dotnet ef database update fails - .net-core

Within docker container I am trying to run the following command but getting an error
dotnet ef database update --startup-project ./Insta.Mvc/Insta.Mvc.csproj --project Insta.Infra.Data --context InstaDbContext;
The error is:
/usr/share/dotnet/sdk/3.1.424/Microsoft.Common.targets(127,3): error MSB4024: The imported project file "/dotnetapp/Insta.Infra.Data/obj/Insta.Infra.Data.csproj.EntityFrameworkCore.targets" could not be loaded. Unexpected end tag. Line 26, position 6. [/dotnetapp/Insta.Infra.Data/Insta.Infra.Data.csproj]


"NotSerializableException" occurs when running Corda-Sample on Intellij

1.Clone Sample like "git clone"
2.Open Corda-Sample by Intellij
3.Chose"Run Example Cordapp - Kotlin" And Run
4.Open "build.gradle"(Clients/src) And Run "runPartyAServer" and "runPartyBServer"
5.Access "http://localhost:50005/" And "Create IOU"
6.Exception occured. com.example.flow.ExampleFlow$Initiator was not found by the node, check the Node containing the CorDapp that implements com.example.flow.ExampleFlow$Initiator is loaded and on the Classpath
How can I solve this Exception?
Are you running nodes?
This command is example 「cordapp-example」,
If the build folder does not exist, build it.
This command is build command, (Please run 「cordapp-example」directory)
./gradlew clean deployNodes

Update-database command failed to create database

So I'm studying Entity Framework Core through the course I am following to. So in the video he run the update-database command and it went smoothly, well it is the opposite when I tried the command. I already done the add-migration then just need to execute the update-database commaand.
Here's the error.log: Error Log Link
I have some idea that it is because of my userprofile that I get this error since it contains spaces.
Anyways here the error message I get from the package manager console:
Error Number:5123,State:1,Class:16
CREATE FILE encountered operating
system error 5(Access is denied.) while attempting to open or create
the physical file 'C:\Users\Infinite RegressionAngelShop.mdf'.
CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check
related errors.
Try to update MSSql to the latest version. It worked for me.

No metadata files found for isopack

whenever i run any meteor command like
meteor run android-device
it is giving this error
throw error;
Error: No metadata files found for isopack at:
at Isopack._loadUnibuildsFromPath (C:\tools\isobuild\isopack.js:900:13)
i have tried to uninstall and reinstall meteor again, also tried to update version but fails completely.

Error to build a signed apk

i'm trying to build an signed apk with visual studio /Cordova template. But i'm receiving this error: ERROR building one of the platforms 1
And : Error MDAVSCLI 1
I´m following this tutorial:
and my Keystore is like image bellow:
[aapt] Creating full resource package...
[apkbuilder] Current build type is different than previous build: forced apkbuilder run.
[apkbuilder] Creating MainActivity-release-unsigned.apk for release...
[echo] Signing final apk...
C:\Users\Leo\AppData\Local\Android\sdk1\tools\ant\build.xml:1135: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Users\Leo\AppData\Local\Android\sdk1\tools\ant\build.xml:1147: C:\Users\Leo\Desktop\Mobile\Mobile\platforms\android\"my-release-key.Keystore" (The file name syntax, the name of the directory or volume label incorrect)
Total time: 52 seconds
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xmx512M
throw e;
Error code 1 for command: cmd with args: /s /c "ant release -f C:\Users\Leo\Desktop\Mobile\Mobile\platforms\android\build.xml -Dout.dir=ant-build -Dgen.absolute.dir=ant-gen"
Command finished with error code 1: C:\Users\Leo\Desktop\Mobile\Mobile\platforms\android\cordova\build.bat --release
ERROR building one of the platforms : error : C:\Users\Leo\Desktop\Mobile\Mobile\platforms\android\cordova\build.bat: Command failed with exit code 1
You may not have the required environment or OS to build this project
MDAVSCLI : error : C:\Users\Leo\Desktop\Mobile\Mooobile\platforms\android\c
I've found a way : removing the quotes in my i can build.

Build.json Error: Package application for Android

Using Visual Studio RTM 2015 Blank Cordova (5.1.1) TypeScript project to test packaging applications for Android.
Following these instructions:
Created the build.json and keystore.
When I publish (Release > Android > Device), I get the following error:
Reading build config file: D:\erase\BlankCordovaApp9\build.json
Command finished with error code 1: cmd /s /c "D:\erase\BlankCordovaApp9\platforms\android\cordova\build.bat --debug --buildConfig=D:\erase\BlankCordovaApp9\build.json"
ERROR building one of the platforms : error : cmd: Command failed with exit code 1
Are the instructions still accurate for 2015 RTM? Using the instructions I get Misssing a comma after an object member when using the suggested format in build.json.
Win 8.1
