Is there an UDF implementation in Spark R available - r

I am new with Spark in R
Is it implemented in Spark R the UDF functions please? Does it work with Arrow encoder?
SparlklyR UDF is not optimized using Arrow on Databricks or otherwise
We thought we must come up with a Spark R UDF instead, running on same dataframe with Arrow encoder installed like library(arrow)).
Databricks only Support Spark R, Sparkly R is vendor specific (R Studio) and not supported and optimized.
Any advice here for this scenario ? Below my code, but R UDF can be anything possible for a dataframe we read from path
sc <- spark_connect(method = "databricks")
sdf <- spark_read_parquet(sc, "dbfs:/FileStore/tmp/udf_test_fake")
identity <- function(rdf){
worker_log(paste0("Processing ", digest::digest(rdf), " partition with ", nrow(rdf), " rows"))
result <- spark_apply(sdf, identity)


Can the parallel or snow packages in R interface with a spark cluster?

I am dealing with a computationally intensive package in R. This package has no alternative implementations that interfaces with a Spark cluster;however, it does have an optional argument to take in a cluster created with the parallel package. My question is can I connect to a spark cluster using something like SparklyR, and then use that spark cluster as part of a makeCluster command to pass into my function?
I have successfully gotten the cluster working with parallel, but I do not know how or if it is possible to leverage the spark clusters.
my_cluster <- makeCluster(3)
pc_structure <- pc.stable(train[,-1], cluster = my_cluster)
My question is can I connect to a spark cluster as follows:
sc <- spark_connect(master = "yarn-client", config = config, version = '1.6.2')
and then leverage the connection (the sc object) in the makeCluster() function?
If that would solve your problem (and if I understand you correctly), I'd wrap your code that uses parallel package into a sparkR function, e.g. spark.lapply (or something similar in sparklyr, don't have experience with that).
I assume your Spark cluster is Linux based, hence the mcapply function from the parallel package should be used (instead of makeCluster and consequent clusterExport on Windows).
For example a locally executed task of summing up numbers in each element of a list would be (on Linux):
input = list(c(1,2,3), c(1,2,3,4), c(1,2,3,4,5))
res = mclapply(X=input, FUN=sum, mc.cores=3)
and doing the same task 10000 times using a Spark cluster:
input = list(c(1,2,3), c(1,2,3,4), c(1,2,3,4,5))
save(input, file="/path/testData.RData")
res = spark.lapply(1:10000, function(x){
mclapply(X=input, FUN=sum, mc.cores=3)
Question is whether your code be tweaked that way.

sparklyr hadoopConfiguration

I apologize that this question will be hard to make fully reproducible because it involves a running spark context (referenced to as sc below), but I am trying to set a hadoopConfiguration in sparklyr, specifically for accessing swift/objectStore objects from RStudio sparklyr as a Spark object, but in general for a scala call to hadoopConfiguration. Something like (scala code):
where sc is a running spark context. In SparkR I can run (R code)
hConf = SparkR:::callJMethod(sc, "hadoopConfiguration")
SparkR:::callJMethod(hConf, "set", paste("fs.swift.service.keystone.auth.url"), paste("",sep=""))
in sparklyr I have tried every incantation of this that I think of, but my best guess is (again R code)
sc %>% invoke("set", paste("fs.swift.service.keystone,auth.url"), paste("",sep=""))
but this results in the non-verbose error (and irregular spelling) of
Error in enc2utf8(value) : argumemt is not a character vector
of course I tried to encode the inputs in every way that I can think of (naturally enc2utf8(value) being the first, but many others including lists and as.character(as.list(...)) which appears to be a favorite for sparklyr coders). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have combed the source code for sparklyr and cannot find any mentions of hadoopConfiguration in the sparklyr github, so I am afraid that I missing something very basic in the core configuration. I have also tried to pass these configs in the config.yml in the spark_connect() core call, but while this is working in setting the "fs.swift.service.keystone.auth.url" as a sc$config$s.swift.service.keystone.auth.url setting, it is apparently failing to set these as a core hadoopConfiguration.
By the way, I am using Spark1.6, scala 2.10, R 3.2.1, and sparklyr_0.4.19.
I figured this out
set_swift_config <- function(sc){
#get spark_context
ctx <- spark_context(sc)
#set the java spark context
jsc <- invoke_static(
#set the swift configs:
hconf <- jsc %>% invoke("hadoopConfiguration")
hconf %>% invoke("set","fs.swift.service.keystone.auth.url",
"" )
which can be run with set_swift_config(sc).

