Cannot calculate percentage? - r

I'm trying to calculate the percentage of column but the function did not work.
Here is my dataset:
Here is my function:
sale <- read_csv("re_sale.csv")
sale %>%
filter(!`Property Type`)) %>%
group_by(`Property Type`) %>%
summarize(sale_vol = n(), percent = sale_vol/sum(sale_vol)*100)
And it resulted like this:
any help would be greatly appreciated!

Try ungrouping after summarising the data. Then yes, compute the percentages.
sale %>%
filter(!`Property Type`)) %>%
group_by(`Property Type`) %>%
summarize(sale_vol = n()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(percent = sale_vol/sum(sale_vol)*100)
## A tibble: 12 × 3
# `Property Type` sale_vol percent
# <chr> <int> <dbl>
# 1 "" 382446 38.4
# 2 "Apartments" 486 0.0487
# 3 "Commercial" 1981 0.199
# 4 "Condo" 105420 10.6
# 5 "Four Family" 2150 0.216
# 6 "Industrial" 228 0.0229
# 7 "Public Utility" 5 0.000501
# 8 "Residential" 60728 6.09
# 9 "Single Family" 401612 40.3
#10 "Three Family" 12586 1.26
#11 "Two Family" 26408 2.65
#12 "Vacant Land" 3163 0.317


R: how to average every 7th row

I want to take the average of each column (except the date) after every seven rows. I tried the approach below, but I was getting incorrect values. This method also seems really long. Is there a way to shorten it?
bankamerica = read.csv('')
GroupLabels <- 0:(nrow(bankamerica) - 1)%/% 7
bankamerica$Group <- GroupLabels
Avgs <- bankamerica %>%
group_by(bankamerica$Group) %>%
summarize(Avg = mean(bankamerica$tr))
EDITED: Just realized this code provides the incorrect values
I think you're on the right path.
bankamerica %>%
mutate(group = cumsum(row_number() %% 7 == 1)) %>%
group_by(group) %>%
summarise(caldate = first(caldate), across(-caldate, mean)) %>%
## A tibble: 144 × 3
# caldate tr var
# <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 1/2/01 28.9 -50.6
# 2 1/11/01 23.6 -45.4
# 3 1/23/01 20.9 -45
# 4 2/1/01 17.4 -48
# 5 2/12/01 14.4 -48
# 6 2/21/01 17 -48.9
# 7 3/2/01 19.1 -56
# 8 3/13/01 19.4 -56.9
# 9 3/22/01 23.3 -55.7
#10 4/2/01 7.71 -58.3
This averages every 7 rows not every 7 days, because there are missing days in the data.

Web Scraping Using Multiple Variables in Link

I am trying to efficiently scrape weekly tournament data from, and place the results in one encompassing table. Below, is an example link that I will use:
In the example link - 02568 is one of many stat_id's and t041 is one of many tournament_id's. I want the scrape to get every combo of stat_id and tournament_id in the following manner:
Currently, my lapply is cycling through both id's at the same time and I am only getting 3 of the possible 9 combinations. Is there a way to change my lapply call to cycle through both id's in the desired manner?
tournament_id <- c("t041", "t054", "t464")
stat_id <- c("02568", "02567", "02564")
url_g <- c(paste('', stat_id, '.y2019.eon.', tournament_id,'.html', sep =""))
test_table_pga4 <- lapply(url_g, function(i){
page2 <- read_html(i)
test_table_pga5 <- page2 %>% html_nodes("#statsTable") %>% html_table() %>% .[[1]] %>%
mutate(tournament = i)
test_golf7 <- as_tibble(rbind.fill(test_table_pga4))
Use expand.grid() to create unique combinations of stat_id and tournament_id and then mutate a new column with those links.
df <- expand.grid(
tournament_id = c("t041", "t054", "t464"),
stat_id = c("02568", "02567", "02564")
) %>%
links = paste0(
) %>%
# Function to get the table
get_info <- function(link, tournament) {
link %>%
read_html() %>%
html_table() %>%
.[[2]] %>%
clean_names() %>%
select(-rank_last_week ) %>%
mutate(rank_this_week = rank_this_week %>%
tournament = tournament) %>%
# Retrieve the tables and bind them
df %$%
map2_dfr(links, tournament_id, get_info)
# A tibble: 648 × 9
tournament rank_this_week player_name rounds average total_sg_app
<fct> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1 t041 1 Corey Conners 4 2.89 11.6
2 t041 2 Matt Kuchar 4 2.16 8.62
3 t041 3 Byeong Hun An 4 1.90 7.60
4 t041 4 Charley Hoffman 4 1.72 6.88
5 t041 5 Ryan Moore 4 1.43 5.73
6 t041 6 Brian Stuard 4 1.42 5.69
7 t041 7 Danny Lee 4 1.30 5.18
8 t041 8 Cameron Tringale 4 1.22 4.88
9 t041 9 Si Woo Kim 4 1.22 4.87
10 t041 10 Scottie Scheffler 4 1.16 4.62
# … with 638 more rows, and 3 more variables: measured_rounds <int>,
# total_sg_ott <dbl>, total_sg_putting <dbl>

