I want to know How many times can freely deploy project using firebase hosting spark plan?
I search google this problem after i found this answer. any one can explain?
" Firebase imposes hard limits on the number of simultaneous connections to your app's database. These limits are in place to protect both Firebase and our users from abuse. The Spark plan limit is 100 and cannot be raised. "
There is no limit on the number of times you can deploy a web site to Firebase Hosting, neither on the paid plan nor on the free plan. The only limits are documented on Firebase's pricing page and are (on the free plan) around the storage size (10GB) and bandwidth (360MB/day).
Each deploy adds to your storage size though, so if each deploy of your site is 100MB, you will run out of space after 100 deploys and further deploys will start failing. See firebase free hosting limits
At this point you can clean up your older deploys through the Firebase CLI or console, to make space for new ones. For more on that, see How to clean old deployed versions in Firebase hosting?
Let's say theoretically I owe GCP a lot of money and they shut down my GCP project, I've migrated to AWS so no issue there. The only thing is that I want to continue using Firebase for Authentication. Will I be able to use Firebase and pay the bill separately from my GCP account? Will google come for me?
From what I can see, a firebase project is part of a GCP project so you won't be able to do that.
Here's a medium article on the topic.
Since the node v10 changes to Cloud Functions, one thing that we've come to accept is a default storage bundle within our GCP of which accrues a cost of ~$0.03 a month. It is believed to be Docker cache files that store the Cloud Functions, Node Modules, and Hosting Revisions.
But on an almost empty project, how can you have 535MB in storage when the source is only 83MB total?
no hosting
2 cloud functions
What are the contents of the Files? is it overhead for the revision history? is there any reasonable way to minimize it? I get asked these questions many times and I do not have an answer that I feel comfortable with.
It's the entire container image, so I imagine it contains lot of things that you don't deploy yourself - like the operating system the code runs on, and the runtime of the language you use (Node.js if you're using Firebase to deploy).
I have deployed my site with Firebase using my customed domain.
I checked my db usage and it seems fine (couple of megas) but then I go the hosting section and then the usage tab and see almost 1GB downloads, do you know what do the downloads in the hostage section mean?
It means that almost 1GB of data was downloaded from Firebase Hosting in your project.
If this is higher than you expected, you might want to check for the size of your files. Do you have any images? How big are those? How much data will each client read from Firebase Hosting? How many clients do you have? If you have a few large files that everyone loads, it adds up quickly.
With Firebase: What are the minimum roles/permissions that should be granted to allow someone to deploy only?
I am not the owner of the organization, but I can create projects. I have gone through all the permissions, documentation, and it's not clear at all what the minimum permissions would be, there is no 'deploy only' permission, it's quite confusing.
We are using hosting only, no database, no other product, other than hosting a web application.
I want to restrict to just this, not allowing to use any other Firebase resource, just to deploy the web app. (firebase deploy only)
Provide background including what you've already tried
I have spent three hours reading documentation.
Google does not provide any way to limit permissions to allow a developer or contractor to deploy only ('Hosting Editor' permissions is what I am looking for).
They can calculate Pi to 31.4 trillion digits, do a lot of other amazing things, but not allocate minimal resources to make Firebase an Enterprise ready product.
I have a small firebase project site that I've been working on and is now public and gaining more traction than I thought. I doubt I'll hit Firebase's 10GB hosting transfer cap, but this got me thinking as to whether or not I'd be better served storing my site assets in Firebase Storage, and if that would help at all. I'm a bit new to these cloud service pricing models, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Boiling it down, here are my questions:
I have 20mb of assets currently stored in a /rsc/ directory on my hosted site. Would it lessen my Hosting "Data Transferred" to move these assets to Firebase Storage (Would the data transferred be logged under my Storage quota)?
Yes, if you put the files in Cloud Storage instead those will not be counted against the Firebase Hosting bandwidth limits. However, you will lose out on the global CDN edge-caching and atomic rollout/rollback provided by Firebase Hosting.