Wordpress Gravity form custom Validation - wordpress

I created a form with gravity forms in Wordpress, But I'm trying to create a custom validation with an auto text field I create, So unless the user pick one of the option I put in the form, it should give an error.
I found this example on the gravity forms website, so this form give you an error if you enter a lower case "One and Two".
add_filter( 'gform_field_validation_6_3', function ( $result, $value, $form, $field ) {
GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Running...' );
// Only for Single Line Text and Paragraph fields.
if ( $field->type == 'text' || $field->type == 'textarea' ) {
if ( $result['is_valid'] ) {
$stop_words = array( // List of words to not allow in lowercase.
if ( in_array( strtolower( $value ), $stop_words ) ) {
GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Stop word detected: ' . $value );
$result['is_valid'] = false;
$result['message'] = 'Sorry, you used a not allowed word.';
return $result;
}, 10, 4 );
I want to reverse it so that unless you put these specific words " one, two " you get an error

You can add an exclamation point before the in_array() function which will make it stop any value not found in the array:
add_filter( 'gform_field_validation_6_3', function ( $result, $value, $form, $field ) {
GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Running...' );
// Only for Single Line Text and Paragraph fields.
if ( $field->type == 'text' || $field->type == 'textarea' ) {
if ( $result['is_valid'] ) {
$stop_words = array( // List of words to not allow in lowercase.
if ( !in_array( strtolower( $value ), $stop_words ) ) {
GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Stop word detected: ' . $value );
$result['is_valid'] = false;
$result['message'] = 'Sorry, you used a not allowed word.';
return $result;
}, 10, 4 );


Add link or anchor tag in add_error() method in wordpress

I am using the Ultimate Member plugin and I want to print the error message with the link(anchor tag) using add_error method. Can someone guide me, on how can I allow an anchor tag in my error message that you can see in the screenshot?
add_action( 'um_custom_field_validation_user_email_details', 'um_custom_validate_user_email_details', 999, 3 );
function um_custom_validate_user_email_details( $key, $array, $args ) {
if ( $key == 'user_email' && isset( $args['user_email'] ) ) {
if ( $args['user_email'] == '' ) {
UM()->form()->add_error( 'user_email', __( 'E-mail Address is required', 'ultimate-member' ) );
} elseif ( ! is_email( $args['user_email'] ) ) {
UM()->form()->add_error( 'user_email', __( 'The email you entered is invalid', 'ultimate-member' ) );
} elseif ( email_exists( $args['user_email'] ) ) {
UM()->form()->add_error( 'user_email', __( 'Your email is already registered, please login or reset your password', 'ultimate-member' ) );

Add coupon names and percentage to WooCommerce view order details and email notifications

