path(path, "predStackl10")
DFCov <-, Data[c("XCoord", "YCoord")]))
Data <- cbind(Data, DFCov)
# Remove NA
NAs <- which([names(myRS)])))
Data <- Data[-NAs, ]
Data$ISO3 <- as.factor(Data$ISO3)
world_shape <-
shapefile(file.path(path, "World.shp"))
lmic_shape <-
world_shape[(world_shape#data$ISO3 %in% levels(Data$ISO3)),]
# I would like to convert Data in a SpatialPointsDataFrame object
PN50 <- Data
coordinates(PN50) <- c("XCoord", "YCoord")
is.projected(PN50) # see if a projection is defined
proj4string(PN50) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
# compute the mean P50 within each state
PN50_mean <- aggregate(x = PN50,
by = list(Data$ISO3),
FUN = mean)
# compute the centroid of the observations coordinates for each state
PN50_centroid <-
Data %>% group_by(ISO3) %>% summarise(meanX = mean(XCoord), meanY = mean(YCoord))
# assign to each mean the centroid coordinates
PN50_agg <-
PN50_mean = PN50_mean#data$PN50,
XCoord = PN50_centroid$meanX,
YCoord = PN50_centroid$meanY
PN50_agg$XCoord <- as.numeric(PN50_agg$XCoord)
PN50_agg$YCoord <- as.numeric(PN50_agg$YCoord)
PN50_agg$ISO3 <- as.character(PN50_centroid$ISO3)
samsiz <-
Data %>% group_by(ISO3) %>% summarise(sz = sum(SampleSize))
PN50_agg$sample_size <- as.numeric(samsiz$sz)
PN50_agg$case <- round(PN50_agg$PN50_mean * PN50_agg$sample_size)
# I would like having data in a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame format to use the disaggrgation package
coordinates(PN50_agg) <- c("XCoord", "YCoord")
proj4string(PN50_agg) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
PN50_polyg <- lmic_shape
PN50_polyg#data <-
full_join(PN50_polyg#data, PN50_agg#data, by = "ISO3")
# covariates raster
covariate_stack <-
getCovariateRasters(path, shape = raster(x = paste0(path, '/multi.tif')))
covariate_stack2 <- dropLayer(covariate_stack, nlayers(covariate_stack))
covariate_stack2 <- raster::stack(covariate_stack2)
# population raster
extracted <- raster::extract(raster(x = paste0(path, '/multi.tif')), PN50_polyg)
n_cells <- sapply(extracted, length)
PN50_polyg#data$pop_per_cell <- PN50_polyg#data$sample_size / n_cells
population_raster <-
rasterize(PN50_polyg, covariate_stack2, field = 'pop_per_cell')
# prepare data for disag_model()
dis_data <- prepare_data(
polygon_shapefile = PN50_polyg,
covariate_rasters = covariate_stack2,
aggregation_raster = population_raster,
mesh.args = list(
max.edge = c(5, 40),
cut = 0.0005,
offset = 1
id_var = "ISO3",
response_var = "case",
sample_size_var = "sample_size",
na.action = TRUE,
ncores = 8
# Rho and p(Rho<Rho_min)
dist <- pointDistance(PN50_agg#coords, lonlat = F, allpairs = T)
rownames(dist) <- PN50_agg$ISO3
colnames(dist) <- PN50_agg$ISO3
flattenDist <- function(dist) {
up <- upper.tri(dist)
flat <- data_frame(row = rownames(dist)[row(dist)[up]],
column = rownames(dist)[col(dist)[up]],
dist = dist[up])
pair_dist <- flattenDist(dist)
d <- pair_dist$dist
k <- 0.036
CorMatern <- k * d * besselK(k * d, 1)
limits <- sp::bbox(PN50_polyg)
hypontenuse <-
sqrt((limits[1, 2] - limits[1, 1]) ^ 2 + (limits[2, 2] - limits[2, 1]) ^
prior_rho <- hypontenuse / 3
p_rho <- sum(d[CorMatern <= 0.1] < prior_rho) / length(d[CorMatern <= 0.1])
# sigma and p(sigma>sigma_max)
sigma_boost <- function(data, i) {
sd(data[i] / mean(data[i]))
sigma <-
boot(data = dis_data$polygon_data$response,
statistic = sigma_boost,
prior_sigma <- sigma$t0
p_sigma <- sum(sigma$t >= sigma$t0) / length(sigma$t)
default_priors <-
priormean_intercept = 0,
priorsd_intercept = 4,
priormean_slope = 0,
priorsd_slope = 2,
prior_rho_min = prior_rho,
prior_rho_prob = p_rho,
prior_sigma_max = prior_sigma,
prior_sigma_prob = p_sigma,
prior_iideffect_sd_max = 0.1,
prior_iideffect_sd_prob = 0.01
fitted_model <- disag_model(
data = dis_data,
iterations = 1000,
family = "binomial",
link = "logit",
# priors = default_priors,
field = TRUE,
iid = TRUE,
silent = TRUE
I was able to run the disag_model function using your dis_data object. There were no errors or crashes. I ran the following lines.
fitted_model <- disag_model(
data = dis_data,
iterations = 1000,
family = "binomial",
link = "logit",
field = TRUE,
iid = TRUE,
silent = TRUE
I am running on a Windows machine with 64GB RAM and 8 cores. It took over an hour and used all of my RAM for a while and up to 50% of my CPU, which is not surprising as you are fitting 5.5M pixels over the whole world. Therefore, I suspect it is related to your computer running out of resources. I suggest you try a smaller example to test it out first. Try fewer polygons and fewer pixels in each polygon.

