Telegram Web Apps method Expand isn't working - telegram

I found that the method Expand of window.Telegram.WebApp object isn't working in the Telegram client for Windows and IOS on computers and tablets.
How to increase the size of Web Apps frame for those devices?

function buttonOn(){
// do something on btn click
let main_page = document.querySelector('#main_page');
if (main_page){
window.Telegram.WebApp.expand() //expand window after page loading
window.Telegram.WebApp.MainButton.onClick(buttonOn) //set func on main button click
window.Telegram.WebApp.MainButton.setParams({'text': 'Корзина'}) // set byn params //show telegram btn
Other button events

Remove the line from the function:
window.Telegram.WebApp.expand() //expand window after page loading
And call it in the beginning/at the top of your main javascript code. (The code that will start running once the user has clicked on the button)
Also, you can make your code a lot shorter by putting window.Telegram.WebApp in a variable like:
const tele = window.Telegram.WebApp; //Initializes the TELEGRAM BOT and
//Gets the user's Telegram ID from the Telegram API
tele.expand(); //Expands the app on the users' phone to 100% height

The reason is, probably, you are a bit incorrect in understanding what "expansion" is. This term could only be applied to mobile devices with OS such as Android or iOS. Web App is displayed there in such native component as BottomSheet with inserted WebView containing your web application. Initially, in mobile devices, application is being opened minimized (not expanded). To make it use maximum allowed height of screen, you could call expand() method. It must work through window.Telegram.WebApp.expand().
In desktop or web versions of Telegram, Web App is displayed in separate component which is not allowed to change its size.
You could probably find more useful information about viewport and expansion here, or use alternative libraries, such as twa-bridge or twa-sdk


Is it possible to use a xamarin form in place of a winform on a local display?

I have a number of console application that use winforms to gather simple input from the user (Do this and click "OK", Did this happen click "Yes" or "No" That kind of thing) There is a new requirement that we provide the option to gather the simple input from the user on a handheld device that runs Android.
I had hoped to convert our winforms to Xamarin forms that could be used either locally or be sent to the handheld device. This is not my area, really, so it may be that I am not looking at the problem in the right way.
The system running the console application is usually a laptop or maybe a desktop.
Does anyone have any advice?
You can use App Center Analytics Events Metrics to track user event.
Here is the document for Xamarin:
You can track your own custom events with up to twenty properties to
understand the interaction between your users and the app.
Analytics.TrackEvent("Video clicked", new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "Category", "Music" },
{ "FileName", "favorite.avi"}

Azure AD (ADAL) Login Screen Loses Entered User Email on Device Orientation in Android Only-XamarinForms.Android

I have Xamarin.Forms application that authenticates user against Azure AAD using ADAL (Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory). That all works fine but on Android, device orientation looses user email on the Microsoft authentication screen.
Here I am in Portrait mode and I have entered user email:
Clicking on Next lands on screen asking to enter password. If I now rotate device on Android, it will return me back to blank screen above, user email I entered above is lost:
Device rotation should not return user back and re-prompt for user email again. It should stay on password prompt.
How do I prevent the rotation from re-prompting for user email? I dont want to disable rotation, I just want to prevent it from returning me back to screen that prompts for user email again.
This is Xamarin.Forms application and my MainActivity has already ConfigChages.Orientation attribute like below; however, this is not solving the issue:
[Activity(Name = "my.mainactivity"
, Label = "MyApp"
, Icon = "#drawable/icon"
, ConfigurationChanges = ConfigChanges.ScreenSize
| ConfigChanges.SmallestScreenSize
| ConfigChanges.ScreenLayout
| ConfigChanges.Orientation)]
public class MainActivity : Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsAppCompatActivity
Even if I freeze orientation to Portrait before call to AcquireTokenAsync and unfreeze it after the call receives response, it still behaves same - it will still rotate the Microsoft sign in page even though I freeze its parent (MainActivity) to Portrait (which is the owner passed in PlatformParameters to the call to AcquireTokenAsync. So, my activity stays in portrait but that sign-in page still rotates and looses data. It appears that the WebView Microsoft uses internally in AcquireTokenAsync is not following orientation settings on the activity passed inside PlatformParameters to AcquireTokenAsync.
Confirmed by Microsoft that this is their internal issues. If you are also running into this issue on Android where device rotation returns you back to prompt for user email, you can follow up progress of fixes for both ADAL and MSAL here:
I use Entry at my side, adding ConfigurationChanges = ConfigChanges.ScreenSize| ConfigChanges.Orientation, it works fine.
If you still have this issue, I suggest you can follow the next steps:
1.on Forms PCL, you can override OnSizeAllocated to check screen orientation, like this:
How to detect screen orientation of the device in Xamarin.Forms?
2.On Forms PCL and Android, you can use MessageCener to subscribe and send data
3.override method onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState(), like this:
Handle screen rotation without losing data - Android
The issue has been fixed in ADAL Release 5.1.1, and will be included in the next version of MSAL (most likely 4.3.1).
This issue is caused by Microsoft's ADAL component Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory and it has been fixed in 5.1.0 version released just couple of weeks ago (current version is 5.2.0).
What I had to do in order to fix this issue is:
1. Update ADAL from 3.19.8 to 5.2.0 (everything below 5.1.0 has this problem)
2. Then modified AuthorityURL passed to AuthenticationContext c-tor from something like to
Number 2 was necessary even though Microsoft claims in most places that the change is non-breaking change (they confirmed this is necessary).
After this, I was able to authenticate just like before but rotation on Android would not loose already provided user id and/or password.

