Finding address of a cell in 2d array - multidimensional-array

If the base address of a 2D array A[80][20] is 700, then find the address of cell A[1][18] if each cell contains 4 words and elements are arranged in column major order


How can I replicate an array multiple times to create a 3d array in R?

I have an array (mask) that I am using as a Land Sea mask in R of size 189x420.
I want to replicate this array to the 3-dimensional size of my dataset (let's call it sample_data) so that I can multiply one by the other to apply a land mask to my sample_data using the command below:
masked_data<- gridArithmetics(sample_data, mask, operator = "+")
If my sample_data is 60x189x420, I want to replicate my Land Sea Mask 60 times and create a new array of size 60x189x420.
I have tried:
But this returns a 3d array of size 189x420x60. If I use aperm to try and rotate/transpose it, I end up with an array of size 60x420x189, which is not useful as this is a Land mask and I don't want to transpose the data within each individual array.
How can I replicate my mask array to create a 3d array of size 60x189x420?
As an follow-on/alternative, is there any sort of dot notation in r that could be used to multiply one array (mask) (189x420) by 3-dimensional data (sample_data of size 60x189x420) so that the land mask is multiplied by each individual array within the sample data (so multiplication occurs 60 times to create a new (masked) array the same size as sample_data)?

How to obtain the maximum sum of the array with the following condition?

Suppose the problem posed is as follows:
On Mars there lives a colony of worms. Each worm is represented as elements in an 1D array. Worms decide to eat each other but any worm can eat only its nearest neighbour. Each worm has a preset amount of energy(i.e the value of the element). On Mars, the laws dictate that when a worm i with energy x eats another worm with energy y, the i-th worm’s final energy becomes x-y. A worm is allowed to have negative energy levels.
Find the maximum value of energy of the last standing worm.
Sample data:
0,-1,-1,-1,-1 has answer 4.
2,1,2,1 has answer 4.
What will be the suitable logic to address this problem?
This problem has a surprisingly simple O(N) solution.
If any two members in the array have different signs, the answer is then sum of absolute values of all elements.
To see why, imagine a single positive value in the array, all other elements are negative (Example 1). Now the best strategy would be keeping this value positive and gradually eating all neighbors away to increase this positive value. The position of the positive value doesn't matter. The strategy is same in case of a single negative element.
In more general case, if an array of size N have values of different signs, we can always find an array of size N-1 with different signs, because there must be a pair of neighbors with different sign, which we can combine to form a number of any sign we prefer.
For example with this array : [1,2,-5,4,-10]
we can combine either (2,-5) or (4,-10). Lets combine (4,-10) to get [1,2,-5,-14]
We can only take (2,-5) now. So our array now is : [1,-7,-14]
Again only (1,-7) possible. But this time we have to keep combined value positive. So we are left with: [8,-14]
Final combining gives us 22, sum of all absolute values.
In case of all values with same sign, our first move would be to produce an opposite sign combining a neighbor pair with as little "cost" as possible. Intuitively, we don't want to waste two big numbers on this conversion. If we take x,y neighbor pair, when combined the new value (of opposite sign) will be abs(x-y). Since result is simply sum of absolute values, we can interpret it as - "loosing" abs(x) and abs(y) from maximum possible output and "gaining" abs(x-y) instead. So the "cost" for using this pair for sign conversion is abs(x)+abs(y)-abs(x-y). Since we need to minimise this cost, we choose from initial array neighbor pair that have lowest such value.
So if we take the above array but now all values are positive [1,2,5,4,10]:
"cost" of converting (1,2) to -1 is 1+2-abs(-1)=2.
"cost" of converting (2,5) to -3 is 2+5-abs(-3)=4.
"cost" of converting (5,4) to -1 is 5+4-abs(-1)=8.
"cost" of converting (4,10) to -6 is 4+10-abs(-6)=8.
So, we take and convert pair (1,2) to -1. Then just sum absolute values of resultant array to get 20. Notice that this value is exactly 2 less than our previous example.

How to create multidimensional space of points in R

I created one dimensional array of random numbers between 0 and 1 using
myData <- runif(1000, 0.0, 1.0);
How can I create an n dimensional array of 1000 nodes. for example a 10 dimensional random points
The function array() will create an array of arbitrary number of dimensions. The dim argument specifies the dimensions. So, to create an array of 1000 points in a 10x10x10 array, we use
a <- array(runif(1000), dim=c(10,10,10))
This can be extrapolated to any number of dimensions you wish.
For example
a <- array(runif(1000), dim=c(2,2,2,5,5,5))
creates a 6 dimensional array with 1000 (=2*2*2*5*5*5) points. There is no way to decompose 1000 points into a 10 dimensional array, unless some of the dimensions have length 1.
To access values of the array, you can use standard subsetting with [ ], and specify the correct number of dimensions within the brackets. E.g.
# [1] 0.3232738
It is worth noting that a matrix in R is simply a special case of an array with two dimensions.

