Is there a way to ask for at least k satisfied soft constraints in z3-Python? - constraints

I know that you can add soft-constraint in z3py and then ask z3 to find a model that satisfies the maximum number of soft-constraints possible by running:
s = Optimize()
My questions is what can you do if you want z3 to return any model that satisfies at least k soft-constraints. My hope is that if z3 managed to satisfy k constraints it will stop the search and return the current model.

Yes. These are called k-out-of-N constraints, also known as pseudo-boolean constraints. See K-out-of-N constraint in Z3Py for details.


How would you optimize dividing bi variate data in R?

I'm not looking for a specific line a code - just built in functions or common packages that may help me do the following. Basically, something like, write up some code and use this function. I'm stuck on how to actually optimize - should I use SGD?
I have two variables, X, Y. I want to separate Y into 4 groups so that the L2, that is $(Xji | Yi - mean(Xji) | Yi)^2$ is minimized subject to the constraint that there are at least n observations in each group.
How would one go about solving this? I'd imagine you can't do this with the optim function? Basically the algo needs to move 3 values around (there are 3 cutoff points for Y) until L2 is minimized subject to n being a certain size.
You could try optim and simply add a penalty if the constraints are not satisfied: since you minimise, add zero if all constraints are okay; otherwise a positive number.
If that does not work, since you only look for three cutoff points, I'd probably try a grid search, i.e. compute the objective function for different levels of the cutoff point; throw away those that violate the constraints, and then keep the best solution.

How to solve a system of linear inequalities which satisfies most of the given constraints?

I need to find a solution to a system of linear inequalities of the form
a11*x1 + a12*x2 +... a1i*xi >= b1
a21*x1 + a22*x2 +... a2i*xi >= b2
and so on and in case no solution exists, then return a solution x which satisfies most of the constraints. If multiple values satisfy give any.
Any ideas on how this can be done?
You need to have an objective function also, you can solve them in Excel Solver. But that wont be suitable for big equations. For bigger equations, you can use a Java Library (LpSolve). And as mentioned above, you can add slack variables in every equation with high penalty cost in the objective function.

Mathematical library to compare simularities in graphs of data for a high level language (eg. Javascript)?

I'm looking for something that I guess is rather sophisticated and might not exist publicly, but hopefully it does.
I basically have a database with lots of items which all have values (y) that correspond to other values (x). Eg. one of these items might look like:
x | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
y | 12 | 14 | 16 | 8 | 6
This is just a a random example. Now, there are thousands of these items all with their own set of x and y values. The range between one x and the x after that one is not fixed and may differ for every item.
What I'm looking for is a library where I can plugin all these sets of Xs and Ys and tell it to return things like the most common item (sets of x and y that follow a compareable curve / progression), and the ability to check whether a certain set is atleast x% compareable with another set.
With compareable I mean the slope of the curve if you would draw a graph of the data. So, not actaully the static values but rather the detection of events, such as a high increase followed by a slow decrease, etc.
Due to my low amount of experience in mathematics I'm not quite sure what I'm looking for is called, and thus have trouble explaining what I need. Hopefully I gave enough pointers for someone to point me into the right direction.
I'm mostly interested in a library for javascript, but if there is no such thing any library would help, maybe I can try to port what I need.
About Markov Cluster(ing) again, of which I happen to be the author, and your application. You mention you are interested in trend similarity between objects. This is typically computed using Pearson correlation. If you use the mcl implementation from, you'll also obtain the program 'mcxarray'. This can be used to compute pearson correlations between e.g. rows in a table. It might be useful to you. It is able to handle missing data - in a simplistic approach, it just computes correlations on those indices for which values are available for both. If you have further questions I am happy to answer them -- with the caveat that I usually like to cc replies to the mcl mailing list so that they are archived and available for future reference.
What you're looking for is an implementation of a Markov clustering. It is often used for finding groups of similar sequences. Porting it to Javascript, well... If you're really serious about this analysis, you drop Javascript as soon as possible and move on to R. Javascript is not meant to do this kind of calculations, and it is far too slow for it. R is a statistical package with much implemented. It is also designed specifically for very speedy matrix calculations, and most of the language is vectorized (meaning you don't need for-loops to apply a function over a vector of values, it happens automatically)
For the markov clustering, check
An example of an implementation :
Now you also need to define a "distance" between your sets. As you are interested in the events and not the values, you could give every item an extra attribute being a vector with the differences y[i] - y[i-1] (in R : diff(y) ). The distance between two items can then be calculated as the sum of squared differences between y1[i] and y2[i].
This allows you to construct a distance matrix of your items, and on that one you can call the mcl algorithm. Unless you work on linux, you'll have to port that one.
What you're wanting to do is ANOVA, or ANalysis Of VAriance. If you run the numbers through an ANOVA test, it'll give you information about the dataset that will help you compare one to another. I was unable to locate a Javascript library that would perform ANOVA, but there are plenty of programs that are capable of it. Excel can perform ANOVA from a plugin. R is a stats package that is free and can also perform ANOVA.
Hope this helps.
Something simple is (assuming all the graphs have 5 points, and x = 1,2,3,4,5 always)
Take u1 = the first point of y, ie. y1
Take u2 = y2 - y1
Take u5 = y5 - y4
Now consider the vector u as a point in 5-dimensional space. You can use simple clustering algorithms, like k-means.
EDIT: You should not aim for something too complicated as long as you go with javascript. If you want to go with Java, I can suggest something based on PCA (requiring the use of singular value decomposition, which is too complicated to be implemented efficiently in JS).
Basically, it goes like this: Take as previously a (possibly large) linear representation of data, perhaps differences of components of x, of y, absolute values. For instance you could take
u = (x1, x2 - x1, ..., x5 - x4, y1, y2 - y1, ..., y5 - y4)
You compute the vector u for each sample. Call ui the vector u for the ith sample. Now, form the matrix
M_{ij} = dot product of ui and uj
and compute its SVD. Now, the N most significant singular values (ie. those above some "similarity threshold") give you N clusters.
The corresponding columns of the matrix U in the SVD give you an orthonormal family B_k, k = 1..N. The squared ith component of B_k gives you the probability that the ith sample belongs to cluster K.
If it is ok to use java you really should have a look at Weka. It is possible to access all features via java code. Maybe you find a markov clustering, but if not, they hava a lot other clustering algorithem and its really easy to use.

