I know that to reduce the days and eliminate the records, this is done
function wca_reduce_action_scheduler_retention() {
add_filter( 'action_scheduler_retention_period', 'wca_reduce_action_scheduler_retention' );
However what I need is to discard the logs of the group rocket-preload
To be more precise it skips saving logs for that group. Since I don't need them.
This is possible?
This on the Wordpress Scheduled Actions page (/wp-admin/tools.php?page=action-scheduler)
I'm using Woocommerce hook woocommerce_email_footer() and inside my function, I need to call $email->get_content() which causes recursion and PHP memory error and WordPress exits with system error
Tried to remove the hook before calling the $email->get_content() and adding the hook back right after this call. However, this may not be a foolproof solution since some other session which hits exactly at the time when my function has removed the action might totally miss the hook custom action
I've written the following code in functions.php of my theme to capture the mail contents (mail body) into a local file just before it is being sent whenever a new order is received
// Capture the contents of the Emails sent and save into local files
// These Local files are used for further messaging through different channels
function Save_Email_Contents_into_Local_File ( $email ) {
if ( $email->id == 'customer_processing_order' ) {
// Remove the action temporarily so as not to cause Recursion while we refer to $email functions
remove_action( 'woocommerce_email_footer', 'Save_Email_Contents_into_Local_File', 20, 1 );
$TargetFilename = '/home/users/....../Sent_Mail.html' ;
$html_message = $email->get_content();
$formatted_message = $email->style_inline($html_message);
file_put_contents($TargetFilename, $formatted_message);
// Put the action back to original state
add_action( 'woocommerce_email_footer', 'Save_Email_Contents_into_Local_File', 20, 1 );
// add the action
add_action( 'woocommerce_email_footer', 'Save_Email_Contents_into_Local_File', 20, 1 );
Please note in the above function, I'm referring the $email->get_content() public function.
If I do not do the remove_action( 'woocommerce_email_footer', 'Save_Email_Contents_into_Local_File', 20, 1 ); this function becomes recursive and fails with a PHP memory error.
Although this is a workable solution, Removing the action can potentially cause another instance of the customer_processing_order from another user to miss the action and not come to this function if that session hits exactly at the time when this current session has removed the action and before adding the action again.
I'm sure I'm not doing it right! Is there any better way to accomplish what I need - basically I need the exact formatted mail content to be stored in a local file whenever the order is received. Similarly, I will need local file stored for Order completion and order hold, etc. but at later point of time.
Want to achieve storing formatted email into a local file a) without causing recursion / PHP memory errors b) without having to miss some instances of the execution missing the custom code attached to the hook.
function cronstarter_activation() {
if( !wp_next_scheduled( 'mycronjob' ) ) {
wp_schedule_event( strtotime( '00:02:00' ), 'daily', 'mycronjob' );
add_action('wp', 'cronstarter_activation');
function my_repeat_function() {
//My code the same information to database
add_action ('mycronjob', 'my_repeat_function');
Everything works great.
My problem is that I have php code in sidebar to recieve the storaged information from the database that saved from cron_job,
and the first time that a visitor visits the site in the new day after the 00:02:00 the recieved information is the previous day information.
I think that the first visitor of day, first see the sidebar's result, which is the previous day information, and after activate the cronjob.
Is that true? How can I run the cronjob without needed the first visitor?
Yes WP Cron have big caveat is that it requires someone to visit the site in order to run. For example, if you schedule your job to run at 2AM but no one visits at 2AM, it won’t run at 2AM. It will run when someone visits the site after 2AM.
More info Official : https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_schedule_event
More info public blog:
For more control on cron job use schedule at system level:
Use PHP to create, edit and delete crontab jobs?
Setup/configuration will differ based on your server & hosting type.
i was working in a wordpress registration plugin. i stucked in expiry of the user. actually i want to expire the member after one year of his/her registration. and i want to notify them via email before 1 month of their expiry. i am using add_action('init','my function name') to check how many of the user is going to expire after a month and also to send the mail. bt this action hook will run every time a user visits the site which will make my site too slow to load everytime a user will visit. so i want something dat will make this code run once in a day. e.g. when the first user visit the site this code will run and for the whole remaining day this code will not be invoke no matter how many user will visit the website.