Demography package issue with aggregating data

# Function to construct a mortality demogdata object from HMD <- function(country, username, password, label=country){
path <- paste("", country, "/STATS/", "Mx_1x1.txt", sep = "")
userpwd <- paste(username, ":", password, sep = "")
txt <- RCurl::getURL(path, userpwd = userpwd)
con <- textConnection(txt)
mx <- try(utils::read.table(con, skip = 2, header = TRUE, na.strings = "."),TRUE)
stop("Connection error at Please check username, password and country label.")
path <- paste("", country, "/STATS/", "Exposures_1x1.txt", sep = "")
userpwd <- paste(username, ":", password, sep = "")
txt <- RCurl::getURL(path, userpwd = userpwd)
con <- textConnection(txt)
pop <- try(utils::read.table(con, skip = 2, header = TRUE, na.strings = "."),TRUE)
stop("Exposures file not found at")
obj <- list(type="mortality",label=label,lambda=0)
obj$year <- sort(unique(mx[, 1]))
#obj$year <- ts(obj$year, start=min(obj$year))
n <- length(obj$year)
m <- length(unique(mx[, 2]))
obj$age <- mx[1:m, 2]
obj$rate <- obj$pop <- list()
for (i in 1:n.mort)
{ obj$rate[[i]] <- matrix(mx[, i + 2], nrow = m, ncol = n)
obj$rate[[i]][obj$rate[[i]] < 0] <- NA
obj$pop[[i]] <- matrix(pop[, i + 2], nrow = m, ncol = n)
obj$pop[[i]][obj$pop[[i]] < 0] <- NA
dimnames(obj$rate[[i]]) <- dimnames(obj$pop[[i]]) <- list(obj$age, obj$year)
names(obj$pop) = names(obj$rate) <- tolower(mnames)
obj$age <- as.numeric(as.character(obj$age))
if ($age[m])) {
obj$age[m] <- 2 * obj$age[m - 1] - obj$age[m - 2] }
return(structure(obj, class = "demogdata"))
Above is the code that we are using to import our population data into r.
NLdata <- = "NLD",username = "username",password="password")
This would be the specific code to obtain the Dutch data.
Would anyone happen to know how to add multiple countries into one, and put that data into one dataframe (same format as the demography data packages that we download)? So for example the mortality rates for the (Netherlands + France + Norway) / 3 into one package.
You can try this code. However I could not run your demography package. So you might need to edit the code a bit. Perhaps someone else can fill in the second part? I saw that no one has reacted yet.
C1 <- data.frame(Year = 1980:2018, value1 = rnorm(39), value2 = rnorm(39), Cat =rbinom(39,1,0.5), Country = "France")
C2 <- data.frame(Year = 1980:2018, value1 = rnorm(39), value2 = rnorm(39), Cat =rbinom(39,1,0.5),Country = "England")
C3 <- data.frame(Year = 1970:2018, value1 = rnorm(49), value2 = rnorm(49), Cat =rbinom(49,1,0.5),Country = "Netherlands")
C1 <- split(C1, C1$Cat)
C2 <- split(C2, C2$Cat)
C3 <- split(C3, C3$Cat)
list_all <- list(rbind(C1[[1]],C2[[1]],C3[[1]]),rbind(C1[[2]],C2[[2]],C3[[2]]))
Final_list <- lapply(list_all, function(x) x %>% group_by(Year) %>% summarise(Val1 = mean(value1), Val2 = mean(value2), Country = "All") %>%