I used Add the Coupon Code names to Woocommerce View Order details and email notifications to inspire my snippet.
I'm trying to expand the snippet to also include the coupon percentage amount in brackets, if the coupon type is a percentage discount.
This is what it should look like:
Here is my attempt. Any ideas if this is correct:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_order_item_totals', 'add_coupons_codes_line_to_order_totals_lines', 10, 3 );
function add_coupons_codes_line_to_order_totals_lines( $total_rows, $order, $tax_display ) {
// Exit if there is no coupons applied
if( sizeof( $order->get_used_coupons() ) == 0 )
return $total_rows;
$new_total_rows = []; // Initializing
foreach($total_rows as $key => $total ){
$new_total_rows[$key] = $total;
if( $key == 'discount' ){
// Get applied coupons
$applied_coupons = $order->get_used_coupons();
if( $applied_coupons->discount_type == 'percent'){
// Get applied coupon percentge
$applied_coupons_percentage = $applied_coupons->coupon_amount;
// Insert applied coupon codes in total lines after discount line
$new_total_rows['coupon_codes'] = array(
'label' => __('Applied coupons:', 'woocommerce'),
'value' => implode( ', ', $applied_coupons '<p> ({$applied_coupons_percentage}%)</p>' ),
return $new_total_rows;
I use this to display the coupon percentage on the cart page. I tried to incorporate this into my snippet above:
function my_coupon_percentage_cart($value, $coupon)
if($coupon->discount_type == 'percent' && !empty($coupon->coupon_amount))
$amt = "<br><br><p><em><strong>{$coupon->coupon_amount}% OFF on Your Order</strong></em></p>";
return $value.$amt;
Besides the fact that your code contains mistakes, it also contains some outdated code
get_used_coupons() is deprecated since 3.7.0 - Replaced with better named method to reflect the actual data being returned.
$coupon->discount_type has been replaced with $coupon->get_discount_type()
$coupon->coupon_amount has been replaced with $coupon->get_amount()
So you get:
function filter_woocommerce_get_order_item_totals( $total_rows, $order, $tax_display ) {
// Exit if there is no coupons applied
if ( sizeof( $order->get_coupon_codes() ) == 0 ) return $total_rows;
$new_total_rows = []; // Initializing
foreach( $total_rows as $key => $total ) {
$new_total_rows[$key] = $total;
if ( $key == 'discount' ) {
// Get used coupon codes only
$coupon_codes = $order->get_coupon_codes();
// Loop through WC_Order_Item_Coupon objects
foreach ( $coupon_codes as $index => $coupon_code ) {
// Get an instance of the WC_Coupon Object
$coupon = new WC_Coupon( $coupon_code );
// Discount type = percent & amount NOT empty
if ( $coupon->get_discount_type() == 'percent' && ! empty ( $coupon->get_amount() ) ) {
$coupon_codes[$index] = $coupon_code . ' (' . $coupon->get_amount() . '%)';
// Insert applied coupon codes in total lines after discount line
$new_total_rows['coupon_codes'] = array(
'label' => __( 'Applied coupons:', 'woocommerce' ),
'value' => implode( ', ', $coupon_codes ),
return $new_total_rows;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_order_item_totals', 'filter_woocommerce_get_order_item_totals', 10, 3 );

How to make Customer Billing Phone Number Unique in Wordpress

Actually I want customers to add unique-phone numbers in the billing address of woo-commerce. if any tries to add / update already existed phone numbers then it should throw an error.
I tried the below code but it is not working. Can anyone give me the correct solution for unique phone numbers in the Woocommerce billing address?
add_filter( 'update_user_meta', 'ts_unique_wc_phone_field');
function ts_unique_wc_phone_field( $errors ) {
