Type conversions and if expressions - ada

In this page, John Barnes writes:
If the conditional expression is the argument of a type conversion then effectively the conversion is considered pushed down to the dependent expressions. Thus
X := Float(if P then A else B);
is equivalent to
X := (if P then Float(A) else Float(B));
So why can't I compile the following program under GNAT 10.3.0?
procedure Main is
P : Boolean := True;
X : Float;
X := Float (if P then 0.5 else 32);
end Main;
[Ada] main.adb
main.adb:5:35: expected a real type
main.adb:5:35: found type universal integer
gprbuild: *** compilation phase failed

Because you’ve found a long-standing error in the compiler! (same behaviour in GCC 12.1.0).
John Barnes’ justification is at AARM 4.5.7(10ff).
thanks for providing real code and the error messages!


naive unit checking via strong typing and operator overloading

I was reading about strong typing in Ada focused on units checking, and decided to test the naive approach out myself:
procedure Example is
type Meters is new Float;
type Meters_Squared is new Float;
function "*" (Left, Right : Meters) return Meters_Squared is
return Meters_Squared(Float(Left)*Float(Right));
len_a : Meters := 10.0;
len_b : Meters := 15.0;
surface : Meters_Squared;
len_sum : Meters;
len_sum := len_a + len_b; -- ok
surface := len_a * len_b; -- ok
len_sum := len_a * len_b; -- invalid
end Example;
Now I know that this is not actually practical approach, I'm trying this just as a learning experience. And based on my attempts so far, I must be missing something, because when I try to compile the example listed above, I get no errors:
$ make example
gcc -c example.adb
gnatmake example.adb
gnatbind -x example.ali
gnatlink example.ali
While when I drop the function definition overloading the multiplication operator, it fails as expected:
$ make example
gcc -c example.adb
example.adb:14:20: expected type "Meters_Squared" defined at line 3
example.adb:14:20: found type "Meters" defined at line 2
make: *** [Makefile:6: example] Error 1
With this in mind, I don't understand how, with the multiplication operator overloading, the compiler could be ok with surface := len_a * len_b and len_sum := len_a * len_b at the same time.
Your "*" overloading is just that; Meters inherits
function "*" (Left, Right: Meters) return Meters;
from Float.
What you can do is suppress that inherited function:
function "*" (Left, Right: Meters) return Meters
is abstract;
In this case, marking the undesired function abstract removes it from consideration for overload resolution: in ARM 6.4(8) we have
... The name or prefix shall not resolve to denote an abstract subprogram unless it is also a dispatching subprogram.
and Meters isn’t a tagged type, so "*" isn’t dispatching.
You can also declare a non-overloaded subprogram abstract:
function "and" (Left, Right : Meters) return Meters
is abstract;
to which GNAT says cannot call abstract subprogram "and", because of ARM 3.9.3(7).

How do I enforce that a type hold only be a fixed set of non-contiguous values?

I was expecting this program to raise an error when I feed it 3 as a valid Scale value, but no such luck:
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure predicate is
type Scale is new Integer
with Dynamic_Predicate => Scale in 1 | 2 | 4 | 8;
GivesWarning : Scale := 3; -- gives warning
Put_Line ("Hello World");
Put_Line ("Gimme a value");
AnyValue : Integer := Integer'Value (Get_Line);
S : Scale := Scale (AnyValue); -- no check done!
Put_Line ("okay, that works" & S'Image);
end loop;
end predicate;
I found this related question, but there the requirement is to use an enum., and the solution is to define an array from enum -> value.
I want something that gives me at least a warning at compile time, and allows me to check at runtime as well, and that raises an error if I try to put an invalid value in. Then, if I can use SPARK to prove that no invalid values can occur, I could turn off said checks. I was under the impression that this was how Static_ / Dynamic_ predicates work, so the example above took me by surprise.
You need to enable assertions. Either compile with -gnata or set an appropriate Assertion_Policy
pragma Assertion_Policy(Dynamic_Predicate => Check);

