How to change data inside the inner for loop in rust, whats the workaround? - vector

New to rust. And I'm stuck.
I have a Vec of Vec of &str (basically a collection of CSV rows, each row is Vec of &str).
I want to iterate over the whole collection, and conditionally change some cell values.
I have tried some approaches with iterator and enumeration() to operate with index.
But in the end, I always have this error -> error[E0499]: cannot borrow *row as mutable more than once at a time.
And I can't really find how to do it. What's the workaround?
//iterate over the collection of rows
for row in &mut raw_data_rows[0..] {
//iterate over row cells
for item in &mut row[0..] {
//if cell == "n/a"
if item.to_string() == "n/a" {
//change it to something else
todo!(); //change the value of the item
Thank you in advance.

I cannot see any problem with that.
I just made the iterations explicit with .iter_mut().
Note that I'm not certain &str is what you want here.
Using String would allow mutating their content, not just replacing them.
As requested in a comment, here is why I find these iterations explicit :
v.iter_mut() means « at each iteration I want to obtain an exclusive (mutable) reference to the next element ».
v.iter() means « at each iteration I want to obtain a shared (non-mutable) reference to the next element ».
v.into_iter() means « at each iteration I want to consume/extract the next element » (v should not be usable after that).
Iterating directly on v implicitly calls v.into_iter() which should consume the elements but if v is not a value but a reference to a container, this will behave as v.iter() which is quite confusing in my opinion.
That's why I try to always be explicit about my intention when I iterate over a sequence.
fn main() {
let mut raw_data_rows = vec![
vec!["aa", "bb", "cc"],
vec!["dd", "n/a", "ee"],
vec!["ff", "gg", "hh"],
for row in raw_data_rows.iter_mut() {
for item in row.iter_mut() {
if *item == "n/a" {
*item = "NEW_ITEM"
println!("{:?}", raw_data_rows);
[["aa", "bb", "cc"], ["dd", "NEW_ITEM", "ee"], ["ff", "gg", "hh"]]


ndarray: Iterate over shuffled rows

I am looking for an efficient way to iterate over a permutation of the rows in a two-dimensional array in ndarray. I do not need to mutate or keep the permuted array around, so I want to avoid a copy.
That is, I want to do the following, except select allocates an unnecessary array:
use ndarray::{Axis, Array}; // 0.13.1
use rand::seq::SliceRandom; // 0.7.3
use std::iter::FromIterator;
fn main() {
let array = Array::from_iter(0..15).into_shape((5, 3)).unwrap();
println!("Before shuffling rows:\n{}", array);
let mut permutation: Vec<usize> = (0..array.nrows()).collect();
permutation.shuffle(&mut rand::thread_rng());
let permuted =, &permutation);
for (i, row) in permuted.axis_iter(Axis(0)).enumerate() {
println!("Row number {} is {}!", i, row);
I am aware that the ndarray Github page includes an example of something similar, but it involves a block of unsafe code that I do not understand and therefore prefer not to adapt to my own use case.
One obvious answer that I missed, using index_axis:
use ndarray::{Axis, Array}; // 0.13.1
use rand::seq::SliceRandom; // 0.7.3
use std::iter::FromIterator;
fn main() {
let array = Array::from_iter(0..15).into_shape((5, 3)).unwrap();
println!("Before shuffling rows:\n{}", array);
let mut permutation: Vec<usize> = (0..array.nrows()).collect();
permutation.shuffle(&mut rand::thread_rng());
for i in permutation.iter() {
let row = array.index_axis(Axis(0), *i);
println!("Row number {} is {}!", i, row);
I'm sure there are better ways of doing this, however, and I'm still interested to see them.

How to change the index of a vector element?