if ( isset( $_POST['billing_phone'] ) ) {
$hasPhoneNumber= get_users('meta_value='.$_POST['billing_phone']);
if ( !empty($hasPhoneNumber)) {
$errors->add( 'billing_phone_error', __( '<strong>Error</strong>: Mobile number is already used!.', 'woocommerce' ) );
return $errors;
Your get_users call is wrong. Use
$hasPhoneNumber = get_users(array(
'meta_key' => 'billing_phone',
'meta_value' => $_POST['billing_phone'],
Careful: you did not mention your meta key in your post. This might be something else than 'billing_phone'. Adapt it as necessary.
This will however allow users to do shenanigans like adding a space/-/+ or something like that to the phone number, reusing it. This might need a function to filter out redundant characters upon meta value insertion, and apply the same function to $_POST['billing_phone'] before the meta query for get_users.
I have setup on one of my sites the same code within two (2) functions - one for woocommerce -> my account, and one at the checkout which checks for validity of the phone number provided specific to my country, and the other to check if the phone number already exists.
add_action( 'woocommerce_save_account_details_errors', 'wc_myaccount_validate_billing_phone', 20, 1); // My Account
function wc_myaccount_validate_billing_phone( $args ){
if ( isset ( $_POST['billing_phone'] ) && !empty ( $_POST['billing_phone'] ) ) {
if ( !preg_match( '/^04[0-9]{8}$/D', str_replace( ' ', '', $_POST['billing_phone'] ) ) ) {
wc_add_notice( __( '<strong>Billing Mobile Phone</strong> is invalid (Example: 0412 345 678).' ), 'error' );
$existing_billing_phone = get_users( 'meta_value=' . str_replace( ' ', '', $_POST['billing_phone'] ) );
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
if ( !empty ( $existing_billing_phone ) ) {
if ( $current_user->billing_phone != str_replace( ' ', '', $_POST['billing_phone'] ) ) {
wc_add_notice( __( '<strong>Billing Mobile Phone</strong> already exists.' ), 'error' );
else {
add_action('woocommerce_checkout_process', 'wc_checkout_validate_billing_phone'); // Checkout
function wc_checkout_validate_billing_phone() {
if ( isset( $_POST['billing_phone'] ) && !empty( $_POST['billing_phone'] ) ) {
if ( !preg_match('/^04[0-9]{8}$/D', str_replace(' ', '', $_POST['billing_phone'] ) ) ) {
wc_add_notice( __( '<strong>Billing Mobile Phone</strong> is invalid (Example: 0412 345 678).' ), 'error' );
$existing_billing_phone = get_users( 'meta_value=' . str_replace(' ', '', $_POST['billing_phone'] ) );
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
if ( !empty( $existing_billing_phone ) ) {
if ( $current_user->billing_phone != str_replace(' ', '', $_POST['billing_phone'] ) ) {
wc_add_notice( __( '<strong>Billing Mobile Phone</strong> already exists.' ), 'error' );
else {
As I want to save all phone numbers as 0412345678 (no spaces) and some people enter phone numbers as 0412 345 678, the str_replace() removes this prior to saving.
add_action( 'woocommerce_checkout_update_user_meta', 'wc_checkout_save_billing_phone' );
function wc_checkout_save_billing_phone( $user_id ) {
if ( $user_id && $_POST['billing_phone'] ) {
update_user_meta( $user_id, 'billing_phone', str_replace(' ', '', $_POST['billing_phone'] ) );
While I have not tested this next part yet, and this example is referenced from this link, if you are wanting to update the admin user area you may want to use something like this.
add_action( 'show_user_profile', 'wc_checkout_validate_billing_phone', 10 );
add_action( 'edit_user_profile', 'wc_checkout_validate_billing_phone', 10 );
Below is a screenshot of the results of trying to change my phone number to one that already exists while in the woocommerce->my account section.