Wordpress has a built-in function/API that just do exactly what you want - doing something every day/hour/any interval you specify.
Taken shamelessly from the above page
add_action( 'wp', 'prefix_setup_schedule' );
* On an early action hook, check if the hook is scheduled - if not, schedule it.
function prefix_setup_schedule() {
if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'prefix_daily_event' ) ) {
wp_schedule_event( time(), 'daily', 'prefix_daily_event');
add_action( 'prefix_daily_event', 'prefix_do_this_daily' );
* On the scheduled action hook, run a function.
function prefix_do_this_daily() {
// check every user and see if their account is expiring, if yes, send your email.
prefix_ is presumably to ensure there will be no collision with other plugins, so I suggest you to change this to something unique.
See http://wp.tutsplus.com/articles/insights-into-wp-cron-an-introduction-to-scheduling-tasks-in-wordpress/ if you want to know more.
We've been having a new type of spam-bot this week at PortableApps.com which posts at a rate of about 10 comments a minute and doesn't seem to stop - at least the first hour or so (we've always stopped it within that time so far). We've had them about a dozen times in the last week - sometimes stopping it at 50 or 60, sometimes up to 250 or 300. We're working to stop it and other spam bots as much as possible, but at the moment it's still a real pest.
I was wondering whether in the mean time whether there's any sort of module to control the frequency a user can post at to e.g. 50 an hour or something like 10 in an hour for new users. That at least would mean that instead of having to clear up 300 comments 50 at a time in admin/content/comment we'd have a smaller number to clear. (A module to add a page to delete all content by a user and block them would also be helpful!)
I believe that there's a plugin to do this available for WordPress, but can't find any such thing for Drupal.
For your second question, i would have a look at the code of the User Delete module (click).
The module also disables the user account and unpublished all nodes/comments from a certain user. By extending the code, you could easily create another possibility to unpublish + delete all nodes/comments from a certain user and blocking the account.
After the unpublish code in the module, you should just put delete code (in sql if the module is selecting by a sql-query or by using the drupal delete functions).
Another option would be so make a view (using the view module) only to be viewed by administrators, where you choose a certain user using the filters and then lists his/her posts. Then in the node-contenttype.tpl.php you place a button that calls a function which deletes all nodes/comments and the user.
First problem (post frequency)
I've been thinking about the comment post limit. If I remember correctly Drupal stores comments in a seperate table and has comment specific functions.
I'd create a new module and using the comment_nodeapi function i would check in the operation 'insert' how much comments the current user has already made within a certain timeframe.
To check this I would write a custom sql query on the database which takes the count of alle comments made by uid where the post_date is larger then NOW-1hour. If that count is larger then 10 or 15 or whatever post frequency you want then you give a message back to the user. You can retrieve the user id and name by using the global $user variable.
(example: print $user->name;)
You have to check on your own for the sql query but here's some code when you have the amount:
function comment_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $arg = 0) {
switch ($op) {
case 'insert':
if($count > 15){
$repeat = FALSE;
$type = 'status'
drupal_set_message("You have reached the comment limit for this time.", $type, $repeat);
db_query('INSERT INTO {node_comment_statistics} (nid, last_comment_timestamp, last_comment_name, last_comment_uid, comment_count) VALUES (%d, %d, NULL, %d, 0)', $node->nid, $node->changed, $node->uid);
(this code has not been tested so no guarantees, but this should put you on the right track)
I would suggest something like Mollom (from the creator of Drupal). It scans the message for known spam pattern/keywords/... and if this scan fails, it displays a CAPTCHA to the user to make sure that it's a real human that wants to enter content that has the same properties like spam.
They offer a free service and some paid solutions. We are using it for some customers and it's worth the money. It also integrates very well in Drupal.
Comment Limit is probably what you need.
http://drupal.org/project/antispam - with akismet support
I'm working on a content dripper custom plugin in WordPress that my client asked me to build. He says he wants it to catch a page view event, and if it's the right time of day (24 hours since last post), to pull from a resource file and output another post. He needed it to also raise a flag and prevent other sessions from firing that same snippet of code. So, raise some kind of flag saying, "I'm posting that post, go away other process," and then it makes that post and releases the flag again.