When use sparkR to process data, where is the place that the programme really run?

I am new to spark and sparkR, and my question is below:
when I wrote the codes below:
1). set up environment and start a spark.session()
sparkR.session(master = "my/spark/master/on/one/server/standaloneMode", , sparkConfig = list(spark.driver.memory="4g",spark.sql.warehouse.dir = "my/hadoop_home/bin",sparkPackages = "com.databricks:spark-avro_2.11:3.0.1"))
Then I wrote:
rund <- data.frame(V1 = runif(10000000,100,10000),V2 =runif(10000000,100,10000))
df <- as.DataFrame(rund)
Here is the thing:
1). Where does the program do the 'splitting'? on my local machine or on server?
2). Also, could anyone tell me where did the program exactly run the code "as.DataFrame()"? on my computer or on my server where was set as standalone_mode of spark.
SparkR is an interface for Spark. This means that some R functions are overridden by the SparkR package to provide a similar user experience you already know from R. You probably should have a look at the documentation to see which Spark functions are available:
Those functions typically ingest SparkDataFrames which you can create, for example with the as.DataFrame function. SparkDataFrames provide a reference to a SparkDataFrame in your Spark cluster.
In your example you've created a local R data frame rund. The runif functions also were executed locally in your R instance.
# executed in your local R instance
rund <- data.frame(V1 = runif(10000000,100,10000),V2 =runif(10000000,100,10000))
The df object however is a SparkDataFrame, which will be created in your Spark Cluster. as.DataFrame is executed in R, but the actual SparkDataFrame only will exists in your cluster.
df <- as.DataFrame(rund)
To easily distinguish between R and Spark data frames, you can use the class function:
> class(df)
[1] "data.frame"
> class(df.spark)
[1] "SparkDataFrame"
[1] "SparkR"
In general a SparkDataFrame can be used as input for the various functions the SparkR package has to offer, for example to group or sort your SparkDataFrame in Spark. The Spark operations are executed when a Spark action is called. An example for such an action is collect. It triggers the transformations in Spark and retrieves the computed data from your Spark cluster and creates a corresponded R data frame in your local R instance. If you have a look at the documentation you can see if a function can ingest a SparkDataFrame:
##S4 method for signature 'SparkDataFrame'
collect(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Moreover it is possible to execute custom R code in your Spark cluster by using user-defined functions:

R: How to use RJDBC to download blob data from oracle database?

Does anyone know of a way to download blob data from an Oracle database using RJDBC package?
When I do something like this:
drv <- JDBC(driverClass=..., classPath=...)
conn <- dbConnect(drv, ...)
blobdata <- dbGetQuery(conn, "select blobfield from blobtable where id=1")
I get this message:
Error in .jcall(rp, "I", "fetch", stride) :
java.sql.SQLException: Ongeldig kolomtype.: getString not implemented for class oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CBlobAccessor
Well, the message is clear, but still I hope there is a way to download blobs. I read something about 'getBinary()' as a way of getting blob information. Can I find a solution in that direction?
The problem is that RJDBC tries to convert the SQL data type it reads to either double or String in Java. Typically the trick works because JDBC driver for Oracle has routines to convert different data types to String (accessed by getString() method of java.sql.ResultSet class). For BLOB, though, the getString() method has been discontinued from some moment. RJDBC still tries calling it, which results in an error.
I tried digging into the guts of RJDBC to see if I can get it to call proper function for BLOB columns, and apparently the solution requires modification of fetch S4 method in this package and also the result-grabbing Java class within the package. I'll try to get this patch to package maintainers. Meanwhile, quick and dirty fix using rJava (assuming conn and q as in your example):
s <- .jcall(conn#jc, "Ljava/sql/Statement;", "createStatement")
r <- .jcall(s, "Ljava/sql/ResultSet;", "executeQuery", q, check=FALSE)
listraws <- list()
col_num <- 1L
i <- 1
while(.jcall(r, 'Z', 'next')){
listraws[[i]] <- .jcall(r, '[B', 'getBytes', col_num)
i <- i + 1
This retrieves list of raw vectors in R. The next steps depend on the nature of data - in my application these vectors represent PNG images and can be handled pretty much as file connections by png package.
Done using R 3.1.3, RJDBC 0.2-5, Oracle 11-2 and OJDBC driver for JDK >= 1.6

How to read data from Cassandra with R?