How do I efficiently find the maximum value in an array containing values of a smooth function?

I have a function that takes a floating point number and returns a floating point number. It can be assumed that if you were to graph the output of this function it would be 'n' shaped, ie. there would be a single maximum point, and no other points on the function with a zero slope. We also know that input value that yields this maximum output will lie between two known points, perhaps 0.0 and 1.0.
I need to efficiently find the input value that yields the maximum output value to some degree of approximation, without doing an exhaustive search.
I'm looking for something similar to Newton's Method which finds the roots of a function, but since my function is opaque I can't get its derivative.
I would like to down-thumb all the other answers so far, for various reasons, but I won't.
An excellent and efficient method for minimizing (or maximizing) smooth functions when derivatives are not available is parabolic interpolation. It is common to write the algorithm so it temporarily switches to the golden-section search (Brent's minimizer) when parabolic interpolation does not progress as fast as golden-section would.
I wrote such an algorithm in C++. Any offers?
UPDATE: There is a C version of the Brent minimizer in GSL. The archives are here: Note that it will be covered by some flavor of GNU "copyleft."
As I write this, the latest-and-greatest appears to be gsl-1.14.tar.gz. The minimizer is located in the file gsl-1.14/min/brent.c. It appears to have termination criteria similar to what I implemented. I have not studied how it decides to switch to golden section, but for the OP, that is probably moot.
UPDATE 2: I googled up a public domain java version, translated from FORTRAN. I cannot vouch for its quality. I notice that the hard-coded machine efficiency ("machine precision" in the comments) is 1/2 the value for a typical PC today. Change the value of eps to 2.22045e-16.
Edit 2: The method described in Jive Dadson is a better way to go about this. I'm leaving my answer up since it's easier to implement, if speed isn't too much of an issue.
Use a form of binary search, combined with numeric derivative approximations.
Given the interval [a, b], let x = (a + b) /2
Let epsilon be something very small.
Is (f(x + epsilon) - f(x)) positive? If yes, the function is still growing at x, so you recursively search the interval [x, b]
Otherwise, search the interval [a, x].
There might be a problem if the max lies between x and x + epsilon, but you might give this a try.
Edit: The advantage to this approach is that it exploits the known properties of the function in question. That is, I assumed by "n"-shaped, you meant, increasing-max-decreasing. Here's some Python code I wrote to test the algorithm:
def f(x):
return -x * (x - 1.0)
def findMax(function, a, b, maxSlope):
x = (a + b) / 2.0
e = 0.0001
slope = (function(x + e) - function(x)) / e
if abs(slope) < maxSlope:
return x
if slope > 0:
return findMax(function, x, b, maxSlope)
return findMax(function, a, x, maxSlope)
Typing findMax(f, 0, 3, 0.01) should return 0.504, as desired.
For optimizing a concave function, which is the type of function you are talking about, without evaluating the derivative I would use the secant method.
Given the two initial values x[0]=0.0 and x[1]=1.0 I would proceed to compute the next approximations as:
def next_x(x, xprev):
return x - f(x) * (x - xprev) / (f(x) - f(xprev))
and thus compute x[2], x[3], ... until the change in x becomes small enough.
Edit: As Jive explains, this solution is for root finding which is not the question posed. For optimization the proper solution is the Brent minimizer as explained in his answer.
The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is a Newton's method like optimizer. It has a C/C++ implementation levmar that doesn't require you to define the derivative function. Instead it will evaluate the objective function in the current neighborhood to move to the maximum.
BTW: this website appears to be updated since I last visited it, hope it's even the same one I remembered. Apparently it now also support other languages.
Given that it's only a function of a single variable and has one extremum in the interval, you don't really need Newton's method. Some sort of line search algorithm should suffice. This wikipedia article is actually not a bad starting point, if short on details. Note in particular that you could just use the method described under "direct search", starting with the end points of your interval as your two points.
I'm not sure if you'd consider that an "exhaustive search", but it should actually be pretty fast I think for this sort of function (that is, a continuous, smooth function with only one local extremum in the given interval).
You could reduce it to a simple linear fit on the delta's, finding the place where it crosses the x axis. Linear fit can be done very quickly.
Or just take 3 points (left/top/right) and fix the parabola.
It depends mostly on the nature of the underlying relation between x and y, I think.
edit this is in case you have an array of values like the question's title states. When you have a function take Newton-Raphson.