R object does not exist

I am running the following loop.
The first loop is this:
cliff = function(a, b, c, d, x0, y0, n){
tab = data.frame(NA, nrow = n+1, ncol = 2)
colnames(tab) = c("x", "y")
tab[1,1:2] = c(x0, y0)
for(i in 1:n){
i = i + 1
tab[i,1] = sin(a*tab[(i-1),2]) + c*cos(a*tab[(i-1),1])
tab[i,2] = sin(b*tab[(i-1),1]) + d*cos(b*tab[(i-1),2])
return(round(tab[,1:2], 3))
This is just some loop I made (I know it's not the best) that runs through this recursive operation that generates new x and y values from previous ones. My main concern is this loop:
val = c(10,100,1000,10000,100000)
tab2 = data.frame(n = rep(NA, length(val)), Time = rep(NA, length(val)))
i = 1
for(n in val){
sT = Sys.time()
cliff(a = 1, b = 1, c = 2, d = 3, x0 = 0, y0 = 0, n)
eT = Sys.time()
mytime = eT - sT
if(attributes(mytime)$units == "mins"){
tab2$Time[i] = mytime*60
} else{
tab2$Time[i] = mytime
tab2$n[i] = n;
i = i + 1
Because this loop takes a good 20 minutes to run, I ran it one time to have tab2 saved as a data frame so it can be used in the future. However, when I try and knit the pdf, I get the following error:
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'tab2' not found
Why is this happening? When I check in my stored objects, it is there, and when I use exists("tab2") I get TRUE. So why does RMarkdown say this does not exist?

specClust() in kknn - arpack iteration limit increase

I am applying spectral clustering to a dataset with 4200 rows and 2 columns.
spec <- specClust(df1, centers=7, nn = 7, method = "symmetric")
I have the below error.
n .Call("R_igraph_arpack", func, extra, options, env, sym, PACKAGE = "igraph") :
At arpack.c:944 : ARPACK error, Maximum number of iterations reached
In addition: Warning message:
In .Call("R_igraph_arpack", func, extra, options, env, sym, PACKAGE = "igraph") :
At arpack.c:776 :ARPACK solver failed to converge (1001 iterations, 0/7 eigenvectors converged)
How do i increase the iterations of arpack because this doesnt work:
spec <- specClust(df1, centers=7, nn = 7, method = "symmetric",iter.max=301000)
Digging into the specClust, the ... does not pass anything to the arpack call.
The simplest thing to do I think is to copy the specClust code add maxiter=10000 and source the function in your script.
specCLust2 <- function (data, centers = NULL, nn = 7, method = "symmetric",
gmax = NULL, max.iter = 10000, ...)
call =
if (
data = as.matrix(data)
da = apply(data, 1, paste, collapse = "#")
indUnique = which(!duplicated(da))
indAll = match(da, da[indUnique])
data2 = data
data = data[indUnique, ]
n <- nrow(data)
data = scale(data, FALSE, TRUE)
if (is.null(gmax)) {
if (!is.null(centers))
gmax = centers - 1L
else gmax = 1L
test = TRUE
while (test) {
DC = mydist(data, nn)
sif <- rbind(1:n, as.vector(DC[[2]]))
g <- graph(sif, directed = FALSE)
g <- decompose(g, min.vertices = 4)
if (length(g) > 1) {
if (length(g) >= gmax)
nn = nn + 2
else test = FALSE
else test = FALSE
W <- DC[[1]]
n <- nrow(data)
wi <- W[, nn]
SC <- matrix(1, nrow(W), nn)
SC[] <- wi[DC[[2]]] * wi
W = W^2/SC
alpha = 1/(2 * (nn + 1))
qua = abs(qnorm(alpha))
W = W * qua
W = dnorm(W, sd = 1)
DC[[1]] = W
L = Laplacian(DC, nn, method)
f <- function(x, extra) as.vector(extra %*% x)
if (is.null(centers))
kmax = 25
else kmax = max(centers)
#add the maxiter parameter to the arpack call, below
U <- arpack(f, extra = L, options = list(n = n, which = "SM",
nev = kmax, ncv = 2 * kmax, mode = 1, maxiter=max.iter), sym = TRUE)
ind <- order(U[[1]])
U[[2]] = U[[2]][indAll, ind]
U[[1]] = U[[1]][ind]
if (is.null(centers)) {
tmp = which.max(diff(U[[1]])) + 1
centers = which.min(AUC(U[[1]][1:tmp]))
if (method == "symmetric") {
rs = sqrt(rowSums(U[[2]]^2))
U[[2]] = U[[2]]/rs
result = kmeans(U[[2]], centers = centers, nstart = 20, ...)
archeType = getClosest(U[[2]][indAll, ], result$centers)
result$eigenvalue = U[[1]]
result$eigenvector = U[[2]]
result$data = data2
result$indAll = indAll
result$indUnique = indUnique
result$L = L
result$archetype = archeType
result$call = call
class(result) = c("specClust", "kmeans")

