Using FileUpload Control to upload/record filenames only -

A bit of an odd use-case scenario but I have the need for a program
that allows users to select file(s) and have those full path file
names sent to a SQL database.
I’ve built said program in ASP .NET Web application written in VB
using Visual Studio 17.3.5. The FileUpload Control records the users
selected files and those filenames successfully transfer to the SQL
The problem I’m having is it appears the FileUpload control is doing
what’s it’s designed to do… actually upload the file, not sure where
but I’m assuming to some temp space. I noticed this when I selected
a large file to test with, there was a lag in the system and if the
file was larger than ‘maxRequestLength’ it would crash. Again my goal
is to record and save just the filenames of the selected files not the
actual files themselves.
If it wasn’t obvious I’m very green when it comes to coding, any help
is greatly appreciated!
Initially I increased 'maxRequestLength' in the Web.config but that
didn't address the problem, which is the FileUpload control is
actually uploading or trying to upload the file somewhere.
Current code related to FUD:
*Side note: I’m using a Wizard control and this code is submitted/executed when the user clicks ‘Finish’ at the end of the Wizard.
If fud_SelectFiles.HasFiles Then
For Each uploadedfile In fud_SelectFiles.PostedFiles
StrFile_Name += String.Format(Server.MapPath(uploadedfile.FileName)) + ","
'Trims last comma from file name and places into session variable
Session("v_File_Name") = StrFile_Name.TrimEnd(",")
End If


Get file upload data from post data in ASP.NET

I am looping through the posted values on a form with a view to doing something with them (so don't have access to the controls themselves). This is the process I have to take on this project so that is why I'm doing it this way.
On the form I will have a file upload box but I am not sure how I would upload the file that has been selected from it as I can't just do Control.SaveAs(). When I return the posted value using Request.Form.Item[i] I get the file name I chose but not the full path like I would expect.
Can someone point me in the right direction please?
If you want to manipulate the uploaded files directly, and not through a FileUploader control, you should use the Request.Files collection and not the Request.Form
File Upload controls only pass the file name and the contents. I'm not sure why you would need a folder name, especially since the folder name would be for the client - I can't expect that this would have any value to you since you want to save the file on the server.
As I am unsure of your goals, I would recommend using Server.MapPath("~/Folder") to find a suitable folder to save your uploaded files to

How can I rename a file in ASP.NET?

In my project I want to rename the file before it is updating. For example a file in my system like Mycontact.xls. I want to rename it as sasi.xls (it is an excel file). How can I write the code in ASP.NET?
Actually I am using a fileupload control to get the file in and rename the file and upload the renamed file in a folder which is in Solution Explorer.
You can do it with the File.Move method eg:
string oldFileName = "MyOldFile.txt";
string newFileName = "MyNewFile.txt";
File.Move(oldFileName, newFileName);
C# does not provide a file rename function, unfortunately. Anyhow, the idea is to do this:
File.Copy(oldFileName, NewFileName);
You can also use - File.Move.
Be aware that when that code executes, the owner of the file will turn into the identity you have set on your Application Pool on which the website is running.
That account might not have enough permissions to 'create new' or 'delete' files.
I would advise you to place all read/writable files in a seperate location so you can control the security settings seperately on that part. This will also split off the 'only readable files/executables' (like the aspx and such) from the 'read/writable' files.

