WordPress Elementor Page issue with binding REST API - wordpress

We are trying to integrate a REST API in one of page created using Element or and have hard time to bind the value because we cannot provide Id or name to html elements like we do in a normal page when use Javascript/Jquery to DOM (document object model) manipulation. We have to use syntax like this:
document.querySelectorAll('#advisor-contact > div > div> div > div')[1].querySelector('a > span').innerText
Such code is problematic and requires a lot of maintenance again and again if the structure of page change. We read some articles on the web and it says Elementor Pro has a way to provide tag to dynamic content. I am not sure if it is talking about giving Id to HTML elements on a page created using Elementor Pro or something else. Considering our use case please suggest/guide us how can we bind response of an REST API on a page created using Elementor. Please provide some links to documentation if available.


Is there a way to edit css of new google forms?

Before I used to be able to just copy the source code of the form and paste the part between <form></form> into the page and add my own styling. But this doesn't seem to work anymore.
Has anyone found a way to still be able to customize google forms?
Yes, you can easily make the <form> work by following these steps.
Create a Google Form.
Get the link and open the form in a new tab.
Create a barebone form having same items as the Google form.
Inspect Google form for action attribute.
a. Copy the same action to your form.
Inspect and find values for attributes name in the Google form.
a. Give the same name values for your form items as well. The values look like entry.742532386.
Check if your form gets the responses.
Since it is a native <form> element, apply CSS however you want to.
Read more here
Google forms does not currently (mar-2021) have a built in feature to add css or javascript to their forms.
I created this GitHub project to work around the problem: https://github.com/calledit/google_form_javascript_css

Plone - embed the content of an internal link in a page

I have a list of pages that have to appear in different places of my Plone. If I use an internal link, I see an HTML link in the page but instead of that I would like to see the embedded content of the linked page.
I've tried to install some link plugins (Smart Link, vs.alias...) but I'm not able to find the solution.
I'm using Plone 4.3.
I don't know any Plone Plugin, which satisfy your requirement.
A long time ago i wrote this small js to show internal links in a popup using Plone's prepOverlay.
In this case you can put a popup custom CSS class on the internal link with TinyMCE.
It simply shows the content area of the given URL.
urlmatch:'$',urlreplace:' #content > *'
I guess this is a good starting point for your own implementation.
You could think of a criterion like location, contenttype, etc., to distinct, which articles should be picked (in worst case use collective.flag), then fetch them with a collection, to give you the links as a resultlist, and set its view to all_content, a nice feature, introduced in the Plone-4 series.

Use Google Search Appliance Test center as my own aspx page

How would I use the view google has in the test center (where i test my frontend)?
When a user browse to site/search.aspx I want the to get the view testcenter shows, searchboxes and everything. I would also like to add my own javascript and css to the page.
Is this possible?
Now I have created a search box with updatepanel to show the results but this approach will force me to do a lot of parsing and setting variables for the dynamic navigation. I.e. a lot of logic Google already serves in test center.
By the way, I dont want to use the McA+ library supporting GSA 6.14.
I serialized the xml result from the GSA to C# objects and then fed them to my frontend where I could handle them.
Example of converting XML to HTML using XSL in C# ASP.NET can be found at: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/469723/Rendering-XML-Data-as-HTML-using-XSL-Transformatio

Custom Parser for Nutch (or open source .NET Crawler)

I have been using Nutch/Solr/SolrNet for my search solutions, I must say, it works a treat. On a new site I'm working on, I am using Master pages, as a result, content in the header and footer is getting indexed and distorts the results. For example, I have a link to the Contact Us page in the header. Now, when I search for 'Contact' the result returns all the pages in the site.
Is there a customizable Nutch parser that i can maybe pass a div id and then it only indexes content inside the div.
Or if there are .NET based crawlers that I can customize.
See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NUTCH-585
and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NUTCH-961
BTW you'd get a more relevant audience by posting to the Nutch user list
You can implement a Nutch filter (I like Jericho HTML Parser) to extract only the parts of the page you need to index using DOM manipulation. You can use the TextExtractor class to grab clean text (sans HTML tags) to be used in your index. I usually save that data in custom fields.

Edit what displays in an iframe

I'm trying to display content from anther site on to mine using an iframe. I'm just wondering if its possible to only display certain parts (divs) of this external page in the iframe.
You could try and use some jQuery on your site to dynamically alter the styles of the external site. I did something similar with SSRS where we had an iframe containing SSRS reports which we wanted to style. We used jQuery in the master page to find the matching elements inside the frame target and alter them as required.
As long as the external site is well marked up (plenty of ids, good semantic structure) you may be able to hide/re-arrange elements as you require. You may also need to delay the jQuery execution as the frame contents may not be completely loaded by the time your JavaScript executes.
You can find a VERY simple example here.
BUT, be careful of the legalities involved with showing partial content from someone else's site. If you're presenting their site as your own or without identifying information, you could be infringing on their copyright.
