I exported a .hex file for a PIC32 microcontroller, the content starts like this
After reading some articles about the Intel HEX format, the output confuses me a bit.
Let's have a look at the first three lines only:
:02 0000 04 0000 fa
:02 0000 04 1fc0 1b
:04 2ff0 00 ffff3fff a1
If the third section is 04, as it is for the first two lines - it means the following data of type is of extended linear address. So this address part is put in front of the address which is declared for data of type 00 (like the third one).
The reason why this confuses me is that there are ALWAYS two 04 lines under each other. But a 04 line is only valid until another appears.
So why are there always two?
But why are
What are the following used for in iTerm2? For example:
^2 through ^9 and ^- --> Send Hex Code 0x00 .. 0x7f ?
⌥↑ and ⌥↓ --> Send Hex Codes: 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41...
To put it all into one here are the ones in question in a nicely formatted way:
Short answer: For compatibility with old terminals. Real terminals that were dedicated pieces of hardware, not applications in a window system!
About the ^0...^9 ones: Terminals would typically use 7-bit ASCII codes, with character codes ranging from 0 to 127, inclusive. Codes 32-126 where used for letters, numbers and punctuation (as they still are in Unicode). 127 was usually the DELETE key (though sometimes that key would send code 8, "backspace" instead, leading to problems which persist in FAQ lists to this day. CTRL-A to CTRL-Z would generate the corresponding ASCII code minus 64, i.e. 1-26. The remaining codes could be a bit harder to generate. CTRL-# usually gave you a 0, but sometimes that was on CTRL-space instead. The 27-31 range was usually at CTRL plus the "ASCII minus 64" position, so for example CTRL-] would give you 0x1D, but there were some terminals where those codes were mapped to CTRL-number instead, and those mappings in iTerm2 seem to be there to cater to people used to such terminals.
As for alt-arrow giving 1b 1b 5b 41, that is ESC ESC [ A . Now ESC [ A is a fairly common sequence for the up arrow alone, and prefixing it with an extra escape probably makes Emacs users happy, because it makes the Alt key work as a Meta key for them. I have not looked at the other multi-byte sequences, but I guess they have similar explanations.
I have the following raw text :
It represents a gz compressed value. Here is the raw text uncompressed :
Now I would like to encrypt it using AES in CBC mode with a 128 bits long key. Here are the key and the inizialization vector I'm using:
key: asdfgh0123456789
iv: 0123456789asdfgh
Anyway when I try to decrypt the cypertext obtained from encryption I got base64 encoded raw text as my input.
[Here][1] is the website service I'm using to encrypt and decrypt.
Why does my input change automatically to base64 ? Whats wrong ?
Screenshot :
Screenshot: [![enter image description here][2]][2]
The problem with a sequence of bytes is that they cannot simply be shown on a screen because you can have 256 different values on a single byte but the alphabet only has 26 different letters.
Given a sequence of bytes it can be represented in letters and numbers when converted to base64.
1) The text TEST is represented in bytes as 54 45 53 54 and as base64 as VEVTVA==
2) GZ of TEST is represented in bytes as 1f 8b 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 0b 71 0d 0e e1 e2 02 00 cf 1b f9 1e 06 00 00 00 and as base64 as H4sIAAAAAAAA/wtxDQ7h4gIAzxv5HgYAAAA=
Now you can encrypt the bytes of the gz or the base64 of the gz - they are different.
When using a web page that takes text as input you better use the base64 of the gz. Then, when you decrypt you get what you used.
First and foremost you have to understand that you are not encrypting a raw text gzip. You are actually encrypting a base64 form of your raw text gizp.
Then symmetric encryption algorithms like AES are useful because given a cleartext and key they allows ciphering and deciphering to transform respectively your in input first in ciphertext and then cleartext.
As shown in your screenshot you correctly achieved that! So really nothing wrong. To return to original form of raw gzip text you just have to decode the output of decryption using the base64 encoding scheme and you'll get wath you are looking for.
