R - Use Lubridate to create 1 second intervals in datetime column where only minutes are specified - r

I am working with a time series that looks something like this:
# making a df with POSIXct datetime sequence with just minutes
#Make reproducible data frame:
datetime <- rep(lubridate::ymd_hm("2016-08-01 15:10"), 60)
# Generate measured value
value <- runif(n = 60, min = 280, max = 1000)
df <- data.frame(datetime, value)
The data is actually recorded at 1 second intervals, but it appears as 60 rows with the same hour and minute with with seconds part always at 00. I want to change it such that each minute has its seconds value increasing at one second intervals. The actual dataset includes many hours of data. Thank you

We can use
df$datetime <- with(df, datetime + seconds(seq_along(datetime)) -1)


Date Formatting in Time Series Codes

I have a .csv file that looks like this:
The days are broken into 15 minute increments from 6:30 - 22:00.
Now, I am trying to do a time series on this, but I am a little lost on the notation of this.
I have the following so far:
tp <- read.csv(".csv")
tp.ts <- ts(tp$DEMAND, start = c(), end = c(), frequency = 63)
The frequency I am after is an entire day, which I believe makes the number 63.***
However, I am unsure as to how to notate the dates in c().
If the frequency is meant to be observations per a unit of time, and I am trying to observe just (Demand) by the 15 minute time slots (Time) in each day (Date), maybe my Frequency is 1?
***Edit 2
So I think I am struggling with doing the time series because I have a Date column (which is characters) and a Time column.
Since I need the data for Demand at the given hours on the dates, maybe I need to convert the dates to be used in ts() and combine the Date and Time date into a new column?
If I do this, I am assuming this should give me the times I need (6:30 to 22:00) but with the addition of having the date?
However, the data is to be used to predict the Demand for the rest of the month. So maybe the Date is an important variable if the day of the week impacts Demand?
We assume you are starting with tp shown reproducibly in the Note at the end. A complete cycle of 24 * 4 = 96 points should be represented by one unit of time internally. The chron class does that so read it in as a zoo series z with chron time index and then convert that to ts giving ts_ser or possibly leave it as a zoo series depending on what you are going to do next.
to_chron <- function(date, time) as.chron(paste(date, time), "%d-%b-%y %H:%M")
z <- read.zoo(tp, index = 1:2, FUN = to_chron, frequency = 4 * 24)
ts_ser <- as.ts(z)
tp <- structure(list(Date = c("01-Jan-05", "01-Jan-05"), Time = c("6:30",
"6:45"), Demand = c(6L, 3L)), row.names = 1:2, class = "data.frame")

Simulate a series of code n(lets say 1000) times while saving the result in a vector in R

I'm still relatively new to R so I'm struggling with repeating lines of code several times and saving the result for each repetition.
The aim is to randomly (equal probability) assign a number of events, in my case 100, over a 20 year period. Since days are irrelevant I use the number of months to define the period. Subsequently, I'm counting the events for every 24-month period within the 20 years. Lastly, extracting the maximum number of events occurring within a 24-month period.
Albeit messy and probably inefficient, the code works for the intended purpose. However, I want to repeat this process 1000 times to get a distribution of all the maximum number of events taking place over 24 months to compare to my real data.
here is my coding so far:
#First I set the period from the year 2000 to 2019 with one-month increments.
period <- seq(as.Date("2000/1/1"), by = "month", length.out = 240)
#I sample random observations assigned to different months over the entire period.
u <- sample(period, size=100, replace=T)
#Make a table in order to register the number of occurrences within each month.
u <- table(u)
#Create a data frame to ease information processing.
simulation <- data.frame(u)
#Change the date column to date format.
simulation$u <- as.Date(simulation$u)
#Compute number of events taking place within every 24-month period (730 = days in 24 months).
u <- u %>%
Last_24_month_total = sum_run(
x = simulation$Freq,
k = 730,
idx = as.Date(simulation$u, format = "%d/%m/%Y"))
#extract the maximum number of uccurences within a 24 month period
max <- max(u$Last_24_month_total)
Could someone help me understand how to rewrite this process in order to facilitate a thousand repetitions while saving the max value for each repetition?
As #jogo suggested in the comments, you can use replicate.
I simplified your code.
seq_dates <- seq(as.Date("2000/1/1"), by = "month", length.out = 240)
seq_dates %>%
sample(100, replace = TRUE) %>%
table() %>%
sum_run(730, idx = as.Date(names(.))) %>%

