Unable public access to Elasticsearch on AWS EC2 - kibana

When I change the config of elasticsearch.yml
After that I can not start the elastic search
I would like to get public access for Elastic search and Kibana on AWS EC2 and I don’t know how to config them.
I also would like to get public access to Kibana.


How to config bitnami/nginx as L4 reverse proxy?

I'm using eks, aws-rds, binami/nginx (not bitnami/nginx-ingress-controller) with AWS NLB, my aws-rds is private access only, eks server can access it. one ec2 in another aws account want to access the private rds throuth nginx server (NLB).
ec2(vpc2) -> nginx (eks/vpc1) -> rds(vpc1)
How should i configure the bitnami/nginx Chart values.yaml? I have other solutions, but this question want to discuss bitnami/nginx solution.

Can't Connect to RDS mysql DB from Wordpress on Ubuntu 18.04 EC2 Instance

I'm trying to run Wordpress on my Ec2 instance with RDS MySQL database.
Here's the tutorial I've followed https://cristianocastro.net/instalando-wordpress-em-um-servidor-amazon-aws-pt-2-3/
But when I try to access the Ec2 instance that connect to the RDS on the browser it shows this message
Error establishing a database connection
I put in the security group inbound and outbound all traffic anywhere.
Here's the print from my security group rule.
Appreciate the help
PS: Saw this question, with no anwser Can't Connect to RDS mysql DB from Wordpress on Amazon linux EC2 Instance
Edit: Rules from security group of the ec2 instance that will access RDS.
Based on the info you provided it seems your RDS is publicly accessible via the internet and connections are going to be accepted from any host (you might want to restrict these later)
Assuming that your software setup (OS, php, MySQL libraries, Wordpress) is okay and you’re using the right parameters in the WP configuration (host, port, user, password, db).
One of the remaining issues might be that the Security Group attached to your EC2 instance doesn’t allow connectivity on port 3306 (MySQL) towards the IP Address of your RDS instance.
It appears that you have:
An Amazon EC2 instance
An Amazon RDS instance
The typical security configuration would be:
The Amazon RDS database configured as Publicly Accessible = No
A Security Group (EC2-SG) on the Amazon EC2 instance that permits inbound traffic from your desired locations (eg port 22 for SSH), and default Outbound rules permitting all traffic outbound
A Security Group (RDS-SG) on the Amazon RDS database instance that permits inbound traffic on port 3306 from EC2-SG
That is, RDS-SG should specifically reference EC2-SG to permit the inbound connection.
The app running on the EC2 instance should reference the RDS database via the DNS Name shown in the RDS console.

Is it possible to route a block of public IPs to an EC2 instance?

I am trying to associate a pool of public proxies (1,024) to an EC2 instance on AWS. This EC2 instance is setup with squid proxy to forward all of my http requests. The goal is to be able to be able to pass in any of these public IPs to my requests and it will route it to this instance which is communicating with the Internet Gateway. Per AWS documentations https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/using-eni.html, there is a max number of IPs that can be associated to an instance. Is there a way to get around this or somehow leverage a custom route table to get this to work?

How can I make mysql access public and not restricted only to localhost?

I'm trying to connect zapier to the mysql db installed with a bitnami wp site in aws, but it seems I cannot connect them if the access is only restricted to the localhost. Any idea on how to change this in order to make it work?
this is what my security group looks like:
this is what my registered targets look like:
this is the info zapier asks for in order to connect:
WARNING: These instructions suppose an important security risk. I do not recommend to open your database to the public under any circumstances
You need to edit the /opt/bitnami/mysql/my.cnf and change
Then restart mysql
sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh restart mysql
Apart from that, you will need to open your firewall port in AWS. Here you have a guide for that

WSO2 API Manager not working in AWS EC2

I have configured combination of API Manager and pre configured Identity server in AWS EC2 .
The problem is that API Manager internally refers to the private IP and its invoking the API using the private IP and the private IP is not accessible from internet.
suppose if i have /users/add API , when i use the swagger console , its trying to invoke the privateIp/users/add which is not working...
How to solve this?
I tried to hit using publicip/users/add ;but its neither giving any results.
Thank You
You can set your public IP or Hostname in carbon.xml for HostName and MgtHostName.
Host name or IP address of the machine hosting this server
e.g. www.wso2.org,
This is will become part of the End Point Reference of the
services deployed on this server instance.
Host name to be used for the Carbon management console
Also, you have to replace ${carbon.local.ip} in all configuration files by required IP/Hostname too.