Faster alternative to nested loops

I have written the below function, which contains a nested loop. In short, it calculates differences in emissions between i (28) pairs alternative technologies for j (48) countries. For a single combination and a single country, it takes 0.32 sec, which should give a total time of 0.32*28*48 = around 7 min. The function actually takes about 50 min, which makes me think there may be some unnecessary computing going on. Is a nested loop the most efficient approach here?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
alt.comb.p <- function(Fmat){
y.empty = matrix(data = 0,ncol = 2,nrow = nrow(FD)-1)
row.names(y.empty) <- paste(FD$V1[2:nrow(FD)],FD$V2[2:nrow(FD)],sep = " ")
country.list = unique(FD$V1)
for (j in 1:length(country.list)){ # for every country
for (i in 1:ncol(alt.comb)){ # for every possible combination
# the final demand of the first item of the combination is calculated
first = alt.comb[,i][1] = row.names(Eprice.Exio)[first]
loc1 = grep(pattern =,x = row.names(y.empty))
country.first = substr(x = row.names(y.empty)[loc1[j]],start = 0,stop = 2)
y.empty[,1][loc1[j]] <- Eprice.Exio[,country.first]
# the final demand of the second item of the combination is calculated
second = alt.comb[,i][2] = row.names(Eprice.Exio)[second]
loc2 = grep(pattern =,x = row.names(y.empty))
country.second = substr(x = row.names(y.empty)[loc2[j]],start = 0,stop = 2)
y.empty[,2][loc2[j]] <- Eprice.Exio[,country.second]
# calculates the difference between the total pressures from item 1 and item 2
r.1 = sum(Fmat%*%as.vector(y.empty[,1]))
r.2 = sum(Fmat%*%as.vector(y.empty[,2]))
r.dif = r.1-r.2 # negative means alternative 1 is better
alt.comb[2+j,i] <- r.dif
row.names(alt.comb)[2+j] <- country.first
y.empty = matrix(data = 0,ncol = 2,nrow = nrow(FD)-1)
row.names(y.empty) <- paste(FD$V1[2:nrow(FD)],FD$V2[2:nrow(FD)],sep = " ")
A simplified example would be:
Fmat = matrix(data = runif(1:9600), ncol=9600, nrow=9600)
alt.comb.p <- function(Fmat){
y.empty = matrix(data = 0,ncol = 2,nrow = 9600)
country.list = runif(n = 10)
alt.comb = matrix(data=0,ncol=5,nrow=10)
for (j in 1:10){ # for every country
for (i in 1:5){ # for every possible combination
y.empty[50,1] <- runif(1)
y.empty[60,2] <- runif(1)
# calculates the difference between the total pressures from item 1 and item 2
r.1 = sum(Fmat%*%as.vector(y.empty[,1]))
r.2 = sum(Fmat%*%as.vector(y.empty[,2]))
r.dif = r.1-r.2 # negative means alternative 1 is better
alt.comb[j,i] <- r.dif
y.empty = matrix(data = 0,ncol = 2,nrow = 9600)