How to save an Access type of a Discriminant record for later use

How do I save an Access Pointer to a discriminant record for use later on in the program?
In main.adb (1) I demonstrate how I was able to get it to compile, but I get a runtime error:
raised PROGRAM_ERROR : main.adb:14 accessibility check failed
This is small example program based on a much larger/complex codebase.
i. The solution is required to be Ada95 Compatible.
ii. The solution must not change the package specification of Foo.ads as this is existing code that must be used as-is.
with Interfaces;
package Foo is
type Base_Class is abstract tagged limited private;
type Base_Class_Ref is access all Base_Class'Class;
for Base_Class_Ref'Storage_Size use 0;
Max_Count : constant := 6;
type Count_Type is new Interfaces.Unsigned_16 range 1 .. Max_Count;
type Foo_Class (Max : Count_Type) is new Base_Class with private;
type Foo_Class_Ref is access all Foo_Class;
for Foo_Class_Ref'Storage_Size use 0;
procedure Initialize (This_Ptr : Access Foo_Class);
function Get_Using_Pointer (This_Ptr : in Foo_Class_Ref) return Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
type Base_Class is abstract tagged limited null record;
type My_Data_Type is
X, Y, Z : Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
end record;
type My_Data_Array is
array (Count_Type range <>) of My_Data_Type;
type Foo_Class (Max : Count_Type) is new Base_Class with
Other_Data : Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
Data : My_Data_Array(1 .. Max);
end record;
end Foo;
package body Foo is
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
procedure Initialize (This_Ptr : Access Foo_Class) is
This_Ptr.Other_Data := 0;
This_Ptr.Data := (others => (0,0,0));
end Initialize;
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
function Get_Using_Pointer (This_Ptr : in Foo_Class_Ref)
return Interfaces.Unsigned_16 is
return This_Ptr.Other_Data;
end Get_Using_Pointer;
end Foo;
-- Issue:
-- How do I save an Access Pointer for later use (1) to a discriminent record?
-- Constraints:
-- i. The solution is required to be Ada95 Compatible.
-- ii. The solution must not change the package specification of Foo.ads
with Interfaces;
with Foo;
procedure Main is
Foo_Count : constant := 3;
Foo_Obj : aliased Foo.Foo_Class (Max => Foo_Count);
procedure TEST (This_Ptr : access Foo.Foo_Class) is
-- (1) Save Pointer
-- **** This Line reports: ****
-- raised PROGRAM_ERROR : main.adb:14 accessibility check failed
Foo_Ptr : Foo.Foo_Class_Ref := This_Ptr.all'Access; -- This Compiles...
-- ^^^ I know that this is not correct.
-- But it was the only way I could find to get it to compile.
Data : Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
-- (2) Get Data
Data := Foo.Get_Using_Pointer(This_Ptr => Foo_Ptr); -- This Compiles...
Foo.Initialize(This_Ptr => Foo_Obj'Access);
Test(This_Ptr => Foo_Obj'Access);
end Main;
Quick answer:
Foo_Ptr : Foo.Foo_Class_Ref := This_Ptr.all'Unchecked_Access;
Checked as far as I can with
lockheed:jerunh simon$ gnatmake main.adb -gnat95 -f
gcc -c -gnat95 main.adb
gcc -c -gnat95 foo.adb
gnatbind -x main.ali
gnatlink main.ali
lockheed:jerunh simon$ ./main
lockheed:jerunh simon$
In the line
Foo_Ptr : Foo.Foo_Class_Ref := This_Ptr.all'Access;
replace 'Access with 'Unchecked_Access.
PS. It could cause a dangling references if you destroy the object before Foo_Ptr gone.
The types Base_Class_Ref and Foo_Class_Ref are named access types and variables of this type can only refer to objects either on the heap or on package level, NOT objects on the stack. Since Storage_Size is set to zero it means the heap is out of the question.
package Main_App is
procedure Run;
end Main_App;
package body Main_App is
procedure TEST (This_Ptr : access Foo.Foo_Class) is
-- (1) Save Pointer
-- **** This Line reports: ****
-- raised PROGRAM_ERROR : main.adb:14 accessibility check failed
Foo_Ptr : Foo.Foo_Class_Ref := This_Ptr.all'Access; -- This Compiles...
-- ^^^ I know that this is not correct.
-- But it was the only way I could find to get it to compile.
Data : Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
-- (2) Get Data
Data := Foo.Get_Using_Pointer(This_Ptr => Foo_Ptr); -- This Compiles...
end TEST;
Foo_Count : constant := 3;
Foo_Obj : aliased Foo.Foo_Class (Max => Foo_Count);
procedure Run is
Foo.Initialize (This_Ptr => Foo_Obj'Access);
TEST (This_Ptr => Foo_Obj'Access);
end Run;
end Main_App;
with Main_App;
procedure Main is
end Main;
I hope this solution applicable to your use-case since it avoids usage of Unchecked_Access.
Ok what you're dealing with here is an anonymous access type, from the signature procedure TEST (This_Ptr : access Foo.Foo_Class). The error is telling you that this particular subprogram is in a deeper nesting than the thing it's pointing to: IOW, it could give you a dangling reference.
The proper solution, staying strictly in Ada95 would be to (A) put the TEST subprogram in the library unit [IIRC; 95 and 2005 are so similar they blur together]; or (B) put use a generic.
For a generic, IIRC, you can do this:
Object : Aliased Foo_Class'Class; -- Might not need 'Class.
with Function Operation(This_Ptr : in Foo_Class_Ref) return Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
Procedure Execute;
Procedure Execute is
Result : Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
Result:= Operation( Object'Access );
End Execute;
O : Aliased Foo.Foo_Class(3);
Procedure TEST is new Foo.Execute( Operation => Foo.Get_Using_Pointer, Object => O );
This might require a little fiddling for your application, but if you put the generic inside Foo.ads/Foo.adb`, it should work. [IIRC] Aside from this, your best bet is to move your aliased object outside your main subprogram's declaration area, then it should work.

