How to interpret the Shapley formula - shapley

For the Shapley equation
How to read ??
I know the first part says F is a subset of S, but what does the \{i} mean?


Julia function for weighted variance returning "wrong" value

I'm trying to calculate the weighted variance using Julia, but when I compare the results
with my own formula, I get a different value.
x = rand(10)
w = Weights(rand(10))
Statistics.var(x,w,corrected=false) #Julia's default function
sum(w.*(x.-mean(x)).^2)/sum(w) #my own formula
When I read the docs for the "var" function, it says that the formula for "corrected=false" is
the one I wrote.
You have to subtract a weighted mean in your formula to get the same result:
or (to expand it)
sum(w.*(x.- sum(w.*x)/sum(w)).^2)/sum(w)

Calculating the MSE by definition vs. Var - Bias

So I am trying to calculate the MSE in two ways.
Say T is an estimator for the value t.
First I am trying to calculate it in R by using the theorem:
MSE(T) = Var(T) + (Bias(T))^2
Secondly, I am trying to calculate it in R by definition, i.e. MSE(T) = E((T-t)^2).
And say that T is an unbiased estimator, i.e. Bias(T) = 0
So in R, MSE(T) = Var(T) which we can just in R: var(T)
But when I try calculating the MSE by definition I get a different number from Var(T)...
And I think that my formula that I wrote in R is wrong, this is what I wrote for MSE definition in R:
It was suggested that "weighted.mean" is equivalent to the "expected value" function.
So I wrote: weighted.mean( (T - 2)^2) where my t = 2.
I hope I provided enough information to get help, thanks in advance.

How to do an inverse log transformation in R?

I am familiar with regular log transformations:
DF1$RT <- log(DF1$RT)
How do I perform an inverse log transformation in R?
The term inverse can be used with different meanings. The meanings are:
reciprocal. In this case the inverse of log(x) is 1/log(x)
inverse function. In this case it refers to solving the equation log(y) = x for y in which case the inverse transformation is exp(x) assuming the log is base e. (In general, the solution is b^x if the log is of base b. For example, if log10(y) = x then the inverse transformation is 10^x.)

Understanding R syntax (using knots)

Being more MatLab than R, I ran into this bit of code:
z <- knots(y)
k <- ecdf(data)(z)
So knots is a interpolating step function so presumably the second line of code somehow "applies" this interpolation to empirical CDF of the data? How exactly do you read this syntax? What does it mean?

How to compute the inverse of a close to singular matrix in R?

I want to minimize function FlogV (working with a multinormal distribution, Z is data matrix NxC; SIGMA it´s a square matrix CxC of var-covariance of data, R a vector with length C)
FLogV <- function(P){
(here I define parameters, P, within R and SIGMA)
logC <- (C/2)*N*log(2*pi)+(1/2)*N*log(det(SIGMA))
SOMA.t <- 0
for (j in 1:N){
SOMA.t <- SOMA.t+sum(t(Z[j,]-R)%*%solve(SIGMA)%*%(Z[j,]-R))
MlogV <- logC + (1/2)*SOMA.t
minLogV <- optim(P,FLogV)
All this is part of an extend code which was already tested and works well, except in the most important thing: I can´t optimize because I get this error:
“Error in solve.default(SIGMA) :
system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 3.57726e-55”
If I use ginv() or pseudoinverse() or qr.solve() I get:
“Error in svd(X) : infinite or missing values in 'x'”
The thing is: if I take the SIGMA matrix after the error message, I can solve(SIGMA), the eigen values are all positive and the determinant is very small but positive
[1] 3.384674e-76
[1] 0.066490265 0.024034173 0.018738777 0.015718562 0.013568884 0.013086845
[31] 0.002414433 0.002061556 0.001795105 0.001607811
I already read several papers about change matrices like SIGMA (which are close to singular), did several transformations on data scale and form but I realized that, for a 34x34 matrix like the example, after det(SIGMA) close to e-40, R assumes it like 0 and calculation fails; also I can´t reduce matrix dimensions and can´t input in my function correction algorithms to singular matrices because R can´t evaluate it working with this optimization functions like optim. I really appreciate any suggestion to this problem.
Thanks in advance,
Maria D.
It isn't clear from your post whether the failure is coming from det() or solve()
If its just the solve in the quadratic term, you may want to try the two argument version of solve, it can be a bit more stable. solve(X,Y) is the same as solve(X) %*% Y
If you can factor sigma using chol(), you will get a triangular matrix such that LL'=Sigma. The determinant is the product of the diagonals, and you might try this for the quadratic term:
crossprod( backsolve(L, Z[j,]-R))