In JavaScript I would do this:
function move(arr, old_index, new_index) {
while (old_index < 0) {
old_index += arr.length;
while (new_index < 0) {
new_index += arr.length;
if (new_index >= arr.length) {
var k = new_index - arr.length;
while ((k--) + 1) {
arr.splice(new_index, 0, arr.splice(old_index, 1)[0]);
return arr;
How can I accomplish the same thing in Rust?
I don't want to use insert and remove because my vector is a std::vec::Vec<std::string::String> and I want to literally move them to a different location in the vector, not remove them and then insert a copy.
I don't want to swap 2 elements. I want to change the index of an element to an arbitrary other index, like a person cutting to some arbitrary other position in a queue.
When you do insert + remove (or the double splice in JavaScript) you move all of the items between the larger of the two indices and the end of the array twice: first you move them back one slot for the remove, and then you move them forward one slot for the insert. But this is unnecessary. Instead you can simply take a slice of the Vec and rotate it:
fn move_me(arr: &mut [String], old_index: usize, new_index: usize) {
if old_index < new_index {
} else {
Note that this change allows move_me to take &mut [String] instead of &mut Vec<String>, which makes this code more general as well as more efficient. It is better to accept &[T] instead of &Vec<T>, and in this case the same logic applies to &mut Vec<T> because move_me does not need to grow or shrink the vector.
Also, as in the other answer, I have left out the part that makes negative indices count from the back of the slice, and the part that grows the vector when the index is too large, because neither of those conventions is common in idiomatic Rust.
Thanks to SCappella for telling me that JavaScript Array.splice() does the same thing as Rust Vec.insert() and Vec.remove(). So I just went ahead and ported the function as literally as I could.
Thanks to John Kugelman for letting me know I can delete everything but the last 2 lines.
/* move is a reserved identifier */
fn move_(arr: &mut Vec<String>, old_index: usize, new_index: usize) {
let removed = arr.remove(old_index);
arr.insert(new_index, removed);

How to convert a vector of vectors into a vector of slices without creating a new object? [duplicate]

I have the following:
enum SomeType {
VariantB(String, i32),
fn transform(x: SomeType) -> SomeType {
// very complicated transformation, reusing parts of x in order to produce result:
match x {
SomeType::VariantA(s) => SomeType::VariantB(s, 0),
SomeType::VariantB(s, i) => SomeType::VariantB(s, 2 * i),
fn main() {
let mut data = vec![
SomeType::VariantB("asdf".to_string(), 34),
I would now like to call transform on each element of data and store the resulting value back in data. I could do something like data.into_iter().map(transform).collect(), but this will allocate a new Vec. Is there a way to do this in-place, reusing the allocated memory of data? There once was Vec::map_in_place in Rust but it has been removed some time ago.
As a work-around, I've added a Dummy variant to SomeType and then do the following:
for x in &mut data {
let original = ::std::mem::replace(x, SomeType::Dummy);
*x = transform(original);
This does not feel right, and I have to deal with SomeType::Dummy everywhere else in the code, although it should never be visible outside of this loop. Is there a better way of doing this?
Your first problem is not map, it's transform.
transform takes ownership of its argument, while Vec has ownership of its arguments. Either one has to give, and poking a hole in the Vec would be a bad idea: what if transform panics?
The best fix, thus, is to change the signature of transform to:
fn transform(x: &mut SomeType) { ... }
then you can just do:
for x in &mut data { transform(x) }
Other solutions will be clunky, as they will need to deal with the fact that transform might panic.
No, it is not possible in general because the size of each element might change as the mapping is performed (fn transform(u8) -> u32).
Even when the sizes are the same, it's non-trivial.
In this case, you don't need to create a Dummy variant because creating an empty String is cheap; only 3 pointer-sized values and no heap allocation:
impl SomeType {
fn transform(&mut self) {
use SomeType::*;
let old = std::mem::replace(self, VariantA(String::new()));
// Note this line for the detailed explanation
*self = match old {
VariantA(s) => VariantB(s, 0),
VariantB(s, i) => VariantB(s, 2 * i),
for x in &mut data {
An alternate implementation that just replaces the String:
impl SomeType {
fn transform(&mut self) {
use SomeType::*;
*self = match self {
VariantA(s) => {
let s = std::mem::replace(s, String::new());
VariantB(s, 0)
VariantB(s, i) => {
let s = std::mem::replace(s, String::new());
VariantB(s, 2 * *i)
In general, yes, you have to create some dummy value to do this generically and with safe code. Many times, you can wrap your whole element in Option and call Option::take to achieve the same effect .
See also:
Change enum variant while moving the field to the new variant
Why is it so complicated?
See this proposed and now-closed RFC for lots of related discussion. My understanding of that RFC (and the complexities behind it) is that there's an time period where your value would have an undefined value, which is not safe. If a panic were to happen at that exact second, then when your value is dropped, you might trigger undefined behavior, a bad thing.
If your code were to panic at the commented line, then the value of self is a concrete, known value. If it were some unknown value, dropping that string would try to drop that unknown value, and we are back in C. This is the purpose of the Dummy value - to always have a known-good value stored.
You even hinted at this (emphasis mine):
I have to deal with SomeType::Dummy everywhere else in the code, although it should never be visible outside of this loop
That "should" is the problem. During a panic, that dummy value is visible.
See also:
How can I swap in a new value for a field in a mutable reference to a structure?
Temporarily move out of borrowed content
How do I move out of a struct field that is an Option?
The now-removed implementation of Vec::map_in_place spans almost 175 lines of code, most of having to deal with unsafe code and reasoning why it is actually safe! Some crates have re-implemented this concept and attempted to make it safe; you can see an example in Sebastian Redl's answer.
You can write a map_in_place in terms of the take_mut or replace_with crates:
fn map_in_place<T, F>(v: &mut [T], f: F)
F: Fn(T) -> T,
for e in v {
take_mut::take(e, f);
However, if this panics in the supplied function, the program aborts completely; you cannot recover from the panic.
Alternatively, you could supply a placeholder element that sits in the empty spot while the inner function executes:
use std::mem;
fn map_in_place_with_placeholder<T, F>(v: &mut [T], f: F, mut placeholder: T)
F: Fn(T) -> T,
for e in v {
let mut tmp = mem::replace(e, placeholder);
tmp = f(tmp);
placeholder = mem::replace(e, tmp);
If this panics, the placeholder you supplied will sit in the panicked slot.
Finally, you could produce the placeholder on-demand; basically replace take_mut::take with take_mut::take_or_recover in the first version.