Create custom notification in post insert in buddypress

I want to add custom notification in the time of post creation. I have followed this url https://webdevstudios.com/2015/10/06/buddypress-adding-custom-notifications/
What i have done, I am adding custom notification in creation of project or bid post type. But it not working. Please check my code and let me what i have done wrong.
// this is to add a fake component to BuddyPress. A registered component is needed to add notifications
function custom_filter_notifications_get_registered_components( $component_names = array() ) {
// Force $component_names to be an array
if ( ! is_array( $component_names ) ) {
$component_names = array();
// Add 'custom' component to registered components array
array_push( $component_names, 'projectadd' );
// Return component's with 'custom' appended
return $component_names;
add_filter( 'bp_notifications_get_registered_components', 'custom_filter_notifications_get_registered_components' );
// this hooks to post creation and saves the post id
function bp_custom_add_notification( $post_id, $post ) {
if ( $post->post_type == 'project' || $post->post_type == 'bid' ) {
$post = get_post( $post_id );
$author_id = $post->post_author;
bp_notifications_add_notification( array(
'user_id' => $author_id,
'item_id' => $post_id,
'component_name' => 'projectadd',
'component_action' => 'projectadd_action',
'date_notified' => bp_core_current_time(),
'is_new' => 1,
) );
add_action( 'wp_insert_post', 'bp_custom_add_notification', 99, 2 );
// this gets the saved item id, compiles some data and then displays the notification
function custom_format_buddypress_notifications( $content, $item_id, $secondary_item_id, $total_items, $format = 'string', $action, $component ) {
// New custom notifications
if ( 'projectadd_action' === $action ) {
$post = get_post( $item_id );
$custom_title = $post->post_author . ' add the project ' . get_the_title( $item_id );
$custom_link = get_permalink( $post );
$custom_text = $post->post_author . ' add the project ' . get_the_title( $item_id );
// WordPress Toolbar
if ( 'string' === $format ) {
$return = apply_filters( 'projectadd_filter', '' . esc_html( $custom_text ) . '', $custom_text, $custom_link );
// Deprecated BuddyBar
} else {
$return = apply_filters( 'projectadd_filter', array(
'text' => $custom_text,
'link' => $custom_link
), $custom_link, (int) $total_items, $custom_text, $custom_title );
return $return;
add_filter( 'bp_notifications_get_notifications_for_user', 'custom_format_buddypress_notifications', 10, 7 );
You've changed the number and order of arguments from the example you linked. The two arguments you added are never used. Restore the arguments in the function to match the example and the the number in your add_filter to 5.
function custom_format_buddypress_notifications( $content, $item_id, $secondary_item_id, $total_items, $format = 'string', $action, $component )
add_filter( 'bp_notifications_get_notifications_for_user', 'custom_format_buddypress_notifications', 10, 7 );
needs to be
function custom_format_buddypress_notifications( $action, $item_id, $secondary_item_id, $total_items, $format = 'string' )
add_filter( 'bp_notifications_get_notifications_for_user', 'custom_format_buddypress_notifications', 10, 5 );

