Why is my nested web component adding vertical space in Lit? - css

I have a weird issue where when I add padding-left: 32px to an element, vertical space gets added. If the CSS says 0, and I add the space manually in Chrome debugger, the vertical space isn't there. This is only happening with nested components. I'm not sure if I'm misusing something or if I have found a bug.
I have code like this:
<cai-setting-row class="itemGroupMiddle doubleIndent" data-type="A"
>Not Nested A</cai-setting-row
><cai-setting-row class="itemGroupMiddle doubleIndent" data-type="A"
>Not Nested B</cai-setting-row
The render of cai-setting-row-account is just the same markup:
render() {
return html`<cai-setting-row
class="itemGroupMiddle doubleIndent"
>Nested A</cai-setting-row
><cai-setting-row class="itemGroupMiddle doubleIndent" data-type="A"
>Nested B</cai-setting-row
It renders like this:
The "Not Nested" elements look right. The "Nested" ones have extra space and you can see a weird border on top that is the distance of the padding.
I have a functioning sandbox here:

I misunderstood how class is used on a custom component. Doing <my-component class="foo"> adds foo to the :host. My code in sandbox needed to change the magic of const parentClass = this.getAttribute('class') ?? ''; to const parentClass = this.getAttribute('itemClass') ?? '';, such that I wouldn't accidentally be applying classes to the :host and the intended element.


Angular 10: Router with anchorScrolling does not work on div with position absolute and overflow: auto

I am sure i must be doing something wrong but can't figure out what. Need some help/pointers.
I am using Angular 10.
I have enabled anchorScrolling in app-routing.module
const routes: Routes = [
{ path: 'docs', component: DocsComponent }
imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes, {
useHash: true,
anchorScrolling: 'enabled'
exports: [RouterModule]
export class AppRoutingModule { }
This works if the container for the jump-sections (the sections with #id where I want to scoll to) does not have property overflow:auto set , but if I set the property overflow:auto then the scrolling stops working through anchorScrolling. I can still scroll manually or by typing the url along with the fragment.
I have created a StackBlitz project to demonstrate this.
The project here is working by default
However if you add
to the
class in the hello.component.css you will see that the section links give at the top don't result in scroll even though the url does get updated with the correct route#fragment.
Is this an expected behavior?
I couldn't figure out why this is happening. Tried for minutes, but I could get to what I believe was your objective in the first place.
The changes I made (only in hello.component.css):
border:2px solid rebeccapurple;
I removed the height you were setting up for the position property which had the value 'absolute'. I also changed the value from the position property to be relative.
It is working with the position set to be 'absolute', but whenever you apply values for width and height it stops working.
According to this answer, I propose you a solution without fragment, but which works.
First change your a element as follow <a (click)="toSection('1')">Section 1</a> and for each section change the number with the corresponding one.
Then in your component add this method
toSection(section: string){
const elem = document.getElementById("section-"+section);
const topPos = elem.offsetTop
document.getElementById('sections').scrollTo({top:topPos-10, behavior:'smooth'})
With topPos-10, you got something a bit more beautiful because the top of the div is not stick to the section title.
PS : This way, in my opinion, it's a little bit better because you don't have your URL with #section at the end.
Here is the stackblitz.

Angular 6: Update NG Style with function

I'm here today because I'm wondering something about the NG Style with Angular (my version being the 6). How can i update [ngStyle] when I use a function to return a value.
As always, here is a simplified example of my problem:
I generate div from an array of objects.
For each section, there are two div: one on the left and one on the right.
The size of the left div changes depending on the content, so it can do both 50px and 125px.
I want the right div to fit the size of the one on his left, always half that size (2 in getLeftDivHeight).
Obviously, this will be done in each section (Container).
How can I make the ngStyle update when the div's height to the left changes (due to resizing, adding content, or page display time)? )
Here is the code:
<section class = "Container" *ngFor="let oneContent of allContent">
<div id = "{{oneContent.id}}" style="float: left">
<p> {{oneContent.Content}} </ p>
<div style="float: right" [ngStyle]="height: getLeftDivHeight(oneContent.id, 2)">
Typescript (only the related function)
getLeftDivHeight(id: string, divisionNumber: number): string {
height = document.GetElementById(id).getBoundingClientRect().height /
return height + 'px';
Note that I am not looking for an HTML solution, but an Angular one, the code above is just an example to explain my problem.
Thank you in advance
You could return the whole style string, for example height: 100px, from the getLeftDivHeight method
getLeftDivHeight(id: string, divisionNumber: number): string {
height = document.GetElementById(id).getBoundingClientRect().height / divisionNumber;
return `height: ${height}px`;
or you could use the below syntax in the template
return only numerical height value from the method.
So, I finally manage to do it, using a directive.
I used ElementRef to access the HTML Object of my right div.
import {ElementRef,Renderer} from '#angular/core';
constructor(private el: ElementRef,public renderer: Renderer) {}
Then, I used Dom to access the left div height
Then I use this.renderer.setElementStyle() to apply style
I also learn that use offscrollheight to do the math is not a good idea !