Create date index and add to data frame in R

Currently transitioning from Python to R. In Python, you can create a date range with pandas and add it to a data frame like so;
data = pd.read_csv('Data')
dates = pd.date_range('2006-01-01 00:00', periods=2920, freq='3H')
df = pd.DataFrame({'data' : data}, index = dates)
How can I do this in R?
Further, if I want to compare 2 datasets with different lengths but same time span, you can resample the dataset with lower frequency so it can be the same length as the higher frequency by placing 'NaNs' in the holes like so:
df2 = pd.read_csv('data2') #3 hour resolution = 2920 points of data
data2 = df2.resample('30Min').asfreq() #30 Min resolution = 17520 points
I guess I'm basically looking for a Pandas package equivalent for R. How can I code these in R?
The following is a way of getting your time-series data from a given time interval (3 hours)to another (30 minutes):
Get the data:
starter_df <- data.frame(dates=seq(from=(as.POSIXct(strftime("2006-01-01 00:00"))),
length.out = 2920,
by="3 hours"),
data = rnorm(2920))
Get the full sequence in 30 minute intervals and replace the NA's with the values from the starter_df data.frame:
full_data <- data.frame(dates=seq(from=min(starter_df$dates),
to=max(starter_df$dates), by="30 min"),
to=max(starter_df$dates), by="30 min"))))
full_data[full_data$dates %in% starter_df$dates,] <- starter_df[starter_df$dates %in% full_data$dates,]
I hope it helps.

Convert a time series from minutes to Day period

I've got an R time series object that is measured in 1 hour intervals.
c <- Sys.time()
d <- c + hours(1:200)
e <- rnorm(200)
f <- data.frame(d,e)
g <- as.timeSeries(f)
I would like to convert this to a daily time, , I am fine with using the average or value of the data column for this conversion.
The outcome would be a time series object with one entry per day whose value is the average of all the hourly values of that particular day.
How can this be done?
First, take advantage of lubridate package to calculate date:
f$date <- floor_date(ymd_hms(f$d), "day")
Then, calculate average for given day with
dplyr::group_by(f, date) %>%
dplyr::summarise(avg = mean(e))
And use this for time series.

Finding a more elegant was to aggregate hourly data to mean hourly data using zoo

I have a chunk of data logging temperatures from a few dozen devices every hour for over a year. The data are stored as a zoo object. I'd very much like to summarize those data by looking at the average values for every one of the 24 hours in a day (1am, 2am, 3am, etc.). So that for each device I can see what its average value is for all the 1am times, 2am times, and so on. I can do this with a loop but sense that there must be a way to do this in zoo with an artful use of aggregate.zoo. Any help?
# random hourly data over 30 days for five series
x <- matrix(rnorm(24 * 30 * 5),ncol=5)
# Assign hourly data with a real time and date
x.DateTime <- as.POSIXct("2014-01-01 0100",format = "%Y-%m-%d %H") +
seq(0,24 * 30 * 60 * 60, by=3600)
# make a zoo object
x.zoo <- zoo(x, x.DateTime)
# what I want:
# the average value for each series at 1am, 2am, 3am, etc. so that
# the dimensions of the output are 24 (hours) by 5 (series)
# If I were just working on x I might do something like:
res <- matrix(NA,ncol=5,nrow=24)
for(i in 1:nrow(res)){
res[i,] <- apply(x[seq(i,nrow(x),by=24),],2,mean)
# how can I avoid the loop and write an aggregate statement in zoo that
# will get me what I want?
Calculate the hour for each time point and then aggregate by that:
hr <- as.numeric(format(time(x.zoo), "%H"))
ag <- aggregate(x.zoo, hr, mean)
## [1] 24 5
Alternately use hours from chron or hour from data.table:
ag <- aggregate(x.zoo, hours, mean)
This is quite similar to the other answer but takes advantage of the fact the the by=... argument to aggregate.zoo(...) can be a function which will be applied to time(x.zoo):
as.hour <- function(t) as.numeric(format(t,"%H"))
result <- aggregate(x.zoo,as.hour,mean)
identical(result,ag) # ag from G. Grothendieck answer
# [1] TRUE
Note that this produces a result identical to the other answer, not not the same as yours. This is because your dataset starts at 1:00am, not midnight, so your loop produces a matrix wherein the 1st row corresponds to 1:00am and the last row corresponds to midnight. These solutions produce zoo objects wherein the first row corresponds to midnight.