Move custom column admin links from below "post title"

It seems I can't figure out how to add the edit, remove, view, etc... to one of my custom columns in the backend of wordpress. The idea is to get the links that are attached to title when one hovers over the title, to be attached to a different column.
This is what the below code outputs.
This is what I want the link in the authors column have when mouse is hovered over the authors, just like when you hover over the title in this screenshot; all the edit links.
This is what I have so far:
add_filter( 'manage_edit-testimonial-quotes_columns', 'view_columns' ) ;
function view_columns( $columns ) {
$columns = array(
'cb' => '',
'date' => __( 'Date' ),
'tq_author' => __( 'Author' ),
'tq_quote' => __( 'Testimonial' ),
return $columns;
add_action('manage_testimonial-quotes_posts_custom_column', 'custom_view_columns', 10, 2);
function custom_view_columns($column, $post_id){
global $post;
switch ($column){
case 'tq_author':
echo '<a href="post.php?post=' . $post->ID . '&action=edit">';
$column_content = the_field('tq_author');
echo $column_content;
echo '</a>';
case 'tq_quote':
$column_content = the_field('tq_quote');
echo $column_content;
The best way of doing this since WP 4.3.0 is using
add_filter( 'list_table_primary_column', [ $this, 'list_table_primary_column' ], 10, 2 );
public function list_table_primary_column( $default, $screen ) {
if ( 'edit-yourpostype' === $screen ) {
$default = 'yourcolumn';
return $default;
I really doubt that there's a hook to deal with that. So, I'll not even check the core and go straight to the dirty solution:
add_action( 'admin_head-edit.php', 'so_13418722_move_quick_edit_links' );
function so_13418722_move_quick_edit_links()
global $current_screen;
if( 'post' != $current_screen->post_type )
if( current_user_can( 'delete_plugins' ) )
<script type="text/javascript">
function so_13418722_doMove()
jQuery('td.post-title.page-title.column-title div.row-actions').each(function() {
var $list = jQuery(this);
var $firstChecked = $list.parent().parent().find('td.author.column-author');
if ( !$firstChecked.html() )
jQuery(document).ready(function ($){
adjust your post_type: 'post' != $current_screen->post_type
adjust your column classes: find('td.author.column-author')
Bug and solution:
You'll note that, after updating, the quick-edit menu goes back to its original position. The following AJAX interception deals with it. Refer to this WordPress Developers answer for more details.
add_action( 'wp_ajax_inline-save', 'so_13418722_ajax_inline_save' , 0 );
Copy of the function wp_ajax_inline_save()
Only Modification marked at the end of the function with INTERCEPT
function so_13418722_ajax_inline_save()
global $wp_list_table;
check_ajax_referer( 'inlineeditnonce', '_inline_edit' );
if ( ! isset($_POST['post_ID']) || ! ( $post_ID = (int) $_POST['post_ID'] ) )
if ( 'page' == $_POST['post_type'] ) {
if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_page', $post_ID ) )
wp_die( __( 'You are not allowed to edit this page.' ) );
} else {
if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post_ID ) )
wp_die( __( 'You are not allowed to edit this post.' ) );
set_current_screen( $_POST['screen'] );
if ( $last = wp_check_post_lock( $post_ID ) ) {
$last_user = get_userdata( $last );
$last_user_name = $last_user ? $last_user->display_name : __( 'Someone' );
printf( $_POST['post_type'] == 'page' ? __( 'Saving is disabled: %s is currently editing this page.' ) : __( 'Saving is disabled: %s is currently editing this post.' ), esc_html( $last_user_name ) );
$data = &$_POST;
$post = get_post( $post_ID, ARRAY_A );
$post = add_magic_quotes($post); //since it is from db
$data['content'] = $post['post_content'];
$data['excerpt'] = $post['post_excerpt'];
// rename
$data['user_ID'] = $GLOBALS['user_ID'];
if ( isset($data['post_parent']) )
$data['parent_id'] = $data['post_parent'];
// status
if ( isset($data['keep_private']) && 'private' == $data['keep_private'] )
$data['post_status'] = 'private';
$data['post_status'] = $data['_status'];
if ( empty($data['comment_status']) )
$data['comment_status'] = 'closed';
if ( empty($data['ping_status']) )
$data['ping_status'] = 'closed';
// update the post
$wp_list_table = _get_list_table('WP_Posts_List_Table');
$mode = $_POST['post_view'];
$wp_list_table->display_rows( array( get_post( $_POST['post_ID'] ) ) );
// INTERCEPT: Check if it is our post_type, if not, do nothing
if( 'post' == $_POST['post_type'] )
<script type="text/javascript">so_13418722_doMove();</script>
I had the same need.
Nicola's solution worked for me except I was getting an "Undefined variable" notice/error. Then I realized that the parameter has to be without the "[$this ... ]" part.
I guess that was a copy/paste from the documentation.
So this worked:
add_filter( 'list_table_primary_column', 'list_table_primary_column', 10, 2 );
function list_table_primary_column( $default, $screen ) {
if ( 'edit-your_post_type' === $screen ) {
// Set default columns to Minutes Spent.
$default = 'your_column';
return $default;
If you don't know what your_column is, just inspect the title of that column and get the ID.
You can't move the actions per se without resorting to JS, as the accepted answer does. However, you can very easily build your own version of the actions popup with php and inbuilt Wordpress functions. This version will work even if the user has JS turned off.
Presuming you use a switch to populate your custom columns, do something likes this, if not adapt to your own function:
switch ( $column ) {
case 'your_column_name':
echo "Your custom content here";
Then have a separate function that recreates the actions popup.
function my_custom_column_actions($post_id) {
if($_GET['post_status']!='trash') :
$bare_url = "/wp-admin/post.php?post=$post_id&action=trash";
$nonce_url = wp_nonce_url( $bare_url, 'trash-post_'.$post_id );
echo " <div class='row-actions'>
<span class='edit'>
<a href='/wp-admin/post.php?post=$post_id&action=edit'>Edit</a> |
<span class='trash'>
<a href='$nonce_url' class='submitdelete'>Trash</a>
<span class='edit'>
<a href='".get_the_permalink($post_id)."'>View</a> |
$bare_url = "/wp-admin/post.php?post=$post_id&action=untrash";
$nonce_url = wp_nonce_url( $bare_url, 'untrash-post_'.$post_id );
$delete_url = "/wp-admin/post.php?post=$post_id&action=delete";
$nonce_delete_url = wp_nonce_url( $delete_url, 'delete-post_'.$post_id );
echo " <div class='row-actions'>
<span class='untrash'>
<a href='$nonce_url' class='untrash'>Restore</a> |
<span class='delete'>
<a href='$nonce_delete_url' class='submitdelete'>Delete Permanently</a>
All the business with nonce_urls is important for trashing, restoring or deleting; these actions won't work without it.
If you want to include this on a column that would normally appear, e.g. author or date published, you'll need to not include the standard column when you're declaring your custom columns and instead include a custom column that gets the same data (plus a call to the function above).
The same goes for if you want to include the title but not have the actions appear under it - otherwise they'll appear twice. Don't include the title column and instead include your own custom column that grabs the title but not the new function.
You can also very easily add your own actions by just editing the content that the function echoes.
