How can I save code in an apply loop in R? - r

I'm trying to use R to generate code, both to show my collegues 'what is happening' in the background (and to be able to debug code more easily) and to be able to adjust code in specific cases.
My specific case is far more elaborate, but hopefully this example makes clear what I want:
tables <- function(df,vars=all_of(var_list), weight=1){
table_list <- lapply({{vars}}, function(x){
df %>%
pivot_longer(cols = all_of(x), names_to = "question", values_to = "answer") %>%
group_by(question,answer) %>%
summarise(n = sum(weight)) %>%
mutate(percentage = (n / sum(n)*100)) %>%
Running tables(df=spss_data,vars = all_of(c("q3","q6")), weight = 1) returns a list of dataframes, which is what I want. What i would like is to also save the code that is used for every variable. For example:
spss_data %>%
pivot_longer(cols = q3, names_to = "question", values_to = "answer") %>%
group_by(question,answer) %>%
summarise(n = sum(weight)) %>%
mutate(percentage = (n / sum(n)*100)) %>%
spss_data %>%
pivot_longer(cols = q6, names_to = "question", values_to = "answer") %>%
group_by(question,answer) %>%
summarise(n = sum(weight)) %>%
mutate(percentage = (n / sum(n)*100)) %>%
This code can be stored in a list or vector to be saved later. How can I achieve that?

R Markdown is an authoring format that enables easy creation of dynamic documents, presentations, and reports from R. It combines the core syntax of markdown (an easy-to-write plain text format) with embedded R code chunks that are run so their output can be included in the final document. R Markdown documents are fully reproducible (they can be automatically regenerated whenever underlying R code or data changes). See a concise introduction at


gt table package in R produces header error

I am using the gt() table package in R and so far I love it. However for some reason when I publish the below in quarto I get an awkward table header that says "?caption" in bold. However when I run the table separately, I don't get anything.
Any thoughts?
Ignore the titles and columns names, I know it doesn't make sense with the diamonds package
business_segment_summary <- diamonds %>%
group_by(cut) %>%
) %>%
business_segment_summary %>%
select(1,n,tar_prop,n_prop,prop_od,prop_25,prop_50,prop_75) %>%
gt::cols_label(cut="Business Segment",
n="Customer #",
tar_prop="% of TAR",
n_prop="% of Customers",
prop_od=gt::html("% of Customers<br>with overdue"),
prop_75="75%") %>%
gt::tab_spanner(label="Customer Account Percentile ($k)",columns = c(prop_25,prop_50,prop_75)) %>%
gt::fmt_number(c(prop_25,prop_50,prop_75),decimals = 0,scale_by = 1/1e3) %>%
gt::fmt_number(n,decimals = 0) %>%
gt::fmt_percent(c(3:5),decimals = 0) %>%
gt::opt_stylize(style=1,color="red") %>%
gt::tab_header(title="Summary of TAR by business segments") %>%
gt::cols_align(align="left",columns = 1)

