Need a query to retrieve complete graph - gremlin

I am trying to retrieve all the node and properties details in parent-child hierarchy.
Nested within each other.
Since I am new with gremlin, graphDB I am having really tough time to get it done.
Please suggest a solution and if you could walk me through it, it will be great.
Following is my structure
And I am trying to keep the response as clean as possible.
I am using cosmosDB and Gremlin.
NET api for this.
I tried the following but it gave me response in key value,
please any kind of suggestion would be great.

I"m not sure what format you want your result, but use of path(), tree() or subgraph() would typically give you the graph structure. Since you are using CosmosDB, you're only options are path() and tree() as subgraph() does not appear to be supported.
Using this sample graph as a simple tree:
g.addV().property(id, '1').as('1').
addV().property(id, '2a').as('2a').
addV().property(id, '2b').as('2b').
addV().property(id, '3a').as('3a').
addV().property(id, '4a').as('4a').
you can see the effect of path() which basically gathers the contents of each step Gremlin took:
gremlin> g.V('1').repeat(out()).emit().path()
Since I used out() we don't see the edges, but that is easily remedied by adding making a small adjustment to directly consume edges into the path history:
gremlin> g.V('1').repeat(outE().inV()).emit().path()
Taken together with duplication removed on your application side you have a complete graph with path().
Replacing path() with tree() will essentially do that deduplication by maintaining the tree structure of the path history:
gremlin> g.V('1').repeat(out()).emit().tree()
gremlin> g.V('1').repeat(outE().inV()).emit().tree()
The Tree is just represented as a Map where each key represents a like a root and value is another Tree (i.e. the branches from it). It is perhaps better visualized this way:
gremlin> g.V('1').repeat(out()).emit().tree().unfold()
==>v[1]={v[2b]={}, v[2a]={v[3a]={v[4a]={}}}}
gremlin> g.V('1').repeat(out()).emit().tree().unfold().next().value
If neither of these structures are suitable and subgraph() is not available you can technically just capture and return the edges you traverse as the low level elements of your subgraph as described in this blog post.
Given the comments on this answer I also present the following option which used group():
gremlin> g.V('1').emit().
......1> repeat(outE().group('a').by(outV()).by(inV().fold()).inV()).cap('a').unfold()
==>v[1]=[v[2a], v[2b]]
It's not exactly a "tree" but if you know the root (in this case v[1]) you can find its key in the Map. The values are the children. You can then look up each of those keys in the Map to find if they have children and so on. For example, we can lookup v[2b] and find that it has no children while looking up [v2a] reveals a single child of [v3a]. Gremlin can be pretty flexible in getting answers if you can be sorta flexible in how you deal with the results.


Concatenate Gremlin GraphTraversal result with string

In this very simple example I am trying to add a new vertex which should be labeled like an existing vertex but with some prefix attached:
g.V(1).addV('prefix_' + label()).valueMap(true)
What am I missing here? It's clearly not a String, but how would I serialize that?
gremlin> g.V(1).label()
gremlin> g.V(1).constant(label())
Gremlin today does not provide a built in string concatenation function. It would be nice if it did. That means your best alternative today is to use an in line closure/lambda. Here is an example using TinkerGraph and the air-routes graph.
gremlin> g.V(3).map {"prefix_" + it.get().label}.as('a').addV(select('a'))
gremlin> g.V(60867).label()
Note that not all graph databases allow closures so this cannot be assumed to work universally on any TinkerPop enabled Graph DB backend.

Gremlin/Neptune: sort edges by vertex property

Using the gremlin console connected remotely to a Neptune DB instance, I am grabbing all edges with a specific label and want to sort them by the id of the out vertex. I'm getting this error: "code":"UnsupportedOperationException","detailedMessage":" cannot be cast to".
Sample data:
Queries and outputs:
" cannot be cast to"}
I expect the result of that last one to be the same as the first. I've tried the same traversal in a TinkerGraph and didn't get an error, so judging by that and the message it's specifically a Neptune problem. Googling hasn't brought up anything.
Is there a traversal that will do what I'm looking for? What am I doing wrong?
I will look into why the error is being thrown but in the near term I think this workaround should work. Please let me know if it does not.

