Efficient modular right shift - math

Given an odd modulus m, one can compute a/2^k mod m by finding the modular inverse i of 2^k and then compute a*i mod m.
Is there a better way to perform a modular right shift? Is it possible to avoid computing i? What if m was prime? What if k was one?


gcd of two numbers one of them is too large

I was going through a question which ask to calculate gcd(a-b,a^n+b^n)%(10^9+7) where a,b,n can be as large as 10^12.
I am able to solve this for a,b and n for very small numbers and fermat's theorem also didn't seem to work, and i reached a conclusion that if a,b are coprime then this will always give me gcd as 2 but for the rest i am not able to get it?
i need just a little hint that what i am doing wrong to get gcd for large numbers? I also tried x^y to find gcd by taking modulo at each step but that also didn't work.
Need just direction and i will make my way.
Thanks in advance.
You are correct that a^n + b^n is too large to compute and that working mod 10^9 + 7 at each step doesn't provide a way to compute the answer. But, you can still use modular exponentiation by squaring with a different modulus, namely a-b
Key observations:
1) gcd(a-b,a^n + b^n) = gcd(d,a^n + b^n) where d = abs(a-b)
2) gcd(d,a^n + b^n) = gcd(d,r) where r = (a^n + b^n) % d
3) r can be feasibly computed with modular exponentiation by squaring
The point of 1) is that different programming languages have different conventions for handling negative numbers in the mod operator. Taking the absolute value avoids such complications, though mathematically it doesn't make a difference. The key idea is that it is perfectly feasible to do the first step of the Euclidean algorithm for computing gcds. All you need is the remainder upon division of the larger by the smaller of the two numbers. After the first step is done, all of the numbers are in the feasible range.

MASH-2 hash function

We have taken the MASH-2 hash function in a college course, and in the exam we are confronted
with questions to calculate something like this ((62500)^257)) mod (238194151) using only a scientific calculator. now i know some theories with a^b (mod n) but the problem i present above is even hard to calculate manually. i think it would take about 15 minutes to solve this. i would like to know if there is a faster way to do this. or even if there is some way to do it in binary (convert the number to binary and then do some manipulations). i need to able to do this by hand with a scientific calculator.
In this special case the prime factor decomposition of a = 62500 = 2² ⋅ 5⁶ is very simple.
You can use this to calculate (2²)²⁵⁷ and (5⁶)²⁵⁷ first and calculate then the product.
But the problem I see, is that for n = 238194151 my scientific calculator can not calculate n² correctly. If your calculator can do this, it should be no problem.
Since gcd(a, b) = 1 you also could use CRT, but I'm not sure if you can find the prime factors n = 13 ⋅ 59 ⋅ 310553 with only a scientific calculator. If so, this will make it much easier. You just calculate a²⁵⁷ mod (13⋅59) and a²⁵⁷ mod 310553 and put the results together with CRT.
You can also use only Exponentiation by squaring so you only have to calculate 8 squares.

Algorithm for finding an equidistributed solution to a linear congruence system

I face the following problem in a cryptographical application: I have given a set of linear congruences
a[1]*x[1]+a[2]*x[2]+a[3]*x[3] == d[1] (mod p)
b[1]*x[1]+b[2]*x[2]+b[3]*x[3] == d[2] (mod p)
c[1]*x[1]+c[2]*x[2]+c[3]*x[3] == d[3] (mod p)
Here, x is unknown an a,b,c,d are given
The system is most likely underdetermined, so I have a large solution space. I need an algorithm that finds an equidistributed solution (that means equidistributed in the solution space) to that problem using a pseudo-random number generator (or fails).
Most standard algorithms for linear equation systems that I know from my linear algebra courses are not directly applicable to congruences as far as I can see...
My current, "safe" algorithm works as follows: Find all variable that appear in only one equation, and assign a random value. Now if in each row, only one variable is unassigned, assign the value according to the congruence. Otherwise fail.
Can anyone give me a clue how to solve this problem in general?
You can use gaussian elimination and similar algorithms just like you learned in your linear algebra courses, but all arithmetic is performed mod p (p is a prime). The one important difference is in the definition of "division": to compute a / b you instead compute a * (1/b) (in words, "a times b inverse"). Consider the following changes to the math operations normally used
addition: a+b becomes a+b mod p
subtraction: a-b becomes a-b mod p
multiplication: a*b becomes a*b mod p
division: a/b becomes: if p divides b, then "error: divide by zero", else a * (1/b) mod p
To compute the inverse of b mod p you can use the extended euclidean algorithm or alternatively compute b**(p-2) mod p.
Rather than trying to roll this yourself, look for an existing library or package. I think maybe Sage can do this, and certainly Mathematica, and Maple, and similar commercial math tools can.