Problems generating tree diagram with hctreemap2

data("Groceries", package = "arules")
dfitems <- tbl_df(Groceries#itemInfo)
dfitemsg <- dfitems %>%
mutate(category = gsub(" ", "-", level1),
subcategory = gsub(" ", "-", level2)) %>%
group_by(category, subcategory) %>%
summarise(sales = n() ^ 3 ) %>%
ungroup() %>%
hctreemap2(group_vars = c("category","subcategory"),
size_var = "sales")%>%
hc_tooltip(pointFormat = "<b>{}</b>:<br>
Pop: {point.value:,.0f}<br>
GNI: {point.colorValue:,.0f}")
the error is the following
Error in hctreemap2(., group_vars = c("category", "subcategory"), size_var = "sales") : Treemap data uses same label at multiple levels.
I tried everything and it doesn't work out, could someone with experience explain to me what is happening?
When I tried your code, it also stated that the function was deprecated and to use data_to_hierarchical. Although, it's never quite that simple, right? I tried multiple ways to get hctreemap2 to work, but wasn't able to discern that issue. From there I turned to the package recommended data_to_hierarchical. Now that worked without an issue--once I figured out the right type, which in hindsight seemed kind-of obvious.
That being said, this is what I've got:
data_to_hierarchical(data = dfitemsg,
group_vars = c(category,subcategory),
size_var = sales) %>%
hchart(type = "treemap") %>%
hc_tooltip(pointFormat = "<b>{}</b>:<br>
Pop: {point.value:,.0f}<br>
GNI: {point.colorValue:,.0f}")
You didn't actually designate a color, so the GNI comes up blank.
Let me know if you run into any issues.
Based on your comment:
I have not found a way to change the color to density, which is what both hctreemap2 and treemap appear to do. The function data_to_heirarchical codes the colors to the first grouping variable or the level 1 variable.
Inadvertently, I did figure out why the function hctreemap2 would not work. It checks to see if any category labels are the same as a subcategory label. I didn't go through all of the data, but I know there is a perfumery perfumery. I don't understand what that's a hard stop. If that is a problem for this call, why wouldn't data_to_heirchical be looking for this issue, as well?
So, I changed the function. First, I called the function itself.
x = hctreemap2
Then I selected it from the environment pane. Alternatively, you can code View(x).
This view is read-only, but it's easier to read than the console. I copied the function and assigned it to its original name with changes. I removed two pieces of the code, which changed nothing structurally speaking to how the chart is created.
I removed the first line of code in the function:
and this code (about a third of the way down)
if (data %>% select(!!!group_syms) %>% map(unique) %>% unlist() %>%
anyDuplicated()) {
stop("Treemap data uses same label at multiple levels.")
This left me to recreate the function with this code:
hctreemap2 <- function (data, group_vars, size_var, color_var = NULL, ...)
if (!is.null(color_var))
group_syms <- rlang::syms(group_vars)
size_sym <- rlang::sym(size_var)
color_sym <- rlang::sym(ifelse(is.null(color_var), size_var, color_var))
data <- data %>% mutate_at(group_vars, as.character)
name_cell <- function(..., depth) paste0(list(...),
collapse = "")
data_at_depth <- function(depth) {
data %>%
group_by(!!!group_syms) %>%
summarise(value = sum(!!size_sym), colorValue = sum(!!color_sym)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(name = !!group_syms[[depth]], level = depth) %>%
mutate_at(group_vars, as.character()) %>% {
if (depth == 1) {
mutate(., id = paste0(name, 1))
else {
parent = pmap_chr(list(!!!group_syms[seq_len(depth) - 1]),
name_cell, depth = depth - 1),
id = paste0(parent, name, depth))
treemap_df <- seq_along(group_vars) %>% map(data_at_depth) %>% bind_rows()
data_list <- treemap_df %>% highcharter::list_parse() %>%
colorVals <- treemap_df %>%
filter(level == length(group_vars)) %>% pull(colorValue)
highchart() %>%
hc_add_series(data = data_list, type = "treemap",
allowDrillToNode = TRUE, ...) %>%
hc_colorAxis(min = min(colorVals), max = max(colorVals), enabled = TRUE)
Now your code, as originally written will work. You did not change the highcharter package by doing this. So if you think you'll use it in the future save the function code, as well. You will need the library purrr, since you already called dplyr (where most, if any conflicts occur), you could just call tidyverse (which calls several libraries at one time, including both dplyr and purrr).
This is what it will look like with set.seed(10):
If you drill down on the largest block:
It looks odd to me, but I'm guessing that's what you were looking for to begin with.