Moreover as you already knows not all bytes values can be represented by visible symbols, this is the main reason often encrypted text or binary data is represented using base64. Over other enconding scheme, it has less overhead. For instance hex encoding double the input size; while instead base64 makes it (on average) 33% bigger.
As a bonus: Here is useful tools for this kind of transformations Cyberchef.
I noticed that the symbol . doesn't represent the same hexadecimal number when I tried to tune my YARA rules that I run on VirusTotal. When I tried to exclude the false positive-generating text string .sample., it would not get excluded because . converted from text representation was 2E in this case, meanwhile in the string, that was actually contained in the false positives, . represented 00.
I assume that when the files are matched, text is converted to hex, the hex string is then matched in a hexdump of a file and the whole hexdump is converted to text in the VT preview.
Then I noticed that there were actually more hexadecimal numbers that were represented as . in VirusTotal's text preview. For example, 0A, 99, 09 (screenshot).
I tried seeing the text representation of these hex numbers using an online converter (http://www.unit-conversion.info/texttools/hexadecimal/) and some of them were represented as � or a blank symbol (not a space symbol, as the number 20, but just a blank space).
So my questions are - why do different numbers seem to represent the same symbol? In addition, what do the "blank spaces" represent in a file's hexdump?
The 0A characters are line feed characters, as can be seen from the table in this doc, while the 2E characters are actual periods.
As per this answer on the same issue:
These are whitespace characters, and if included literally would mess up the ASCII table. That's why they (as well as the unprintable control characters below 32, and any binary values above 127, which aren't defined by ASCII and would need another character set to be interpreted correctly) are represented by .
Essentially, the '.' character is a catch-all for things which can't be shown properly in the table.
As for the online converter, it appears to generate characters until 7F, after which ASCII's 128 bit implementation is no longer defined and the translator provides a � symbol. Even from 00 to 7F we find the translator has issues with a few hex values including the line feed character 0A.
The ASCII table linked earlier hints at a few characters which the translator might have trouble with, such the DEL character (7F), the bell (07), and ENQ (05).
I would expect that blank spaces are whitespace characters, this should be possible to verify in the ASCII table.
While parsing my NTFS formatted hard disk, I found some invalid entries of INDX while Windows is still able to list all the root directory contents!
The structure of the Index Record in NTFS 3.1 is clear (NTFS doc):
Offset Description
0x00 MFT Reference of the file
0x08 Size of the index entry
0x0A Offset to the filename
0x52 Filename
However, I found some entries where their size is faulty as well as their MFT Reference (which is a bunch of zeros)!
I enclose a screenshot that shows a part of INDX along side with their text representations where each line is of width 0x20. I highlighted the faulty part.
The figure shows that entries were parsed rationally until the last correct entry at 0x0628:
MFT Reference (8 bytes): 66 30 00 00 00 00 01 00
Size of entry (2 bytes): 70 00
So the entry ends at 0x0697.
Thereafter, things got weird! Entries at 0x0698:
MFT Reference (8 bytes): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Seems invalid
Size of entry (2 bytes): 10 00 Of course invalid because the size is less than the entry structure minimum size that includes the filename at 0x52 for instance.
For me, it seems that "Buziol Games" was a deleted folder on the root directory of the harddisk, I am not sure. Anyway, Windows explorer is not facing troubles on listing the contents.
Do anybody understand how does it work? How do Windows continue parsing?
EDIT: In addition, please find the hex dump as a pure text on pastebin
As files get renamed, added, and deleted, INDX records end up containing unzeroized slack space at their end. Each INDX "page" is always 4096 bytes long, and as files get deleted the B+ tree nodes get shifted, leaving old, abandoned nodes at the end of INDX pages. This is very useful for forensics.
The "Buziol Games" entry appears to be a perfectly valid INDX record. Why do you think it was deleted?