However, the strangest thing is occurring when placed under load with multiple sessions hitting the site with page views. It's firing instead of one post -- it's randomly doing like 1, 2, or 3 extra posts, with each one thinking that it was the right time to post because it was 24 hours past the time of the last post. Because it's somewhat random, I'm guessing that the problem is some kind of write caching where the other sessions don't see the raised flag just yet until a couple microseconds pass.
The plugin was raising the "flag" by simply writing to the wp_options table with the update_option() API in WordPress. The other user sessions were supposed to read that value with get_option() and see the flag, and then not run that piece of code that creates the post because a given session was already doing it. Then, when done, I lower the flag and the other sessions continue as normal.
But what it's doing is letting those other sessions in.
To make this work, I was using add_action('loop_start','checkToAddContent'). The odd thing about that function though is that it's called more than once on a page, and in fact some plugins may call it. I don't know if there's a better event to hook. Even still, even if I find an event to hook that only runs once on a page view, I still have multiple sessions to contend with (different users who may view the page at the same time) and I want only one given session to trigger the content post when the post is due on the schedule.
I'm wondering if there are any WordPress plugin devs out there who could suggest another event hook to latch on to, and to figure out another way to raise a flag that all sessions would see. I mean, I could use the shared memory API in PHP, but many hosting plans have that disabled. Can't use a cookie or session var because that's only one single session. About the only thing that might work across hosting plans would be to drop a file as a flag, instead. If the file is present, then one session has the flag. If the file is not present, then other sessions can attempt to get the flag. Sure, I could use the file route, but it's kind of immature in my opinion and I was wondering if there's something in WordPress I could do.
The key may be to create a semaphore record in the database for the "drip" event.
Warning - consider the following pseudocode - I'm not looking up the functions.
When the post is queried, use a SQL statement like
$ts = get_time_now(); // or whatever the function is
$sid = session_id();
INSERT INTO table (postcategory, timestamp, sessionid)
VALUES ("$category", $ts, "$sid")
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM table WHERE postcategory = "$category"
AND timestamp < $ts - 24 hours)
Database integrity will make this atomic so only one record can be inserted.
and the insertion will only take place if the timespan has been exceeded.
Then immediately check to see if the current session_id() and timestamp are yours. If they are, drip.
SELECT sessionid FROM table
WHERE postcategory = "$postcategory"
AND timestamp = $ts
AND sessionid = "$sid"
The problem goes like this with page requests even from the same session (same visitor), but also can occur with page requests from separate visitors. It works like this:
If you are doing content dripping, then a page request is probably what you intercept with add_action('wp','myPageRequest'). From there, if a scheduled post is due, then you create the new post.
The post takes a little bit of time to write to the database. In that time, a query on get_posts() may not see that new record yet. It may actually trigger your piece of code to create a new post when one has already been placed.
The fix is to force WordPress to flush the write cache appears to be this:
try {
$asPosts = array();
$asPosts = # wp_get_recent_posts(1);
foreach($asPosts as $asPost) {break;}
# delete_post_meta($asPost['ID'], '_thwart');
# add_post_meta($asPost['ID'], '_thwart', '' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
} catch (Exception $e) {}
$asPosts = array();
$asPosts = # wp_get_recent_posts(1);
foreach($asPosts as $asPost) {break;}
$sLastPostDate = '';
# $sLastPostDate = $asPost['post_date'];
$sLastPostDate = substr($sLastPostDate, 0, strpos($sLastPostDate, ' '));
$sNow = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$sNow = substr($sNow, 0, strpos($sNow, ' '));
if ($sLastPostDate != $sNow) {
// No post today, so go ahead and post your new blog post.
// Place that code here.
The first thing we do is get the most recent post. But we don't really care if it's not the most recent post or not. All we're getting it for is to get a single Post ID, and then we add a hidden custom field (thus the underscore it begins with) called
...as in, thwart the write cache by posting some data to the database that's not too CPU heavy.
Once that is in place, we then also use wp_get_recent_posts(1) yet again so that we can see if the most recent post is not today's date. If not, then we are clear to drip some content in. (Or, if you want to only drip in like every 72 hours, etc., you can change this a little here.)