How to use grunt to copy a series of files to the same directory they come from? - gruntjs

I have a series of directories like...
component A
- t9n
- componentAT9n.json
component B
- t9n
- componentBT9N.json
Where each of these directories I need to duplicate the one file ending in t9n.json to _en.json ultimately ending up with...
component A
- t9n
- componentAT9n.json
- componentAT9n_en.json
component B
- t9n
- componentBT9N.json
- componentBT9n_en.json
Using grunt is how I'm trying to do it, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to copy each file it matches to the same directory.
Is this something I can accomplish just using grunt and grunt-contrib-copy ? Or is there maybe another plugin to do this?
In the copy task, I know I can use glob patterns to dynamically grab the source, but the destination I'm unsure of.
files: [
cwd: "src/app/js",
src: ["**/t9n/*.json"],
dest: ???,
expand: true

This situation ended up being just too complicated that I had to make a custom grunt task for it, this is what I did.
// Copies the root t9n file for each t9n directory to an _en.json file
grunt.registerTask("create-en-t9n-files", function() {
.forEach(function(source) {
var destinationPath = source.split("/t9n/")[0] + "/t9n/";
var fileName = source.split("/t9n/")[1].split(".json")[0];
var enName = fileName + "_en.json";
grunt.file.copy(source, destinationPath + enName);


Gulp Task: CleanCSS and Paths

I've created a task with Gulp that is supposed to:
Join multiple CSS files;
Minify + remove unnecessary CSS;
Fix paths for url() directives and others;
Generate source maps;
My current code for this is:
var gulp = require("gulp"),
concat = require("gulp-concat"),
cleanCSS = require("gulp-clean-css"),
sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps");
var styleList = [
gulp.task("deploy-css", function() {
debug: true,
compatibility: "ie8",
keepSpecialComments : 0,
target: "Resources/",
relativeTo: "Resources/"
url() path example, taken from file Resources/Include/ionicons/css/ionicons.css:
#font-face { font-family: "Ionicons"; src: url("../fonts/ionicons.eot?v=2.0.0");
This is my current file structure:
./Resources/style.min.css // -> Final processed file
./Resources/Include/ // -> Original CSS files with URL (installed via Bower)
Test folder: (install and then run with gulp deploy-css).
Almost everything works as expected, except for when CSS files include references to images or fonts using the url() option. After running the task (and style.min.css created) those references are broken - no change was made to the paths found on the original CSS files.
Isn't cleanCSS supposed to check where the referenced files are and fix the paths automatically? Aren't the options target and relativeTo used to control that?
How can I fix this? Thank you.
I managed to fix the issue, my main problems were a misplaced concat operation breaking gulp-clean-css rebase feature and wrong target and relativeTo options. Apparently I didn't think much about the previous workflow.
var gulp = require("gulp"),
concat = require("gulp-concat"),
cleanCSS = require("gulp-clean-css"),
sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps");
var styleList = [
gulp.task("deploy-css", function() {
compatibility: "ie8",
keepSpecialComments : 0,
target: "Resources",
relativeTo: ""
.pipe(concat("style.min.css", {newLine: ""}))
This new workflow works as:
Optimize all individual CSS files - including rebasing urls;
Contact individual optimized files into the final file - (note newLine: "" avoids line breaks in the file);
Write the file.

Grunt Concat many files in many folders while maintaining folder structure

I am using Grunt concat in my project. I want to combine files on a folder level.
js >
parent >
child1 >
child2 >
js >
parent >
child1 >
child2 >
is there a way of doing this without specifically adding each "child" in its own concat line?
I ended up doing the following I found in this post.
grunt.registerTask("taskName", "Task Description", function() {
// get all module directories
grunt.file.expand("src/js/parent/*").forEach(function (dir) {
// get the module name from the directory name
var dirName = dir.substr(dir.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
// get the current concat object from initConfig
var concat = grunt.config.get('concat') || {};
// create a subtask for each module, find all src files
// and combine into a single js file per module
concat[dirName] = {
src: [dir + '/**/*.js'],
dest: 'build/js/parent/' + dirName + '/combined.js'
// add module subtasks to the concat task in initConfig
grunt.config.set('concat', concat);
Then just call taskName from your registerTask.
Use globbing patterns in your concat task. To quote the linked documentation:
It is often impractical to specify all source filepaths individually,
so Grunt supports filename expansion (also know as globbing).
I know this topic is old, but I want to share my solution because I couldn't find a simple solution working as expected on the web.
concat: {
files: [
expand: true,
src: ["**/*.js"],
dest: "dest/js",
cwd: "src/js",
rename: function(dst, src) {
const srcParts = String(src).split("/");
let dstPath = "";
let dstName = srcParts[0].split(".")[0];
if (srcParts.length > 1) {
dstName = srcParts[srcParts.length - 2];
dstPath =
.slice(0, srcParts.length - 1)
.join("/") + "/";
return `${dst}/${dstPath + dstName}.js`;
I hope this helps someone :)

proper way of copying files to destination with gulp

I'm toying around with ASP.NET 5 and am using gulp. I added angularjs and angular-route to my package.json file which stored the files at Dependencies->NPM. I added this to my gulpfile.js thinking that it would copy over the the correct JS files. It did copy over the files, however, it also crashed the project. I had to manually go into the lib folder and remove everything that gulp added. What's the proper way to copy files from the NPM folder a destination folder. I'd like to be able to just run the task from Task Runner.
I'm assuming this is incorrect: (which is what I ran)
gulp.task("copyJs", function () {
return gulp.src('./node_modules/**/*.js')
*I think the trailing '/' in gulp.dest('./wwwroot/lib/') might be the cause of the problem, try gulp.dest('./wwwroot/lib') instead.
This is the gulp workflow I use for Angular 2 with Asp.Net 5.
var gulp = require("gulp"),
merge = require("merge-stream"),
rimraf = require("rimraf");
var paths = {
webroot: "./wwwroot/",
node_modules: "./node_modules/"
paths.libDest = paths.webroot + "lib/";
gulp.task("clean:libs", function (cb) {
rimraf(paths.libDest, cb);
gulp.task("copy:libs", ["clean:libs"], function () {
var angular2 = gulp.src(paths.node_modules + "angular2/bundles/**/*.js")
.pipe(gulp.dest(paths.libDest + "angular2"));
var es6_shim = gulp.src([
paths.node_modules + "es6-shim/*.js",
.pipe(gulp.dest(paths.libDest + "es6-shim"));
var systemjs = gulp.src(paths.node_modules + "systemjs/dist/*.js")
.pipe(gulp.dest(paths.libDest + "systemjs"));
var rxjs = gulp.src(paths.node_modules + "rxjs/bundles/**/*.js")
.pipe(gulp.dest(paths.libDest + "rxjs"));
return merge(angular2, es6_shim, systemjs, rxjs);
There are many ways to do it but one of the good simple ways I found was this:
Which do an update to the bowerrc file and everything after this update makes more sense.
In the root of your project is a .bowerrc file. It looks like this:
> { "directory": "wwwroot/lib" } Change it to something like this, and
> delete your actual wwwroot/lib folder.
> { "directory": "bower_components" } EXCLUDE YOUR SOURCE BOWER FOLDER
You'll also want to go into your project.json file for ASP.NET 5 and
make sure that your source bower_components folder is excluded from
the project and any packing and publishing process.
> "exclude": [
> "wwwroot",
> "node_modules",
> "bower_components" ],
In your gulpfile, make sure that path is present in paths. There are
totally other ways to do this, including having gulp install bower and
figure out the path. It's up to you how sophisticated you want your
gulpfile to get as long as the result is that production ready .js
ends up in your wwwroot ready to be served to the customer. Also
include a lib or destination for where your resulting JavaScript gets
copied. Could be scripts, could be js, could be lib as in my case.
var paths = {
webroot: "./" + project.webroot + "/",
bower: "./bower_components/",
lib: "./" + project.webroot + "/lib/" }; ADD A COPY TASK TO YOUR GULPFILE
Now open your Gulpfile and note all the tasks. You're going to add a
copy task to copy in just the files you want for deployment with your
web app.
Here is an example copy task:
> gulp.task("copy", ["clean"], function () {
> var bower = {
> "bootstrap": "bootstrap/dist/**/*.{js,map,css,ttf,svg,woff,eot}",
> "bootstrap-touch-carousel": "bootstrap-touch-carousel/dist/**/*.{js,css}",
> "hammer.js": "hammer.js/hammer*.{js,map}",
> "jquery": "jquery/jquery*.{js,map}",
> "jquery-validation": "jquery-validation/jquery.validate.js",
> "jquery-validation-unobtrusive": "jquery-validation-unobtrusive/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js"
> }
> for (var destinationDir in bower) {
> gulp.src(paths.bower + bower[destinationDir])
> .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.lib + destinationDir));
> } });
Do note this is a very simple and very explicit copy tasks. Others
might just copy more or less, or even use a globbing wildcard.
It's up to you. The point is, if you don't like a behavior in ASP.NET
5 or in the general build flow of your web application you have more
power than ever before.
Right click the Bower node in the Solution Explorer and "Restore
Packages." You can also do this in the command line or just let it
happen at build time.
Looking in this simplified screenshot, you can see the bower
dependencies that come down into the ~/bower_components folder. Just
the parts I want are moved into the ~/wwwroot/lib/** folder when the
gulpfile runs the copy task.
I manage very complex monorepos, I don't like hardcoded file paths and prefer to mirror my source code for transparency. I explored a LOT of solutions for doing a lot of files at once and find them all opaque and bloated. I recommend a factory that ultimately does this with source-like file module references:
() =>
() =>
You can make them named functions for visibility as well.

Grunt convert markdown to pdf recursively and dynamically

I am stuck writing a Gruntfile which aim is to convert a bunch of Markdown files to PDF dynamically. Giving the current folder hierarchy:
| |
I would like to run a Markdown to PDF task which would process the md file and ouput a PDF file with the matching filename in the same output directory.
I did create a custom task which is parsing current directory, ignoring the mode_modules folder and get the markdown file, but I don't know how to configure the md2pdf task with the good properties to reflect dynamic folder mapping.
Here's my current Gruntfile:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// 1 - Configuration
md2pdf: {
// 2 - Plugins
// 3 - Task registering
grunt.registerTask('default', 'Get Subfolders', function() {
grunt.file.recurse('.', callback);
function callback(abspath, rootdir, subdir, filename) {
var filenameOutExt;
// if current occurence is a file subdir == undefined
// checking subdir to true means it's not undefined and
// the current path is a directory
if(subdir) {
// excluding node_modules folder
if (!subdir.match('node_modules')) {
// only process markdown files
if(filename.match('.md')) {
filenameOutExt = filename.split('.')[0];
// now for each markdown files, run md2pdf task
// and ouput filenameOutExt.pdf in same folder
// as the input files
I am using this plugin:
So my questions is how should I configure the md2pdf task to pass it the markdown files and generate matching filename pdf output in same directory.
Output should be:
| |
Thanks a lot
According to this line, this task uses the grunt.files utilitary function. This makes things easier for us!
First, it's not usual in grunt to create a different task to find the files you need in any other task.
That is, each task should receive the files it needs to operate on. For example...
files: [
expand: true
cwd: 'assets/script'
src: ['**/*.coffee']
dest: "assets/script"
ext: '.js'
(Note that this config is in a file, hence the CoffeeScript syntax)
This type of file configuration using glob expansion is one of the most common. You can find details in the documentation.
It's pretty obvious:
In every directory (**), take everything (/*) from assets/script/ that ends with .coffee. Put it into assets/script. Rename extensions to .js.
So, your task can probably be configured like that:
md2pdf: {
main: {
files: [ {
expand: true,
src: ['**/*.md', '!node_modules/**/*'],
dest: "pdf/"
} ]
Ok figured it out !
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// 2 - Plugins
grunt.registerTask('default', 'Dynamically generate PDF from MD', function() {
grunt.file.expand("./**/*.md").forEach( function(file) {
if(!file.match('./node_modules')) {
var md2pdf = grunt.config.get('md2pdf') || {};
md2pdf[file] = {
src: file,
dest: file + '.pdf'
grunt.config.set('md2pdf', md2pdf);

Using grunt to concat many files from many dirs into single renamed file in new directory

I have an Angular project with potentially many modules. Each module has it's own directory with subdirectories for controllers, directives, services, etc. Something like this:
|-- js
|-- modules
|-- moduleOne
| module.js
|-- controllers
| listController.js
| detailController.js
|-- directives
| listItem.js
| summaryWidget.js
|-- filters
|-- services
| moduleService.js
My build essentially bundles and compiles files from src/ and puts into dev/, then minifies the files in dev/ and moves into prod/. During dev, the server points to the dev/ folder and in production, the server points to the prod/ folder (also why the files are ending in .min.js even though they are only compiled/concated). This process is working well.
Currently, my concat task is grabbing all the files in moduleOne/ and creating a single moduleOne.js file in my dev directory. This is what I want to happen, but more dynamically:
concat: {
modules: {
files: {
"dev/js/modules/moduleOne.min.js": [
"dev/js/modules/moduleTwo.min.js": [
The problem is that I have to do this for every module, but don't think I would need to.
I tried doing the following because it's sort of what I want to do:
concat: {
modules: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: "src/js/modules",
src: "**/*.js",
dest: "dev/js/modules",
ext: ".min.js"
But the result was all my files and directory structure moved over from src/ to dev/. I basically used concat to do a copy, not helpful.
I'd like to do something like this:
concat: {
modules: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: "src/js/modules",
src: "**/*.js",
dest: "dev/js/modules/<foldername>.min.js", <- how do I achieve this?
I've been reading a lot, but it seems that I only get close to finding the answer and am having trouble putting the concepts together. A lot of what I find is just single files into a new directory, with a rename. I'd like multiple files to single file into new directory with a rename. Cuz that's how I roll :)
So, I found the answer I was looking for.
This SO post was basically the same question with a good answer. Unfortunately it didn't come up when I was creating my question or else you wouldn't be reading this.
There was a slight tweak to my needs. I needed to do it dynamically per module instead of just one compile.js file so my final code is as follows, placed just after my initConfig():
grunt.registerTask("prepareModules", "Finds and prepares modules for concatenation.", function() {
// get all module directories
grunt.file.expand("src/js/modules/*").forEach(function (dir) {
// get the module name from the directory name
var dirName = dir.substr(dir.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
// get the current concat object from initConfig
var concat = grunt.config.get('concat') || {};
// create a subtask for each module, find all src files
// and combine into a single js file per module
concat[dirName] = {
src: [dir + '/**/*.js'],
dest: 'dev/js/modules/' + dirName + '.min.js'
// add module subtasks to the concat task in initConfig
grunt.config.set('concat', concat);
// the default task
grunt.registerTask("default", ["sass", "ngtemplates", "prepareModules", "concat", "uglify", "cssmin"]);
This essentially makes my concat task look like it did when I was hand coding it, but just a little simpler (and scalable!).
concat: {
moduleOne: {
src: "src/js/modules/moduleOne/**/*.js",
dest: "dev/js/modules/moduleOne.min.js"
src: "src/js/modules/moduleTwo/**/*.js",
dest: "dev/js/modules/moduleTwo.min.js"
Another deviation I made from the SO post was that I chose not to have prepareModules run concat on it's own when it was done. My default task (which watch is setup to run during dev) still does all my processing.
This leaves me with the following structure, ready for minification into prod/:
| dev
| js
| modules
|-- moduleOne.min.js
|-- moduleTwo.min.js