Query ACL graph using gremlin with parent hierarchy check

my ACL graph
In Summary every user or group who have access to Folder1 will have access to File1
usecase #1 - checking access for user1 on Folder1, which works fine with below gremlin
usecase #2 - checking access for user1 on File1, how can modify above gremlin to achieve this ? im pretty much new to gremlin and doing a POC on janusgraph for my employer.
First things first: You should always start with a script that people can run to create your sample graph. Also, formatting the code in your question wouldn't hurt.
With that said, here's the script that creates your graph:
g =
...and the query you're looking for:

Have Gremlin-console show all the methods available for a specific object?

In gremlin-console, is there a way to show all the methods available for a specific object?
For example, In gremlin-console if I type g.V().hasLabel("person") and I want to see what methods I can chain/call for the object returned by g.V().hasLabel("person"). How do you do that?
The answer is to use the <Tab> key.
gremlin> "test".c
capitalize() center( charAt( chars() codePointAt( codePointBefore( codePointCount( codePoints() collectReplacements( compareTo(
compareToIgnoreCase( concat( contains( contentEquals( count(
However, I'm finding that it is not working for something like g.V().o which I'd hoped would have shown out(). Apparently, the groovy shell (which is what the Gremlin Console is based on) doesn't seem to want to do the auto-complete on a fluent API. It seems to only work on the first object on which you are calling the method:
gremlin> g.
E( V( addV( addV() close() inject( tx() withBindings( withBulk(
withComputer( withComputer() withPath() withRemote( withSack( withSideEffect( withStrategies( withoutStrategies( anonymousTraversalClass
bytecode graph strategies
gremlin> x = g.V();[]
gremlin> x.o
option( optional( or( order( order() otherV() out( outE( outV()
gremlin> x.o
That stinks...that's not really a TinkerPop issue - we rely on the groovysh for that functionality. Not much we can do there I don't think....
Of course, you are using DSE Graph which means you have access to DataStax Studio which not only has the auto-complete that you're looking for but also schema support (and more!). I'd suggest that you switch to that.

Why AddEdgeStep doesn't work after DropStep of edges in the same traversal using Gremlin?

I have this code which essentially updates properties, removes all old IsOfType edges and adds new IsOfType edges (if I remove all the method/class abstraction and make it inline):
traversal = g.V("Entity:633471488:519").as("entity");
//update properties"text", "new text");"description", "new description");
//drop typeEdges"entity").outE("IsOfType").drop();
//even that causes the same issue(!):"entity").outE("HasInner").drop();
System.out.println("traversal after type edges deletion: " +traversal);
//make new typeEdges
System.out.println("traversal after type edges addition: " +traversal);
Everything works (even the drop of existing IsOfType edges). But the creation of the new IsOfType edges doesn't seem to be resulting in new edges on the graph. If I comment out the drop, then creation works fine (!) It is as if the DropStep which is before the addEdgeStep is happening at the end. I even tried to drop other type of edge and it is causing the same issue (!). It might be that implicit transaction handling is deciding to commit when a drop() happens as it is with next(), iterate() and forEachRemaining() ?? If that is the case then drops and creations can't happen within the same transaction using Fluent API which renders it not very useful for real applications :(
Here is the state of the traversals after the deletion and after the additon of two IsOfType edges in my run (I tried both Java and Datastax Studio Console):
traversal after type edges deletion:
AddPropertyStep({value=[Entity], key=[atClass]}),
AddPropertyStep({value=[FilmWithSuperCategories aaa], key=[text]}),
AddPropertyStep({value=[dffsdfsd f2313], key=[description]}),
traversal after type edges addition:
AddPropertyStep({value=[Entity], key=[atClass]}),
AddPropertyStep({value=[FilmWithSuperCategories aaa], key=[text]}),
AddPropertyStep({value=[dffsdfsd f2313], key=[description]}),
AddEdgeStep({~from=[[SelectOneStep(entity)]], ~to=[[SelectOneStep(type-0)]], label=[IsOfType]}),
AddEdgeStep({~from=[[SelectOneStep(entity)]], ~to=[[SelectOneStep(type-1)]], label=[IsOfType]})
From what I read here (
The drop()-step (filter/sideEffect) is used to remove element and properties from the graph (i.e. remove). It is a filter step because the traversal yields no outgoing objects.
There are no objects being returned so it is not possible to do anything after a drop happens! so I am curious how I can do multiple drops/additions in a single transaction using DSE Graph Fluent API
You can wrap your drop in a sideEffect step, e.g.:
