How to disable design view and lay out view option for users in ms access - ms-access-2010

users must not be able to make changes in form. In the snapshot bottom right corner, design view and layout view options is available. How to hide them or disable for users.
My frontend consists of login form and main form.

Found answer.
on top left corner click on files>options> current database> uncheck Display status bar option, Enable layout view, Enable design changes for datasheet view.


Have the Elementor Addon 'Table of Content' feature initially display as the button, not the opened panel

I really like the EA 'Table of Content'. Info on it here:
The problem is that when a person visits the page with the TOC enabled, the TOC opens fully which covers the text on the page. So the user has to close the TOC to read the content. Depending on your site design, this is not a problem on desktops.
But it is a real problem on mobile devices - most of the page gets covered.
All I want is the TOC to display as the standard collapsed button on the side. Then, if the user wants to look at the TOC, they can click on the button and it will open as normal.
That is, the initial state of the TOC should be closed (showing just the button on the side).
Is this possible?
This is how I want the control to initially display on the page
Here is a possibility using HTML5:

I'm using views-blocks to render a drupal template. I need to let an end-user select the item. How do I do that?

I'm rendering a page in Drupal that looks like this: Link Essentially this is rendered by using blocks and views: Link
I would like to be add end-user functionality whereby a content user can click on any of the grid items and select the content that goes into that grid item. A typical flow might be:
- Click on edit next to the grid item
- A modal opens up
- User sees list of specific content
- User selects an item and the modal closes
- Selected item now shows up in the grid item.
I would like to be able to do this without any custom development. Is there any module out there that can do this?

UINavigationController with UITableView in modal popup (on iPad)

Short Version:
"How do you get a simple UITable drill down UINavigationController-styled non-full-screen modal dialog on the iPad?"
Long version:
I have a very specific set of requirements that I can't seem to get working...
I have a functioning iPad program that that needs to pop up a non-full-screen modal view. This modal needs to have a navigation controller and a simple drill-down table that displays a detailed view that I can have edit some values related to the selected item in the table.
Of course I am looking to have the regular "Back" and "Delete" buttons in the Navigation Bar.
I can handle the detailed view, what I am having issues with:
Non-full-screen popup (mine is
always full screen no matter what I
The Navigation controller will not display the Table View I tell it to and the navigation bar does not even have the title I assigned to it in IB.
I can't seem to get any of this working. If anyone has a step by step example of how to do this, that would be great,
P.S. I am not afraid of doing this 100% programmatically, but all the examples I have been trying to follow (and failing at extending to my problem) use IB.
As for the fullscreen issue, you need to set modalPresentationStyle to UIModalPresentationFormSheet or UIModalPresentationPageSheet on the controller you want to present modally. I'm not sure of a way to do this through IB.
As for your navigation controller/table view, I think more information is needed to provide an answer.

What is the proper name for a multibutton?

I'm trying to design a UI in Qt and I can't find anywhere in the designer a button which can be "droped down" like combobox. What I mean by that is that I would like to have this button with his "default" option choosen so if I like it I would have to just click on it but if I would like to choose different option I would be able to clik the little arrow on the right side of this button and then pick option suitable for me at that moment.
You're looking for a QToolButton that has a set of actions or a menu set on it. From the documentation, the QToolButton::ToolButtonPopupMode...
Describes how a menu should be popped up for tool buttons that has a menu set or contains a list of actions.
Of it's values, the two that I see most frequently are DelayedPopup:
After pressing and holding the tool button down for a certain amount of time (the timeout is style dependant, see QStyle::SH_ToolButton_PopupDelay), the menu is displayed. A typical application example is the "back" button in some web browsers's tool bars. If the user clicks it, the browser simply browses back to the previous page. If the user presses and holds the button down for a while, the tool button shows a menu containing the current history list
And MenuButtonPopup:
In this mode the tool button displays a special arrow to indicate that a menu is present. The menu is displayed when the arrow part of the button is pressed.

ASP Menu bar, Static view

I am looking to create a menu bar with a specic type of "action"
Similar to the bar on this website
BBC Sport
Its totally static and has no dynamic or "pop out" sections. When the top menu is clicked the page will re-load and display the lower level in a diffrent colour.
Can this be achived with the Standard ASP:Menu control?
I am not a big fan of the pop out feature however I do not want all my options to be visible to my users at root
Hope that makes sense
Check out this basic ASP.Net Menu control page. You can click on the "Run" buttons to see very basic versions of the menus.
The advantage of using this particular approach is that you can tie it to a sitemap, so you don't have to keep updating the menu code. You just add the page(s) to the sitemap, and the menu picks it up.
You can also dynamically link the menu to different sitemaps, such as one for the admin menu and another for regular users' menu.
The Menu control is in the navigation section of the toolbox.
To experiment with the built-in functionality (before writing your own code to do what it will do for you), just drag and drop a menu control onto your form. Then, use the common tasks menu to:
autoformat -- good for quick & dirty because it sets hoverstyle too
set the data source
set the view type (static or dynamic)
define menu items with an editor
work with templates to set appearance
You have to go to properties to set menu appearance.
