How to bootstrap custom locale resolver to validator in a quarkus rest api application - hibernate-validator

I've created a custom locale resolver for the purpose of internationalization of quarkus rest application. Since I'm new to quarkus, could you please let me know where should I write the following bootstrap code in the application,
ValidatorFactory validatorFactory = Validation.byProvider(HibernateValidator.class)
.locales(Locale.GERMAN, Locale.FRENCH, Locale.ITALIAN)
return validatorFactory.getValidator();
Also, how should I make controller class to know that locale has to be resolved before sending the response.Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
I referred this link for internationalization -
Adding the custom locale resolver, getting null for httpheader from resteasycontext.
public class ResteasyContextLocaleResolver implements LocaleResolver {
public Locale resolve(LocaleResolverContext context) {
Optional<List<Locale.LanguageRange>> localePriorities = getAcceptableLanguages();
if (!localePriorities.isPresent()) {
return context.getDefaultLocale();
List<Locale> resolvedLocales = Locale.filter(localePriorities.get(), context.getSupportedLocales());
if (resolvedLocales.size() > 0) {
return resolvedLocales.get(0);
return context.getDefaultLocale();
private Optional<List<Locale.LanguageRange>> getAcceptableLanguages() {
HttpHeaders httpHeaders = ResteasyContext.getContextData(HttpHeaders.class);
if (httpHeaders != null) {
List<String> acceptLanguageList = httpHeaders.getRequestHeader("Accept-Language");
if (acceptLanguageList != null && !acceptLanguageList.isEmpty()) {
return Optional.of(Locale.LanguageRange.parse(acceptLanguageList.get(0)));
return Optional.empty();

This is documented in the Hibernate Validator guide for Quarkus:
You can configure this behavior by adding the following configuration in your
# The default locale to use
If you are using RESTEasy Reactive, in the context of a JAX-RS endpoint, Hibernate Validator will automatically resolve the optimal locale to use from the Accept-Language HTTP header, provided the supported locales have been properly specified in the
# The list of all the supported locales
If the built-in feature that resolves the locale from the Accept-Language HTTP header suits your needs, then you do not need a custom locale resolver.
If that built-in feature isn't enough for some reason, you can declare your locale resolver as a CDI bean and it should get automatically picked up:
public class MyLocaleResolver implements LocaleResolver {
// ...
If that doesn't work for some reason, you can probably use a ValidatorFactoryCustomizer:
public class MyValidatorFactoryCustomizer implements ValidatorFactoryCustomizer {
public void customize(BaseHibernateValidatorConfiguration<?> configuration) {
That last solution will, however, completely override any built-in locale resolver: the Accept-Language HTTP header will get completely ignored.


How to use ResourceProcessorHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler in a spring-hateos project

When using spring-data-rest there is a post processing of Resource classes returned from Controllers (e.g. RepositoryRestControllers). The proper ResourceProcessor is called in the post processing.
The class responsible for this is ResourceProcessorHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler which is part of spring-hateoas.
I now have a project that only uses spring-hateoas and I wonder how to configure ResourceProcessorHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler in such a scenario. It looks like the auto configuration part of it still resides in spring-data-rest.
Any hints on how to enable ResourceProcessorHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler in a spring-hateoas context?
I've been looking at this recently too, and documentation on how to achieve this is non-existent. If you create a bean of type ResourceProcessorInvokingHandlerAdapter, you seem to lose the the auto-configured RequestMappingHandlerAdapter and all its features. As such, I wanted to avoid using this bean or losing the WebMvcAutoConfiguration, since all I really wanted was the ResourceProcessorHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler.
You can't just add a ResourceProcessorHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler via WebMvcConfigurer.addReturnValueHandlers, because what we need to do is actually override the entire list, as is what happens in ResourceProcessorInvokingHandlerAdapter.afterPropertiesSet:
public void afterPropertiesSet() {
// Retrieve actual handlers to use as delegate
HandlerMethodReturnValueHandlerComposite oldHandlers = getReturnValueHandlersComposite();
// Set up ResourceProcessingHandlerMethodResolver to delegate to originally configured ones
List<HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler> newHandlers = new ArrayList<HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler>();
newHandlers.add(new ResourceProcessorHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler(oldHandlers, invoker));
// Configure the new handler to be used
So, without a better solution available, I added a BeanPostProcessor to handle setting the List of handlers on an existing RequestMappingHandlerAdapter:
public class ResourceProcessorHandlerMethodReturnValueHandlerConfigurer implements BeanPostProcessor {
private final Collection<ResourceProcessor<?>> resourceProcessors;
public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName)
throws BeansException {
if (bean instanceof RequestMappingHandlerAdapter) {
RequestMappingHandlerAdapter requestMappingHandlerAdapter = (RequestMappingHandlerAdapter) bean;
List<HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler> handlers =
HandlerMethodReturnValueHandlerComposite delegate =
handlers instanceof HandlerMethodReturnValueHandlerComposite ?
(HandlerMethodReturnValueHandlerComposite) handlers :
new HandlerMethodReturnValueHandlerComposite().addHandlers(handlers);
new ResourceProcessorHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler(delegate,
new ResourceProcessorInvoker(resourceProcessors))));
return requestMappingHandlerAdapter;
else return bean;
This has seemed to work so far...

