R - Clarifications on the expiration of Google's JSON tokens for the Gmail API if application is in "Testing" phase - r

I have developed an application in R through the shiny package, and deployed it online through the shinyapps.io service.
Among its different functions, the shiny app can send emails (through my personal Google Account) to users if the fill a form. The emails are sent through the functionalities of the gmailr package, and to make it work I had to follow the procedure on the Google Cloud Platform to create a JSON token, configure the OAuth consent screen, and store the credentials I obtain in a folder of my R project. All the steps to this process are reported at the end of this GitHub issue I opened a while ago.
The JSON token I generated on the Google Cloud Platform expires after some days.
After googling around, I noticed that this can happen if my "Application", on Google Cloud, is still in the Testing phase. First question about this statement:
What does it mean when Google refers, on the OAuth screen, as an Application in Testing phase? My application is already online on shinyapps.io, it's already functioning, and when I create a new token it can also send emails correctly (for a while).
In addition, on the Google's OAuth consent screen, I now have the possibility to "publish" such application. If I do that, the status changes as In production, and this message is displayed. Other questions:
What does it mean that the application will be available to everyone with a Google account? My application deployed on shinyapps.io doesn't require any login or any other data from the users, then what is this app they're talking about?
What will happen to users that try to connect to my application?
Are my credentials, as for example the JSON file, safe?
I know that there might be a lot of confusion in this post, but I am relly not an expert in this field, and so I am worried to make some mistakes.
Thanks a lot for your help!

The GMail API, OAuth and all, is typically meant to allow your app to send email on behalf of any user. It seems your use-case is a little different - you only ever need to connect one user: your own.
What does it mean when Google refers, on the OAuth screen, as an **Application in Testing phase? My application is already online on shinyapps.io, it's already functioning, and when I create a new token it can also send emails correctly (for a while).
I think you mostly answered this yourself in your further questions. Google thinks you're building an app that any GMail user can connect to, and so for security reasons, they want to differentiate between a test app and a production app. They don't necessarily know whether or not your app is published on shinyapps.io.
What does it mean that the application will be available to everyone with a Google account? My application deployed on shinyapps.io doesn't require any login or any other data from the users, then what is this app they're talking about?
I alluded to this earlier, but the GMail API is intended for apps that allow any GMail user to connect and manipulate their own email. Imagine a third-party email client, or similar. Again - Google's wording sounds a bit odd wrt your app since it doesn't fit that bill.
What will happen to users that try to connect to my application?
If you don't explicitly host your own server that implements OAuth with Google, then nobody can even try to connect. As long as you don't leak the shared secret from your Google Cloud Platform entry, you're safe.
Are my credentials, as for example the JSON file, safe?
Probably anyone with the JSON file can send email on your behalf. Marking your app as 'in production' will not change the security implications of your JSON file.
Unfortunately, Google has pretty tight security around their APIs nowadays. If you want to mark your app as "in production" you might open up a can of worms regarding "restricted scopes" (sending email counts as restricted). However, since you're using the JSON file instead full OAuth, I'm not sure if this applies to you. To my knowledge, you should be safe to try marking your app as "in production". Worst-case scenario, you might be able to weasel around the strict verification requirements by saying your app is "internal":
Internal Use: The app is used only by people in your Google Workspace or Cloud Identity organization. Note that your app will not be subject to the unverified app screen or the 100-user cap if it's marked as Internal.


How does Firebase authenticate requests from my app?