In R , there are `actual` and `budget` values,how to add new variable and calculate the variable values

In variable type ,there are actual and budget values,how to add new variable and calculate the variable value ? Current code can work, but a little bording. Anyone can help? Thanks!
ori_data <- data.frame(
Add sales inc%
ori_data$sales_inc_or_budget_acheved[category=='A'&year=='2022'&type=='actual'] <-
Add budget acheved%
ori_data$sales_inc_or_budget_acheved[category=='A'&year=='2022'&type=='budget'] <-
Using a group_by and an if_elseyou could do:
ori_data |>
group_by(category) |>
arrange(category, type, year) |>
mutate(sales_inc_or_budget_achieved = if_else(type == "actual",
sales / lag(sales) - 1,
lag(sales) / sales)) |>
#> # A tibble: 6 × 6
#> category year type sales profit sales_inc_or_budget_achieved
#> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 A 2021 actual 100 3.7 NA
#> 2 A 2022 actual 120 5.52 0.2
#> 3 A 2022 budget 130 5.33 0.923
#> 4 B 2021 actual 70 2.73 NA
#> 5 B 2022 actual 80 3.92 0.143
#> 6 B 2022 budget 90 3.69 0.889
And using across you could do the same for both sales and profit:
ori_data |>
group_by(category) |>
arrange(category, type, year) |>
mutate(across(c(sales, profit), ~ if_else(type == "actual",
.x / lag(.x) - 1,
lag(.x) / .x),
.names = "{.col}_inc_or_budget_achieved")) |>
#> # A tibble: 6 × 7
#> category year type sales profit sales_inc_or_budget_achie… profit_inc_or_b…
#> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 A 2021 actual 100 3.7 NA NA
#> 2 A 2022 actual 120 5.52 0.2 0.492
#> 3 A 2022 budget 130 5.33 0.923 1.04
#> 4 B 2021 actual 70 2.73 NA NA
#> 5 B 2022 actual 80 3.92 0.143 0.436
#> 6 B 2022 budget 90 3.69 0.889 1.06
Answer from stefan suits perfectly well, however, I would suggest you rearrange your data first.
In my opinion sales and profit are types of measures (aka observations) and actual and budget are the measurements here:
ori_data2 <-
ori_data %>%
pivot_longer(c(sales, profit)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = type, values_from = value) %>%
group_by(category, name) %>%
arrange(year, .by_group = TRUE)
then your calculations become much more easier:
ori_data2 %>%
mutate(increase = actual / lag(actual) - 1, # compare to the year before
budget_acheved = actual / budget) %>% # compare actual vs. budget
filter(year == 2022) # you can filter for year of interest
mutate(across(c(increase, budget_acheved), scales::percent)) # and format as percent

Is there any function that give the changes between columns?

I have a df that looks like this.
rownames 2015Y 2016Y 2017Y 2018Y 2019Y 2020Y 2021Y
1 Australia 29583.7403 48397.383 45220.323 68461.941 39218.044 20140.351 29773.188
2 Austria* 1294.5092 -8400.973 14926.164 5511.625 2912.795 -14962.963 5855.014
3 Belgium* -24013.3111 68177.596 -3057.153 27119.084 -9208.553 13881.481 22955.298
4 Canada 43852.7732 36061.859 22764.156 37653.521 50141.784 23174.006 59693.992
5 Chile* 20507.8407 12249.294 6128.716 7735.778 12499.238 8385.907 15251.538
6 Czech Republic 465.2137 9814.496 9517.948 11010.423 10108.914 9410.576 5805.084
I want to calculate the changes between years, so instead of the values, the table has the percentage of change (obviously deleting 2015Y).
Try this using (current - previous)/ previous *100
lst <- list()
nm <- names(dfhigh)[-1]
for(i in 1:(length(nm) - 1)){
lst[[i]] <- (dfhigh[[nm[i+1]]] - dfhigh[[nm[i]]]) / dfhigh[[nm[i]]] * 100
ans <- , lst)
colnames(ans) <- paste("ch_of" , nm[-1])
you can change the formula to calculate percentage as you want
You could also use a tidyverse solution.
df %>%
pivot_longer(!rownames) %>%
group_by(rownames) %>%
mutate(value = 100*value/lag(value)-100) %>%
ungroup() %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = name, values_from = value)
# # A tibble: 6 × 8
# rownames `2015Y` `2016Y` `2017Y` `2018Y` `2019Y` `2020Y` `2021Y`
# <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 Australia NA 63.6 -6.56 51.4 -42.7 -48.6 47.8
# 2 Austria* NA -749. -278. -63.1 -47.2 -614. -139.
# 3 Belgium* NA -384. -104. -987. -134. -251. 65.4
# 4 Canada NA -17.8 -36.9 65.4 33.2 -53.8 158.
# 5 Chile* NA -40.3 -50.0 26.2 61.6 -32.9 81.9
# 6 CzechRepublic NA 2010. -3.02 15.7 -8.19 -6.91 -38.3

