Console warning "[nuxt] Cannot load payload... _payload.js" warning on dynamic routes in static site - nuxtjs3

I am upgrading my static site from Nuxt3-RC3 to Nuxt3-RC11.
After upgrading I get a lot of errors and warnings in the console related to my dynamic routes (/m/[...slug].vue). It appears, that Nuxt is trying to prefect the dynamic pages it finds links to (e.g. /m/some/page) by looking up an _payload.js for each dynamic route. The warning is, that
ERROR: Failed to load module script: Expected a JavaScript module script but the server responded with a MIME type of "text/html". Strict MIME type checking is enforced for module scripts per HTML spec.
WARNING: entry.8994fad8.js:5 [nuxt] Cannot load payload /m/d6746dd9-497b-4f9a-8201-513b19762ccd/f6358aa0-07a4-46c4-b3eb-9d6c515f07c7/_payload.js TypeError: Failed to fetch dynamically imported module: /m/d6746dd9-497b-4f9a-8201-513b19762ccd/f6358aa0-07a4-46c4-b3eb-9d6c515f07c7/_payload.js
(anonymous) # entry.8994fad8.js:5
When I click to open the _payload.js in the browser file I can see, that it is rendered as an html file which explains the mime type error.
But, why is Nuxt throwing these errors and warnings and how can I avoid them?

This is no longer a problem. Solution is to upgrade to the new stable Nuxt3


Require() of ES Module Konva

I am trying to copy this sandbox. I copied everything and installed Konva, use-image and react-konva, but I got 2 errors. The first is that canvas is missing so I installed that. After the installation,I got this error:
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module C:\User\Folder\node_modules\konva\lib\Core.js from C:\User\Folder\node_modules\react-konva\lib\ReactKonvaCore.js not supported.
I am using Next13.
The error itself happens in a weird sense. If I navigate to the page from any link it works, but if I refresh the page, I get the errors.

Drupal css and theme is not showing

I am having a problem with the Drupal I have successfully set up the site from the live server to the local host. I have uploaded the data base to the local host and connected to it. Now When I try to run the site through the local host.
Only the text of the site is loaded while the theme,css and the images are not loaded.
I am new in the drupal.
I am not sure about the problem.
Please help me to locate the problem.
Thank you very much.
Errors in the console are as follows,
• The resource from “http://localhost/site/docroot/” was blocked due to MIME type mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).[Learn More] docroot
• ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined[Learn More] docroot:927:1
• Unknown property ‘-moz-box-shadow’. Declaration dropped. default+de.css:209:17
• Expected ‘none’, URL, or filter function but found ‘progid’. Error in parsing value for ‘filter’. Declaration dropped. default+de.css:231:10
• Expected ‘none’, URL, or filter function but found ‘alpha(’. Error in parsing value for ‘filter’. Declaration dropped. default+de.css:250:10
• Expected ‘none’, URL, or filter function but found ‘alpha(’. Error in parsing value for ‘filter’. Declaration dropped. default+de.css:262:10
• Unknown property ‘-moz-box-shadow’. Declaration dropped. default+de.css:554:17
• Unknown property ‘zoom’. Declaration dropped. default+de.css:788:6

Windows media foundation - 'MFCreateSourceReaderFromURL' identifier not found

I am getting few errors while building Windows media foundation application.
error C3861: 'MFCreateSourceReaderFromURL': identifier not found
error C2027: use of undefined type 'IMFSourceReader'
I have added Additional Include Directory and Library file paths in the project properties. I have also added "mfplat.lib" as additional dependencies.
But still I am getting above errors.

Disable Google fonts in wordpress

i just installed "Disable Google Fonts" plugin to inactive em , when i actived it i got those errors
BTW i'm using wordpress 4
when i tried to active it i got these errors:
Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function 'remove_inline_style' not found or invalid function name in /home/ghadaal/public_html/blog/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 505
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/ghadaal/public_html/blog/wp-includes/plugin.php:505) in /home/ghadaal/public_html/blog/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1173
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/ghadaal/public_html/blog/wp-includes/plugin.php:505) in /home/ghadaal/public_html/blog/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1173
and when i tried to remove the plugin
i got that error
Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function 'remove_inline_style' not found or invalid function name in /home/ghadaal/public_html/blog/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 505
PS here's the plugin link
While you are installing a plugin, you need to be careful about plugin test level. That plugin has been tested up to 3.8.3 as below;
It is not compatible with wp 4.x. In order to delete plugin, go to /pathto_website/wp-content/plugins/ directory and delete disable-google-fonts folder manually. And you can use support section of plugin page to warn author of that plugin in order to make necessary upgrade for that plugin

Failed to generate code for the service reference on a webservice

EgoPay's website has a WebService that i'm trying to work with, But there is a problem when i add it to my Asp.Net project( I added it through "Add Service Reference" option) after building solution i have got an error :
Custom tool error: Failed to generate code for the service reference 'ServiceReference1'.  Please check other error and warning messages for details.
and i have got 3 Warning :
1- Custom tool warning: Cannot import wsdl:portType
Detail: An exception was thrown while running a WSDL import extension: System.ServiceModel.Description.XmlSerializerMessageContractImporter
Error: The datatype '' is missing.
XPath to Error Source: //wsdl:definitions[#targetNamespace='']/wsdl:portType[#name='API_EgoPay_SoapPort']
2- Custom tool warning: Cannot import wsdl:port
Detail: There was an error importing a wsdl:binding that the wsdl:port is dependent on.
XPath to wsdl:binding: //wsdl:definitions[#targetNamespace='']/wsdl:binding[#name='API_EgoPay_SoapBinding']
XPath to Error Source: //wsdl:definitions[#targetNamespace='']/wsdl:service[#name='API_EgoPay_SoapService']/wsdl:port[#name='API_EgoPay_SoapPort']
3- Custom tool warning: Cannot import wsdl:binding
Detail: There was an error importing a wsdl:portType that the wsdl:binding is dependent on.
XPath to wsdl:portType: //wsdl:definitions[#targetNamespace='']/wsdl:portType[#name='API_EgoPay_SoapPort']
XPath to Error Source: //wsdl:definitions[#targetNamespace='']/wsdl:binding[#name='API_EgoPay_SoapBinding']
the webservice address is :
i searched in the net for this error and most of answers were "uncheck Reused types in referenced assemblies" but it did'nt work to me.
i'll be thankfull if anyone help me or anyone could test this webservice in and tell me the result.