I am using R 2.14.1 and Cassandra 1.2.11, I have a separate program which has written data to a single Cassandra table. I am failing to read them from R.
The Cassandra schema is defined like this:
create table chosen_samples (id bigint , temperature double, primary key(id))
I have first tried the RCassandra package (
> # install.packages("RCassandra")
> library(RCassandra)
> rc <- RC.connect(host ="", port = 9160L)
> RC.use(rc, "poc1_samples")
> cs <-,"chosen_samples")
The connection seems to succeed but the parsing of the table into data frame fails:
> cs
Error in data.frame(..dfd. = c("#\"ffffff", "#(<cc><cc><cc><cc><cc><cd>", :
duplicate row.names:
I have also tried using JDBC connector, as described here:
> # install.packages("RJDBC")
> library(RJDBC)
> cassdrv <- JDBC("org.apache.cassandra.cql.jdbc.CassandraDriver", "/Users/svend/dev/libs/cassandra-jdbc-1.2.5.jar", "`")
But this one fails like this:
Error in .jfindClass(as.character(driverClass)[1]) : class not found
Even though the location to the java driver is correct
$ ls /Users/svend/dev/libs/cassandra-jdbc-1.2.5.jar
You have to download apache-cassandra-2.0.10-bin.tar.gz and cassandra-jdbc-1.2.5.jar and cassandra-all-1.1.0.jar.
There is no need to install Cassandra on your local machine; just put the cassandra-jdbc-1.2.5.jar and the cassandra-all-1.1.0.jar files in the lib directory of unziped apache-cassandra-2.0.10-bin.tar.gz. Then you can use
drv <- JDBC("org.apache.cassandra.cql.jdbc.CassandraDriver",
That is working on my unix but not on my windows machine.
Hope that helps.
This question is old now, but since it's the one of the top hits for R and Cassandra I thought I'd leave a simple solution here, as I found frustratingly little up-to-date support for what I thought would be a fairly common task.
Sparklyr makes this pretty easy to do from scratch now, as it exposes a java context so the Spark-Cassandra-Connector can be used directly. I've wrapped up the bindings in this simple package, crassy, but it's not necessary to use.
I mostly made it to demystify the config around how to make sparklyr load the connector, and as the syntax for selecting a subset of columns is a little unwieldy (assuming no Scala knowledge).
Column selection and partition filtering are supported. These were the only features I thought were necessary for general Cassandra use cases, given CQL can't be submitted directly to the cluster.
I've not found a solution to submitting more general CQL queries which doesn't involve writing custom scala, however there's an example of how this can work here.
Right, I found an (admittedly ugly) way, simply by calling python from R, parsing the NA manually and re-assigning the data-frames names in R, like this
# install.packages("rPython")
# (don't forget to "pip install cql")
python.exec("import sys")
# adding libraries from virtualenv
python.exec("import cql")
python.exec("connection=cql.connect('', cql_version='3.0.0')")
python.exec("cursor = connection.cursor()")
python.exec("cursor.execute('use poc1_samples')")
python.exec("cursor.execute('select * from chosen_samples' )")
# coding python None into NA (rPython seem to just return nothing )
python.exec("rep = lambda x : '__NA__' if x is None else x")
python.exec( "def getData(): return [rep(num) for line in cursor for num in line ]" )
data <-"getData")
df <-, ncol=15, byrow=T))
names(df) <- c("temperature", "maxTemp", "minTemp",
"dewpoint", "elevation", "gust", "latitude", "longitude",
"maxwindspeed", "precipitation", "seelevelpressure", "visibility", "windspeed")
# and decoding NA's
parsena <- function (x) if (x=="__NA__") NA else x
df <-, parsena))
Anybody has a better idea?
I had the same error message when executing Rscript with RJDBC connection via batch file (R 3.2.4, Teradata driver).
Also, when run in RStudio it worked fine in the second run but not first.
What helped was explicitly call:
It not enough to just download the driver, you have to also download the dependencies and put them into your JAVA ClassPath (MacOS: /Library/Java/Extensions) as stated on the project main page.
Include the Cassandra JDBC dependencies in your classpath : download dependencies
As of the RCassandra package, right now it's still too primitive compared to RJDBC.
