Hide featured image in single post view - css

I want to hide featured image on single post view. i tried with plugin and also theme panel have option to hide feature image but it did not work. I also add custom CSS code but did not work for me. Is any other way to hide featured image? Please help me to solve my issue.
I am using Newspaper theme (Version: 11.5.1).
Website: AmazClub
The page I need help with:

Try this custom CSS
.postid-894 .tdb_single_featured_image {
display: none;
The .postid-894 is a class that is applied to the specific post you linked, so the style wont be applied to other posts.
The .tdb_single_featured_image is the featured image element.
The display: none; will prevent the selected element from rendering in the page.


Stripe input fields width is very less

I have installed Stripe on my WooCommerce Store. Upon testing I found that that Stripe checkout form input fields have very less width and they are coming from Strip Iframe.
I have tried adjusting it using CSS, but the width CSS is inline and coming from Stripe site.
Please recommend how can I fix it?
https://imgur.com/z0iH21Y "Screenshot"
You are missing some styling elements in your woocomerce theme code, add this to your theme child or your custom theme css file
.stripe-card-group, div#stripe-cvc-element, div#stripe-exp-element {
width: 100%;

How to remove 'Pay by Razorpay' badge on WooCommerce billng page?

I'm setting up a new e-commerce website. And I've integrated Razorpay payments to the site for payment processing. It shows an image badge on the billing page that shows 'Payment by Razorpay'. I want it to be removed or hidden.
I tried to hide it via CSS but that image has CSS class, So I can't set it's CSS property to 'display: none;'
That badge is just an image, you can hide it by adding this CSS code below.
.wc_payment_method.payment_method_razorpay img {
display: none;
Suggestion: Please read the Razorpay policy before doing this.
Using the demo page on Razorpay, I think you can hide the button with this:
.pay {
display: none;
Original Page
With the CSS display:none
If this doesn't work for you, ¿Can you please provide the HTML/CSS of the page? Without that it is going to be difficult to help you in a specific manner.

How to hide an embedded image from a Shopify shortcode?

I am using the Shopify plugin which inserts Shopify products into Wordpress. I am trying to hide the image that gets brought in via the shortode. I've tried css and jquery but can't get it to be hidden.
So link for example: http://dev.whydidibother.com/airdecksltd_09_09_16/shop/6-board-pod/ - it is the image directly above the title and price.
Try adding the following CSS:
.product-embed__image {
display: none;

How to add background image to Wordpress theme's Accelerate

Hi guys i've been working for this for days and searching the net for help but unluckily I don't find one. Here's my problem, I know that wordpress has a built-in background image when you click the appearance. I also tried editing in the CSS but when I put the code
background-image: url(image/3.jpg) in the body but when I see it it didn't appear. I think that the theme Accelerate has a code that has a fixed white image, How is this?
Their may be background image or no back ground image in wordpress according to the theme you are currently working with. Anyway you can add background image inside the body of a page in wordpress by the following ways :
Select css class from "main.css" located wp-contents/themes/your-current-theme/css/main.css, inside css edit "body" as
if it overridden by default images of your theme can use this instead of above
background-image:url(back-img-url) !important;
In case you are using a custom template inside wordpress find the body class from the css you are using and change this as above.or using image inside page with img tag then make direct changes for this.
I resolved this by clicking Theme Options -> Design and choose the "Boxed Layout" instead of Wide Layout

How to Change a Plugin's CSS

I have installed a plugin in wordpress that creates image thumbnails and displays links for all the subpages of a particular page. It is being displayed on the front page of this website.
The plugin is called AutoNav. More info here.
The plugin FAQ says the following about what classes are created to create the table:
table elements: subpages-table
tr elements: subpages-row
td elements: subpages-cell
p elements inside each td: subpages-text
Thumbnail images: subpages-image
Excerpt text: subpages-excerpt
My question is how I should go about formatting my CSS to change these settings. Should I just create classes with those names?
Lastly, the links that the plugin generates work on initial page load, but once the page completely loads, the links seem to stop working and just become text. Not sure what the issue is.
My question is how I should go about formatting my CSS to change these
settings. Should I just create classes with those names?
Yes. These are the classes the plugin generates and applies to the elements in the html.
For example if you wanted to add a border to the thumbnail images you would apply the styles to .subpage-image class.
.subpage-image {
border:1px solid #000;
Lastly, the links that the plugin generates work on initial page load,
but once the page completely loads, the links seem to stop working and
just become text. Not sure what the issue is.
This is being caused by your slider. Once it is fully loaded the div #slider overlays your content making the links unclickable.
To fix this give #slider height:280px;
