"app.vue" is understood to be main when defined in ~/components - nuxtjs3

I just created a nuxt 3 project, but when I create an App.vue component ~/components/app.vue it is understood as main App.vue ~/app.vue , then it completely ignores the pages and rederizes only the app component
I understand that there must be a difference between 'app.vue' inside the components folder and 'main app.vue'


Angular Material some css variables are undefined with standalone component

I'm using Angular 15 and #angular/material. I've created a standalone component that uses the mat-dialog-title, mat-dialog-content, and mat-dialog-actions. This component, as you can probably tell, is being used with the MatDialog. Unfortunately, when I render the component in the dialog, some of the css variables coming from material are undefined for some reason, while others are not.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong or why some of the variables would be defined, but not others. This is causing the styling to look pretty weird. Is there a dependent module I need to import besides MatDialogModule in the standalone component?
Since the component is standalone, I figured this didn't matter, but the component is located in a separate library project (exported from there).

How to create a layout.js file in Next.js 13 if I use React Context providers?

In Nextjs 13 there is a reference to creating a layout.js file that replaces the app and document files, but they state that If you are using any React Context providers, they will need to be moved to a Client Component.
What does that mean exactly? The files should not be upgraded or you should mark 'use client' in the layout.js file?
next-13 app directory rendered on the server by default. Context api is used on client side. You do not have to use app directory. you can still use pages directory and wrap the app with Context Provider. But this approach is very expensive and cause to many unnecessary rerenders when the context value changes.
Looks like in next-13, will layout.js file, we are going to break the application state into smaller chunks.
Layouts: Easily share UI between routes while preserving state and
avoiding expensive re-renders.
Imagine you have blogs and 'dashboarddirectories insideappdirectory. In eachlayout.js`, you can fetch data, create some state and pass them to its own children via the prop drilling. In that way, we will kinda have a modular state. new layout system will avoid unnecessary re-renders.
Imagine your app was wrapped by ContextProvider and [slug] component was causing a state change in the ContextProvider, so your entire app will be rerendering. but if you keep the top level data for [slug] component inside blog layout, state change in layout will only rerender this layput's children components
If you want to opt out server component and choose to use use client directive, you can use createContext and this time each tree will have their own context

What are the differences between the app.vue and pages/index.vue files in Nuxt?

I'm new to Nuxt and got confused about when to use app.vue or /pages/index.vue .When do I use either of them or what is the purpose of using index.vue if the starting point is app.vue .
app.vue is your main entry point, like main.js in Vue, the top level you can get access to if you want to have some thing across your whole app.
/pages/index.vue is used to generate some content on the home of your app aka /, this is mainly some vue-router path done for you.
In the same way, /pages/about.vue will generate a page for /about.
So, mainly all the router pages are contained within app.vue.

Prevent vuetify from polluting global style scope

I am trying to essentially embed a Vue component into another one from a remote source (npm), without using a Vue Plugin. The components are mounting as expected, however, because the embedded component uses Vuetify, it's style is polluting the style of the "parent" application Here's some images that hopefully illustrate what i mean:
Note the primary colors of the root application before mounting the embedded component
Upon mounting of the Login (embedded) component:
I tried the strategy mentioned here, using less in the embedded component to import the vuetify css at a block level, but it doesn't seem to be working for me.
I realize that, in the end, I could ultimately solve this by ensuring the embedded theme matches the root applications theme, but I'd rather not have to rely on that. If my component is being built with webpack, why am I unable to apply Vuetify's css to just that component? Any suggestions?
happy to include code if necessary
To use with vue.js install postcss-parent-selector
npm i postcss-parent-selector -D
then create a postcss.config.js file in root and add following code
module.exports = {
plugins: [
selector: ".mywrapperclass",
Then in public/index.html add a wrapper element around the app:
<div class="mywrapperclass">
<div id="app"></div>
Some links:
I am currently having the same issue with my application. The possible solutions I've came up with are:
-Embedding the child Vue application via iframe and using a library like vuex-iframe-sync to pass props between Vuetify root app and the child app.
-Disabling Vuetify theme alltogether and perhaps customize components on my own:
// src/plugins/vuetify.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuetify from 'vuetify/lib'
const vuetify = new Vuetify({
theme: { disable: true },
-Another option was using webpack config to run a PostCSS plugin and possibly add prefixes to Vuetify's global styles while bundling the app, but I couldn't figure out how.
Please let me know if you make any progress on this topic!

Next.js use of _app.js and _document.js

I currently use _document.js to inject css into my Next.js app and I would like to start using _app.js to help inject data into pages.
Was wondering if it possible to use _document and _app in tandem or should we only use one or the other?
Short answer: Yes, You can use both. They serve different purpose and can be used in the same application.
According to NextJS docs:
Next.js uses the App component to initialize pages.
To override, create the ./pages/_app.js file and override the App class
Pages in Next.js skip the definition of the surrounding document's markup. For example, you never include <html>, <body>, etc. To override that default behavior, you must create a file at ./pages/_document.js, where you can extend the Document class.
Note: _document.js is only rendered on the server side and not on the client side. so event handlers like onClick is not going to work.