Send file using Response.BinaryWrite() and delete it afterwards

As part of a Classic ASP Project the user should be able to download a file - which is dynamicly extracted from a zip archive and sent via Response.BinaryWrite() - by simply calling "document.asp?id=[some id here]".
Extracting and sending is not the problem but I need to delete the extracted file after the download finished. I never did any ASP or VBA before and I guess that's why I stuck here.
I tried deleting the file right after Response.WriteBinary() using FileSystemObject.DeleteFile() but this results in a 404-Error on the client-side.
How can I wait till the download finished and then do additional actions?
Edit: This is how my code looks like:
'Unzip a specified file from an archive and put it's path in *document*
set stream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
stream.Type = 1 ' binary
'Here I want to delete the *document*
I suspect that the point you are calling the DeleteFile method the file you are trying delete is currently locked by something else, the question is what?
Try including:-
after your BinaryWrite. Also make sure you've done a similar thing to the component you've used to extract the file. If the component doesn't offer any obviouse "close" methods they trying assigning Nothing to the variables referencing them.
Is it not possible to stream the file into memory, then binary write the stream to the browser, this way the file is never created on the server and there is no need to delete it.
I found a solution: The extracted files are saved in a special directory and everytime a user runs the document.asp it checks this directory for files older than one hour and deletes them.
I think it's the simplest way to manage, but furthermore I would prefer a solution where the document is deleted after downloading.

File uploading: what should be the name of the file to save to?

I am going to add file upload control to my ASP.NET 2.0 web page so that users can upload files. Files will be stored in the server in the folder with the name as of the user. I want to know what is the best option to name the files when saving to server. Needs to consider security, performance, flexibility to handle files etc.
Options I am considering now :
Upload with the same name as of the input file name
Add User Id+Random Number +File name as of the input file name
Create random numbers +Current Time in seconds and save files with that number. Will have one table to map this number with users upload
Anything else? What is the best way?
NEVER EVER use user input for filenames. Don't use the username. User the user id instead (I assume your users have an unique id).
NEVER use the original filename. Use your solution number 3, plus the user id instead of the username.
For your information, PHP had a vulnerability a few years ago: one could forge a HTTP POST request with a file upload, and with a file name like "../../anything.php", and the php _FILES array, supposed to contain sanitized values, didn't detect these kind of file names, so one could write files anywhere in the filesystem.
I'd use a combination of
User ID
A random generated string (e.g. a GUID)
Example PDF file name: 23212-dd503cf8-a548-4584-a0a3-39dc8be618df.pdf
This way, the user can upload as many files as he/she wants, without file name conflict, and you are also able to point out which files belong to which users, just by looking at the file names.
I don't see the need to include any other information in the file name, since upload time/date and such can be retrieved from the file's attributes.
Also, you should store the files in a safe location, which external users, such as visitors of your website, cannot access. Instead, you deliver the file to them through a proxy web page (you read the file from the safe location, and pass the data on to the user). For this solution, a database is needed to keep track of files, their location, etc.
This also makes you able to control which users have access to which files through your code.
Update: Here's a description of how the solution with the proxy web page could be implemented.
Create a Web Form with the name GetFile.aspx
GetFile.aspx takes one query parameter named fileid, which is used to identify the file to get. E.g.:
Use the fileid parameter to lookup the file location in the database, so that it can be read and sent to the user. In the Web Form you use Request.QueryString("fileid") to get the file ID and use it in a query that will look something like this (SQL): SELECT FileLocation FROM UserFiles WHERE FileID = 100
Read the file using a System.IO.FileStream and output its contents through Response.Write. Remember to set the appropriate content type using Response.ContentType first, so that the client browser handles the requested file correctly (see this post on and the MDSN article which is also referred to in the post, which both discuss a method of determining the appropriate content type automatically).
If you choose this approach, it's easy to implement your own simple security or custom actions later on, such as making sure a user is logged into your web site before you send the file, or that users can only access files they uploaded themselves, or logging which users download which files, etc. The possibilities are endless ;-)
Take a look at the System.IO.Path class as it has lots of useful functions you can utilise, such as:
Check which characters are invalid in a file name:
Get a random file name:
Get a unique, randome filename in the temporary directory
I would go with option #3. A table mapping these files with users will provide other uses down the road, it always does. If you use the mapping, the only advantage of appending the user name or id to the file is if you are trying to debug a problem.
I'd probably use a GUID instead of a random number but either would work. The important things in my opinion are
No username as part of the filename as any part of the stored file
Never use the original file name as any part of the stored file
Use a random number or GUID to ensure no duplicate file
Adding an user id to the file will help with manual debugging issues
There is more to this than meets the eye...which I am thinking that you already knew!
What sort of files are you talking about? If they are anything even remotely big or in such quantity that the group of files could be big I would immediately suggest that you add some flexibility to your approach.
create a table that stores the root paths to various file stores (this could be drives, unc paths, what ever your environment supports). It will initially have one entry in it which will be your first storage location. An nice attribute to maintain with this data is how much room can be stored here.
maintain a table of file related data (id {guid}, create date, foreign key to path data, file size)
write the file to a root that still has room on it (query all file sizes stored in a root location and compare to that roots capacity)
write the file using a GUID for the name (obfuscates the file on the file system)..can be written without the file extension if security requires it (sensitive files)
write the file according to its create date starting from the root/year{number}/month{number}/day{number}/file.extension
With a system of this nature in place - even though you won't/don't need it up front - you can now more easily relocate the files. You can better manage the files. You can better manage collections of files. Etc. I have used this system before and found it to be quite flexible. Dealing with files that are stored to a file system but managed from a database can get a bit out of control once the file store becomes so large and things need to get moved around a bit. Also, at least in the case of windows...storing zillions of files in one directory is usually not a good idea (the reason for breaking things up by their create date).
This complexity is only really needed when you have high volumes and large foot prints.