Note that the INDX header (right where the "INDX" string is) can tell you how many entries there are in the page - check out offset 0x1c (size of index entries) vs offset 0x20 (allocated size of index entries). And note that these are relative to offset 0x18.
So looking at your pastebin output, in offset 0x1c we find the value 0x690 which means that the last entry ends at 0x18 + 0x690 = 0x6A8. The entry you see at offset 0x698 seems to be a kind of "null" entry, as per https://0cch.com/ntfsdoc/concepts/index_record.html:
last entry has a size of 0x10 (just large enough
for the flags (and a mft ref of zero))
Note thst its size is 0x10 which means it ends at 0x6A8, as expected.
See also https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2012/10/incident-response-ntfs-indx-buffers-part-4-br-internal.html.
A good description of NTFS can be found at http://dubeyko.com/development/FileSystems/NTFS/ntfsdoc.pdf.
I'm looking a way to convert ASCII text into hex data, I mean the way of hex that you can obtain making
Then I need to use it like a number (COMP-3 I guess).
I tried to move a PIC(X) to a PIC S9(2)V COMP-3 but does not work as I thought...
Further explanation, as my question was marked as unclear:
First of all, sorry, I made this question late in the night and now that I'm reading again, yes, it's unclear.
Now, the real issue is that I want to use a char (let's say "A") as it's hexadecimal numeric representation to use it as a index for a internal table.
For example, in C it could be easy, making:
int mynum;
char mytext;
mynum = atoi(mytext);
then using mychar to access an array. So, in COBOL I have:
01 MY-TEXT PIC X 100.
Then, I want to iterate MY-TEXT-X and transform it into it's hex code to store it into a numeric variable (PIC 9(n)) to use it to access MY-TABLE-ITEM, something like:
As I said, I thought I can move a PIC X to a PIC S9(2)V COMP-3 so the numeric variable can get the value but it's not working as I expected...
So I just found my compiler doesn't support intrinsic functions, so that does not help me...
EDIT - Added source code
So, here's the source I'm using, and also displays from complier and executions.
PROGRAM-ID. likeatoi.
01 the-char PIC X
01 the-result PIC 999.
01 the-other-result PACKED-DECIMAL PIC 9(8)
REDEFINES the-other-result.
05 char-to-convert PIC X.
01 num pic 9(8).
* with instrinsic function
* MOVE FUNCTION ORD ( the-char )
* TO the-result.
* Old School
MOVE the-char TO char-to-convert.
MOVE the-other-result TO num.
Now, here a detail of all I tried:
First, try to compile it wit INTRINSIC FUNCTION ORD:
***** 1) 0384: E User-defined word expected instead of reserved word. (scan su
With this compilation, run program (Ignore error):
COBOL procedure error 211 at line 17 in ./ESCRITORIO/HEX/LIKEATOI.COB
(/home/dohitb/Escritorio/HEX/likeatoi.COB) compiled 17/03/05 20:37:29.
Comment FUNCTION part, then compile again:
Errors: 0, Warnings: 1, Lines: 37 for program LIKEATOI.
(Warning for displaying a COMP variable, it's OK)
Execute again (without the "num", and still with comp variable):
>A<> <
Add "num" variable, change char to "K" and change COMP to PACKED-DECIMAL (in HEX: 4B)
>K<> <
So, as I was telling, neither options are working. The most accurate rigth now is using PACKED-DECIMAL with redefines to PIC 9, but with HEX positions higher than "A" it gives a "9" so it's still not valid.
I think it could be a matter of local COLLATION.
Now I made a variant of the original source code:
PROGRAM-ID. likeatoi.
01 the-char PIC X
01 the-result PIC 999.
01 the-other-result BINARY PIC 9(4)
REDEFINES the-other-result.
05 char-to-convert PIC X.
01 the-comp-result COMP PIC 9(4)
REDEFINES the-comp-result.
05 char-to-convert PIC X.
01 the-packed-result PACKED-DECIMAL PIC 9(4)
REDEFINES the-packed-result.