Compare one group to the rest of the groups as a whole in R

Here is some sample data:
movie_df <- data.frame("ID" = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10),
"movie_type" = c("Action", "Horror", "Comedy", "Thriller", "Comedy",
"Action","Thriller", "Horror", "Action", "Comedy"),
"snack_type" = c("Chocolate", "Popcorn", "Candy", "Popcorn", "Popcorn",
"Candy","Chocolate", "Candy", "Popcorn", "Chocolate"),
"event_type" = c("Solo", "Family", "Date", "Friends", "Solo",
"Family","Date", "Date", "Friends", "Friends"),
"total_cost" = c(50, 35, 20, 50, 30,
60, 25, 35, 20, 50))
What I want to do is go through each column and compare each group to the rest of the groups on total_cost. For example, I want to see how movie_type == 'Action' compares to movie_type != 'Action' for total_cost. I want to do that for every type in movie_type then every type in snack_type and event_type.
What I ultimately want to get to is this where sd = Standard Deviation. Ideally this will be done by a tidyverse method in R (e.g. dplyr or tidyr):
> results_df
# A tibble: 11 x 11
Group Grp_1 Grp_2 Grp_1_mean Grp_2_mean Grp_1_sd Grp_2_sd Grp_1_n Grp_2_n Mean_Diff `t-test`
<chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 movie_type Action Rest of group 43.3 35 20.8 11.5 3 7 8.33 2.84
2 movie_type Horror Rest of group 35 38.1 0 16.0 2 8 -3.12 -2.21
3 movie_type Thriller Rest of group 37.5 37.5 17.7 14.6 2 8 0 0
4 movie_type Comedy Rest of group 33.3 39.3 15.3 14.6 3 7 -5.95 -2.22
5 snack_type Chocolate Rest of group 41.7 35.7 14.4 14.8 3 7 5.95 2.26
6 snack_type Candy Rest of group 38.3 37.1 20.2 12.9 3 7 1.19 0.407
7 snack_type Popcorn Rest of group 33.8 40 12.5 15.8 4 6 -6.25 -2.60
8 event_type Date Rest of group 26.7 42.1 7.64 14.1 3 7 -15.5 -7.25
9 event_type Family Rest of group 47.5 35 17.7 13.4 2 8 12.5 3.86
10 event_type Friends Rest of group 40 36.4 17.3 14.1 3 7 3.57 1.28
11 event_type Solo Rest of group 40 36.9 14.1 15.1 2 8 3.12 1.04
It's same logic as Daniel did using purrr::map and purrr::map2.
needed_cols <- c("movie_type", "snack_type", "event_type")
new_names <- 1:2 %>%
map(~str_c(c("group", "mean", "sd", "n"), "_", .x)) %>%
my_data <- needed_cols %>%
df <- movie_df %>%
mutate(group = ifelse(get(df_c) == v, v, "rest_of_group")) %>%
group_by(group) %>%
summarize(mean = mean(total_cost), sd = sd(total_cost), n = n()) %>%
.[match(.$group, c(v, "rest_of_group")),]
df <- bind_cols(df[1, ], df[2,])
names(df) <- new_names
) %>%
map2(needed_cols, ~bind_rows(.x) %>% mutate(group = .y)) %>%
bind_rows() %>%
str_subset(names(.), "group") %>% sort(),
str_subset(names(.), "mean"),
str_subset(names(.), "sd"),
str_subset(names(.), "n")
) %>%
mutate(mean_diff = mean_1 - mean_2)
Sorry its not in pipes, but in Base R we can:
results_df <-,unlist(
lapply(unique(u), function(x)
group1 = as.character(x),
group2 = "rest",
grp1_mean = mean(movie_df$total_cost[u == x]),
grp2_mean = mean(movie_df$total_cost[u != x]),
grp1_sd = sd(movie_df$total_cost[u == x]),
grp2_sd = sd(movie_df$total_cost[u != x])
#add mean differences
results_df$meandiff <- with(results_df, grp1_mean - grp2_mean)
> results_df
group1 group2 grp1_mean grp2_mean grp1_sd grp2_sd meandiff
movie_type1 Action rest 43.33333 35.00000 20.816660 11.54701 8.333333
movie_type2 Horror rest 35.00000 38.12500 0.000000 16.02175 -3.125000
movie_type3 Comedy rest 33.33333 39.28571 15.275252 14.55695 -5.952381
movie_type4 Thriller rest 37.50000 37.50000 17.677670 14.63850 0.000000
snack_type1 Chocolate rest 41.66667 35.71429 14.433757 14.84042 5.952381
snack_type2 Popcorn rest 33.75000 40.00000 12.500000 15.81139 -6.250000
snack_type3 Candy rest 38.33333 37.14286 20.207259 12.86375 1.190476
event_type1 Solo rest 40.00000 36.87500 14.142136 15.10381 3.125000
event_type2 Family rest 47.50000 35.00000 17.677670 13.36306 12.500000
event_type3 Date rest 26.66667 42.14286 7.637626 14.09998 -15.476190
event_type4 Friends rest 40.00000 36.42857 17.320508 14.05770 3.571429