Serve static content in Spring Boot despite using #RequestMapping("**")

The context
I am currently working on an educational project. This implies two Spring Boot REST servers. One is an actual server, which does some processing.
The one I'm interested in is the other. It is a proxy which will redirect all calls to the first one. So that when I call http://localhost:8080/foo, my proxy server will in turn call http://localhost:8090/foo. And if the first server returns A, the proxy will return {"proxied": A, "someInformationAboutThisCall": B}.
I managed to get to this point with some probably inelegant but functioning code of which I give an excerpt below. The key here is that I use #RequestMapping("**") to achieve this. The next step is to design an interface that will make my additional information immediately legible, which is basically the point of this project. If I remove all #RequestMapping("**"), it works just fine.
The question
Now my problem is the following: having used #RequestMapping("**"), I cannot serve static content (the calls get redirect to the other REST server, which does not serve static content). How could I configure Spring Boot/Spring MVC to ignore resources available as static content when mapping the requests, or make the PathResourceResolver prioritary over my controller?` Or should I serve my static content from yet another JVM/server?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Edit of interest: while doing some tests, I discovered that the static content is served, with some restrictions, if I use #RequestMapping("*").
/index.html generates an error page (as does more generally any static content directly in public)
/itf/index.html works (as does more generally any file in public/itf or any other subdirectory of public)
/itf does not work: Spring Boot seems unaware of an index file in it. I must specify a full URI, down to the specific file I want to display.
This however does not work at all with #RequestMapping("**"), which I need.
The tentatives
I tried using a WebMvcConfigurerAdapter with an HandlerInterceptorAdapter (found on SO, SO again and many other places on the Internet), but could not start my project anymore because Spring boot then does not find the InterceptorRegistry bean (has there been recent changes in Spring Boot? I'm using the version 1.5.3.RELEASE).
I also tried some anti-matching but not only does it not work, it also feels very very dirty (and this whole project is probably not optimal, so that's saying a lot).
The code samples for the curious
My "proxy" controller
Note: you can suggest better ways to realize this in comments. Please keep in mind that, though I'm always open to enhancement suggestions, this was not my question.
public class ProxyController {
#Value("${monitored.url.base}") // "http://localhost:8090"
private String redirectBase;
#RequestMapping(value = "**", method = {RequestMethod.POST, RequestMethod.PUT})
public ProxiedResponse proxifyRequestsWithBody(HttpServletRequest request, #RequestHeader HttpHeaders headers, #RequestBody Object body) throws URISyntaxException {
return proxifyRequest(request, headers, body);
#RequestMapping(value = "**")
public ProxiedResponse proxifyRequestsWithoutBody(HttpServletRequest request, #RequestHeader HttpHeaders headers) throws URISyntaxException {
return proxifyRequest(request, headers, null);
private ProxiedResponse proxifyRequest(HttpServletRequest request, #RequestHeader HttpHeaders headers, #RequestBody Object body) throws URISyntaxException {
final RequestEntity<Object> requestEntity = convertToRequestEntity(request, headers, body);
// call remote service
final ResponseEntity<Object> proxied =, Object.class);
// Return service result + monitoring information
final ProxiedResponse response = new ProxiedResponse();
// set additional information
return response;
// Won't work properly for POST yet
private <T> RequestEntity<T> convertToRequestEntity(HttpServletRequest request, HttpHeaders headers, T body) throws URISyntaxException {
// Build proxied URL
final StringBuilder redirectUrl = new StringBuilder(redirectBase).append(request.getRequestURI());
final String queryString = request.getQueryString();
if (queryString != null) {
// TODO enhancement: transmit headers and request body to make this a real proxy
final HttpMethod httpMethod = HttpMethod.valueOf(request.getMethod());
return new RequestEntity<>(body, headers, httpMethod, new URI(redirectUrl.toString()));
My dirty attempt at excluding static resources URLs
#Configuration // adding #EnableWebMvc did not solve the problem
public class WebMvcConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
private static class StaticResourcesHandlerInterceptor extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter {
public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) throws Exception {
final String requestURI = request.getRequestURI();
if (requestURI == null || "/".equals(requestURI) || "/index.html".equals(requestURI) || requestURI.startsWith("/assets")) {
return super.preHandle(request, response, null);
return super.preHandle(request, response, handler);
public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
registry.addInterceptor(new StaticResourcesHandlerInterceptor()).addPathPatterns("/**");
You can split the path into a wild-card, and a named path variable which must match a negative lookahead regular expression.
You can then use #PathVariable String variable as an argument of your controller method to obtain the value of variable if you need to pass it.
(Would rather have written a comment but I have insufficient reputation)
Try to add the #EnableWebMvc annotation to your configuration:
public class WebMvcConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {

ASP.NET allow anonymous access to OData $metadata when site has global AuthorizeAttribute

I have an ASP.NET OData site that has the following in the WebApiConfig file:
config.Filters.Add(new AuthorizeAttribute())
This forces all callers to authenticate before calling any of the controllers.
Unfortunately, this also forces user authentication to access the "$metadata" url.
I need to globally force authentication for all controller access while also allowing anonymous access the the "$metadata" url.
I realize this question has already been answered, but I have a couple concerns with the accepted answer:
Assumes the metadata endpoint will not change
Requires updating the code if an endpoint is added/moved
Does not handle the root endpoint (without /$meatdata)
I agree with creating your own AuthorizeAttribute, but I would implement the method a little differently.
protected override bool IsAuthorized(HttpActionContext actionContext)
if (actionContext.ControllerContext.Controller is System.Web.OData.MetadataController)
return true;
return base.IsAuthorized(actionContext);
My solution simply checks to see if the controller being accessed is OData's MetadataController. If it is, allow anyone access, otherwise, go through the normal authorization checks.
Create a custom filter that derives from AuthorizeAttribute and override the IsAuthorized method as follows:
public class CustomAuthorizationFilter : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override bool IsAuthorized(HttpActionContext actionContext)
if (actionContext.Request.RequestUri.AbsolutePath == "/$metadata" ||
actionContext.Request.RequestUri.AbsolutePath == "/%24metadata")
return true;
return base.IsAuthorized(actionContext);
Register the filter:
config.Filters.Add(new CustomAuthorizationFilter());
I wanted to add one more option. If you replace the default Web API dependency resolver (HttpConfiguration.DependencyResolver = YourIDependencyResolver) you can intercept the request for the metadata controller (ODataMetadataController or MetadataController, depending on the version of the OData library) and replace it with your own implementation, like below:
[AllowAnonymous, OverrideAuthorization]
public class AnonymousODataMetadataController : ODataMetadataController
protected override void Initialize(HttpControllerContext controllerContext)
// You must replace the controller descriptor because it appears
// that the AuthorizeAttribute is pulled from the
// controllerContext.ControllerDescriptor.ControllerType (which
// is the original type) instead of from controlContext.Controller
// (which is the type we injected).
controllerContext.ControllerDescriptor = new HttpControllerDescriptor
Configuration = controllerContext.Configuration,
ControllerName = GetType().Name,
ControllerType = GetType()
See Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Web API 2 for info about the Web API dependency injection system.

