Create new row after a combination of numbers and letters - r

I want to clean a list of Titles that have numbers after them.
an excerpt of the list:
A Adaptive Behavior 1059-7123 1741-2633 Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology 2198-7335 Addiction 0965-2140 1360-0443
So how can I tell R not to create a new row after a specific string of numbers, but after a this generel form of 'number number number number - number number number number'?


Perform operation on all substrings of a string in SQL (MariaDB)

Disclaimer: This is not a database administration or design question. I did not design this database and I do not have rights to change it.
I have a database in which many fields are compound. For example, a single column is used for acre usage for a district. Many districts have one primary crop and the value is a single number, such as 14. Some have two primary crops and it has two numbers separated by a comma like "14,8". Some have three, four, or even five primary crops resulting in a compound value like "14,8,7,4,3".
I am pulling data out of this database for analytical research. Right now, I am pulling columns like that into R, splitting them into 5 values (padding nulls if there aren't 5 values), and performing work on the values. I want to do it in the database itself. I want to split the value on the comma, perform an operation on the resulting values, and then concatenate the result of the operation back into the original column format.
Example, I have a column that is in acres. I want it in square meters. So, I want to take "14,8", temporarily turn it into 14 and 8, multiply each of those by 4046.86, and get "56656.04,32374.88" as my result. What I am currently doing is using regexp_replace. I start with all rows where "acres REGEXP '^[0-9.]+,[0-9.]+,[0-9.]+,[0-9.]+$'" for the where clause. That gives me rows with 5 numbers in the field. Then, I can do the first number with "cast(regexp_replace(acres,',.*%','') as float) * 4046.86". I can do each of the 5 using a different regexp_replace. I can concatenate those values back together. Then, I run a query for those with 4 numbers, then 3, then 2, and finally the single number rows.
Is this possible as a single query?
Use a function to parse the string and to convert it to desired result. This will allow for you to use a sigle query for the job.

Controlling the width of R console

In the documentation of options function it says, width argument
controls the maximum number of columns on a line used in printing
vectors, matrices and arrays, and when filling by cat.
Columns are normally the same as characters except in East Asian
What it refers to as columns? It is the number of characters?
If options(width=50) what this 50 means?

How do I export a custom list of numbers and letters to Excel from R?

To help with some regular label-making and printing I need to do, I am looking to write a script that allows me to enter a range of sequential numbers (some with string identifiers) that I can export with a specific format to Excel. For example, if I entered the range '1:16', I am looking for an output in Excel exactly as:
Example Excel Output
For each unique sequential number (i.e., 1 to 16) the first five rows must be labeled with a 'U", the next three rows with an 'F' and the last two rows must be the number alone. The final exported matrix will be n columns x 21 rows, where n will vary depending on the number range I enter.
My main problem is in writing to Excel. I can't find out how to customize this output and write to specific rows and columns as in the example above. I am limited to 'openxlsx' since I work on a corporate secure workstation. Here is what I have so far:
Example Code
Any help you may have would be very appreciated, thanks in advance!

NumberSequence with different formats

We have a scenario where the desire is to have a different number sequence for replacement orders vs sales orders.
Sales Orders have a strictly numeric number sequence defined, ######.
We've created a number sequence for Replacement orders, REP######.
Since both orders live in the SalesTable, this fails when creating the replacement order saying the REP###### number doesn't match the format ######.
1) Is it possible to use two differently formatted number sequences like this?
2) Assuming it is, is there somewhere I can disable some validation to allow this?
1) Yes, this is possible.
2) Take a look how standard AX does this e.g. for fixed assets. You can set up several asset groups with different number sequences that are then used to create numbers for new assets in the groups. So you do not disable a validation, you will customize the code that generates the number to control which number sequence is used to generate the number or to validate the number.
Some further reading:
generate different number sequence number for domestic and international sales order
how to create two number sequences

Markov Algorithm for Random Writing

I got a litte problem understanding conceptually the structure of a random writing program (that takes input in form of a text file) and uses the Markov algorithm to create a somewhat sensible output.
So the data structure i am using is to use cases ranging from 0-10. Where at case 0: I count the number a letter/symbol or digit appears and base my new text on this to simulate the input. I have already implemented this by using an Map type that holds each unique letter in the input text and a array of how many there are in the text. So I can simply ask for the size of the array for the specific letter and create output text easy like this.
But now I Need to create case1/2/3 and so on... case 1 also holds what letter is most likely to appear after any letter aswell. Do i need to create 10 seperate arrays for these cases, or are there an easier way?
There are a lot of ways to model this. One approach is as you describe, with an multi-dimensional array where each index is the following character in the chain and the final result is the count.
# Two character sample:
int counts[][] = new int[26][26]
# ... initialize all entries to zero
# 'a' => 0, 'b' => 1, ... 'z' => 25
# For example for the string 'apple'
# Note: I'm only writing this like this to show what the result is, it should be in a
# loop or function ...
Then to randomly generate names you would count the number of total outcomes for a given character (ex: 2 outcomes for 'p' in the previous example) and pick a weighted random number for one of the possible outcomes.
For smaller sizes (say up to 4 characters) that should work fine. For anything larger you may start to run into memory issues since (assuming you're using A-Z) 26^N entries for an N-length chain.
I wrote something like a couple of years ago. I think I used random pages from Wikipedia to for seed data to generate the weights.