How do you bring a visible NativeWindow to the front of all applications in a Adobe AIR App

The application I'm working on is a HTML AIR application based on the AIR 2.5 SDK.
The application starts two windows: the first is a hidden window that registers it's self on the system tray (it's windows specific); the second is a visible lightweight window displaying showing various bits of information. Since the visible window is lightweight, there is no task bar entry to always the user bring the window to the front if hidden under other application windows.
The requirement is that on clicking the system tray icon the display window will be brought to the front.
My current solution looks something like:
function handleClick(){
var nativeDisplayWindow = findDisplayWindow();
nativeDisplayWindow.alwaysInFront = true;
nativeDisplayWindow.alwaysInFront = false;
function findDisplayWindow(){
// looks in air.NativeApplication.nativeApplication.openedWindows for the
// the display window and returns it
It works but really doesn't feel right.
I've tried using NativeWindow.orderToFront() & NativeWindow.activate() and various combinations of all the other method.
Is this the correct way to bring a window to the front of all application windows in AIR?
If you try casting your nativeDisplayWindow as a Window you should then be able to do something like:
function handleClick(){
var nativeDisplayWindow:Window = findDisplayWindow() as Window;
I don't know if this is what you are looking for or whether I've just repeated what you've explained?

Can I open a browser window to view an image created by a flex 3 application?

I have a flex 3 application that creates an Image from a canvas which the user draws on. I use the ImageSnapshot class to create the image
var imageSnap:ImageSnapshot=ImageSnapshot.captureImage(myCanvas);
var as ByteArray;
I want the user to be able to print or save the image. I can use the following code to print the image but flex does not provide good control over printing across multiple pages
var printJob:FlexPrintJob=new FlexPrintJob();
printJob.addObject(myCanvas, FlexPrintJobScaleType.SHOW_ALL);
I would like to display the image in a browser window so that the user could print it using the built in browser functionality or right click on the image and save it. Can this be done without requesting server side code to do it?
I know that flash player 10 and flex 4 allow you to save files locally but for now I am stuck with player 9 and flex 3
You can still use the new features of FileReference (the save() and load() methods) in Flex 3 as long as the application is running in Flash Player 10. But if you are definitely stuck with Flash Player 9 then you will need to push the image up to the server first. If you are looking for a good way to push that data up to the server, please reference my solution in this question:
Flex: Render an unrealized UIComponent to BitmapData?
I don't believe you can do this, as it would violate the sandbox. For example, if this worked, it means you could put arbitrary code (analogous to an image) on the user's machine without their consent or knowledge.
I'm not sure if this will work, but try this:
Show a link to the image (file://path/to/image/img.ext) and set window.htmlLoader.navigateInSystemBrowser = true;

Carbon, LSUIElement, and showing a window

I have a Carbon LSUIElement application, which runs in the background (possibly with an icon in the menubar, depending on a pref) and occasionally needs to show a dialog to the user - sometimes in response to a user event, but sometimes in response to a background task failing or similar.
(I'm using Qt 4.5, so the application is Carbon based; With Qt 4.6 things will be Cocoa based, but it sounds as if the problem may exist there too).
The problem is that when I open a window, and show it, it doesn't get brought to the front. I assume this is an artefect of being an LSUIElement app. Qt uses SelectWindow in Carbon, and [makeKeyAndOrderFront] in Cocoa, to bring a window (and the app) to the front.
To work around the problem, I tried going direct to the window server: (the first few steps are to get the WindowID, this will be simpler with Qt-Cocoa, since I can use NSWindow:nativeWindow)
WindowRef ref = HIViewGetWindow((HIViewRef) aWidget->winId());
CGSWindow wid = GetNativeWindowFromWindowRef(ref);
CGSConnection cid =_CGSDefaultConnection();
CGSOrderWindow(cid, wid, 1 /* above everything */, 0 /* NULL */);
This works, sort of - the window comes to the front, but it's not highlighted or keyboard focused. Are there additional steps to fix those issues, or is there a simpler solution to the whole problem?
Use SetFrontProcessWithOptions to bring your window in front of other apps.
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps: YES]