05 char-to-convert PIC X.
01 num PIC 9(8).
01 alfa PIC X(20)
05 char PIC X OCCURS 20.
01 w-index PIC 99 VALUE ZEROES.
PERFORM VARYING w-index FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL w-index > 20
MOVE char(w-index) TO the-char
* Variations of "Old School" code
MOVE the-char TO char-to-convert OF FILLER-1
MOVE the-char TO char-to-convert OF FILLER-2
MOVE the-char TO char-to-convert OF FILLER-3
" with BINARY >"
MOVE the-other-result TO num
DISPLAY "Numeric value: " num
" with COMP >"
MOVE the-comp-result TO num
DISPLAY "Numeric value: " num
" with PACKED >"
MOVE the-packed-result TO num
DISPLAY "Numeric value: " num
And, for my surprise, it's giving me this output
>A< with BINARY >A<
Numeric value: 00000065
>A< with COMP >A<
Numeric value: 00000100
(and so on...) So now looks like it's working... Could it be because the first try I made I was working with 05-LEVEL variables?
Looks like now it's done!
Thanks for all, Bill, you will figure on the greetings section of my project :)
At last, one detail.
If I make a "MOVE"
Then do all the binary stuff, the results are different... here an example.
with VALUE, for "D" I get 68, but with MOVE I get 60...
You have been suffering from using an old compiler. It is to the COBOL 85 Standard, but does not have the intrinsic functions which were a 1989 Extension to the Standard.
Also, it has a non-Standard behaviour which I have not encountered before, which is difficult to explain fully (not having access to that compiler).
The point of using the > and < in the DISPLAY is so that you always know exactly how long each output field is. You know whether there is a blank, or some non-printable character. Your DISPLAY of fields defined as COMP and BINARY only show one character, rather than four numeric digits which would typically be held in two bytes of storage (like an INT, except with a limit of 9999).
Therefore I suggested the MOVE, where you then get the expected result when defined as BINARY and an... unexplained result when defined as COMP.
One explanation for the COMP result may be that COMPUTATIONAL fields are entirely down to the compiler implementor to define. So what is COMP on one system may not be the same type of field as COMP on another system (same with COMP-1, COMP-2, COMP-3 etC). This is why the 1985 Standard introduced new names (for example BINARY and PACKED-DECIMAL) so that they would be portable across COBOL compilers.
If you are stuck with using that compiler, you are unfortunate. If you have the possibility of using another compiler, you can find, amongst other choices, the open-source GnuCOBOL (I am a moderator on the discussion area of the GnuCOBOL project at SourceForge.Net). Use a different compiler if you can.
Here's an example program which will work on modern COBOL compilers using both the intrinsic function ORD and a way it used to be done (and probably is still done). Note, if your COMP field is "little endian", swap the order of the FILLER and field under the REDEFINES.
PROGRAM-ID. likeatoi.
01 the-char PIC X
01 the-result PIC 999.
01 the-other-result BINARY PIC 9(4)
REDEFINES the-other-result.
05 char-to-convert PIC X.
* with instrinsic function
MOVE FUNCTION ORD ( the-char )
TO the-result
* Old School
MOVE the-char TO char-to-convert
The ORD is easy, it is effectively the same as your atoi in C (assuming that that gives you the position in the collating sequenece).
In the second, since COBOL, traditionally, can't have a one-byte binary, is a way, using REDEFINES, to get a character in the low-order part of a two-byte binary, so that the whole binary field represents the "numeric value" of the representation of that character.
The output from the above is:
Note that ORD gives the position in the collating sequence (binary zero with ORD would return one) and the second is just giving the direct representation (binary zero would give zero).
To use either value you may want to "re-base" afterwards if you are only interested in printable characters.
Note, I'm confused that you have a compiler which supports in-line PERFORM but not intrinsic functions. If a USAGE of BINARY is rejected, use COMP instead.