efficient computation of Trace(AB^{-1}) given A and B

I have two square matrices A and B. A is symmetric, B is symmetric positive definite. I would like to compute $trace(A.B^{-1})$. For now, I compute the Cholesky decomposition of B, solve for C in the equation $A=C.B$ and sum up the diagonal elements.
Is there a more efficient way of proceeding?
I plan on using Eigen. Could you provide an implementation if the matrices are sparse (A can often be diagonal, B is often band-diagonal)?
If B is sparse, it may be efficient (i.e., O(n), assuming good condition number of B) to solve for x_i in
B x_i = a_i
(sample Conjugate Gradient code is given on Wikipedia). Taking a_i to be the column vectors of A, you get the matrix B^{-1} A in O(n^2). Then you can sum the diagonal elements to get the trace. Generally, it's easier to do this sparse inverse multiplication than to get the full set of eigenvalues. For comparison, Cholesky decomposition is O(n^3). (see Darren Engwirda's comment below about Cholesky).
If you only need an approximation to the trace, you can actually reduce the cost to O(q n) by averaging
r^T (A B^{-1}) r
over q random vectors r. Usually q << n. This is an unbiased estimate provided that the components of the random vector r satisfy
< r_i r_j > = \delta_{ij}
where < ... > indicates an average over the distribution of r. For example, components r_i could be independent gaussian distributed with unit variance. Or they could be selected uniformly from +-1. Typically the trace scales like O(n) and the error in the trace estimate scales like O(sqrt(n/q)), so the relative error scales as O(sqrt(1/nq)).
If generalized eigenvalues are more efficient to compute, you can compute the generalized eigenvalues, A*v = lambda* B *v and then sum up all the lambdas.

finding a/b mod c

I know this may seem like a math question but i just saw this in a contest and I really want to know how to solve it.
We have
a (mod c)
b (mod c)
and we're looking for the value of the quotient
(a/b) (mod c)
Any ideas?
In the ring of integers modulo C, these equations are equivalent:
A / B (mod C)
A * (1/B) (mod C)
A * B-1(mod C).
Thus you need to find B-1, the multiplicative inverse of B modulo C. You can find it using e.g. extended Euclidian algorithm.
Note that not every number has a multiplicative inverse for the given modulus.
Specifically, B-1 exists if and only if gcd(B, C) = 1 (i.e. B and C are coprime).
See also
Wikipedia/Modular multiplicative inverse
Wikipedia/Extended Euclidian algorithm
Modular multiplicative inverse: Example
Suppose we want to find the multiplicative inverse of 3 modulo 11.
That is, we want to find
x = 3-1(mod 11)
x = 1/3 (mod 11)
3x = 1 (mod 11)
Using extended Euclidian algorithm, you will find that:
x = 4 (mod 11)
Thus, the modular multiplicative inverse of 3 modulo 11 is 4. In other words:
A / 3 == A * 4 (mod 11)
Naive algorithm: brute force search
One way to solve this:
3x = 1 (mod 11)
Is to simply try x for all values 0..11, and see if the equation holds true. For small modulus, this algorithm may be acceptable, but extended Euclidian algorithm is much better asymptotically.
There are potentially many answers. When all you have is k = B mod C, then B could be any k+CN for all integer N.
This means B could potentially be very large. So large, in fact, to make A/B approach zero.
However, that's just one way to respond.
I think it can be written as(But not sure)
(a/b)%c = ((a)%(b*c))/b