Is there a better functional way to process a vector with error checking?

I'm learning Rust and would like to know how I can improve the code below.
I have a vector of tuples of form (u32, String). The u32 values represent line numbers and the Strings are the text on the corresponding lines. As long as all the String values can be successfully parsed as integers, I want to return an Ok<Vec<i32>> containing the just parsed String values, but if not I want to return an error of some form (just an Err<String> in the example below).
I'm trying to learn to avoid mutability and use functional styles where appropriate, and the above is straightforward to do functionally if that was all that was needed. Here's what I came up with in this case:
fn data_vals(sv: &Vec<(u32, String)>) -> Result<Vec<i32>, String> {
.map(|s| s.1.parse::<i32>()
.map_err(|_e| "*** Invalid data.".to_string()))
However, the small catch is that I want to print an error message for every invalid value (and not just the first one), and the error messages should contain both the line number and the string values in the offending tuple.
I've managed to do it with the following code:
fn data_vals(sv: &Vec<(u32, String)>) -> Result<Vec<i32>, String> {
.map(|s| (s.0, s.1.parse::<i32>()
.or_else(|e| {
eprintln!("ERROR: Invalid data value at line {}: '{}'",
s.0, s.1);
.collect::<Vec<(u32, Result<i32, _>)>>() // Collect here to avoid short-circuit
.map(|i| i.1
.map_err(|_e| "*** Invalid data.".to_string()))
This works, but seems rather messy and cumbersome - especially the typed collect() in the middle to avoid short-circuiting so all the errors are printed. The clone() call is also annoying, and I'm not really sure why it's needed - the compiler says I'm moving out of borrowed content otherwise, but I'm not really sure what's being moved. Is there a way it can be done more cleanly? Or should I go back to a more procedural style? When I tried, I ended up with mutable variables and a flag to indicate success and failure, which seems less elegant:
fn data_vals(sv: &Vec<(u32, String)>) -> Result<Vec<i32>, String> {
let mut datavals = Vec::new();
let mut success = true;
for s in sv {
match s.1.parse::<i32>() {
Ok(v) => datavals.push(v),
Err(_e) => {
eprintln!("ERROR: Invalid data value at line {}: '{}'",
s.0, s.1);
success = false;
if success {
return Ok(datavals);
} else {
return Err("*** Invalid data.".to_string());
Can someone advise me on the best way to do this? Should I stick to the procedural style here, and if so can that be improved? Or is there a cleaner functional way to do it? Or a blend of the two? Any advice appreciated.
I think that's what partition_map() from itertools is for:
use itertools::{Either, Itertools};
fn data_vals<'a>(sv: &[&'a str]) -> Result<Vec<i32>, Vec<(&'a str, std::num::ParseIntError)>> {
let (successes, failures): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) =
sv.iter().partition_map(|s| match s.parse::<i32>() {
Ok(v) => Either::Left(v),
Err(e) => Either::Right((*s, e)),
if failures.len() != 0 {
} else {
fn main() {
let numbers = vec!["42", "aaaezrgggtht", "..4rez41eza", "55"];
println!("{:#?}", data_vals(&numbers));
In a purely functional style, you have to avoid side-effects.
Printing errors is a side-effect. The preferred style would be to return an object of the style:
Result<Vec<i32>, Vec<String>>
and print the list after the data_vals function returns.
So, essentially, you want your processing to collect a list of integers, and a list of strings:
fn data_vals(sv: &Vec<(u32, String)>) -> Result<Vec<i32>, Vec<String>> {
let (ok, err): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = sv
.map(|(i, s)| {
.map_err(|_e| format!("ERROR: Invalid data value at line {}: '{}'", i, s))
.partition(|e| e.is_ok());
if err.len() > 0 {
Err(err.iter().filter_map(|e| e.clone().err()).collect())
} else {
Ok(ok.iter().filter_map(|e| e.clone().ok()).collect())
fn main() {
let input = vec![(1, "0".to_string())];
let r = data_vals(&input);
assert_eq!(r, Ok(vec![0]));
let input = vec![(1, "zzz".to_string())];
