is there a way to figure out the number of students enrolled when xyz% of the class session has been completed in Peoplesoft Campus Solutions?
Where this value is stored and if not stored in any table directly then which fields are used to calculate this?
The enrollment table PS_STDNT_ENRL is the starting point, so you need to get all students with an enrollment status (#1).
But that will give the number of enrollments, and you mention some % of class session completed.
This is trickier and subject to interpretation.
One way is to calculate total number of seats on the session, using CLASS_TBL (#2)
If you do #1/#2 you know the % of seats taken.
Then you can just count the distinct EMPLIDs from (#1).
This is for longitudinal human subjects biomedical research. The basic flow of the enrollment process is this:
Enter clinic & scan QR code OR click email link
Read informed consent form and check I consent [survey]
Pass study screener question (are you 18 yo) [survey]
Contact form - enter your name, phone, email [survey w/ workflow to create XM
directory from this data]
Baseline survey [survey w/ ID number attached]
I have it set up right now that survey 2,3,4 all flow together assuming you meet all the criteria. This study is longitudinal so for every survey I want their ID number attached so we can track changes over time at the person-level. We are also collecting blood samples so I will need their participant ID number on their blood tubes so we know who's who when we process and analyze them. Therefore the nurse will need to know their ID number between steps 4 & 5.
I've seen on the community boards that assigning a random number does not guarantee unique values and that unless you make the number long you might have a duplicate. Can't have that. The numbers must be unique and 4 digits so the clinic staff doesn't get bogged down writing a 10-digit number on a blood tube.
I'd love for this number to be sequential, but beggars can't be choosers.
Any ideas on how to do this?? Here are my thoughts thus far
In step 4 (the contact sheet) set a quota larger than the participants I plan to enroll and then save the quota count as embedded data. Then in the workflow where I create the contact directory, save the quota number into an ID number field. DRAWBACK: if multiple people are enrolling at once, Quatrics Customer Service said they can't guarantee that two people won't have the same quote number but couldn't give details about how to define "at the same time". like clicking it at the same milisecond? second? few seconds?
Use the Qualtrics generated unique Person ID field, which is very long and alphanumeric and somehow re-code it with.... python magic?
Thank you!!!
I need to use Qualtrics to elicit responses of a group of two subjects. Participants should be randomly assigned into Participant A and Participant B.
Basically, participant A would play rock-paper-scissors game against the computer. Participant B need to place a bet on player A's final outcome of the game. Survey questions would be asked to investigate the different reaction of two players.
At the END of each participants survey, player A would be informed about whether player B placed the bet or not. ie. I need to display the previous answer of a DIFFERENT survey participant in the Qualtrics survey.
There are two way I'm thinking of doing this: randomize and assign people into two survey streams, use quota counts for survey stream A and B. Compare the number of quota. If the number of quota counts for stream B is greater than stream A, then the next participant would be assigned into survey stream A. However, I do not know how to compare quota counts.
Could someone please help me with this?
You don't need to compare quota counts. Just check the "Evenly Present Elements" box on your randomizer and Qualtrics will keep the A & B counts equal for you.
I have transactional data for a sales team showing the transaction amount per transaction, the sales person for that transaction, his team and his salary. Every row denotes a unique transaction (please refer image). I need to make a team-level graph which shows the correlation between the salary they are paid and the revenue they generate for the company i.e. a simple stacked bar chart with salesTeam name on X axis and amounts on the y axis with every bar representing the total salary and total revenue(Amount) for a team.
In the example I've highlighted team 'Central', for which the salary paid is 25k (10k for salesperson A + 15k for salesperson B) and the revenue they make for the company is 430k. Please note that the salaries for some salespersons may be missing (eg. for E). The issue I'm facing is that sum(Salary) adds up the salaries for every row, so for salesperson A it becomes 20k instead of 10k. I tried avg(Salary) but that doesn't work as Tableau calculates the average for the entire column instead of average per salesperson. How can I solve this issue?
Here you have a level of detail problem. Basically, Tableau will calculate a formula at the level of detail of the visualisation, so if salesperson is not in your view it will roll up the equation to calculate at the highest level. This is great when you want a dynamic calculation but that doesn't sound like what you are trying to achieve.
Your best option would be to aggregate the data into Tableau so you only have 1 line per sales person with a total of their revenue for all transactions. This would avoid the complexity of the calculated field (and make Tableau perform better).
However, if this is not possible the good news is the answer is a Level of Detail expression (i recommend doing some reading on this if you havent come across before). Basically, you tell Tableau at what level you want the calculation at.
If I understand you want to calculate the ratio of transaction amount and salary paid for each team.
So create a calculated field as follows:
{ FIXED [Team]
: sum(([Amount]))/
(sum({ FIXED [Sales person]:
What this does is calculates for each team the ratio between the amount and the salary. The use of the second fixed equation that is nested within it (Salesperson) ensures that the salary is not summed for the number of transactions of a salesperson.
Using this I got a result of 17.2 for Central. Is this what you would expect? Do you need a way to account for salaries that are not known?
I am having
dimension tables
item (item_id,name,category)
fact tables
My question is if I want to find average sales of a location for a month Should I add average_sales column in fact table and if i want to find sales done using the membership card should I add corresponding field in fact table?
My understanding so far is only countable measures should be in fact table so I guess membership_card should not come in fact table.
Please let me know if I am wrong.
No, you should not add an average sales column to your fact table, it is a calculated value, and is not at the same "grain" as the fact table.
Your sales fact table should be as granular as possible, so it should really be sales_order_line_items, one row per sales order line item.
You want to calculate the average sales of a given store for a given month...?
First, by "sales" do you mean "revenue" (total dollars in) or "quantity sold"?
Average daily revenue?
Average monthly revenue, by month?
If you have the store id, date, quantity sold (per line item) and unit price, then it's pretty easy to figure out.
You Should not add aggregate columns In the same fact table. The measures in the fact table should be at the same grain. So if you want aggregate metrics, build a separate fact table at the required grain.
So, I might have a fact aggregate table named F_LOC_MON_AGG which has the measures aggregated at location and month level.
If you do not have aggregate tables, modern business intelligence tools such as OBIEE can do the aggregation at run time.
How does AX calculate the Cost Amount Physical on inventory transactions (Inventrans table)?
When posting packing slip in purchase order, transaction records are created in the Inventrans table, this table has a field (CostAmountPhysical)
How does AX calculate the value of this field?
Sometimes this value is different to the net amount calculated in each item of the purchase order?
The CostAmountPhysical field is calculated in the InventMovement.updateLedgerPhysical method.
There is no easy explanation of how and why it is calculated. Go and have look in the code.
Please update you cross reference, this simplifies questions like this one enormously.