How to vertically center modal dialog using ng-modal

Is it possible to to specify the modal-dialog-centered class somehow? There is an windowClass option for the outer element, but I don't see a way to specify modal-dialog-centered on the inner element.
I'm just beginning with Angular and I know it's against it's principles but only way I found to achieve centering was specifying opener function in HTML template like this:
<button (click)="openModal(myModalTemplateId)" btn btn-secondary">
and define this nasty function inside component like this:
openModal(content) {
let x = this.modalService.open(content);
// change the padding value for your case or use some other styling
x._windowCmptRef._component._elRef.nativeElement.style = 'display: block; padding-top: 30%';
// you can try to use the code bellow to set the class but it's not working for me
// x._windowCmptRef._component._elRef.nativeElement.children[0].classList.add('modal-dialog-centered');

Targetting element:only-child with no sibling text node [duplicate]

I would like to select anchor tags only when they're completely by themselves, that way I can make those look like buttons, without causing anchors within sentences to look like buttons. I don't want to add an extra class because this is going within a CMS.
I originally was trying this:
article p a:first-child:last-child {
background-color: #b83634;
color: white;
text-transform: uppercase;
font-weight: bold;
padding: 4px 24px;
But it doesn't work because text content isn't considered as criteria for :first-child or :last-child.
I would like to match
<p><a href='#'>Link</a></p>
but not
<p><a href='#'>Link</a> text content</p>
<p>text content <a href='#'>Link</a></p>
Is this possible with CSS?
The simple answer is: no, you can't.
As explained here, here and here, there is no CSS selector that applies to the text nodes.
If you could use jQuery, take a look at the contains selector.
Unfortunately no, you can't.
You have to use JS by it self or any librady of it to interact with content of elements and found where is each element in the content.
If you wish me to update my answer with a JS example prease ask for it.
I don't think it's generally possible, but you can come close. Here are some helpful places to start:
The Only Child Selector which would allow you to select all a elements which have no siblings like so a:only-child {/* css */}. See more here. (Also see edit)
The Not Selector which would allow you to exclude some elements perhaps using something along the lines of :not(p) > a {/* css */} which should select all anchors not in a paragraph. See some helpful information here.
Combining selectors to be as specific as possible. You might want all anchors not in an h1 and all anchors not in a p.
The final product might look like this:
a:only-child, :not(p) > a {/* css */}
This should select all anchors that are only children and anchors that are not in a paragraph.
Final note:
You may want to consider making the buttons actual button or input tags to make your life easier. Getting the HTML right first usually makes the CSS simpler.
Edit: the only child ignores the text, so that's pretty much useless here. I guess it's less doable than I thought.
jQuery Code Example:
// this will select '<p><a></a></p>' or '<p><a></a>text</p>'
// but not '<p><a></a><a></a></p>'
$('p').has('a:only-child').each(function() {
const p = $(this); // jQuerify
let hasalsotext = false;
if ((this.nodeType === 3) && (this.nodeValue.trim() !== "")) {
hasalsotext = true;
return false; // break
if (!hasalsotext) {
$('a', p).addClass('looks-like-a-button');

Applying dynamic styling to injected HTML in Angular 2

For an Angular project I'm working on, I'm injecting HTML into a <div> like so:
<div class="myClass" [innerHTML]="htmlToInsert"></div>
The htmlToInsert contains a variety of things, notably <a> tags. Previously we were styling all these tags like so:
.myClass ::ng-deep a {
color: #f00;
text-decoration: none;
And this worked fine. But now I need the color of these links to be dynamically generated during component initialization, based on data coming in from elsewhere. All of the dynamic styling I've seen in Angular requires you to apply things directly to the HTML tag, but we don't have them here to work with.
How can I apply dynamic styling to HTML that is also dynamically generated? Can I directly change the CSS class somehow? Would using a pipe be the correct approach here? Is there another method I don't know about? I could maybe refactor code if there is absolutely no other way of doing this.
So if you can't modify the innerHTML you are passing in, you can achieve this functionality with a custom directive. Essentially you would tag your div that contains your innerHTML with a custom directive. That directive then looks for any anchor tags in it and changes the color based on an input.
// component.html
<div anchorColor [color]="dynamicColor" [innerHTML]="htmlToInsert"></div>
// directive.ts
#Directive({selector: '[anchorColor]'})
export class AnchorColorDirective implements OnAfterViewInit {
#Input() color: string;
constructor(private el: ElementRef){
// afterViewInit lifecycle hook runs after DOM is rendered
// get anchor element
let anchorEl = this.el.nativeElement.querySelector('a');
// assign color
anchorEl.style.color = this.color;
Here is a working plunkr https://plnkr.co/edit/QSYWSeJaoUflP94Cy4Hm?p=preview