COUNTIF where criterion is a specific sequence of cells

I'm doing some work with arithmetic sequences modulo P, in which the sequences become periodic under the modulo. My worksheet generates a sequence mod P with the first term being 0, the second term being a number K (referencing another cell), and the following terms following the recurrence relation. The period of the sequence (number of values before it repeats itself) is related to the ratio P/K, s, for example, if P=2 and K=1, I get the sequence {0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,...}, which has a period of 3, so when P/K=2, the period is 3.
I currently have a formula which uses the COUNTIF function to count the number of zeroes in the range, which is then divided out of the total range, currently an arbitrary size of 120, and this gives me the correct period for many ratios of P/K. Most of the time, however, the sequence generated exhibits semi-periodicity and sometimes even quasi-periodicity, such as in the case of K=1 and modulo 9: {0,1,1,2,3,5,8,4,3,7,1,8,0,8,8,7,6,4,1,5,6,2,8,1,...}, where P/K=9, the period is 24, and the semi-period is 12 (because of the 0,8,8,... part of the sequence). In such cases, my current COUNTIF formula thinks the full period is 12, even though it should be 24, because it counts the zeroes which define the semi-period.
What I would like to do is adjust the formula so that instead of the criterion for counting being 0, it would only count triplet sequences of cells in the pattern 0,K,K.
My current formula:
So if I have =QUOTIENT(120,(COUNTIF(B2:DQ2,*X*))) I want the "X", which is currently 0, to reference a specific sequence of cells, namely the first three of the overall series, so something like: =QUOTIENT(120,(COUNTIF(B2:DQ2,(0,C2,D2)))) although obviously that criterion is not in remotely the correct syntax.
I'm not well-versed in writing macros, so that would probably be out of the question.
I would do this with four helper rows plus the final formula. Someone more clever than I am might be able to do it in one cell with an array formula; but compared to array formulas I think the helper rows are easier to understand and, if desired, tweak.
Once this is set up, if you're always going to use three as your criterion, you can hide the helper rows (to hide a row, right-click on the gray number label on the left side of the spreadsheet, and choose "hide").
So your sequence is in row 2, starting in column B. We'll set up the first helper row in row 3, starting in column C. In cell C3 put the formula =C2=$B$2. This will evaluate to FALSE, which is equivalent to 0. Copy and paste that formula all the way to cell DQ3 (or however many columns you want to run it). Cells below a sequence number equal to the first number in the sequence will evaluate to TRUE, which is equivalent to 1.
The next two helper rows are very similar. In cell D4 put the formula =D2=$C$2 and copy and paste to cell DQ4. This row tests which cells are equal to the second number in the sequence.
In cell E5 put the formula =E2=$D$2 and copy and paste to cell DQ5, showing which cells are equal to the third number in the sequence.
The last helper row is a little different, so I left an empty row after the first three helpers. In cell E7 I put the formula =SUM(C3,D4,E5); copy and paste that over to column DQ. This counts how many matches were found in the previous three helper rows. If all three match, the result of this formula will be 3 and your criterion for determining the period will have been fulfilled.
Now to show the period: in the cell you want to have this number, put the formula =MATCH(3,E7:DQ7,0). This searches the last (fourth) helper row looking for a cell that is equal to 3. (Obviously you could modify this method to match only the first two sequence numbers, or to match more than 3, and then you'd adjust the first parameter in the MATCH formula.) The last parameter in this MATCH formula is 0 because the helper row is not sorted. The return value is the index of the first match: a match in E7 would be index 1, a match in E8 would be index 2, etc.
I tested this in LibreOffice

How to select multiple cells in a matrix and perform an operation on corresponding cells in another matrix of the same size?

I am trying to write an R script to do pollution routing in world rivers, and need some help on selecting matrix cell coordinates and applying these to other matrices of the same dimension.
My data: I have several matrices corresponding to hydrological parameters of world rivers on a half degree grid (360 rows, 720 columns). These matrices represent flow accumulation (how many cells flow into this cell), flow direction (which of the 8 surrounding cells does the load of certain cell flow to) and pollutant load.
My idea: compute pollutant load in each grid cell from the start to the end of a river. I can base this on flow accumulation (low to high). However, each river basin can have multiple cells with the same flow accumulation value.
The problem: I need to select all matrix cells of each value of flow accumulation (low to high), find their coordinates (row,column), and transfer the corresponding pollutant load to the correct adjacent cell using the flow direction matrix. I have tried various ways, but selecting the coordinates of the correct cells and applying these to another matrix I cannot get to work.
I will give an example of what I have tried, using two for loops on one single river basin. In this example, a flow direction value of 1 means that the pollutant load needs to be transferred to the adjacent cell to the right (row is the same, column +1):
BasinFlowAccumulation <-FlowAccumulation[Basin]
BasinFlowAccumulationMaximum <- max(BasinFlowAccumulation)
BasinFlowDirection <-FlowDirection[Basin]
BasinPollutant <-Pollutant[Basin]
for(i in 0:BasinFlowAccumulationMaximum){
cells.index<-which(BasinFlowAccumulation[]==b, arr.ind=TRUE)
for (j in 1:length(cells.index)){
ifelse(BasinFlowDirection[cells.index[j]]==1, BasinPollutant[Row,(Column+1)]<-BasinPollutant[Row,(Column+1)]+Basinpollutant[Row,Column]
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