Disclaimer: I am new to mobile app development and have little to no knowledge on authentication systems
Normally, when my mobile app makes https calls to my backend server, I know that I cannot trust that these calls to my server came from my app, as anyone can make https requests to my backend server. Even if I give the app a secret key, it is still possible for a hacker to obtain the key and include it in https requests. Therefore, I will not allow https requests to accomplish whatever it wants on the server; rather, I will limit the request to doing only what a user can normally do with their own data – delete their OWN posts, edit their OWN profile, and so on.
Does Firebase work the same way? I saw this StackOverflow thread regarding OAuth consumer secrets, and how they can be compromised and used to imitate a mobile app.
Is this also the case for Firebase?
Can a malicious user theoretically obtain whatever keys/secrets Firebase gave to my mobile app, and use that to emulate requests from my app to Firebase? For example, could they create new users and cause de-syncing issues with my own backend database?
If so, how can I prevent it?
Does Firebase work the same way?
Firebase works in whatever way you program it. Normally you do not put private keys in software that you distribute to end users. The recommended approach is documented very well - use Firebase Auth ID tokens to indicate who is making the call, and use code on your backend to figure out if they should be able to do the work they are requesting. This is what happens with direct database access from your app, but you have to write security rules to protect data according to your requirements.
If you are passing tokens yourself to your own backend, it is up to you to revoke any refresh tokens that you find to be compromised. You cannot fully stop hackers from compromising a system that stores user tokens on devices that you don't control. All you can do is make it hard for them to do so.
Can a malicious user theoretically obtain whatever keys/secrets Firebase gave to my mobile app
Yes, that's why you don't put secrets in code that you distribute to end users. The Firebase config that you're asked to add to your app is not considered private.
See also:
Is it safe to expose Firebase apiKey to the public?

Cookies alert in flutter web

I am building a web application with flutter and I am using firebase's Authentication ,Firestore, and Storage.
my question is, do I have to show the "accept cookies" alert to my users?
That's an interesting question. I am also building a flutter web app with Firebase as the backend. What I know is that, when your application targets EU you need to provide a privacy policy and a cookie consent manager if you use firebase.
The interesting thing is that Firebase stores the cookies in a indexed Database so when you use a cookie scanner there are no cookies found (at least in my application). But as Firebase stores data in theses indexed Databases locally in the browser you need to inform the user about this otherwise it is not compliant with the GDPR.
There is also a problem that Firebase Auth only uses servers in the US, you need to inform the user about this because they have other privacy standards then the EU.
What I also recommend is that you anonymize all the data collected via Google Analytics in the Firebase console because of the GDPR.
If I was you I would make a banner that says "We just use necessary cookies bla bla" and an accept button next to it.
And link your cookie policy.
But I need to say I am not a lawyer so this couldn't be enough. If you have other information about this please inform me.
It all depends on you, whether you want to show it or not.And once it is enabled it will be for all the apps.

How to restrict Firebase Cloud Function to accept requests only from Firebase Hosting website

I have a Node.js API (built with Express.js) hosted on Firebase Cloud Functions and an accompanying web application hosted on Firebase Hosting which is supposed to interact with the aforementioned API.
I would like to restrict calls to the API so that only the web application would be able to call the cloud functions. How can I achieve that?
What I have tried:
using the App Check or more precisely Google's reCAPTCHA v3 for web apps. I have whitelisted the domain of the web application and have activated App Check token validation server side as well. The problem with App Check, however, is that I am able to obtain the reCAPTCHA attestation token from the browser (after authenticating through the web app) and use that with requests made from anywhere. This enables bombarding the API from outside the web application and defeats the purpose of using App Check in the first place.
Something to note here, the documentation for activating App Check in Cloud Functions instructs the usage of functions.https.onCall(). However, since my API is built using Express.js, I had to use a workaround to be able to use functions.https.onRequest() as instructed here.
restricting the Cloud Function from Google Cloud console to allow only clients of the same project to call the function as instructed here. Unfortunately, my web application hosted on Firebase Hosting does not seem to belong under the same Google Cloud project. Apps hosted on Firebase Hosting do not appear in Google Cloud console. Furthermore, after adjusting the Ingress settings of the functions to "allow internal traffic only", I am receiving CORS errors when attempting to access the API through the web application. I am unable to access the API from anywhere else though, which is partly the desired outcome.
Before anyone proposes limiting the domains in CORS options from within the API, while this might serve the purpose of restricting access to the API endpoints, it still would allow calling the function rapidly and thus, potentially, racking up the bill.
I am grateful for any suggestions!
Firebaser here.
This is a great question! Doug has already made some great points above, and I'll just add to that by saying that the TTL on App Check tokens reduce the replay window that you observed in your first bullet point, and this TTL is configurable.
The default TTL for reCAPTCHA v3 is 1 day to protect against running out of quota, but you can set a shorter TTL to increase the cost for an attacker trying to set up a replay attack. But please do be mindful of the associated trade-offs as described in the documentation. You can read about the associated quotas and limits here.
Unfortunately, web applications redirected from Firebase Hosting can't hook up to the GCP internal network. App Check is actually exactly what you are looking for in this situation.
Finally, because we are continuously working on improving the App Check platform, the comments you leave here are valuable for us as we decide on what anti-abuse features we want to work on next.