Custom condition failure messages in Ada 2012

Is there a way to specify a custom error/on failure message for pre- and postconditions, by analogy with Predicate_Failure for predicates? I can't seem to be able to find anything in the official documentation. TIA.
You could use a raise expression (see e.g here) as shown in the example below.
pragma Assertion_Policy (Check);
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Float_Text_IO;
procedure Main is
package TIO renames Ada.Text_IO;
package FIO renames Ada.Float_Text_IO;
function Reciprocal (X : Float) return Float is (1.0 / X)
with Pre => (X /= 0.0 or else
raise Constraint_Error with "X must not be 0.");
FIO.Put (Reciprocal (2.0));
FIO.Put (Reciprocal (0.0));
end Main;
$ ./obj/main
raised CONSTRAINT_ERROR : X must not be 0.
[2020-07-03 22:20:25] process exited with status 1, elapsed time: 00.32s

How do I convert an unbounded string to an integer?

I am learning Ada (by trying https://adventofcode.com/2018/ problems). To start with, I am trying to develop a number of "utility" packages that will help with text processing etc.
I have successfully written a function that will read from stdin and return an array of Unbounded_Strings for each input line.
I am trying to modify that function to do the same, but instead convert each Unbounded_String to an Integer before insertion into the array.
Here is my package:
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
package get_stdin is
type IntegerArray is array (Natural range <>) of Integer;
function get_ints return IntegerArray;
end get_stdin;
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with Ada.Strings;
package body get_stdin is
function get_ints return IntegerArray is
Counter : Natural := 0;
Str : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
Arr : IntegerArray(0..10000);
while not Ada.Text_IO.End_Of_File loop
Str := Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO.Get_Line;
Arr(Counter) := Integer'Value(Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_String(Str));
Counter := Counter + 1;
end loop;
return Arr(0..Counter-1);
end get_ints;
end get_stdin;
I am calling using this package inside this procedure:
procedure d1 is
StdinArr : get_stdin.IntegerArray := get_stdin.get_ints;
null; -- Array processing to follow
This successfully compiles, and I then pipe in my input text file:
me#mypc /cygdrive/c/Users/me/aoc2018
$ cat d1.txt
me#mypc /cygdrive/c/Users/me/aoc2018
$ cat d1.txt | ./d1.exe
raised CONSTRAINT_ERROR : bad input for 'Value: "-6"
"-6" is the first value in the text file. My string-to-integer conversion code was essentially copied from this question.
I am not sure why a bad input error is raised.
It raises the same error if I replace -6 with a positive integer in the file
This is running under Cygwin on Windows 10.
Compiled/linked with gnatmake version 7.3.0
Note: I'm just getting started with Ada so there's probably lots of issues with my code in general.
What am I doing wrong and how can I fix this function/package to return my IntegerArray type correctly filled with Integers?
This was a line endings issue. I was running under cygwin on Windows 10. My text file has Windows-style line endings.
Using dos2unix:
$ cat d1.txt | dos2unix.exe | ./d1.exe
was sufficient to make it work correctly.
If anyone can explain precisely why, that would be interesting. I'm guessing that Get_Line only strips off the \n character, not the \r.
