How to send topic messages through firebase console? - firebase

I am trying to send news messages to all app users. I thought about using Firebase Cloud Messaging. It is implemented on the client (Android app) and registered for a topic. Now I would like to send a message through the Firebase Console to this topic.
Is this possible? And how can I send a firebase message to a specific topic using the firebase console? I searched on the website, but did not find the option. Or is this only possible using a script (e.g. PHP) to send a message to a specific topic.

In the Notification composer of the Firebase console, enter a title and text for your message.
Then click Next.
In the next page, click the Topic button to send the message to a topic:


Firebase console

I'm still new with Firebase cloud messaging.
Whenever I send a push notification to an app, does it get recorded in this table in the firebase console like in the image below?
That only shows notifications that you compose at the console. It doesn't show messages that you send programmatically with the Admin SDK or HTTP API.

Enabling the notification feature for my firebase app

I have made an app with the use of firebase. It is basically a chat application in which you van send and receive the text and images. I want to add a functionality in it that whenever a user sends a msg, then another user should get a notification . When I try to send a notification through the firebase console, then it is working, but when a user messages through the app, then it is not showing any notification to another user. So, can anyone tell me that how can this functionality be achieved ?Also, provide some sample code to see how things are working
You need to use cloud functions for that:
Cloud Functions for Firebase lets you automatically run backend code in response to events triggered by Firebase features and HTTPS requests
First, you can register the user to a topic:
Then when the message is sent to the database, you can use onWrite() in cloud functions which is a database trigger to be able to send the notification.

Firebase topic sync succeeded but not shown in FCM Console

I have successfully implemented Push Notification in Xamarin.Android native App in VS2015 using Firebase Cloud Messaging from console. I tried to subscribe topic from Android App and would like to send push notification from console to all devices whoever subscribed to the topic. Unfortunately console did not show any topic...
App's logcat message is as
12-23 02:37:00.269 D/HomeNavigationActivity( 7745): Subscribed to remote notifications
12-23 02:37:00.331 D/FirebaseInstanceId( 7745): topic sync succeeded
When I check back in console it shows this project does not have any topic.
Does anybody have similar problem? Or any suggestion or idea would be highly appreciated....
Thank you
Note: Remember I was able to send single devices message using Firebase Cloud Messaging token.
It takes a few hours before new topics show up in the Firebase Console. You can already send messages to the topics through the API, but you'll have to wait for it to show up in the Firebase Notification console.
Source: Firebase topic sync succeeded but not shown in FCM Console

Firebase Cloud Messaging Statistics API

I'm using an application server to send messages by Firebase Cloud Messaging.
Firebase console does not list such a message which sent by app server.
When I use Firebase console directly to send messages, it will display some analysis on its own messages.
Like this:
The questions is, how can I access message statistics when I'm using an app servers?
As of August 2018 (announced in this blog post), API send stats can be viewed in the "Reports" tab of the FCM console. By default it only shows notification type messages, so if you're only sending data messages with the API, be sure to choose the "Data" filter.
Before August 2018:
The Firebase Notifications charts only show analytics for messages that were sent using the Firebase Notifications panel.
There is currently no public API to send Notifications to audiences. The web interface in the console is the only way to send them.
There is currently no API to feed your own FCM messages into the Firebase Notifications analytics panels.

Is it possible to get push notification stats like count of deliveries and opens when sending messages through Firebase notification API?

We are about to switch to Firebase notifiaction API from (that are retiring their service in jan 2017) to send push notification to our android and iOS Apps.
My question now is that I can't see any statistics about counts of successful deliveries and opens in the Firebase Console for a specific message ? The only thing we get when posting to is a message_id
But I havn't seen any documentation on a api how to follow up a sent message with this message_id. And the Firebase console has only the these kind of stats for messages created in the Console Gui, not the one create through an api post.
These stats was availible in But it seems as Firebase Cloud Messaging is a bit more low level, and perhaps these stats doesn't come out the box, so they might have to be custom made in a logging app etc by sending back events from the apps when messages as received and opened etc. Or is there a standardized way that I've missed when reading the Firebase Notification api docs ?
When you send notifications from the Firebase Notifications console, you get statistics about how many people received and opened the messages. But there is no API (yet) for Firebase Notifications.
If you're using the Firebase Cloud Messaging API (, the message statistics don't show up in the Firebase Notifications console. You can (as AL. says) get delivery statistics in the Google Play Developer Console in that case.
firebase allows you to view sent/delivered/opened statuses by default from their website
at the notification section
but I am not sure about the implementations
also if you are a new comer to firebase let it collect user data for about 24 hours after successfully migrating to firebase
I found that in the first day the notifications weren't really reporting immediately
I think you're looking for the FCM Diagnostics and Statistics feature.
However, this is not visible in the Firebase Console, only in your Google Play Developer Console. And the feature only works if your app is at least in Alpha Testing.