How to use GoogleDrive from Android app using FireBase Auth UI?

I have implemented Firebase Authentication in my app, using the Google Provider and the "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata" scope so my app can access its application folder within Google Drive
This part works fine and I retrieve the FireBaseUser once the authentication completes
What I now want to do is to access my app storage on Google Drive, but I don't know how to do this using the result of the current authentication
I tried to follow this: https://github.com/gsuitedevs/java-samples/blob/master/drive/quickstart/src/main/java/DriveQuickstart.java
But this doesn't work on Android.
The main issue is how to create the Credentials object
Do you have any idea on how to initialize a Drive.Builder instance so I can write/read to the app Google Drive folder?
This cannot be done directly, because the Firebase & Google login are not the same, even when having logged in to Firebase with a Google account. On Android one meanwhile only has the "last logged in Google account" available for the user's Drive (the one on the device, which has nothing to do with Firebase Authentication, where Google may only be used as an "Authentication Provider").
So there are generally two options available to you:
Grant a GCP service-account access to Drive API and use Cloud Functions to access it.
Instead use Cloud Storage, which is within the Firebase eco-system and is similar to Drive.
I could also think of a combined solution approach, where users would use Cloud Storage (together with Firebase Authentication) and having a Cloud Function which uses a service-account, which eg. copies or moves uploaded files into a folder your Drive.
Concerning that (obviously server-side) Java example, the credentials.json clearly hints for a service account... and this is exactly where you can obtain this file from. However, for Android this is pretty useless - because it has major security implications, to package service-account credentials in an easy to de-compile package and distribute it on the WWW (to everybody). The Google Play Store likely would not permit you to publish or even upload that, because there are security checks in place. You could in best case only deploy that code as App Engine module, but not as an Android module.
Sorry for having destroyed your delusions and for not being able to provide a ready-made solution for 500 imaginary internet points, which pay nothing - but at least I can tell what is technically possible and what isn't - which effectively might save you lots of time, trying to accomplish the impossible.

Can I use firebase messaging without asking the user for notification permission? [duplicate]

Update: Google Bug Report Description
(as suggested by google dev advocate in comments on answer 1, filed a bug report; updating the content here since it more succinctly and precisely describes the problem)
I do not need or want to show any notifications to my user. And many users are not willing to give notifications permission because they assume they will start seeing notifications.
But I wish to push data to my web page from the server. The web page is active and in the foreground. This is the classic use case that Web Sockets were designed for.
I understand that I could write my own web socket server and somehow try to scale it, or go to some other third-party for an outsourced scalable web socket push solution.
But, isn't this is a very common "sub-use-case" of the messaging that Firebase Messaging is targeted towards? Therefore shouldn't Google support this use case? I can't see any fundamental technical show-stoppers, but since Google is so smart, please do enlighten me if I am missing something on why this cannot or should not be done.
Original StackOverflow Question Text:
I don't need background notifications or service workers. All I want is to send data to the web page when it is currently loaded and in the foreground.
Websockets do not need any permission but they need a websocket server and maintenance. It is difficult or expensive to scale it.
Firebase solves the problem fundamentally but I don't see why it must require a user to give notifications permission even though I only want to push data when the page is loaded; not in the background.
The problem is that Firebase Messaging is only using 1 method to deliver notifications. That is the Push API specification spec, and that specification (wrongly and unfortunately) does not allow a service worker to receive messages without the user allowing an unrelated permission to show notifications.
The fix would be for the Firebase Messaging team to provide a different way to deliver messages to active web pages -- long polling, or websockets.
But it would be extra work for them, and may be not enough people are requesting it.
It's to protect the user's preferences about what your app is allowed to do. The way push messaging works on browsers is by using a service worker. Even though you say you don't need a service worker, you are actually making using of it when using Firebase Cloud Messaging in your app.
Given that, the prompt is necessary because the browser doesn't know what you intend to do with that push message. If the user doesn't trust your app, they should have the right to limit what it can actually do, especially when they're not using your app. Mobile operating systems (iOS, Android) are the same way.
