Launch Camera App in Xamarin forms without taking picture or any action - xamarin.forms

One of the requirements i have is to scan a barcode which is a built in feature in most modern phones. Thus, i just need to launch the camera app.
Is there a way to do that?


Flic Bluetooth Button and Xamarin Forms

I have written my mobile app in Xamarin.Forms and it works great in iOS and Android. My users are wanting to me to integrate a Flic button into the program. Flic is a bluetooth button that allows integration into your app. Click once and something in your app can happen. Click twice ... click and hold ... etc.
The sdk for Flic is quite good but they limit examples and information to just "raw" Android or iOS. Can anyone suggest how to integrate the sdk/dll files into xamarin.forms? I don't know much about bindings, etc.
how to integrate the sdk/dll files into xamarin.forms?
Fortunately, someone has already done it.You can add the binding library of iOS and Android from Nuget.
You can implement the method in iOS and Android .Then use the dependency service to call the method in forms.
If you want to learn more about how to bind native library or package in iOS and Android.
You can refer to iOS Document and Android Document.

Ranorex Automated Testing Tool Recording Issue with WPF Application

I have got huge wpf application for hosipital.Now we have decided to go with automated Testing Tool
I went through few tools and made some research and picked up few to implement it.Now Ranorex Tool is superb tool but there are only very few little demo videos for wpf were there.
My Requirement is to Test my wpf application fully automated and I should able to test the application through command Prompt.I have tried few tools I Strucked up
My existing Application functionality goes like this...
In my wpf application , the mainwindow consists many tiles . and each tile will have many imageicons while moving the mouse cursor onto the tile it zooms bigger then we can able to click on imageicon then it will navigate to other screen which I can say popup window opens up and there we push some information and saves up then close the popup window.
When Recording through the Ranorex Tool,After clicking on ImageIcon of particular Tile it is not responding if anything there to setup please let me know I will be happy if any videos or screenshots step by step for WPF Automation is there
If any Automation Testing Tool with Good stuff Demo and video Please let me Know
Thank You

Is there away to start a phones native Navigation tool from Flex 4.5?

I am building a mobile application in Flex 4.5 and from this app I would like to start the device's native navigation tool, like Google Navigation for example.
Is there a way to open the Navigation App using Flex 4.5?
As far as I knew, there was no way to launch other applications from a mobile Flex App.
Some native apps can be opened using URLs. It is, basically, the Flash Platform version of saying "Let the OS Handle it." If you HTTP link to a video, for example, it may open in a native player or it may open in the browser.
You can open the native text messaging program using sms as the protocol. As far as I know, there is no universal URL to open navigation services.
This post alludes to the fact that linking to will do it.
You can look into using the AIR Geolocation services APIs; but that is intended for in-app usage not launching other apps.
You can try using StageWebView to open up google maps or something. I don't think there's a way to open the native navigation app because it might not be there and they're different for each device.

iPhone Phonegap based app load External website made of componentone

My Client wants a native iPhone App that displays their mobile site optimized for iPhone developed using and ComponentOnes Studio for iPhone. i was planning to use a PhoneGap app which calls an external URL using JavaScript and do it after showing the splash screen. but according to phoneGap FAQ its most likely to apple to reject an app that loads external URL ? just need somebody to clear me on the whole process. isnt it possible to create an app like that ? i've seen various iPhone apps that do this (eg: cydia).
else what care should i take if i'm to develop such an application.
I think you have answered your own question, while it is completly possible to create such an app with Phonegap, Apple isn't going to approve an app that doesn't have functionality when running unconnected (though how much functionality with Apple is never clear). In fact, there have been at least one report on the Phonegap google groups list of app's being rejected because it was just a "web clip", meaning that the app could have just been done as a website, apparently you have to add some functionality, my guess being services exposed by Phonegap, that you wouldn't be able to do on just a website..
And it is more to the point that the app that you chose to use as an example of a "web app", is only available on jailbroken phones.

Is it possible to run q Qt Symbian application in the background and interact with the homescreen?

I'm writing a Symbian application using Qt for Symbian that is supposed to run on S60 3rd edition FP1, FP2 and 5th edition phones.
In my application, I will need to implement push notification functionality that will notify the user of changes on the server. Basically, it is a pending tasks application. When a new task is assigned to the user, he should be notified.
Ideally, the user will start the application and somehow, send it to the background so that it will continue to wait for push notifications (which is another question, but I will have to search a bit first!).
When a push notification comes, ideally, a notification is displayed on the homescreen of the user, much like indicating up coming calendar appointments. If this is not possible, then a popup notification from the application might do.
The question is, is such kind of functionality possible with Qt for Symbian alone? If not, can somebody direct me in the right direction? So far I've only found the Homescreen Publishing API but this is for Series 60 5th edition phones only.
For 3rd edition phones there is no published way to add to the homescreen. I've seen comments that there is a API but there is no documentation and it only works in you are in ROM so it's not usable.
You can add a overlay window to the homescreen. Here is an example from nokia.
I haven't done any 5th edition work yet so I don't know.