Error when trying to load dl format using igraph

I am trying to load the kapferer min dataset into r using the igraph function "read_graph"
The code is very simple, however it throws an error.
test_g <-read_graph("", format = "dl")
Error in read.graph.dl(file, ...) : At foreign.c:3050 : syntax
error, unexpected $end, expecting DL in line 1, Parse error
The as can be seen by following the link the file does begin with DL. The only clue I can find to this is a message from 2015 which basically says file a bug report.
Can dl files not beloaded by igraph at the moment, or is there some trick to it?
As there doesn't seem to be a clear way to load dl files I have made a loader that seems to work well for dl graph on the Pajek website. The function is a bit scrappy and has not been extensively tested, but it may be useful to some who want to use certain graphs that are not available in a more common format. If there is more to date information on these datasets, then this code can be ignored.
load_dl_graph <- function(file_path, directed){
raw_mat <- readLines(file_path) %>%
row_labels_row <- grep( "ROW LABELS:", raw_mat$value)
column_labels_row <- grep( "COLUMN LABELS:", raw_mat$value)
level_labels_row <- grep("LEVEL LABELS:",raw_mat$value )
data_table_row <- grep( "DATA:", raw_mat$value)
row_labels <- raw_mat %>%
slice((row_labels_row+1):(column_labels_row-1)) %>%
select(from = value)
column_labels <- raw_mat %>%
slice((column_labels_row+1):(level_labels_row-1)) %>% pull(value)
table_levels <- raw_mat %>%
slice((level_labels_row+1):(data_table_row+-1)) %>% pull(value)
data_df <- raw_mat %>%
slice((data_table_row+1):nrow(.)) %>%
select(value) %>%
mutate(value = str_squish(value)) %>%
separate(col = value, into = column_labels, sep = " ") %>%
mutate(table_id = rep(1:length(table_levels), each = nrow(.)/length(table_levels)))
tables_list <- 1:length(table_levels) %>%
data_df %>%
filter(table_id ==.x) %>%
select(-table_id) %>%
bind_cols(row_labels,.) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = 2:ncol(.), names_to = "to", values_to = "values") %>%
filter(values ==1) %>%
select(-values) %>%
graph_from_data_frame(., directed = directed)
names(tables_list) <- table_levels

PDF: Table Extraction - Tabulizer (R)

I'm trying to extract a table from a PDF with the R tabulizer package. The functions work fine, but it can't get all the data from the entire table.
Below are my codes
D_path = ""
out <- extract_tables(D_path,encoding = 'UTF-8')
arrumar_nomes <- function(x) {
x %>%
tolower() %>%
str_trim() %>%
str_replace_all('[[:space:]]+', '_') %>%
str_replace_all('%', 'p') %>%
str_replace_all('r\\$', '') %>%
tab_tidy <- out %>%
map(as_tibble) %>%
bind_rows() %>%
set_names(arrumar_nomes(.[1,])) %>%
slice(-1) %>%
mutate_all(funs(str_replace_all(., '[[:space:]]+', ' '))) %>%
Comparing the PDF table (D_path) with the tab_tidy database you can see that some information was missing. All first columns, which are merged, are not found during extract_tables(). Also, all lines that contain “Boi Gordo” and “Boi Magro” information are not found by the function either.
The rest is in perfect condition. Would you know why and how to solve it? The questions here in the forum dealing with this do not have much answer.