Fastest numerical solution of a real cubic polynomial?

R question: Looking for the fastest way to NUMERICALLY solve a bunch of arbitrary cubics known to have real coeffs and three real roots. The polyroot function in R is reported to use Jenkins-Traub's algorithm 419 for complex polynomials, but for real polynomials the authors refer to their earlier work. What are the faster options for a real cubic, or more generally for a real polynomial?
The numerical solution for doing this many times in a reliable, stable manner, involve: (1) Form the companion matrix, (2) find the eigenvalues of the companion matrix.
You may think this is a harder problem to solve than the original one, but this is how the solution is implemented in most production code (say, Matlab).
For the polynomial:
p(t) = c0 + c1 * t + c2 * t^2 + t^3
the companion matrix is:
[[0 0 -c0],[1 0 -c1],[0 1 -c2]]
Find the eigenvalues of such matrix; they correspond to the roots of the original polynomial.
For doing this very fast, download the singular value subroutines from LAPACK, compile them, and link them to your code. Do this in parallel if you have too many (say, about a million) sets of coefficients.
Notice that the coefficient of t^3 is one, if this is not the case in your polynomials, you will have to divide the whole thing by the coefficient and then proceed.
Good luck.
Edit: Numpy and octave also depend on this methodology for computing the roots of polynomials. See, for instance, this link.
The fastest known way (that I'm aware of) to find the real solutions a system of arbitrary polynomials in n variables is polyhedral homotopy. A detailed explanation is probably beyond a StackOverflow answer, but essentially it's a path algorithm that exploits the structure of each equation using toric geometries. Google will give you a number of papers.
Perhaps this question is better suited for mathoverflow?
Fleshing out Arietta's answer above:
> a <- c(1,3,-4)
> m <- matrix(c(0,0,-a[1],1,0,-a[2],0,1,-a[3]), byrow=T, nrow=3)
> roots <- eigen(m, symm=F, only.values=T)$values
Whether this is faster or slower than using the cubic solver in the GSL package (as suggested by knguyen above) is a matter of benchmarking it on your system.
Do you need all 3 roots or just one? If just one, I would think Newton's Method would work ok. If all 3 then it might be problematic in circumstances where two are close together.
1) Solve for the derivative polynomial P' to locate your three roots. See there to know how to do it properly. Call those roots a and b (with a < b)
2) For the middle root, use a few steps of bisection between a and b, and when you're close enough, finish with Newton's method.
3) For the min and max root, "hunt" the solution. For the max root:
Start with x0 = b, x1 = b + (b - a) * lambda, where lambda is a moderate number (say 1.6)
do x_n = b + (x_{n - 1} - a) * lambda until P(x_n) and P(b) have different signs
Perform bisection + newton between x_{n - 1} and x_n
The common methods are available: Newton's Method, Bisection Method, Secant, Fixed point iteration, etc. Google any one of them.
If you have a non-linear system on the other hand (e.g. a system on N polynomial eqn's in N unknowns), a method such as high-order Newton may be used.
Have you tried looking into the GSL package
