I have an app that has many module files which user can buy and download to use some of them.
How to can save this downloaded modules in cache or folder or other place and use it when app works offline?
I'm developing an asp.net web API, the functionality of the API depends on saving files, in my older projects i used to save files base64 string in SQL database, but currently I am trying to save them as files on the server and save the URL in the database, I am using iWebHostEnviroment with the root directory to save files in it, it works fine. My Question is if this is the right place to save them, i have never deployed API on server before so I am afraid that it's working only locally and after deployment it won't get the right directory on the server it self
I tried webHostEnvironment and HostEnviroment and all the returned paths are local paths on my pc, idk if this would work on actual server or i should save them somewhere else in the project
Is there a way to get access to the raw code of an application hosted on Shinyapps.io. I hosted my shiny application on shiny apps and made multiple changes in my code in my system. I need the older version of my app which has been hosted.
How about downloading it from the dashboard?
Please, note that you'll receive an extensionless file in the archive. Just add .tar to it, and you'll be able to open the file as an archive, as it was mentioned here.
I want to publish my Blazor WebAssembly app using file system and CPanel, but unsure of the steps and the settings. I am using File System method
Which settings should I select here?
Also, I have published this and received these files
How di I publish without the .br and .gz file extensions?
First of I am new to Aurelia and has just completed a real world project on my development server which I like to run concurrently with WordPress which needs PHP. Back in the days with angular 1.x I used to gulp all the angular dependencies and scripts into a single file and transfer it to the server, which I thought would be the case with Aurelia too but looks like it is more complex in this matter. So please if any one has come around to this problem, any help would be appericated like how can I port Aurelia project to apache server without serving it through node. Or is it possible to run node and apache on same server.
You don't need to run Node to serve your application. Any web server - such as Apache - will do. You only need to bundle your application and upload the files to your server.
If your project was created using the CLI, the application is bundled automatically every time you run au run (or au build), so you can simply upload the scripts directory and the index.html file. This is the minimum; you may need to upload also CSS, images or fonts, depending on your app.
If your project is based on one of the skeletons, you can bundle your app by running gulp bundle, then upload the distdirectory, the jspm_packages directory, the config.js file and the index.html file, plus anny other asset (CSS, images, etc.) you may need.
I have an applet project which loads sensor dlls and loads sensor gui in web page,using jwrapper i am able to build the project and create 2 files FutronicAppEmbed.js FutronicAppEmbed.html ,but when i am running this FutronicAppEmbed.html nothing is displayed in browser.Please help.
If you open the HTML file in a browser you won't see anything as it won't load properly but if you put all the files from your build folder on a web server and then load the FutronicAppEmbed.html page you will get a download button for the app appropriate to your operating system.
JWrapper is an alternative to applets though in that it is an app delivery system which allows you to do dynamic parameterisation (as you can with server-side generated parameters in applet pages), but its not a direct replacement for applets in that the app will load in the web page. Instead you will need to specify a standard java main method and load your app in a swing frame and JWrapper will launch that.