rvest web content scraping issue / car trading website

I wanted to rvest specific parts of the websites (car sales platform).
The CSS is frankly too confusing for me to figure out what's wrong on my own.
#### scraping the website with used cars #####
baseURL_otomoto = ""
i <- 1
for ( i in 1:7000 )
link = paste0(baseURL_otomoto,i)
out = read_html(link)
### building year
build_year = html_nodes(out, xpath = '//*[#id="body-container"]/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[6]/div[2]/article[1]/div[2]/div[3]/ul/li[1]') %>%
html_text() %>%
str_replace_all("\n","") %>%
str_replace_all("\r","") %>%
mileage = html_nodes(out, xpath = '//*[#id="body-container"]/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[6]/div[2]/article[1]/div[2]/div[3]/ul/li[2]') %>%
html_text() %>%
str_replace_all("\n","") %>%
str_replace_all("\r","") %>%
volume = html_nodes(out, xpath = '//*[#id="body-container"]/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[6]/div[2]/article[1]/div[2]/div[3]/ul/li[3]') %>%
html_text() %>%
str_replace_all("\n","") %>%
str_replace_all("\r","") %>%
fuel_type = html_nodes(out, xpath = '//*[#id="body-container"]/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[6]/div[2]/article[1]/div[2]/div[3]/ul/li[4]') %>%
html_text() %>%
str_replace_all("\n","") %>%
str_replace_all("\r","") %>%
price = html_nodes(out, xpath = '//div[#class="offer-item__price"]') %>%
html_text() %>%
str_replace_all("\n","") %>%
str_replace_all("\r","") %>%
link = html_nodes(out, xpath = '//div[#class="offer-item__title"]') %>%
html_text() %>%
str_replace_all("\n","") %>%
str_replace_all("\r","") %>%
offer_details = html_nodes(out, xpath = '//*[#id="body-container"]/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[6]/div[2]/article[1]/div[2]/div[3]/ul') %>%
html_text() %>%
str_replace_all("\n","") %>%
str_replace_all("\r","") %>%
Any guesses what might be the reason for this behaviour?
How to rvest all build_type, mileage and fuel_type data from offers available on the analysed website at once as a data.frame? using classes (xpath = '//div[#class=...) didn't work in my case
I wanted to rvest details of the actual offers using f.i.
gear_type = html_nodes(out, xpath = '//*[#id="parameters"]/ul[1]/li[10]/div') %>%
html_text() %>%
str_replace_all("\n","") %>%
str_replace_all("\r","") %>%
the arguments
in ul[a] are for a in (1:2) &
in li[b] are for b in (1:12)
Unfortunately though this concept fails as the resulting data frame is empty. Any guesses why?
First and foremost, learn about CSS selectors and XPath. Your selectors are very long and extremely fragile (some of them did not work for me at all, mere two weeks later). For example, instead of:
html_nodes(out, xpath = '//*[#id="body-container"]/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[6]/div[2]/article[1]/div[2]/div[3]/ul/li[1]') %>%
you can write:
html_nodes(out, css="[data-code=year]") %>% html_text()
Second, read documentation of libraries that you use. str_replace_all pattern may be regular expression, which saves you one call (use str_replace_all("[\n\r]", "") instead of str_replace_all("\n","") %>% str_replace_all("\r","")). html_text can do text trimming for you, which means that str_trim() is not needed at all.
Third, if you copy-paste some code, step back and think if function wouldn't be better solution; usually it would. In your case, personally, I would probably skip str_replace_all calls until data cleaning step, when I would call them on data.frame holding entire scrapped data.
To create data.frame from your data, call data.frame() function with column names and content, like that:
data.frame(build_year = build_year,
mileage = mileage,
volume = volume,
fuel_type = fuel_type,
price = price,
link = link,
offer_details = offer_details)
Or you could initialize data.frame with one column only and then add further vectors as columns:
output_df <- data.frame(build_year = html_nodes(out, css="[data-code=year]") %>% html_text(TRUE))
output_df$volume <- html_nodes(out, css="[data-code=engine_capacity]") %>%
Finally, you should note that data.frame columns must all be the same length, while some of data that you scrap is optional. At the moment of writing this answer I had few offers without engine capacity and without offer description. You have to use two html_nodes calls in succession (as single CSS selector will not match what doesn't exist). But even then, html_nodes will silently drop missing data. This can be worked around by piping html_nodes output to html_node call:
current_df$volume = out %>% html_nodes("ul.offer-item__params") %>%
html_node("[data-code=engine_capacity]") %>%
The final version of my approach to loop internals is below. Just make sure that you initialize empty data.frame before calling it and that you merge output of current iteration with final data frame (using for example rbind), or each iteration will overwrite results of previous one. Or you could use, lapply()), which is idiomatic R for such task.
As a side note, when scraping large amount of quickly changing data, consider decoupling data downloading and data processing steps. Imagine that there is some corner case that you haven't accounted for which will cause R to terminate. How will you proceed if such condition appear in the middle of your iterations? The longer you stay on one page, the more duplicates you introduce (as more offers appear and existing ones are pushed down on further pages), and more offers you miss (as sale is concluded and offers disappear forever).
current_df <- data.frame(build_year = html_nodes(out, css="[data-code=year]") %>% html_text(TRUE))
current_df$mileage = html_nodes(out, css="[data-code=mileage]") %>%
current_df$volume = out %>% html_nodes("ul.offer-item__params") %>%
html_node("[data-code=engine_capacity]") %>%
current_df$fuel_type = html_nodes(out, css="[data-code=fuel_type]") %>%
current_df$price = out %>% html_nodes(xpath="//div[#class='offer-price']//span[contains(#class, 'number')]") %>%
current_df$link = out %>% html_nodes(css = "div.offer-item__title h2 > a") %>%
html_text(TRUE) %>%
str_replace_all("[\n\r]", "")
current_df$offer_details = out %>% html_nodes("div.offer-item__title") %>%
html_node("h3") %>%