Working with big files in classic ASP

I was wondering what's the best practise for serving a generated big file in classic asp.
We have an application with "export to excel" function that produces 10MB files. The excels are created by just calling a .asp page that has the Response.ContentType set to excel and has an HTML table for the data.
This gives as problem that it takes 4 minutes before the user sees the "Save as..." dialog.
My current solution is to call an .asp page that creates the excel on the server with AJAX and lets the page return the URL of the generated document. Then I can use javascript to display the on the original page.
Is this easy to do with classic asp (creating files on server with some kind of stream) while keeping security in mind? (URL should make people be able to guess the location of other files)
How would I go about handling deleted the generated files overtime? They have to be deleted periodicly as the data changes in realtime.
edit: I realized now that creating the file on the server will probably also take 4 minutes...
I think you are selecting a complex route, when the solution is simple enough (Though I may be missing some requirements)
If you to generate an excel, just call an asp page that do the following:
Response.AddHeader "content-disposition", "attachment; filename=myexcel.xls"
Response.ContentType = "application/excel"
'//write the content of the file
Response.write "...."
This will a start a download process in the browser without needing to generate a extra call, javascript or anything
See this question for more info on the format you will choose to generate the excel.
Since Thomas update the question and the real problem is that the file take 4 minutes to generate, the solution could be:
Offer the user the send the file by email (if this is a workable solution in you server or hosting).
Generate the file async, and let the user know when the file generation is done (with an ajax call, like SO does when other user have added an answer)
To generate the file on the server
'//You should change for a random name or something that makes sense
FileName = "C:\temp\myexcel.xls"
FileNumber = FreeFile
Open FileName For Append As #FileNumber
'//generate the content
TheRow = "...."
Print #FileNumber, TheRow
Close #FileNumber
To delete the temp files generated
I use Empty Temp Folders a freeware app that I run daily on the server to take care of temp files generated. (Again, it depends on you server or hosting)
About security
Generate the files using random numbers or GUIds for a light protection. If the data is sensitive, you will need to download the file from a ASP page, but I think that you will be in the same problem again...(waiting 4 minutes to download)
Read file using FSO.
Set headers for Excel file-type, name according to file read and for download (attachment)
Flush response after headers are set. The client should display "save as" dialogue.
Output FSO to response. Client will download file and see progress bar.
How do you plan to generate the Excel? I hope you don't plan to call Excel to do that, as it is unsupported, and generally won't work well.
You should check to see if there are COM components to generate Excel that you can call from Classic ASP. Alternatively, add one ASP.NET page for the purpose. I know for a fact that there are compoonents that can be called from ASP.NET pages to do this. Worse come to worst, there's an Excel exporter component from Infragistics that works with their UltraWebGrid control to export. The grid need not be visible in order to accomplish this, but styles in the grid translate to styles in the spreadsheet. They also allow you to manipulate the spreadsheet programmatically.
