How to create an repository and npm package in dell artifactory by jfrog - artifactory

How can I publish Npm Package to custom JFrog artifactory using gitlab
how to create a new repository in Artifactory and then package deploy to the jfrog.
I want to create an npm package. Basically, a common code which I want to use for all of my projects. Which I created and by npm install artifactory path I have to use in my all applications.

Using JFrog Artifactory as an NPM registry is a very common and well documented task. Follow the guidelines on npm Publish in JFrog's official documentation.
Other related resources:
Screencast: Setting up an npm registry with JFrog Artifactory in less than one minute
QuickStart Guide: npm
Knowledge base video: How to set an npm repository in JFrog Artifactory


Multiple Versions of Firebase Installed - Which Do I Use?

I'm trying to build an app with Firebase and ran a few commands to see which version I have. To follow along with a 2021 instruction video, I was hoping to have Firebase v9. Depending on the command that I run, I somehow have versions 8 and 11. If I have these two versions, which one is actually being used? What is the difference between seemingly having an npm firebase and non-npm firebase installed?
armadillo#armadillo-MacBook-Air my-app % npm firebase --version
armadillo#armadillo-MacBook-Air my-app % firebase -V
If you're trying to work with the Firebase CLI, you should be looking at the firebase-tools npm package, not firebase. They are definitely not the same thing.
npm firebase-tools --version
I suggest reviewing the documentation as well.
As covered by #Doug's answer, the firebase command is defined by the firebase-tools npm package (or by if installed that way) not the firebase package, which does not define any command line utilities.
Additionally, npm --version returns the version of npm you have installed. This includes if you add the name of a package there. (i.e. npm thisCouldBeAnythingNotANPMCommand --version will return the same result)
If you want to view the version of a deployed package, you would use one of the following commands to query NPM's database:
npm view firebase version (view package's "version" field)
npm v firebase version (view package's "version" field, using shorthand)
npm view firebase (get all available package information)
If you want to view the version of a package installed in your project or globally, you would use:
npm ls firebase (local install)
npm ls -g firebase-tools (global install)
If you want to view the where the npm-installed commands are, you would use:
npm bin (local install)
npm bin -g (global install)
For the firebase command, the firebase/firebase.cmd/firebase.ps1 files all point to <global bin directory>/node_modules/firebase-tools/lib/bin/firebase.js.
Compare the results of:
> npm v firebase version
> npm ls firebase
`-- firebase#9.0.0-beta.6 (an old project directory for another SO answer)
> npm v firebase-tools version
> npm ls -g firebase-tools
`-- firebase-tools#9.21.0 (updated since :D)
> npm --version
> npm firebase --version
> npm v npm version
8.14.0 (updated since :D)

Foundation Cli css - primordials is not defined Foundation-cli

i'm executing sudo npm install --global foundation-cli
Getting an error when creating foundation zurb project
You have to downgrade to NodeJS 10, the issue is known and happens on newer NodeJS versions in the natives package. Or try to rebuild your packages with npm rebuild --force
Quick Google and GitHub searches lead to the same solution.

how can i install and configure with vs code in ubuntu?

i was installing in my ubuntu system , the following command was not executed because "bower" was outdated
$ npm install -g yo bower grunt-cli gulp generator-aspnet
npm WARN deprecated bower#1.8.8: We don't recommend using Bower for new projects. Please consider Yarn and Webpack or Parcel. You can read how to migrate legacy project here:
npm WARN deprecated generator-aspnet#0.3.3: Use dotnet new instead
npm WARN deprecated gulp-util#3.0.8: gulp-util is deprecated - replace it, following the guidelines at
npm WARN deprecated minimatch#2.0.10: Please update to minimatch 3.0.2 or higher to avoid a RegExp DoS issue
npm WARN deprecated samsam#1.1.2: This package has been deprecated in favour of #sinonjs/samsam
npm WARN deprecated formatio#1.1.1: This package is unmaintained. Use #sinonjs/formatio instead
npm WARN deprecated cross-spawn-async#2.2.5: cross-spawn no longer requires a build toolchain, use it instead
so how can i replace bower and grunt with alternatives ?
You don't have to use Yeoman to create asp .net project. In warning you have information what to do: npm WARN deprecated generator-aspnet#0.3.3: Use dotnet new instead npm WARN Just use dotnet CLI. You can create empty asp .net project just using dotnet new web in your shell and that's all.

NPM Provider not visible in Sonatype Nexus 2.13.0 OSS

I am trying to setup a NPM Proxy Repository using Nexus 2.13.0 OSS.
According to the documentation there should be a NPM Provider available during proxy repository creation. Unfortunately I can only select "Maven1", "Maven2" and "NuGet". I don't get what I am doing wrong. Nexus is installed on a RedHat Linux machine, NPM and Node are installed, too. Can anybody help, please? I know that I can use Nexus 3 for NPM support, but we need YUM support, so we have to stay with Nexus 2.
Thanks in advance,

meteor requires npm install on each new machine

I just cloned my meteor github repo to a new machine and now I have to npm install some packages again. I thought that they are part of the meteor app once I have them installed. (and I checked. they are in the node_modules folder and listed in the packages.json). Nonetheless, I get the error:
Can't find npm module 'react'. Did you forget to call 'Npm.depends' in package.js witin the 'modules-runtime'package?
I am running meteor 1.3.1
