Disable access to Amplify App from default domain and keep custom domain - aws-amplify

I have an app in Amplify that currently has a custom domain attached. I can access the app fine, all seems to be working good on this, but I just tried accessing the default Amplify subdomain (master.something.amplifyapp.com) and this works also.
I would like to either remove this subdomain or redirect it to the custom domain so that users can only access the app from the custom URL.
Looked through documentation, other questions online and cannot seem to find anything related to this. I only found a delete-domain-association page, but unsure if this is actually the way to do it https://awscli.amazonaws.com/v2/documentation/api/latest/reference/amplify/delete-domain-association.html
Below is how the app looks in domain management:
Is there a best practice on how this should be done? Should it be redirected, should it be removed or something completely different?
Thank you! I appreciate any comment
I have tried looking for similar questions and through documentation.


Custom domains for notion websites

I have a website on Notion. But I would like to connect it to a custom domain. I am currently following instructions from Fruition. But seems like pages were breaking after the link change of Notion's public links(from notion.so/<page_id> to username.notion.site/<page_id>). I tried editing the script a bit but no luck. Please help. Thanks in advance.
Seems as if after couple of edits I get no errors on my custom domain but I get a screen saying to continue to the external Notion site with this link.

Wordpress JSON API only working when logged in

I seem to be only able to access the wordpress json api when I am logged in in wordpress (no matter which endpoint, even on GET mypage.com/wp-json/). When I remove all cookies or logout and call the endpoint I get redirected to the login-screen.
Is this the desired behavior when I do not use nonces?
This happens on our staging environment, on our live-page everything works, I get results from the JSON API even if I am not logged in.
We created the staging site with the plugin from https://wp-staging.com/
So maybe there is a setting missing which has not been copied over? Or can I turn off checking for authentication / nonces on the API somewhere in the wordpress settings?
It turns out that the WP Staging Plugin has an option to limit access to the staging page which is set to "Administrators" by default. Turned it to "Allow access from all" and now it works.
On a WP website that I was asked to work on - it took me a lot of hours on debugging my own code (initially), then to start investigating the theme and finally deeper in other plugins and wp-core...
After all that, I found that the plugin members has functionality to restrict the rest_api access only to logged-in users.
There is a setting for this in the settings page of the plugin.
REST API -> Require authentication for access to the REST API.
So, I am posting this here, in case it could help someone else to avoid the same headache I encountered with this.

firebase deploying to default domain need to modify it

Below is the scenarios I have done and facing difficulties in proceeding further.
Firebase deployed - deployed to firebaseapp.com
Created custom domain in firebase,named subdomain.mydomain.com
copied the TXT from the advanced Setting
I have domain in google. named domain.com
In domains.google.com under Custom resource records pasted the TXT text and wrote sub-domain at the place of #.
Below are my doubts
How to make firebase deploy to subdomain.mydomain.com, now
it is deploying to firebase.app.com
What else should I do to make subdomain.mydomain.com to live and show my page
Note: I just brought the domain, only basic setting like enabling security has been done.
Update the question with screenshots
2.GoogleDomains verification
Thanks Mr. #FrankVanPuffelen,
I spoke with the domains.google.com support team and understood the mistake I have done.
Follow below to avoid mistakes
WARNING: Don't disturb by making any change in setting. wait for atleast 12hours(works max at 6 hours)
If it is not working don't hesitate, contact the support team and talk with them
contact me for any help if you still have an issue 😃

WordPress “wp-admin” redirecting to a user account login

I’m getting a very strange error. When I try to log in to the back-end of WordPress at the address mysite.com/wp-admin, to access the back-end, I am automatically being redirected to mysite.com/login.php... as if I were trying to log into an account as a regular user or a customer.
I’m a novice with WordPress, and I can’t seem to figure this out. Please help.
I have a website which allows some of the users to post available jobs around the block and others apply through it.
Thank You
I'm not using any plugin to implement the front-end at all.
I tried to login using the regular admin credentials and it didn't work.
A way to login the back-end so i can customize the site
It sounds like you have a theme redirect. Try logging into your site using the login page it should function the exact same way. If not try seeing if the theme has any documentation about its redirect. and if you are able to get to the admin section i personally like having ithemes installed which lets me set my own url for the backend. You can also try /wp-login.php as well.

Multi tenancy in firebase hosting

I'm trying to use firebase with different subdomains, but serving the same content.
I've managed to redirect subdomains, but I need to stay routed to it.
When I type for exemple: subdomain.mydomain.com, I'm being redirected to mydomain.com.
I need it to stay on subdomain.mydomain.com.
The subdomain will be created dynamically.
For reference, see the answer from Chris at How do I make a custom subdomain on Firebase?
As it stands this is not currently possible, although it seems to be an often requested feature that they are working on.