Return raw strings from #SubscribeMapping with STOMP/WebSockets/Spring

I've got a Spring-MVC controller using STOMP over websockets. Everything works fine apart from the String received in my STOMP JavaScript client upon subscription has been escaped, presumably by Spring.
All the examples I can find on the web and in official documentation uses POJOs for the return types and then uses Jackson JSON conversion auto-magically - I do not want this as the JSON I return is entirely dynamic - how do I switch this nonsense off so I can just return a plain string!?
public class FooController {
public String getUser() {
String json = customJsonConversion();
return json;
JSON received looks is in this form "{\"x\":1}" if output of customJsonConversion is {"x":1}
Looks like you want to disable Jackson conversion. It is registered by default AbstractMessageBrokerConfiguration#brokerMessageConverter():
if (registerDefaults) {
if (jackson2Present) {
DefaultContentTypeResolver resolver = new DefaultContentTypeResolver();
MappingJackson2MessageConverter converter = new MappingJackson2MessageConverter();
converters.add(new StringMessageConverter());
converters.add(new ByteArrayMessageConverter());
To disable that you should do this in your custom WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer:
public boolean configureMessageConverters(List<MessageConverter> messageConverters) {
messageConverters.add(new StringMessageConverter());
messageConverters.add(new ByteArrayMessageConverter());
return false;

ASP.NET Web API Controller Specific Serializer

I've a self host Web API with 2 controllers:
For controller 1, I need default DataContractSerializer (I'm exposing EF 5 POCO)
For controller 2, I need XmlFormatter with parameter UseXmlSerializer set to true (I'm exposing an XmlDocument)
I've tried to set formatters during controller initialization, but the configuration seems to be global, affecting all controllers:
public class CustomConfigAttribute : Attribute, IControllerConfiguration
public void Initialize(HttpControllerSettings settings,
HttpControllerDescriptor descriptor)
settings.Formatters.XmlFormatter.UseXmlSerializer = true;
How can I solve this?
You were very much on the right track. But you need to initallise a new instance of the XmlMediaTypeFormatter in your config attributes otherwise you will affect the global reference.
As you know, you need to create 2 attributes based on the IControllerConfiguration interface.
public class Controller1ConfigAttribute : Attribute, IControllerConfiguration
public void Initialize(HttpControllerSettings controllerSettings,
HttpControllerDescriptor controllerDescriptor)
var xmlFormater = new XmlMediaTypeFormatter {UseXmlSerializer = true};
public class Controller2ConfigAttribute : Attribute, IControllerConfiguration
public void Initialize(HttpControllerSettings controllerSettings,
HttpControllerDescriptor controllerDescriptor)
var xmlFormater = new XmlMediaTypeFormatter();
Then decorate your controllers with the relevant attribute
public class Controller1Controller : ApiController
public class Controller2Controller : ApiController
config.Formatters.Insert(0, new CustomXmlMediaTypeFormatter());
The Custom formatter:
public class CustomXmlMediaTypeFormatter : XmlMediaTypeFormatter
public CustomXmlMediaTypeFormatter()
UseXmlSerializer = true;
This seems to work, ok not so elegant.
Removing default Xml Formatter does not work,
so I concluded that the framework is somehow still using it.
Mark Jones' answer has a big downside: By clearing all formatters it is not possible to request different ContentTypes and make use of the relevant formatter.
A better way to enable the XMLSerializer per Controller is to replace the default formatter.
public class UseXMLSerializerAttribute : Attribute, IControllerConfiguration
public void Initialize(HttpControllerSettings controllerSettings, HttpControllerDescriptor controllerDescriptor)
// Find default XMLFormatter
var xmlFormatter = controllerSettings.Formatters.FirstOrDefault(c => c.SupportedMediaTypes.Any(x => x.MediaType == "application/xml"));
if (xmlFormatter != null)
// Remove default formatter
// Add new XMLFormatter which uses XmlSerializer
controllerSettings.Formatters.Add(new XmlMediaTypeFormatter { UseXmlSerializer = true });
And use it like this:
public TestController : ApiController
I think you could write a custom ActionFilterAttribute.
In OnActionExecuting, store away the original values in the HttpContext and then in OnActionExecuted, restore the original values.
the controllers actions themselves should not be concerned with how the data is serialized. yo should be able to request the data and any format necessary the operation to retrieve the data would be the same.
by default web api serialized to json objects. however if you set the content type of the request to xml is should return the same result, but formatted as xml instead of json.