let r = data_vals(&input);
assert_eq!(r, Err(vec!["ERROR: Invalid data value at line 1: 'zzz'".to_string()]));
Playground Link
This uses partition which does not depend on an external crate.
Side effects (eprintln!) in an iterator adapter are definitely not "functional". You should accumulate and return the errors and let the caller deal with them.
I would use fold here. The goal of fold is to reduce a list to a single value, starting from an initial value and augmenting the result with every item. This "single value" can very well be a list, though. Here, though, there are two possible lists we might want to return: a list of i32 if all values are valid, or a list of errors if there are any errors (I've chosen to return Strings for errors here, for simplicity.)
fn data_vals(sv: &[(u32, String)]) -> Result<Vec<i32>, Vec<String>> {
|acc, (line_number, data)| {
let data = data
.map_err(|_| format!("Invalid data value at line {}: '{}'", line_number, data));
match (acc, data) {
(Ok(mut acc_data), Ok(this_data)) => {
// No errors yet; push the parsed value to the values vector.
(Ok(..), Err(this_error)) => {
// First error: replace the accumulator with an `Err` containing the first error.
(Err(acc_errors), Ok(..)) => {
// There have been errors, but this item is valid; ignore it.
(Err(mut acc_errors), Err(this_error)) => {
// One more error: push it to the error vector.
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", data_vals(&[]));
println!("{:?}", data_vals(&[(1, "123".into())]));
println!("{:?}", data_vals(&[(1, "123a".into())]));
println!("{:?}", data_vals(&[(1, "123".into()), (2, "123a".into())]));
println!("{:?}", data_vals(&[(1, "123a".into()), (2, "123".into())]));
println!("{:?}", data_vals(&[(1, "123a".into()), (2, "123b".into())]));
The initial value is Ok(Vec::with_capacity(sv.len())) (this is an optimization to avoid reallocating the vector as we push items to it; a simpler version would be Ok(vec![])). If the slice is empty, this will be fold's result; the closure will never be called.
For each item, the closure checks 1) whether there were any errors so far (indicated by the accumulator value being an Err) or not and 2) whether the current item is valid or not. I'm matching on two Result values simultaneously (by combining them in a tuple) to handle all 4 cases. The closure then returns an Ok if there are no errors so far (with all the parsed values so far) or an Err if there are any errors so far (with every invalid value found so far).
You'll notice I used the push method to add an item to a Vec. This is, strictly speaking, mutation, which is not considered "functional", but because we are moving the Vecs here, we know there are no other references to them, so we know we aren't affecting any other use of these Vecs.

Iterate over the sorted elements in a collection in tuples

I am trying to iterate over the sorted elements in a collection in tuples of 2 or more.
If I had a Vec, I could call
for window in {
// do something with window
but Vecs aren't implicitly sorted, which would be really nice to have. I tried to use a BTreeSet instead of a Vec, but I don't seem to be able to call windows on it.
When trying to call
for window in tree_set.iter().windows(2) {
// do something with window
I get the error
no method named `windows` found for type `std::collections::btree_set::Iter<'_, Card>` in the current scope
Itertools provides the tuple_windows method:
extern crate itertools;
use itertools::Itertools;
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
fn main() {
let items: BTreeSet<_> = vec![1, 3, 2].into_iter().collect();
for (a, b) in items.iter().tuple_windows() {
println!("{} < {}", a, b);
Note that windows is a method on slices, not on iterators, and it returns an iterator of subslices of the original slice. A BTreeMap presumably cannot provide that same iterator interface because it isn't built on top of a contiguous hunk of data; there's going to be some value that isn't immediately next in memory to the subsequent value.
